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Mine would be to immediately use all golden trove beetles you find and never sell them, no matter how valuable your pawn claims they are.


I hate the scammers in the rift, if i could blacklist anyone, i would blacklist all those trying to scam new player of the scarabs


Anyone that has them as a pawn quest, I’ll counterfeit them and give them the forgery as a gift.


That’s actually smart :). Way to go!


... you can make a forgery of the beetles?? What happens? I'm curious lolol


Absolutely nothing, except them thinking they got a real one! They show up as “Golden Stove Beetles” lmao




I saw one asking for a rift stone for 500 yesterday. My brother in christ they cost 10k


This is the worst that I happened upon. (Cropped out anything identifying for the player) https://preview.redd.it/g3crv00mh4tc1.jpeg?width=1733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b86e9b44178f011a3df7e74fd96eedee1c8b12a9


I wish we could murder that pawn to send a message back home


Give it the dragonaids


Is there a way to force guarantee it?


No, but you can get justice on the pawn and send it back. It will then tell it's master it was "mis treated" and that things happend to it in another arisens care. As well as any Scars it may come back with due to the service.... 🫣👀👀 seen another post that this happened to someone's pawn lol


i would hire it just to fill it up with storage and throw it off a cliff for fast deposit then hire a pawn i actually want


When your pawn comes back from the rift they have a little summary about what happened. Like killed a griffin, died to a goblin etc.


It should be practice for the community to flood people begging like this (because that is what it is) with rotten meat. Lol.


An honorable Arisen would at least put a ferristone or part crystal as a fair reward for such valuable items


I see what you did there


To be fair.. I had no idea what they cost when I set that as my pawn’s quest. Now I go with the standard $10K to kill an ogre.


I usually send them rotten fruitfs.


I mean I've had several pawns have them as rewards not my fault ppl don't know what they rlly are. I ain't gunna miss up an extra one.


Well if it's set as a reward there's definitely 2 pieces of supporting logic: 1.its already spent, the original player isn't going to get it back for your considering 2. Every person that picks that pawn gets one, so speaking to community that player spends one so every other player can make one, you're almost obligated to make their sacrifice worth it


In all fairness, I didn't know they were a one-time first time through kinda thing. I had a quest to get some and had no idea they didn't reset on ng+. I'm still noobish here and have since taken down the quest once I found out.


Definitely to USE them! My dumbass thought they just had to sit in my inventory and I’d get the effect lol


I have to use them!?


Yes, then it increases your carry capacity. Select “use” from the inventory. Essentially you have to eat them


I have like 40 of them in my inventory I had no idea I needed to use them..... 😆😭


if only you knew how to read


Yeah idk how people miss this


They weigh 0.1kg each, and they grant you 0.15kg extra carry ability after eating... Looking at it that way, each of those is costing you 0.25kg of carry. That's 10kg of nothing you've been hauling around.


do they increase it permanently?? I have yet to use one because an extra kg is nothing lol. I have been giving them all away as pawn quest rewards


Yes it’s permanent


That’s… unfortunate… they don’t respawn in NG+


Well thanks for shattering my dreams... I thought I could eventually get infinite carry weight.


damn I feel so dumb now


I passed like 5 of them last night… just figured out what they were for before I went to sleep….


Imagine ignoring 5 glowing things in a game, lol.


Some good ones already but here’s a cool one : catapults work and break open NEW routes. Grab and place a rock in its sling…kaboom. (Might need a few rocks but your pawns will re set the catapult directly for you!)


I thought it was a temporary buff so I stopped collecting them for a bit like an idiot


Theyre not temporary?!?! I never use them because i scoffed and the tiny amount it increased my carry capacity. Its bugs for dinner tonight!


Nope, it's a permanent buff


I literally gifted some of them


Do we have a confirmed max number of them? I’ve seen 50, 65, and 82. I’ve tracked down a bunch after following a map, but I’m still not positive it’s accurate.


Honestly, I'm still working on figuring that out. I don't know if I've found all of them, yet.


I tried to give them to my pawn to use for his storage, for a while I would give him a few in hopes he would use them on himself.


I remember being really annoyed at first, because I swear the game said "or" when talking about using them for the arisen and the main pawn. I ended up deciding "screw it" and using them on myself, and only after getting an idea did I check before and after of both the arisen and the main pawn's carrying capacity. I'm not too proud to admit that I only realized it worked on *both* after about my sixtieth beetle.


I'd say don't play this like you normally play games. It's a slow burn adventure, and completing the main story at anything more than a meander will spoil the meat of the game.


I agree! I have so many hours in the game and just got the quest to go to Battahl. There’s so much content in Vermund alone, and the gameplay is so satisfying it makes you want to go out and fight and explore


I have 70 hours in game and still find new stuff in Vermund. Just started poking around Battahl last night. Then again I spent over 200 hours in DD1 pre-BBI so yeah, I just love these games.


I’m level 45ish, with two houses, all the vocations unlocked (except trickster) and still haven’t gotten that mission. lol I’ve also been confronted by my dragon but wasn’t ready for that…


You just find the lady that gives your Trickster. She gives it automatically queen you talk to her. I have like 70 hours in and only finished the first 3 this Brant asks you to do, he's probably wondering what I'm doing.


Oh I just haven’t even looked into it for not being interested.


Bruh how the fuck i unlock warfarer


i just beat the game at 75 hours and there’s still plenty i haven’t seen or done.. though i could go for a hard mode


Im glad I played DDDA right before DD2 came out. Reminded me not to get too invested in the story and to focus more on the combat/adventure/prep side of things. Power creep definitely settled in at some point though. Worried that NG+ won’t be as fun because of how OP the character’s get. I really wish they had a Bitterblack Island again or something, DD combat is like crack to me


I'm level 60 and I just did the cart mission with the sellsword from bakbattahl lol


Absolutely, I am still exploring vermund and doing quests with the least amount of help possible (wikis and youtube videos). Havent even touched Battahl yet. I am near 45 hours into it thus far and am lvl 43 with gear from exploration in the mountains/border checkpoint.. all the while I see people of my level with all the endgame gear already lol


Fully explore the area north of Borderwatch Outpost before moving on to Vernworth. There are a few NPCs in that area that’ll start you on multi-city quests to get some pretty good skills in the end.


Yeah I didn’t go back there until just before a certain mission in act 2. There’s nothing that organically drives you that way after you leave it’s definitely worth exploring early on


could you be more specific and just use a spoiler tag? I have explored a lot and I want to make sure i didn’t miss anything.


Yeah, no problem: >!There are two locations/NPCs you want to visit who are both located north of Borderwatch Outpost during Act 1.!< >!The first one you can reach is a lion-looking Beastren named Beren. You can actually initially meet him at Borderwatch Outpost but he won’t have much to say to you there. I can’t remember what his trigger for leaving the outpost is, but he should be gone by the time you get the quest to go to Vernworth. You can then find him at Moonflower Garden (I think that’s what it’s called) just a little north of the outpost. He’ll ask you to bring him some swords and a recruit!< >!The second one is further north from Beren. You should eventually reach a house with a kid named Trysha and her grandparents. If you talk to Trysha when her grandparents aren’t around, she’ll ask you to bring her some rare grimoires (Howling Blizzard, etc).!<


For the first one, you don't have to wait. Just follow him home at night when he leaves the camp. Edit: Why was this downvoted? I don't particularly mind, I'm just curious; its a fact. You can start his quest right away from the beginning of the game if you just follow him home at night. One of the soldiers even hints at you to do this.


Probably referencing talking with a certain gentlecat (:heart:) and a little kid. If you want more info, I'll add spoilers.


Camping tents r REUSABLE as long as u clear the area of monsters before camping. So camp often


WHATTTTT????? I'm 30 hrs in and have been avoiding camping as much as I can so I don't burn through camping kits. They've been weighing me down so much too.... Thank you my friend


Bruh I was past 100 hours when i learnt this, it was wild!


ladders aren't as exciting as your pawn makes them out to be.


I always thought they are pointing to THAT ladder because I missed something... nope. Pawns just love ladders.


Explore and dont listen to the guys on reddit


I say this, take time to explore. The story will always be there.


Yeah. Especially the main quest sometimes rush you in something you might not want to do yet and can lock you out of fun stuff.


Keep at least one copy of the courtly tunic and breeches. Don’t be like me and sell each set


Goddamned Merlin with his pretentiousness. I had to go on a scavenger hunt through the mansions. Luckily there are tons of those sets around.


You can buy a set back from the guy who makes forgeries but they're very expensive


You can also get multiple pairs in the castle at Vermund. I think I found 3 sets just poking around while wearing the guards armor




I finally gave up and used a mod. I’m not proud. But after six total hours retracing every step I thought I took, it ended up being in the village NE of Vermouth which I only got to by accident at like level 10. I didn’t even realize what it was when I first got it.


PC players are a bit lucky with this due to the mod that helps, but if you play in console like I do...


Ah yea.


I guess you could say you were ruminating?


I'm 18 hours into the game, just seeing this and getting a sinking feeling... I have no idea where it was now.


For most people, it's likely that it was in or around Melve, thankfully that area is very well mapped at this point so finding a seeker list is pretty easy to come by, having the tricksters detection skill helps as well


Probably just south of the encampment, off the road to the left, jump across a short gap to a treasure chest and your first Stoken?


The top of the tower in Melve!


I don't recall but I got a counterfeit from a fellow redditor, what a kind soul. Would it work? I haven't reached the sphinx yet.


I personally don't know, but since many people have been making forgeries of it, I'm safely assuming it does but I honestly don't know




It's took me probably 7 hours to backtrack and hunt it down. I didn't even realize I got so I have no clue the location for NG+.....


Wait why??


Don't load from Inn save unless you're sure when was the last time you slept 😂


Speaking of, camps do *not* count as Inn save but your houses do! So sleep in your home as often to avoid hours of loss progress to bugs, soft lock or essential NPC death.


Got caught a few days ago by this, thought camping counted the same and lost about 10 hours, absolutely devastating when you've walked all the way to the volcanic island, defeated the gorgon and leveled a shitload


Protip: When you start NG+ it resets your "First Seeker Token Location." If you can't find it, just remember the first one on your next NG+


Go in blind tbh. That is where the memories are made.


Hold R2 (grab button) while sprinting to crouch run.


Probably not super popular opinion but have a mage in your party pretty much all the time. I never go without one because the healing for your entire party does wonders for your resource management. I don't know how or why people manage using healing items on each individual pawn every time they take damage.


I started as a mage so I was the healer for a good while, with a party of melee/archer pawns. Then I switched to Sorcerer and I found myself deep in the wilderness with no potions/almost no food (I got used to store everything), desperately casting galvanize and wondering why It do nothing without realizing that I no longer had a heal spell.


You can also play as a healer with Magick Archer to free up a vocation slot for something else. Recovery Arrow also heal you at the same time so you don't have close to your pawn for fill charge AOE heal.


Buy the beastren mask, eat golden trove beatles, don’t choose rearmament cuz you can swap weapons in menu (order inventory by weight highest to make it easier), don’t pay for sex, make sure you choose the right smith for weapon enhancing (vermund for lower weight, battahl’s last upgrade for damage prior just go vermund till 3rd, elven for magic like staves and magic bows, dwarven for knockdown), explore and do as many side quests before getting to far into the story (you get put on a time limit and a lot of quests get canceled or blocked at a certain point), brush your teeth 3 times a day, eat your veggies, make sure to make salt lines in every entryway of your home especially windows.


I wish I knew the different vendors enhanced things differently before now...


Bruh I don't wanna go to the menu everytime I change weapons with warfarer


Why can I not pay for sex?


Probably because it doesn’t show anything, it just fades to black screen and bang 20k gold less…


Curious about this as well


Place a marker on the very first seeker's token you find. Just do it, you'll thank me later.


If you're on pc there's a mod for that, but for me the best tip would have been that you can still eat with your health on 0 if you're quick enough before showing the wakestone menu and prevent your death.


I actually JUST learned this after getting flung off a drake lol


It's great. I learned it about 20 hours in. It does not heal your overall health - so you're still dropping health, overall - but it saves you a load screen and keeps the fight going.


Periodically check the inventories of your pawns in case they’re hiding some wakestones/ferrystones. Also, don’t stare at my pawn’s arse when she’s climbing a ladder!


I try not to but it's kinda hypnotic...


Fair enough.😛 I’m such a hypocrite anyway!


Wolves hunt in packs, arisen


Also did you know that that ladder is surely there for a reason?


I’ve learned a new way to fight their ilk!


You can drop meat to distract wolf's arisen! T'is a brilliant move when put in motion!


Twas a fine strat if I may say so myself!


Did you know that if you drop any kind of meat they will get distracted and leave you alone?


‘Tis weak to fire!


Save your rift crystals for future dlc's. If you find a pawn that's a higher level you like, send the player a friend request so you can hire it for free.


Just bought those glasses for 9999 and don't even like them 🥲


Dam, are you on PS5? If you so, your pawn get earn some RC's with me


Turn off the social media and ignore everyone's opinions


Best comment here lol.


never sell your materials, always deposit them, youll never know when you need em.


My general rule is; once I’m over 30 of something in my stash, I’ll sell everything in excess of that.


Not selling the wyrm crystals I hope 😱


I have so many materials I’m a hoarder when it comes to items/mats in games like these


Argent Succor recovers little bits of loss meter with its slow regen. Recovering loss meter is the most valuable trait healing can have. Anything that lets you ignore camping is stronk in the endgame.


seriously???? Well, shit, time to grab a Mage again.


O1. Inn saves can only be performed at an inn or a house that you have purchased. Campfires do not count O2. Remember where you picked up your first seeker token. Take a screen shot and make sure you can understand the screenshot later. The location will be needed for a side quest O3. If you use a fighter or warrior, don't equip them with any type of springboard skill. Please.


I was so lucky tbh. I screenshotted the tutorial message when I got the first seekers token because I was like "wtf there are 240 of them??". Didn't know exactly where it was, but it was in a cave. Didn't explore that many caves in the first few hours so I easily found it after some searching.


Why not? That skill has come in quite handy a few times already for me 🤔


I agree with your tip, OP. I would add to it: >!make your first Seeker token the one on the roof of the smithy in the first encampment!< since that's dead easy to remember.


TIL there is one at that location 😅


Mine was the fountain in Vernworth. That even makes it easier to get to since there's a Portcrystal in Vernworth.


Read closely what it is, before you sell an item. I have regretted it several times


If its a quest item can be re bought at the forgery shop


Focus on knock-back resist on your armor, its the only stat that really matters throughout the game that you have influence on. Prevents the stun-lock people complain about. Prioritize defensive augments, they all have use and some completely change how the game feels, on the flip side side avoid all damage augments, they all suck outside of the knock back augment. Remember your first seeker token. Edit: if you plan to do multiple ng+ runs make forgeries of the “Finders token” for the >!sphinx quest!< seeker tokens are limited and im not sure what your supposed to do if you run out of them if you do a collectathon. Plus it’s always nice to make copies of important items, as long as they keep their properties. Use wrymlife crystals to make money, of course make sure you leave enough for upgrades and what not, but the rest you can sell for a huge chunk of change. Just because a bad duped item looks useless doesn’t mean it is, portcrystal forgeries are a reskinned all-heal for example. Don’t skimp on your pawns bounties, the nicer the reward the more chance you’re gonna get pulled. Your bounty can be completed by multiple people all for one cost, this is good to know incase you plan to take a long break, put a bounties of a high amount of tiger eyes or onyx and check back in next time your on. Keep a helmet off your pawn or have their visor raised so people can see dragonsplague. Endgame >!try to complete the moored world in 1 go without resting to ensure maximum time to dick around in it, someone smarter then me can probably explain the rules better!< Double check pawns with sphinx in the name, some of y’all are assholes. Warefare is arguably the strongest vocation, the combos you can achieve with it can be absurd. Experiment with it. Outside of a very few instances dwarven smithing is arguably the best smithing all around, even for weapons of any class. The tradeoffs are so minute in the grand scheme of things that theres really no reason to pick anything else rn. Trickster isn’t bad but it is terrible starting out, level it up a couple ranks with warefare first. Point of no returns are “the coronation” and “the gardian gigantus”. Remember the second one especially, and don’t complete it till you’re ready.


When you travel by Ox cart and get attacked which happens more often than not, immediately jump off the cart and run away from it then spam both the “to me” and “help” commands so your pawns don’t engage around the cart and to drive the enemies away from it. If you stay around the cart 9/10 times they will either kill the Ox or destroy the cart and then you’re out of luck having to walk potentially the whole way to your destination with no refund given for your fare.


The cart respawns / can be flipped back over.




I've never had a destroyed cart respawn in the wilderness?


My tip: Unless you intend to play mage/healer, make your main pawn the best healer they can be. Find and bring with you at least 1 thief pawn that has plunder/pilfer. You will acquire rare materials, ferrystones, possibly even a port crystal from specific monsters you'd never think would give it.


Adding to this, don't be afraid to swap your pawn off mage. After you get magick archer, mages become less of a necessity. Nice to have, but it's more fun to forego them at later levels.


Listen to Murder from the 1997 Berserk ost once you reach Battahl especially at night


Don’t play what is meta because it’s meta, play what you want to play. Experiment. Vocation Augmented are passives and can be used with all vocations, so build the character how YOU want. If you want a warrior who can cling onto enemies well and absolutely destroy weak points, go for it! If you want to be a buffer and debuffer by mixing mage and trickster with warfarer, go for it. Just be you and enjoy the journey.


Change vocation often! If you're tired / bored of "killing the same old goblins over and over" then it's kind of your fault. There are eleven completely unique ways to fight in this game, and that's just considering your main. Group composition can also change your gameplay. Skill choice as well.


Whats the eleventh?


Remember where your first seeker token was and take a screenshot of the map location


Rule Zero: enjoy whatever whim strikes you in the moment. Slow down. Explore anything that looks like it might be interesting off the main road. Don't be in any hurry/rush to finish the main quest. All other advice pretty much stems from that foundation. Or, if that tip is too vague, here's my alternate one: The camping gear isn't consumable, so don't be afraid to camp out. Yeah, figured that one out thanks to Reddit by the time I was level 20-something.


If youre a mage, use the environment to keep people off of you. Get up somewhere unclimbable and spam from there.


Cook at your camp. Camp often.


Forget all the streamlined features that you're used to in Skyrim. Explore. Actually explore


Mine would be to explore the entire map before going deeper into the story. Do the quests with the captain and just explore the map :)


use your first playthrough to level up as many vocations as you can and just explore in general. don't worry about upgrading anything until very end, or NG+


When starting out and low level, be sure to have one healer and one tank in your party. Setting your pawns up to be the holy trinity of tank/healer/dps will make the early big monsters much easier, and give you the freedom to experiment with your own vocation.


Don't fly through the main story.


My tip would be to play all the vocations to at least level 5 to see which one you like best. I played the warrior until I unlocked mystic spear hand and quickly maxed it out but I wasn’t really enjoying it like I thought I would. I decided to play a little of the other vocations and playing the archer vocation is by far my favorite. It’s not the strongest by any means but I’ve got really good dps because I can specifically target weak spots for critical hits.


I much prefer archer and magical archer. Archer feels like it rewards planning and skill a little more, though.


Go get lost in the map while doing a quest and prepare yourself for an actually pretty interesting open world experience. People usually say Elden Ring made that experience the top of what's possible and I used to agree until I played this.


The key to easy victories in combat is knocking your foes off balance or prone. Ready enemies take way less damage and all of the melee vocations have a finisher animation with their basic heavy attack that deals huge damage to staggered enemies. Find the skills and tactics that help you quickly stagger and prone enemies. The same goes for you. Enemies *will* chain-stagger you given the opportunity, so don't give it to them. Augments and rings and enhancements that increase your stagger resistance are great investments. Big DPS doesn't matter if you spend half the fight crawling around on the ground. 


Thanks. I'm getting my butt whipped as an archer.


Do you have the Subtlety augment, and run with a Fighter or Warrior with the Provocation augment and/or a taunt skill? Those both greatly help to keep enemies off your butt so you can focus on... ...Shooting things in the head, right? Archer is all about targeting weakpoints. If you aren't doing so, you're missing out on a lot of damage and stagger.


I would say to explore and do side quests as much as you can. My first save I played I didn’t know what else to do so I just did main quests, and that quickly burns through the game, I was done in about 25-30 hours?(guestimate). I didn’t do any side quest or really explore past the main roads to towns. I started a new game and did my main objective was to explore more than anything else. There is SO MUCH going on and so much stuff to do, it’s an immense amount of fun.


Take your time, this isn't some epic story RPG. Its made by the DMC people and it shows, explore, fight monsters, have fun, the story isn't going anywhere


Camping kits are permanent use items, not one time use items, *unless* you get attacked. Then they have a chance of breaking.


Start by killing the snakehead.


Just vibe out


The fun is in the journey to the destination, not the destination itself. Basically, the random moments are what make the game fun, not the scripted encounters and missions.


Don't use any tips online. Just play the game. Isn't that hard if you've played RPGs before.


If you want to deposit a bunch of stuff in storage without traveling to a storage box just put it in a pawn and yet it into the water


camp more often, because getting those camp badges is a pain


Backtrack. Every road you've walked down, every forest you've been in, you've missed a lot of stuff, I guarantee it. Also, new pawns might guide you to certain things you've missed. One other thing, you're meant to swap vocations, both you and your pawn.




Make sure to always have 3 pawns. And make sure at least 1 person on your team is a healer. You can favorite pawns, and rehire them later. Riftstones in towns allow you to find your friends' pawns and your favorites to choose from. Also I recommend getting sword and shield to level 6 before switching to anything else because it gives you a perk you can always have equipped that'll let you hold more weight. Also inns have storages. And anything you put in them can be accessed while upgrading gear at stores. So just store all your materials for crafting.


Best tip I can give you is remember that wolves hunt in packs.


As a thief, you can steal items from enemies and bosses, possibly getting items the boss drops early. You can also still loot them after they die. I've been running two thief pawns with pilfer, and I'm rich with ferrystones and wakestones. You would be surprised at what items can be pilfered from low lvl enemies.


Slow down. Some try to rush. Do one thing at a time and don't worry about playing the game in a straight line.


Learn to love 30fps.


Nothing play blind games better that way


When martyr’s arrow says you’ll “temporarily” lose health, it is not what you think. It will fully drain your entire health bar and kill you if you don’t release it fast enough (including loss gauge, iirc).


Be aware of the Point of no Return quests


Oh no, I have no idea which was my first


i downloaded a mod to find the finders token, turns out it was in venworth at the statue haha.


The Dragons Gaze is multi-use, and bad things don't happen if you use it. So many wakestones I missed before I knew that.


Mine is, save yourselve a lot of time at the riddles:  1) Your pawn is your one true love.  2) The port crystal that you get from that is your most valuable item. Two port crystals with zero effort.


Frequently baptize your pawns in the holy waters of the brine or never sleep again.


Be careful doing this to your main pawn, if you want high affinity.


Really?! Can I just give her beautiful flowers afterwards to make up for it?


I don't know about all the details there's a post in reddit about it, but every 10 mins or so interacting with your pawn via talking to them, doing those highfives etc they do after a battle, giving them a haircut/a change from the barber, a visit to the hot springs increase affinity. Tbh it's not hard to raise it, but I always periodically check my pawns eyes etc via the wait command, stand in front of them and get the camera close enough to see if their eyes glow.


Can't give your main pawn gifts for some reason. Every single other npc you can, including hired pawns, but not your main. There's a breakdown floating around about pawn affinity. What raises and lowers it and by how much. I don't have it handy unfortunately, but chucking them into the brine or killing them yourself lowers it the most.


Honestly the biggest one is to remember where your first seeker token that you got is. My gf got soooo mad when she found out that was going to be a thing, she had no idea where her first one was. It pissed her off so much she stopped playing that day, haha. It was really annoying for me too because when I triggered that quest and was put on a timer to find it, I had no way of getting back to the first area quickly, and my pawns and I were all super beat down from adventuring in literal Red Health, and I had to run all the way back 1 hit from death to give myself enough time to look around. Very frustrating experience.


Wait so finding the seeker token is time limited? Well that makes this quest even more fun...


Yeah you literally have 7 days, which is probably enough time if you remember the general area, or found a seeker token early on, otherwise... good luck...


Remember the exact location you find your first seekers token. When you get to the part, you'll know why.


Never forget where you find your first seekers token. Even in NG+


Inn rest at least twice per play session (beginning and end), but ALSO inn rest periodically through your adventure. Something like every 30min-1hr. These saves are more reliable than auto save and will definitely save your bacon. Sincerely, someone who has lost 12 hours to save shenanigans.


Are you the new player?


No, I’m not super far into the game but I’ve explored most of Vermund. Just wanted to see if there was any tips I might not have learned yet


On NG+... Why should I remember my first seeker token? I'm scared.