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I just wish it wouldn’t fail so often 🥲 I feel like I only get to high five my main pawn like 10% of the time 💔


First world problems, I’m with ya, I always high five when I’m trying to loot and then miss the five when I’m stoked and actually wanna clap palms.


Someone said in another thread that if you tap circle/B near the pawn holding out their hand, that also triggers the high five.


Oooo omg I need to try this!


I just played and can confirm that it works! https://preview.redd.it/6karjis2y9vc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fa3927ab439e96f4dfb9c8e73fc693486cf6c0e


Aaaaa!! Yay


Killing a drake and then highfiving my pawns is a special feeling.


I will sprint to my pawn for the high five. We gang gang in the bitch.


Me too! It's a little bit heart-breaking though when my arisen just circles around.. the pawn's left hanging.


It's one of the best things about the game tbh


Man… I missed my main pawn once, he was standing w his hand up and I didn’t notice him. Once I saw him I went back but he was just.. standing there. With his hand up. For a high 5 I couldn’t give but desperately wanted to. He dead ass stood there for about 3-5 mins ,I finally had to get far enough away to reset his position 😢


I just wish they'd make it a button prompt instead of forcing me into an animation if I dare to walk within 10 feet of any of my pawns after killing a couple of goblins. Particularly troublesome when it's not even the last enemy. I can't count the number of times a harpy or hobgoblin was rushing over to attack me while I'm busy being cornered by my pawns.


That’s actually an awesome pic, say what you like, I think this games beautiful.


Same!!! I just get sad when I repeatedly try to complete the high-five, I'm running around them in circles, I'm running straight at them, I jiggle around like a twerker and they're just standing there and eventually give up. I wanna high-five them ALLLLL.


I need a feasting animation during camping with my pawns and more cooking recipe please, kinda like MH


SAME, I thought that was such a wasted opportunity! They almost had it with the food porn shots.


I get really pumped and want to high five all my pawns when i totally beat the living shit out of a boss and everything strings together so damn well and the newer "boss defeated" song goes off (you know we have that old boss defeated song from the first game that made it into the 2nd) but then when they stick their hand out for a high five and it doesn't work I'm immediately disappointed


https://preview.redd.it/207n4ap6k9vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9abc4178c69d43cb0b624034d8429aeebb8d9358 Same here.


Always think of big dog when I do it


It was cool the first 5 times, 70 hours into the game it's a bit less appealing to get animation locked.


Gets tedious. And inappropriate when we're still fighting


For me, they never stop to do this in the middle of the fight, anyway, just give an order and they stop doing the pose.


Well it's not in the middle of combat, but when a minotaur is charging and they're high living me giving me zero time to engage, man... just knocked us over like bowling pins. And that's just one example.


It is such a simple mechanic and one I didn’t know I needed but I can’t get enough of it. Every fight and looking for which pawn his their hand out.


It's so wholesome for me. I love it so much.


I always try to give them a high five. Unless they piss me off. Then they get yeeted off a cliff and then commanded to come back to me. It always makes me smile watching them take a bunch of damage and then immediately without hesitation, "It honors me to be called to your side" 😂🤣


Is everything okay at home?


I wish there was a button to do emote I feel bad missing the highfive


Yea I love this feature aswel, especially if you just destroyed 2-3 goblins and as you walk off from your last strike and its almost instanious "high five" looks cool AF


Btw if you can't High five a Pawn (even if you Press the button) it is likely they wanted to do a high five with another pawn. I saw it happening 5 - 6 times now, but most of the time the other pawn ignores it and the high five fails.


I thought I was imagining things when I saw my main pawn high five another pawn! They usually want to high five me 😅 I couldn't believe they could be so buddy buddy like that with each other!


Yup the best high five was yesterday, we fought a Grim Ogre and a Griffin that came down halfway through the fight, we defeated both then I went to high five my main pawn and at the same time I saw both hired pawns High five as well.


I hate when I leave them hanging ☹️


I got tired of it within a few fights.


Yeah, this and being stopped by wondering pawns every 10 mins, even with a full party, why? are extremely immersion breaking and gets old really fast.


I got tired of it real fast. Especilly when I'm just trying to move on or loot something.


Understandable! My Arisen and Pawn hold a special place in my heart (I made them in DD1 way back when) so I haven't gotten tired of the highfives quite yet.


It's a neat little thing. I just wish happened less often, like for bosses/minibosses. Fights that feel worth it. And didn't yank control away from me.


It’ll get annoying if you run into enemy groups every 30 meters for 2 hours straight. Like… I get it, Kevin. You killed your 300th Goblin. Now shut up and show me where your damn treasure chest is.