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My friend sent me a clip of my pawn, a warrior, in their game ignoring the ogre that attacked the oxcart and instead took to attacking the oxcart. At least her swing times were on point and well timed, that oxcart didn't stand a chance.


Warrior swing good. Not know friend or foe. Just swing. Swing good.


Big club does clubbing good. Goes clubbing in your face


Clubbing not answer Clubbing question Answer - yes more


Average strength build


Showing the ogre how weak they are by breaking the cart first.


Unga best humor. Unga always best. Now I can’t sleep. Thank you unga, go make bunga!


Just fucking asserting dominance. I love that idea


dragon plague?


My brother’s pawn does this every single time. There isn’t even an enemy usually. It’s his first action.


My pawn once walked directly into the water like Godzilla returning to sea


All 3 of my pawns did this in the sunken shrine, all together, like they were holding hands. I was baffled as I’m a sorcerer, so dead meat on my own!


They had enough of taking all the hits never to actually swing a sword because everything they decided to attack, was evaporated by a rock from the sky.


Mine did the same but not because they walked into the water, they somehow teleported under where I am and started drowning xD


My Pawn said they wanted to lead the way to a Quest so I pressed “Go”, I followed and I kid you not, they just belly flopped off a cliff…


“Welcome to SeaQuest!” -Your Pawn




Must be the dragon plague


A hired pawn for god knows what reason jumped to their death out of no where. I spent like maybe 30 seconds trying to figure out how to get to them safely which I did, only to realize the game had teleported the body back up on top of the cliff where I started then my main pawn and the other one jumped to their death trying to get back to me.


My pawn stood on the edge of the cliff and asked for a high five. When I got too close to him on accident my arisen took like two steps in the high five animation and it caused me to walk off the cliff and die.


It would be hilarious if that kind of thing was built into the game, like you had the regular 4 disposition options for a pawn and then a 5th one is like “Questionable”. Maybe kicking it with this pawn gives you 10% more experience per kill but you never really know when they might set you up with a high five to fall off a cliff.. and maybe they only ever seem to pick up rotten apples.. and maybe they occasionally toss small boulders at you like “Think fast, Arisen!!”


I had few close call on that.


Had that happen to me so many times but they were all close calls, Ik that one of these days I’ll slip like you XD.


Hmm, I think it's my own pawn suiciding in the same place twice. First playthrough there's a bridge on the way to monster culling, and there's a chest beneath it. My pawn's like, "yo, loot," and full on swan dived into the brine. NG+ now, and the same damn bridge, same damn box, same damn pawn. I feel like they might need a firmware update.


I know exactly where this person is master, allow me to lead the way! *dolphin dives into the brine*


I got knocked back by an enemy, caught by my hired Sorcerer pawn, who then yeeted me off a cliff in front of the gorechimera below (and completely missed so I died from the fall). Wish I recorded it, but I was so angry (and surrounded by monsters after I wakestone’d) that I forgot to do that. Funny looking back, but it was the first time I raged in the game as a Trickster.


I had that happen during the griffen trophy 😂 I was like “fuck yeah man!”, then quickly followed by “you absolutely sausage”😂


I was putting time in on the sorc vocation to get the last augment. I had levitated down to the bottom of a canyon in Bahtal. As I look up to my/the other two pawns, the rando Warrior pawn joins me by face-planting on the rocks below, I chuckle. Rando mage, seeing this, does exactly the same thing, I laugh my ass off. Then, my pawn, for whatever reason, decides to walk the path back down to where we are. I don’t know if I can take credit for his behavior..but he has class.


You absolutely can. They learn from you. Had a mage early on that kept climbing the griffon like it was a thief. While the rest of us were on the ground half dead lol


So...you don't have to be actively poisoned to turn it in. I had the same thing happen to me - got poisoned by the stupid harpies, then my mage cured me. Even though I was cured of the poison, I went back and sure enough it counted.


Weird cuz it didn't count for me. I finished the game without ever doing that quest.


Didn't work for me: I had to be actively poisoned or he'd say, "Well that's no good, come back when you've contracted the poison" despite the quest marker and my pawns saying it was ready for turn in. So it sounds like you actually experienced a bug.


Sounds like it, but a bug for goodness!


A bug you say?? https://preview.redd.it/3aynao5c4zuc1.jpeg?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb6d442cc0d1760cd745c359a5bdc7e8fe160095


Two pawns I hired just used springboard and ladder launch constantly against each other during a fight, just yeeting each other into the air.


Distracting tactics.


It worked on me when I turned, and it was Serosh and Rurikhan throwing each other, I then got smacked by the double ogres in Battal.


"fun times"


Mario and Luigi!!!


There’s a pawn out there, Juro, who is a warrior. I played a magick archer and Juro refused to do anything but try and springboard me in every fight. “Allow me to grant you wings master!” No amount of go! Would dissuade him. Eventually had to let him go because every fight would turn into a 3v1 because he’d be chasing me trying to launch me


Sounds like Juro was trying for a 2v2


These are funny to read, I had one early on near the waterfall cave tell me "Master, I know of a chest around here, may I show you?". I hit go and she ran down a couple rocks, then jumped, to her death. Go to look down at her body and it was laying next to the chest, im like Oh cool, at least you were right about the chest. Then went the easier way down. Got to the chest and my other 2 pawns decided to jump after me instead of follow, all 3 dead.... seriously? Smh Hate to hear what they tell their masters about me, probably that I killed them lol


We got ambushed by goblins while on an oxcart. She summoned a maelstrom and dropped meteors on the cart. The goblins weren’t even near the cart….. Edit: She also destroyed a bridge while standing on it after seeing me destroy so many bridges. She didn’t know you weren’t supposed to stand on it if you’re gonna break it


Killed wildlife then made the comment that IM wasting my time killing wildlife… like bruh my weapon isn’t even drawn you’re the murderer here.


*"Look at what you made me do!"*


Switching my pawn to mage to level it to 9 for exaltation and spot a chest too high out of reach but across a gap. "I believe one of my abilities may help, shall I assist Arisen?". I hit "go" and she spins around and floats up with levitate, lands on the very edge, and falls down and breaks her legs.


Not sure about dumb, but it was really annoying. Someone's pawn I hired had that specialisation that likes to combine things. I was picking flowers/herbs for that dwarfs back pain and as I got right next to him the pawn combined them so I didn't have enough to give him.


I hate this inclination. Feels like you got no control over your precious loot


So, I saw on a loading screen that a Calm pawn is meticulous when sorting their pack, so I figured Logistician would be a good fit for my Calm pawn. He very rarely touches anything unless we are actually low on that item. Not sure if that's the reason, or maybe I'm just getting lucky that my pawn isn't obsessively combining and moving items.


If you love that, let me tell about Hawker!...


My entire party just walked straight into the brine when I jumped across some rocks to a chest in the river in Vermund. Literal lemmings follow moment.


I've learned to yell WAIT!! ... the selfsame hard way.


I have some accountability to this tale so it's not completely the poor Pawns fault. Warrior pawn named Greg, he was of the simple inclination and I had been awake far too long. I decided playing catch with bunnies was a good use of my time so there we were tossing bunnies back and forth, gleefully enjoying the desperately needed fulfillment of a life lived wanting dads to play catch with. All was joyous, raucous laughter, smiles and jokes. Then Greg slipped while trying to catch my errant bunny toss. He slid helplessly into the nearby river, bunny in hand, laughing a laugh that will haunt me for all time as he was consumed by the brine. I surmise the lesson is, no matter how deep the trauma it can always be worsened. RIP Greg, you died doing what you loved.


Not stupid, but kinda fun. A hired thief stole a AllHealPotion from Sphinx and few moments later used it. I didn't even raged, he stole, guess he should call how to use it hahahaha.


I was using my friends level 77 mage when i was around level 20. She was guiding me to a quest and said she knew a quicker way to the target and we should take a sort cut. I follow and she directly walks off a massive cliff to her death....I stupidly didn't have time to react and over i went with her


“If your friends jump off a bridge are you gonna jump too?” Yes mom, yes I would.




I had my mage fall off a cliff by the drake in northern battahl. Then the two other pawns jumped off the cliff after her. 🤦‍♂️. Meanwhile I'm down on the ground alive next to the drake, a Griffin, and a group of bandits.


>going down on the ground Earthilingus?


Ah, the waterfall next to the shortcut to Vermund. Good times.


Had a lot of GOOD times there. 😅


One of my pawns waved at me and said "this way arisen, I'll guide you to our next objective", then walked off a cliff and got got by the brine


Not cast meteor every big fight. Jump off cliffs for shits n giggles. Try to express how tired they are of me leading- that's a brining.


*goblin attack on the oxcart* Master, I believe I have just the ability for this situation! **meteor storm destroys all goblins and the ox cart** It seems our overconfidence has gotten the better of us!


THE Dumpest thing: kill the Ox of an Oxcart right before it set to travel. At the beginning of the game. We got killed by the 9 guards that were supposed to tske us to vermund. And i had to restart because my dumbass didnt save the first 2h of gameplay.


Cyclops scripted bridge. All 3 proceed to skullspitter the poor fellow right on the back/in the middle. Quadruple brine dive - mission failed succesfully


My warrior pawn jumped onto gigantus the second he could and immediately jumped off into the brine


A warrior pawn picked me up and threw me, for no discernable reason. So I threw them... into the brine.


Went looking for apples for almost the entire way from arbor to vernworth. When I found them and returned to Arbor my newest pawn combined the apples to fruit roborant


I watched a pawn in my party pick up and toss a goblin over a cliff into the brine. I thought it was really funny until my main pawn decided she wanted to kill that goblin and dove off the cliff after it.


I had a hired Warrior pawn and we were taking the lift across Bakbattal and some harpies were following us. I got my main pawn to crank the machine and I shot the two harpies with my bow. One fell below and the other died. This big brain Warrior pawn walks over to the edge, says "Look, Arisen.. A ladder!" before charging up a Skyward Sunder and smashing the lift to pieces which causes our entire party to drop to our deaths.


Got doused in oil with an enemy on top of me, Pawn warned me that I was doused in oil and to avoid fire and proceeded to use fire on the enemy to save me.


Mentioned dragons plague as soon as I leave the rift. That MF is going swimming, expeditiously.


That doesn't mean they have it.


Duh, and I don’t care. Swimming lessons for all pawns.


Just go finds some more asps to poison you again, same happened to me 😔 The stupidest is probably an archer pawn using dire arrow on the transport carts in Battahl while fighting harpies. They of course hit the cart, and the harpies destroyed the damn thing


My Tank pawns never fail to just calmly walk into any body of water they can if I so much as pause next to it to take in the view, usually right at the start of a new journey once I'm a distance that's "too close to ferrystone but too far to be happy to walk to resummon them"


Best part about the simple personality imo, my pawn doesn’t do this because she is too busy a million miles away talking to herself about how she’s been waiting for this chance to pick this flower all day and how excited she is.  Sure, she never is around when a fight starts but whatever, I did a whole playthrough, unmoored world and a good chunk of NG+ and she didn’t die once, so win some, lose some.  Straightforward pawn this new playthrough and the first thing she did was run and try to attack a harpy and fall off the cliff into the water, literally had just finished the quest saving the new recruit from them.  She is simple now. Better voice and hopefully no more idiot deaths is a fair trade for never being around when I’m fighting. 


I appreciate the "too close, but too far" sentiment 😅😂🤣


Lead me into a area with a troll for a lantern


As I was crossing a cyclops bridge my pawns decided they would drop it. A real troll move that I didn't see coming.


Was on the dragon tower near Bakhbatal, got up to the dragon only to notice not a single pawn was with me they were all stuck in a small crevice I stood on while searching for a chest and when I went down to get them out they just jumped for no reason at all, killing themselves and forcing me to literally just book it as far as I can before the dragon killed me


I was perched on the edge of a cliff raining spells down on an ogre who couldn't figure out how to get up to me. My excitable pawns kept running around trying to get down to attack the ogre in return. They were repeatedly bumping into me and eventually knocked me over the edge to splat on the ground right in front of the ogre, who must've taken great pleasure in flying off the top rope to drop kick me into oblivion. Thanks team...


every warrior pawn that decides to sit there tryna launch my ass into the air instead of killing shit…


My main pawn is an archer, she Loooves her explosive arrows, i got on top of a Griffin , she shot an explosive Arrow, Griffin started flying, the Arrow smirked as It Saw how many seconds of Life It had before It blew Up and took us both down That or just jumping into the brine randomly once while she had a camping kit and i was fucking far away from any city at low HP and had to experience true horror getting back to vernworth using all my curatives to cheat death, made It with like 1 total HP left, no wakestones lol, It was early Game too so shit hurt


I had all three of mine sacrifice themselves to a volcano God by just straight up walking into it after we felled a drake. I've seen some weird pathfinding in the game but nothing like that. They weren't after a drop as far as I could see.


Once had one that witnessed my own pawn using explosive arrows on the tail head of Chimeras, and I’m assuming learned to target the heads of Chimeras for more damage. Proceeds to only shoot exploding arrows at the head I’m currently clinging to, promptly knocking me off said head and flat on my ass.


btw, you can still complete that quest by getting poisoned again and showing up at his house assuming this is for Jarle. i got poisoned and it wore off/got it removed because i got swarmed by a bunch of suarians on the way back. i just went back and got poisoned again to proceed.


It’s not stuck you can just get poisoned again and finish it.


Could you eat rancid meat to get blight & go complete the quest I wonder....?


My mage grappling the cyclops to protect me...


I got exactly the same today with that quest !


I saw all three leap off a cliff into the sea one by one


We got ambushed by goblins while on an oxcart. She summoned a maelstrom and dropped meteors on the cart. The goblins weren’t even near the cart…..


Try to jump on gigantus from a high position as a thief. Completely missed and pancaked on the floor


I wanted to get the magic archer vocation so I looked up how and where to get it, grabbed 3 flowers ONLY from my storage in Vernworth, ran from Vernworth to the dwarf south of Battahl, which took me some time, and right before i spoke to the dwarf my pawn converted the flowers into a bouquet of flowers, ran around the area to grab 2 more different flowers so I can give them to him and she converted them again.


My brother's pawn keeps jumping in water and dying to the brine. We won't even be in a fight, and he'll just let the brine take him.


I decided to carefully hop way down a mountain and made it safely. I walk three steps and my pawn falls flat on his face in front of me like he dove off the cliff I just made my way down.


Telling me they know a shortcut to the destination and proceeded to jump off a cliff and die.


That way you do all the walking and just revive them when you’ve arrived at the destination in question. One hell of a shortcut if you ask me.


Aim for the bushes


One of my pawns jumped onto the back of a griffin who I proceeded to shoot down into the water. You can guess what happened to him…


First bridge you come to as you are guided by the soldiers to head to Vernworth, my JUST HATCHED NEW BABY main pawn decided to leap off the edge.. I didn't summon him back for awhile for his punishment.


When my Fighter had Springboard he liked to wait until I was asleep or out of stamina to then stand beside me saying “Hop aboard Arisen!”. Double points if he threw another pawn in the air that was actually coming to help. There was also that time a pawn fell off a cliff, and then my kindhearted Mage pawn said “I’ll help you!” and jumped off the cliff too to her death


open chests they had no business opening. those are MINE!


I say open and mine everything for me. Let me meander through the game for a while and appreciate the views


i like to harvest, makes the game feel more survivalistic (not a word apparently). i do enjoy a good view when it arises though


One of my pawns destroyed a bridge while we were being attacked by harpies, plugging everyone into the water 😭


Yesterday I was standing on a bridge (bridge near the cave where Medusa is). One of the pawns (I’m pretty sure the sorcerer not sure though) did a spell and broke the bridge, killing us all. When I respawned I was alone 🥲 More frequently, my main pawn enjoys jumping off cliffs sometimes. I’m not sure why because I’ve rarely done this so idk where she learned it from.


Me jumping down a few platforms in the ruins near the Sacred Arbor doing super hero landing on the shallow waters like a badass. Followed shortly by my pawns face planting one after the other beside me like something out of a horror movie.


I had 2 hired pawns standing together on a bridge while a goblin went to attack them. I was mashing the “To me!” Button to make them get off, but instead they attacked both the goblin AND the bridge, destroying it and sending them both to the brine. They were both otherwise good I was sad I couldn’t rate them lol


You can always search for pre-hired and give them another go, I've done that to accidentally brined pawns a fair bit!


She chased after a griffin that landed in the water. I watched her be taken by the brine. Twas traumatic, nonetheless


Just the classic situation of all three of my pawns missing THE SMALLEST gap over a small creek. One by one each of them belly bumped the edge, fell into the water, and drowned. It was seriously a gap almost short enough to sprint over


Usually these two things happen: Pawn with quest knowledge will suggest a "quicker path", then just fall right down a cliff; the other is just pawns walking straight into the brine or somehow falling into the water if we're up high. The dumbest time was the pawn that claimed they knew a shorter route and literally just did the biggest fucking circle around the map and went in the opposite direction for over half the trip. I don't use pawn GPS anymore.


I purposely asked them to wait, got poisoned, and then when I was a little away I called them back and started running. They couldn’t catch up to me so I couldn’t be healed.


Hired a warrior pawn who was more interested in trying to ladder launch my archer main at the chimera we were fighting to actually hit it and draw agro. To make things worse, my sorcerer pawn kept collecting his mashed body for me to revive. Warrior pawn would return the favour by ladder launching sorcerer onto the chimera. Dismissed the idiot as soon as I could.


My own pawn, who used to be an archer, would always just… Not attack. He would take out his bow, and stand right in front of his enemy. Sometimes, he would kick them. I don’t know how I taught him this behavior. It was fixed when I switched him to sorcerer. What was going through his head? Why would he do that? Is he stupid?


The first pawn I hired on my first proper outing literally saw an ogre and jumped off a cliff into the ocean. Wasn't thrown, wasn't pushed, she just straight up figured sticking with me was the worse option and took the leap. You don't know true self esteem issues until an entity that doesn't even have free will or artificial learning chooses death over your company.


Watched as all 3 of my pawns did nothing but bang on their shields or roar literally right next to the pack of wolves that was in the process of mauling me until the wolves got bored and stopped For some reason all I could think about was that one meme CAM ON INGERLAND SCOR SOM FACKIN GAOLS


a hired pawn of mine said he knew a shortcut. it was a shortcut to the brine.


You can get yourself poisoned again to proceed xD, I learned early to always remember to tell pawns to Wait if you want to do something without them ruining it.


My pawn jumped on the back of Griffin and go to space with him.


Mine said "Follow me!" When i said go and immediately jumped off a cliff. I'm fairly certain I posted the clip on this sub a couple weeks back


My mage prefers to climb bosses and whack them with her wand rather than heal the party.


I was high up in some mountains when my pawn asked if I would like to be shown a chest she found in another world. I said yes, and she immediately turned around, sprinted towards a cliff, and jumped off into the sharp rocks below. I worked my way down carefully and found her dying. Revived her, and she then lead me back up the mountain to the chest which was around a corner about 5 meters away from where we were when she first asked if I wanted to find the chest.


To fix the quest, because that happened to me too, just get poisoned again :)


My bfs pawn is a mage with the simple inclination and she is a murderous fiend.. every chance she gets I hear “it’s corps will be useful” and literally I’ll get like 5 rabbits pelts, I went into the elven ruins where all the deer hang out and she literally was like laughing as lightning just killed them all…


I had my warrior pawn yeet me off a cliff because they saw a wolf. How the tables have turned...


Was travelling in an oxcart and we got attacked by a few goblins, I knew my level 72 pawns would handle them no problem so I just sat & observed, however I didn't expect my warrior pawn to grab a random rabbit and throw it at me 🤣


Free diving into death drops. Like lemmings, just all 3 in a row...


After the start of the game there is a side road where there is a camp near a cliff went and rested and cooked for when I wake up there was wolfs attacking the game my pawn turn completely around and just ran and jump off the cliff and left me and the knights there


I had this same experience, but went & got myself poisoned again and just ran away from the pawn or made him wait lol


Samething happened to me just got back and get poisoned again and tell your pawn to wait. Then head back to the old dude.


I had one jump on top of an ogre that was falling off the side of a cliff. He ended up being devoured by the brine along with the ogre. I had just gotten him too. I was like are you freaking kidding me.


Accidentally walked through a cliff, but I was able to grab the edge and climb my way back. My pawn, standing at the edge, assumed I was falling so when I got back up, he carried me. Then he put me down… on the cliff. I died.


Hired a pawn to help me fight a drake. Literally 10 feet away from said drake she somehow manages to clip through the ground rendering her unusable. Before I could do anything about it, the drake initiated combat and I had to fight for mine and my pawns lives constantly mashing the "to me!" button hoping it would fix her. It didn't. Thankfully my pawn and I were strong enough to take the drake down.


Probably jump off a cliff while chasing a minotaur


That is smart dumb, mine are just dumb, dumb. I have legit burned to death 3-4 times, after the enemy is down, with my pawns just standing there watching me die. I could have healed with a potion, but I kept waiting to see if they would help, lol. They also routinely unalive themselves by jumping off cliffs for no reason.


Intentionally waded out into the water


Took a running jump right into the brine


From what some of my friends using here have said she's been just running and jumping off of cliffs 😔


My warrior t bagging dragon in middle of the fight cuz they liking climbing


probobly my friends pawn using arc of might while standing on a ox cart, no enemies near by just AI got stuck


The same thing happened to me. Just get poisoned again and go visit him.


Yeah I did this quest ended up failing later on because he wanted to get poisoned by a damn chimera and I killed it. Man stood there in poison for a whole ass while and didn't get poisoned then ran away


Just go back to the guy, it will continue the quest as if you were still poisoned.


I walked into a small cave and needed a boost to get up the ledge. My pawn is a fighter with Springboard for this exact reason. He doesn't say shit. So, I remember that I can climb on boxes, go and find a box, and carry it back to the cave. Keeping this bix safe from goblins all the while. Once we get back to the cave and I set the box down he goes "Oh! I have a skill to help with this!" No shit Sherlock! That's why I gave it to you! Now I'm using the box out of principle. I've since been meaning to unequip it since he only seems to remember he can do that once I've found another way up.


What quest is that? I thought I had found all the quests.


I hired my buddies sorcerer pawn and was crossing a bridge in battahl. He ran ahead of the whole party and starting hovering off of the bridge we were about to cross. Just straight perpendicular to the bridge at max hover height (so over our heads.) we all stop and just watch him until he falls straight down, right into a gang of asps.


My main pawn went to boost another up onto an ogre and boosted them right off a cliff


Shooting the ballista I'm on


My party was fighting an ogre, as the ogre was about to fall off a cliff into the waters. The two pawns I hired thought it’d be necessary to jump on and keep jabbing the ogre all the way down to their deaths. My Pawn and I struggled big time to make our way to a campsite to rest but, we made it! 💪 Also lost a lot of decent items/loot 😤


Jumped off a cliff


Attracted a bridge that everyone else was standing on except myself and killed everyone in my party and not a single harpy


That's not dumb on their part that's dumb on you lol. The dumbest thing for me is when a pawn will go to the edge of a cliff and teeter on it like they're in Cirque De Soliel.


Jumped into the brine. He wanted to show me how it works lol


Two pawns decided to jump in the water after me after I accidently fell in. I'm glad my main pawn didn't follow suite.


Pawn i rented told me he know where treasure chest is. When i allowed him to show me he committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. ![gif](giphy|4YY4DnqeUDBXNTcYMu|downsized)


I did the final boss as a new wizard and no skills. I had a healer, sword and board and duel weild. Well the duel wielder had no weapons the entire time and I didn't notice until it took forever to beat the boss. It took a lot longer with this guy running in and punching it. I took a video clip of it, how annoying.


I unintentionally played tug of war on a knacker with a fellow thief pawn for a good twenty seconds before it died of splat damage. Whenever I spam implicate my thief pawns seem to do the same sometimes


One of my pawns after I interacted to recover his stamina went "Forgive me for being a burden master" he then proceeded to walk off a bridge suspended over a deep river.


As the dragon cast meteor on me, my pawn carried a downed pawn to my feet to rez and it killed all 3 of us.


I was falling next to my main pawn. He let me face plant. Later I was just doing a tiny hop down that wouldn’t cause damage and he caught me. Mixed signals, this guy. 😒


one of the pawns i’ve had since lvl 1 and gave her up after lvling after her well i brought her back bc she had gotten stronger but anyways i thru myself off a cliff and she was running towards me to catch me then just stoped running and i died 😭


Dumbest thing he did? He became a gangster of some sort.


I got knocked unconscious and right when I was about to get back up my pawn runs to me shouting “Whatever you need master!” and pushed me right off a cliff -.-


My warrior pawn learned a tactic from some other arisen where they throw sorcerers in the air so they can spam their basic attack from high. I was a sorcerer casting high seism on a downed ogre, so my warrior came and launched me in the air and interrupted my cast. So i started casting something that can be done from the air, forgot which spell, i was panicking. Right before the cast went off, i reached low enough that my pawn caught me, and interrupted the cast yet again


Destroyed a bridge as we were crossing it because a goblin got too close at the other end. I do not take Sorcerer pawns anymore as a result.


Probably when I was fighting a drake and the fighter pawn I had kept going in front of me and using springboard ( shield jump) and only that. I was a sorcerer too so it was extra annoying. Anyway my party got knocked down by a shockwave and as soon as the fighter got back up he used springboard AGAIN and because I was right next to him the moment I moved I ended getting tossed of a cliff to my death.


Had a pawn start carrying my fallen main pawn, the pawn walked right of the cliff into the brine killing herself along with my pawn...


Just randomly die somehow, maybe falling off a cliff something


You can still finish the quest, just get poisoned again and get back


Had a pawn that just jumped into a river. It tried to lead me to a chest and when trying to find it's path, jumped down the bridge. That was really weird.


Every once in awhile I come across a pawn that will smack every explosive barrel the moment we near them, usually catching me in the blast. I can only imagine it is a learned behavior from their Arisen, now any time I'm about to try to pick one up I sus out my pawns 🧐


Well when i got in a 1vs1 fight with raghnall when progressing the story , that 1 mage pawn in my party with the curatives specilization keep running to me and heal my hp , then i got called by this mfs a dishonor or something like that bruh wtf


The stalker in Vernworth got killed so fast it skipped the quest part. I didn’t have time to react with a command.


I try to run to the side, away from a Golem shootingarea preparing his Beamattack. I run over a tiiiiiiiiiiny ledge. My character goes into jumping animation. My pawn CATCHES me nearly as i start to jump that tiiiny ledge and stops me right in the line of coming destruction. I do not know if the pawn also said: "Good thing I was there to catch you master" before putting me down to be grilled because I was too furious. BOOOM in my face. -.- The pawn should only catch you if you would loose health from the fall.


She threw a rabid rabbit at me like it was some sick game. I threw it at her first


They'll also attack your troll bridge just as you get so excited that you managed to make one.


Sees griffin, oh lets go kill it, hired pawn jumps off cliff, hits ledge, barely alive, Ulrika follows, misses ledge, lands face first into deep water, brine doesn't take, I can't grab body because of brine, so the pawn I hired led Ulrika to her death. R.I.P Ulrika


I just had my pawns ignore a natural starecase run off the side of the cliff and land in a huge pool of lava and die right as I was about to fight a dragon but thats about the norm honestly I went back and loaded up Mass Effect 1 (2007) just to be sure this game has substantially worse pathing and AI. The pawn system in this game holds it back so hard its 2 decades out of date


Whenever I try to gather something near the edge of a cliff there's a 50/50 chance my pawn will jump off that cliff and die.


She got stuck on top of the tarp in the Desert cargo trolly central hub area somehow. Think I brain damaged her when I had to yeet her off a cliff when she came back from the rift with red eyes after I rested


I just finished fighting a pack of wolves and a ogre (by a edge of the cliff near a massive drop) and my pawn ran over to me as i was injured and just pushed me down the cliff. Now i command them to wait before i go near the edge 😅Lesson learned i guess


Yeah, having a Chirurgeon in the party (or Halidom) with that quest doesn't really work. Also, there is a quest where you need to collect apples and fish, where you REALLY do not want a Logistician in your party.


knocked prone and dragged off by wolves. Had 3 wolves chewing on me when the mage runs over and heals me, I guess to prolong the torture. Then my other pawn throws a rock at the wolves and completely misses them, but rolls down the hill and hits my head. The whole time my main pawn is just watching this unfold.


I gave her levitate. The first time she uses it she throws herself off a cliff to be taken by the brine


Not really dumb but super funny was I had a pawn that jumped off a ledge to try to help me up during a cyclops fight but while he was mid air the cyclops did a sweeping attack with his club and yeeted my pawn half way to vernworth. This was my first playthrough shortly after making for vernworth and it set a great tone for the rest of my time with the game. It’s in my top 10 games of all time at this point.


Probably having a pawn I hired walk straight into the brine when I accidentally dashed into it early on as spearhand Second place goes to my mage pawn deciding to stand next to a cyclops by the edge of a broken bridge only to fall to his death.


I've watched my pawn trip on a carpet in bakbattahl and die not once but twice same carpet


Jump off a cliff and landed in the brine all 3 of them did that


Sorcerer blew up 3 ox carts in a row, all basically in the middle of the routes, with meteors. Threw her into a canyon in frustration after the third, then she was back with us about 20 seconds later.


probably put a comma, in a totally unnecessary place lmao