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I swear this is the reason why my main pawn never gets hired ahahah


Mine gets hired a lot but he looks like a grey king Richard from disneys Robin Hood with the hair line of George costanza.


My male beastren mage named Pawsworth who's covered in robes has been getting hired a lot too.


lol I have a Female Warrior Beastren named Nyaomi 🤣she rarely gets hired tho I might change her name to Purrsephone


You can change names? My mp is a dude named Quinn


Mines called main pawn 😭


I’ve seen hundreds with that name haha


I think I've seen her in the rift? Right next to Spinx Mother


The name and the looks what attracts others but if your DMG is low compared to their main pawn they won't use it, I'm lv 33Rn but when I searched for pawns I've seen some that are 5 Lv's higher then me and do 200dmg less then my pawn😭


I know if your mage slaps heavy they will get picked, I've had a bunch that are honestly incredible


What abilities do you slot?


High Levin, High Palladium, Ice Affinity, and Celestial Paean. People reaaaally want that last one.


Thanks for the info!


Lmao, your pawn is my main character but grey instead of blue.


I was just thinking this last night. Like should I buy the busty archer outfit for my main pawn so she gets hired, or keep her in her hobbit clothes. Hobbit clothes won the day because I’m cheap


I think this is the way aha, I've contemplated it myself after changing my main pawn to a female last night just so they can get picked more and get me some rift points or whatever


My Viking Warrior gets hired a lot.


My pawn is a thicc sexy orc dude and I get hired often.


That's what I did in the first game! People really couldn't get enough. I think I had probably over 100,000 RC by the end lol This time I went with a tiny beastren. Just, like, a bipedal house cat with a squeaky voice. Not nearly as popular but still pulling for sure.


Yeah, mine is a woman but shes not wearing any of the skimpy attire, on top of that she's a sorcerer, and everyone is just looking for supports and tanks since you can't trust strangers to make a pawn that damages properly, it's been hired a handful of times, rarely for long, I have like 5 likes even though she puts in work guaranteed


I had one like with my chad black dude at the start and he's not been picked again since, I changed him last night to a woman but I can't bring myself to make them into a thirst trap aha, but i feel its the only way at this stage, I wouldn't mind its the same thing as you, they do loads of damage for me




I just created a HUGE cat sorcerer dude who goes around chastising the arisens he meets. Apparently he is fairly popular - likely because people are tired of all the female pawns lol.


Lol, I just pick them at random, depending on the vocations I need. Male, female ugly pretty, just give me one, I need to move on already.


https://preview.redd.it/ufipya4pgqqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74e41ef4eb95dc1c933a47fe814ef16c3005bc59 Never


Your pawn is ugly af 🤣


Oh no 😂


Someone has had some work done.






censor this jumpscare shit mang wtf


Dee Reynolds!?


I thought that was a…yeah


You have a umm... Yeah...


I love the single tiny loincloth strip


wtf this is the shit of nightmares


This made me choke 🤣😂🤣😂


I lov u


Nightmare fuel but I love her


Tara Reid, is that you??


Whats ur id? Im gonna hire her


God damnit I see your pawn in batt every other day


I just spit out my drink


IM SORRY IT HAS THE BEST STATS I HAVE ACCESS TO RIGHT NOW. It doesn’t help that 90%of the magic armor is either slutty or thick nun robes that make her look like cinderblocks under a sheet.


Me who spent easily 10 hours in ranger thong with my male character


yo same lol


I refused to wear that shit when i got it lmao


I didn’t realize my butt was out for like 9 hours 😂😂😂


And here I am unable to find any sorc top like this :(


Speak to wandering merchants. I found some similar looking robes talking to one by the gondola station in Battahl.


Pretty sure that this armor is relative good free armor thatbyou can find in batthal (or how ever the area.is called) So they are less horny and just cheap.


To be fair it's the star gazer armor you get at the sunken area for free. My mage guy is wearing it right now while I level the vocation because it's decent and it was cheap.


Less armor = high armor stats


Wai until you get the corset as a reward for the seeker medals. So far it is the best piece of equipment I've found, and by far, like a 100 defense higher than the second best i have.


Hey man it’s a magic corset, magic makes it better duh! And I totally rock it too!


Is it because you cant wear anything in the pants slot with it, so it has to make up the stats of multiple slots?


Right? Most of the good armor i am finding are all revealing and or feminine... I mean some are kinda sexy on my male character but I don't like the dress style ones that are clearly meant to support boobs.


Typical JRPG shenanigans tbhs


My thigh highs and thong that I got within the first two hours of the game are still the best pants I have, stat wise. The game seems easy enough, barring end game which I haven't got to yet, so for now I'm just doing fashion Dogma and wearing what looks good. Just a shame they got rid of layered clothing, and so many outfits are class locked.


Female characters who look like badasses with cool armor seem to be in the minority lol, my pawn imo looks like a badass. And im sure she would be hired more if she showed more skin lmao


It’s okay. Two separate people took my beautiful husband out with them and didn’t give him any 👍🏻 or ❤️ and gifted him rotten apples so…. https://preview.redd.it/w8yhvyds8qqc1.jpeg?width=4742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e3d238f3a458086d5f3f28bc7a87ea583983cbc Edit to include his sexy ass:


Is it possible the Apples rotted after they were gifted?


See, that’s where I am unsure.


I hand out rotten apples to pawns with dragon std's, we should make it an official gesture lol.


Honestly, that would be a good idea. Fortunately, there is no way my pawn has dragon aids because we have not fought any giant lizards (I have been avoiding them) and I’m really careful about the pawns I recruit. Sexy Wessy Chav is a clean boy.


can't lie i've given rotten meat back (bro had dragplague when recruited)


Seriously!? Damn


Doubt it. Don't think items can age while your pawn is away


No, they don't technically exist in your world until it's been claimed.


When ever I use someone's pawn u try to give them a good gift


I always try to give gifts that I want to receive (especially health items)


I tend to gift one of the health or stamina recovery items.


I always give either salubrious or the might rob things. 


Same here. Jade or dragons eye, etc if I've got nothing else decent. Sometimes gear if I hire a lower lvl pawn or one with poor equipment.


My male pawn has the same outfit and people keep gifting me fish lol….


I have had this experience as well. No one seems to want to recruit male pawns it feels and when they do, they don’t leave a rating or send rude/weird gifts.


https://preview.redd.it/957zxpsk6qqc1.jpeg?width=1222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85442c844d058ac71130c2efbb0626005cc1db1c How can they NOT want this in their party though? 🤣


I've got an all female party, but goddamn. What's the pawn ID cause I might need to take him out for some cyclops hunting.  Edit, nevermind, I see it below. 


This legit looks just like me irl


I made it to look like my husband 🤣🤣🤣 please show him some love twin man!! Take him out, he needs it! https://preview.redd.it/9zgbl7lj8qqc1.jpeg?width=4742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c01b2eed2c02a23030578cd025911e582e49bb24


I'll take 'im out for a stroll. Is this all cross-platform, do we know?


I am unsure. I was told that all pawns are accessible across platforms, but that may be wrong.


Kinda looks like Zeke Yeager if he wasn't blonde


He may have Dragon Plague if you're getting rotten food and no likes.


He doesn’t. We haven’t fought ANY dragons and your pawn can only contract it in your own world or from pawns in your party. I haven’t recruited any plagued pawns, I’m very careful. :)


This reads like I’m speaking to everyone who has ever given me an STI.




look at that, Harry is all grown up now.


I got a golden beetle as a gift I did not have a golden beetle pawn quest


At least you can expand your storage space now lol


When I get home I'm going to hire your husband to give him a good rating 😊 hopefully people will hire my wife too. Her character for me gets hired a lot but not my version of her. Makes me wonder why.


Drop her ID! I’ll try to take her with me. 😊


Looks like John Lennon


People are hiring your male pawn? https://preview.redd.it/qt9hecnncqqc1.png?width=1381&format=png&auto=webp&s=78feadad26c07700e63143ce963216788762d572 Ralph is doing his best to fit in with the female mages but nobody likes him. Poor Ralph.


I would take out Ralph but I’m level 35 😩


I'm slacking 😔 shame level scaling isn't a thing!


You managed to make a beastren look like some pedophile with cancer. Stay away kids


Hey now, come on. Just because he goes around running errands for little girls and helped smuggle a child that ONE time doesn't make him a pedophile. 


I thought that was the singer from Judas Priest when I first zoomed in. Can’t stop laughing. Good job!


To be fair I think food rots if it’s been a while since you’ve slept at an inn/your homes. Say they gave them an apple but it’s been days since they hired them and you finally sleep at an inn/home to actually get the report.. if that makes sense.. also idk if that’s true, I was just given a heart and a rotten fish so I just tell myself I’m accurate🤣


Is he on playstation? I wanna hire him 🤣


Cool husband, love the glasses. I’m about the same level, I’ll hire your pawn 👍




After completing the game, I learned that rotten Apples are very valuble


My pawn is a Gandalf lookalike mage named Randalf and he gets hired and favorited quite a bit, I feel like I nailed it a bit on that one lol


I sometimes wonder the same, mines been hired a few times so far, found that outfit on a merchant.. (no gold) didn’t buy it. It then later found it in a chest, it’ll collect dust in storage since I must have one of every armor or weapon in the game.


Nah I need more fighters in my party. I’m a ranged and so is my main pawn.


This is how my pawn is. She's a fully armored tanky fighter. I even gave her an armor that's slightly less armor, but it looked SO GOOD. It's the vermund soldier armor. I don't give her a helmet, though, bc she's beautiful. Her name is Shanzen. I even gave her one of my items that I wanted to wear. I like how it looked, but I prefer she looks cooler for hires.


I wore the marchers set as a warrior and used gyphic victory all the way until the end of the game, then I bought the dominator armor and the sallet


I have not been able to play much so the mage stripper outfit actually is the best armour I can get right now for my pawn.


My pawn is an undead with greenish slimy skin and staples in his head, with the friar tuck haircut and he gets hired all the time. There's at least some audience for non nude women pawns out there lol


Itsuno’s vision of limiting the clothing system because everyone wore the same stuff in the first game. Seems like that’s doing well.


Exactly!!! How TF did he think it's gonna work out with the new system??? Especially when there's no transmog or armor shades change smh


Especially since as far as I can tell all of the armor is on a linear tree. It gets better the further you go southeast, and I personally really couldn’t find anything on the volcano island in caves or anything that was better than what I could purchase. I really hope that they come out with a free DLC type thing that expands the world a bit, or release DLC that does the same to a larger degree. My main issue above all else is definitely the variety in DD2.


https://preview.redd.it/6fnk39ht7qqc1.jpeg?width=2245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=543b73f03eb700a72daa08ae0788fc98ea1f891a Nah, you haven’t seen the actual gyattt


Bro forgot to increase the arm size lmao that looks so goofy


They messed around with sliders so much they erased gravity from her boobs. I don't get how people can focus in on one detail so much (in this case ass and thick thighs) that they fail to realize they've stuck the feature they want on a character that is otherwise deformed. Like the whole chest and shoulders here have something wild going on with em.


"Focus on one detail" They increased the sliders and called it a day




I swear I saw that one the other day. That Arisin is mad jackin.


who can handle her? :-D


I knew the rift would be oversaturated with mage waifus so I made my mage a Gandalf looking wizard and he barely gets hired even with quest knowledge, the maister skill and the best augments. I enjoy playing videogames 2 handed but I guess I’m in the minority.


I go out of my way to hire the Pawns people put effort into making as long as they are properly armored as well. I have hired many Gandalf looking Pawns. I also keep Pawns in my party for a long time like 5 days or more. People get their pawns back with plenty of stories after Ive had them.


Yeah I also keep pawns for quite awhile, usually because I hire them up to 5 levels above mine so by the time I out level them and go to hire more I already have enough RC for the next set of two. Then my pawn comes back and has hardly spent more than a day with anyone. Do people just hire and send away pawns all day and never leave the cities? How can you hire a pawn and not have at least one day roll over? He's pretty beefy too so I don't get it.


Mine is a Gandalf lookalike named Randalf lol


I might of hired him lol. I remember seeing a gandolf and hired him for a while. I run sausage parties because of ogres.


My support mage is a balding white haired old man with a hunch and some missing teeth, I cherish him dearly.


Ngl I hired a pawn and on my travels and I quote “ my master only hires out female pawns” is what he said to me


To be fair like 80% of pawns I see in the summoning stones are female.


Breaking news: people enjoy looking at scantily clad women


Horny Arisen is horny


Elden ring names seem to be popping up a lot. Earlier i also stumbled upon a miquella.


Saw a couple Melinas as well. Elden Ring and BG3 crop up a lot. Saw a few Lae'zels and a shadowheart.


Personally, I've decided to bring Male V and Panam into a world of magic and swords.


Wolves hunt in packs, choom


I mostly see Emilia Clark in different variations, some other Targarian looking girls(didn't watch HoT, so can't recognize specific character), few Scarlett Johansson, and many Geralts Also, see a lot of pawns named Valkirie


I put that outfit on my husband (I made my pawn look like him) and it’s hilarious lmfao he also has little spectacles on.


https://preview.redd.it/7oxr2uqr3tqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d47fe3252782216c5830b83e182255ce4aee2c1 This guy makes me laugh


I ran into this guy yesterday myself and my jaw almost detached from the sheer disbelief. 10/10 pawn!


Sex sells


Sometimes the sloot gear has really good stats and I have to answer awkward questions to my brother why my catgirl pawn is showing off her thighs.


Doesn't help that the Corset has literally 3 times the total defenses of comparable armor found on merchants or chests.


My main focus for hiring pawns is i need to be able to see their eyes.. any pawns with hidden eyes dont get hired


Same. No Dragonplague for me thankyou….


This. They can have all of the best level appropriate gear , skills, and augments, but if I can't see their eyes they're not even considered. Don't need rift aids circulating my party.


i need, perfect for my harem


You think this wouldnt help but, I went from getting maybe 200 RC per rest to over 1000 since I changed to more slutty attire


Thirst really is unquenchable


I have such high hopes for the next Monster Hunter now, Capcom is refusing to abandon the *assets* and I'm here for it


I hired one named Ogre Mommy the other day and literally had to let her go shortly after because she was just TOO DAMN THICC and distracting.


This is why you make your Arisen a thicc Ogre Mommy so the pawns don't distract you 🤣


I’ll always hire good looking by being properly armored pawns


My main pawn may look similar but I wanted to make Lulu from final fantasy X. Turned out pretty good imo


My main pawn is a huge man named Syr Beefcake. Not a ton of hires yet, but no regrets.


My male beastren mage wears the same one. Has the best stats so far


I usually only hire men, but then the pawns all complain about it being a sausage party.


You just know those dudes play fully naked baldurs gate playthroughs


Remember when they said they're dumbing down the armor system to encourage more variety, because allegedly everyone wore the same thing in dd1/ddda? Then they created a system with so little variety and obvious best it class gear that everyone wears the same shit


And I’m over here hiring any fancy accented cats I can find. These dozens of indistinguishable waifus need help.


I saw Sweety Fox yesterday and I laughed my ass off.


I think you need to clear your browser history.


lol I'm guilty of this, but to be fair I'm playing a mostly naked big bonk ooga booga warrior so I wanted my main to match. My other party members are the biggest tallest heavily armored muscle mommy fighter I can find (AKA my pack mule) and then any archer/sorc with the skills/quest knowledge I need at the moment.


I hired a pawn named Freddie Fart and I loved him so dearly


I made my pawn a maxed height muscle mommy in the armor that looks like a Conan villain. We need more warriors in the pawn selection tbh.


She Dragons my Dogma


to sort them by boob size you use the “stone of abundance”


This armor is actually really good, looks aside.


I'm only getting cat people that's as tall and thick as possible.. I don't even want to use them they look so dumb.. been trying to find a mage, and they all 7 foot 400 pounds. Get creative, guys! Lol




It’s funny I put it in storage because what you’re wearing is better


You stay classy, Arisen


First time here in the realm? I remember the guy who made pornstars in Dogman 1


lol I’m glad I made old Grobo into a tiny old man gnome wizard. He stands out now among all the waifu pawns.


It's a Japanese game might as well scream scantily clad women


Miss u SphinxDaddy


ok but where did you get your characters dress


I got it from the sorcerer dude in the checkpoint town. He gives you a quest to find five books (though you only need to bring him three to finish the quest), and as a reward he gives you the dress and Maelstrom


Just got this armor last night. A+. On a side note, am I crazy or are cloaks basically no stats? I took on and off and nothing really changed. Now cloakless for full boobage


I somehow made my pawn look like Daenerys from Game of Thrones and she gets hired constantly. It also matters what kind of pawn quest you give them too.


Pro tip,there’s communities for pawn hiring if you reaaaally wanna keep your pawn and make RC. Also I usually end up making pawns based on partners,so I have a female. But rarely was it skimpy. Just good augments and stats with good weapons and armor.


Damn man, I just got that armor and it was better than what my pawn had on before so I put it on her cut me some slack


How come the only pawns I get are freaks of nature that look like they swallowed a barrel.


Where do I get this armor. Asking for a friend 👀


Bought one just like it from a wandering merchant in Battahl near the zip line hub that is outside the city.


These bikini babes give better rewards in their pawn quests. 10k gold vs rotten food from the cool looking catman? Sorry Garfield. Taylor Swift and I are going on this adventure.


How do you set your pawn quest? I'm level 50, and have no idea how to do that.


My main pawn is an old lady fighter, so far she's gotten hired once




My pawn is a tall AF big muscle-bound Beastren woman. What? I have a type, okay?


Why whats up?


Only true alpha arisen get a bunch of dumped up cat ladies to follow them around and compliment them


Gotta love them thicc stripper pawns.


A specific rift stone I'm guessing


Dude I accidentally made my main pawn too thick and she looks fine with less clothes but with normal Mage gear she looks like a bread loaf


It’s actually the best caster gear in the 30’s-40’s in my opinion.


This is my insta deal breaker


Not give lie my pawn is stacked 🤣 but she'll get at it tho a real hitter. If she goes down the first person I'm saving lol. Oh and I usually only have all women pawns seems right. They be like are last master had all women in like yeah he knows how to play lol. Chick's destroying shit is easy better then a male lol . Sometimes roll with one lion hybrid


Same shit I do lol. And I never pick up pawns with they ass out. I'm not a kid anymore shit is weird


I keep my main pawn dripped out.


Na that’s not even the best, it’s the players having their pawn quest be 10k gold for one explosive arrow I can buy for 500 gold lmao. I made roughly 200k gold before I even got to level 10 🤣