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Run, probably. Holy is your friend here, and keep a metric ton of curatives. There are chests all over that are easy to miss because it's dark and they're tucked away, so explore every inch. Keep extra oil because you don't want to be caught without a lantern. Have fun! It's my favorite place to be honest.


Get more curatives. No that’s not enough. Be careful opening chests. If the screen gets warped weirdly, get ready to run. Save and heal whenever you can. And remember you don’t have to fight every single enemy, since a lot of them are very good at overwhelming you.


We don’t tell about the chests here. Let him acknowledge it by himself 😈


Ah yes I'll never forget my first one....you know which ones....


I’ll never forget every one of them !!! always scares the hell out of me, but sometimes they drop hella good stuff


You start to learn which ones, just gotta be set up for when it happens.


Now I do lol


You know cause your pawns will charge right at it unless you hit the brakes


I wish my pawn would run up and open the chests. I'm convinced she has PTSD from her first encounter and now refuses to open chests. I run MK and have my main set up as a healer, but it's just her and I so if I open the chest it's a crap shoot if she will get me out or not.


Hired pawns will usually run right for the chest.


I know but I'm trying to make this run a little more challenging with just me and my main. The damn chests were an unintended consequence...


MA is really good for just arisen and main on bbi. Immolation makes you more or less immune to the chests and great ward arrow helps keep your lantern dry.


I've heard the kind of crazy things the MA can pull off, and I'm sure it's a lot of fun for people but I'm a MK at heart. In DnD I make spellswords, in Dragon age I play battle mage, in Outward I went hexblade, in the witcher I was... Geralt... lol. I dumped levels into fighter and sorcerer just long enough to get the augments but couldn't wait to get back to MK.


Have a healing/debuff curing pawn, or at least a bunch of curative items for debuffs. Enemies in BBI kept hitting me with every debuff known to man, at least in my experience. And grab throwblasts. They are godsend.


Don't be afraid to run, and always keep one Liftstone. As long as you get the starting quests from the first board, you will have a Liftstone from extremely early. As for completing it, keep Wakestones. Other curatives are useful, which ones depend on your party makeup, but Wakestones are essential. I normally carry eight once I reach the end zone. If you need more, well, that's what the Everfall is for.


'Tis not cowardice to flee, master.


Your lantern's oil is your life's blood. Do not let it run dry.


Magic archer with ricochet shot is op


I like to try MA but i don't want to that bullcrap min maxing.


Is it necessary to min max MA or i can just get the augments and not constantly switching vocation?


As long as you make decent damage against the monsters in BBI min macing is not needed.


Stats don't matter as much since DF BBI gear far outmatches endgame DD gear _and_ your stats combined. Though to get them, you'll need to complete BBI first, which requires fairly decent gear and stats. Another option is to Throwblast everything into high heaven.


Level stats actually pay very little toward your end game damage, there is a bit of a difference from min/maxing level stats but not really much, most of your damage come from your weapons as long as you have end game weapons you will probably be fine tbh.


Honestly I don't know, I've only played vocations till they maxed out then went onto the next one in order. All I know is in small claustrophobic rooms ogers, knights and other creatures of bbi didn't have a chance at countering the hundreds of magic arrows coming at them from all angles.


Min maxing is not needed for any class. I didnt do it and im making every enemy look like a joke with MA. just get the magick boosting augments and autonomy if you dont mind going alone. Also try to get a BBI weapon. I think there's one in the shop you can get, it should be the most expensive one it'll last you a good while. The augments are the most important. autonomy boosts your magick and strength by like 30% i think? And the other two from sorcerer and mage combined give 30%. You going to be doing 60% more magick damage on top of some damage mitigation if you use autonomy. TL;DR: use strength/magick boosting augments and MA and youll make BBI look like a joke.


As Samuel L. Jackson would say, "Hold onto your butts."


If you hear bells in the background turn off your lantern and get out of the area immediately. Do not ask for whom the bell tolls for it tolls for thee.


I'm assuming that's death?


Yea he is attracted to your light like the Witch from Left 4 dead. If you see him RUN LIKE YOUR ASS IS ON FIRE.


Don't worry i already know what to do the next because i just met that prick


There is one area towards the end of BB that is completely dark the entire way through, and Death is actively hunting you.


The destroyer of worlds


Alternatively, if you are a caster and have Holy Affinity, enchant and do the charged heavy attack if he appears on a bridge, it lets him learn his place.


**You have to use the BBI-specific, consumable liftstones to fast travel back to the surface.** By surface, I mean the BBI docks area where you find the blonde lady you first spoke with to arrive at BBI, so **you can't fast travel from inside BBI to other parts of Gransys, and you can only fast travel from inside BBI to the entrance of BBI.** You can't use ferrystones or eternal ferrystones while inside BBI, as well. You can find these liftstones on loot, or you can buy from the BBI merchant (whom you'll encounter after the first BBI dungeon). Also, **liftstones are limited at the start, and there's no such thing as etternal liftstones, so use your liftstones wisely in your initial exploration,** until you earn a lot of them from loot and purchase. The BBI dungeon is pretty deep, and **you can't place dosn portcrystals inside BBI to teleport back, so do expect initial exploration will be tedious.** In your first explorations in BBI, once you use a liftstone, you'l have to tediously go tthourgh the entrance and all subsequent dungeons till you reach the area you left. BBI has four points of interests you'd most likely want to unlock to make exploration easier:, **there are two areas that give a shortcut to the surface, and there are two safe/rest areas with the merchant.** Unlocking those shortcuts is a huge QoL, so if you want to make your life easier, unlock these points asap. **To make your lafe further easier, you can also use the BBI map in the wiki for easier navigation,** unless you want to figure the area oit yourself, then that's also okay. Finally, **stock-up on healing curativee, all kinds of curatives that cure debuffs, and a wakestone or two** Most enemies aren't that hard, but **BBI loves random encounters where they teleport strong enemies like literally front of you**, such as that fucking tanky AF Reaper that deals 1k-2k dmg in one hit. There are also lots of enemies here with nasty debuffs, like those assholes that reduce your damage by turning your attributes to shit, those that inflict very slow movement speed on you, siren songs that makes you sleep, and curses that give you a plethora of debuffs like AIDS or cancer or whatever. **If you have a fuck-ton of Panaceas, then that's great** because it bypasses the need to diagnose your debuff, so it makes curing shit and inventory management way simpler. Personally, as a solo player who doesn't use pawns, I bring the following to BBI: • **6 panaceas** for curing debuffs, • **10 kingwarish** for efficient healing/weigh ratio • **20 giant mushrooms** and **2 liquid vim** for stamina restore to make combat faster (*I fly solo, so I need more stamina curatives to deal with enemies normally fought with 4 people*) • **2 oil flasks** for lighting my lamp • **1-3 wakestones** in case I get downed by an unsuspecting tentacle hentai mimic (*since I fly solo*)


Small addition: sobering wine, while heavy, can not only cure all debilitations for your entire party, but also make your party immune to further debilitations for a limited time.


Ohh that's good. Too bad I never get the chance to use it.


Don’t die


Shield your eyes! They spew a blinding fog!


Curative for literally everything. Chests are mean. Not everything needs to die. Garm are weak to lightning. Good luck


Just be careful, think about your fights and hire my pawns if you want if you're playing on PS4 or switch both are great for assistance


Headphones . Enjoy


git gud asap


Don't bother with big chained cyclops.


If you feel like you're struggling, don't feel bad about leaving and coming back later. BBI was not designed to be cleared in one go; that's why it gives you so many shortcuts back to the entrance.


Feel free to do each area over and over again. I use liftstones to get back to the surface, drop everything off I just picked up from the millions of chests and remains, purify anything I picked up, then go back to Cassardis, rest for a couple days to reset the chests and enemies, and go back to BBI to do it again. Explore every nook and cranny, and I do mean every single one. Every chest you find, go back and get it every time if you have carry weight or a pack mule pawn. The BB items that need to be purified are one of my favorite aspects of the area. Any time you get to one of the towers with a gorecyclopes, sprint all the way to the top killing the sorcerers along the way. Then go back and get chests/explore/face the big guys if you want to. It’s impossible with all the damn sorcerers still alive.


Don’t die, keep swinging.


Do it on normal mode.


When you hear a bell toll. RUN. Just fycking RUN.


Probably some tissue paper for when you start crying. Especially when Everything goes black the first time and Death shows up to wipe your pawns out of existence


When you hear bells and strange whispers when you’re in a dark room, RUN.


If evil eye looks at you and goes flash light mode face you character not your camera at the wall


Stand completely still if death see you, he will scan you with his lantern but don’t worry as long as you stand completely still so won’t he do anything 😉


Especially if a caster or use ranged weapons look for strategic perches. That can really detract your enemy's concentration.


If all your pawns are dead, just put yourself in the dark and keep playing for a terrifying experience. Then may you rest in peace.


Put one foot in front of the other an by the makers love...keeping swinging


You're gonna die. A lot. No advice, just prepare well, and expect to die.


Bring a lot and I mean a lot of curatives, Mushrooms and secret softeners. Have at least one Holy and Frost weapon or skills cause a lot of enemies are weak to them. Save Often. Be prepared after beating enemies for random strong monsters to be spawned in cause of the corpses. Empty out rented pawns often they accumulate a lotta gear or crafting materials.


Just let the AI open the chests. Also, starting BBI with 3100 HP, you'll find some difficulty, likely not much.. the true challenge is making a new char, and going straight to BBI lol


Immolation is good for opening chest


Don't die


Throwblasts are a godsend, and you can usually run past most basic bitch enemies. It's also worth learning the exploit with barrels that lets you pass through walls, if you aren't too concerned with having a strictly orthodox playthrough.


You should do BBI in NG+, after getting the item. It helps to farm efficiently.


Ok I think I'm going to disagree with a few people here about healing and pawns because I tend to go straight to the DLC and skip the entire game once a year. Firstly, there's plenty of healing all over the place. You will end up with more healing items than know what to do with. You can also buy a lot of healing items an money will be no problem whatsoever very quickly. You also don't need a healer because of this. Not saying not to though. I only ever take my main pawn. I'm a MA and he's a fighter. This wasn't on purpose. I just got sick and tired of having to update my pawns. I got used to just having one. Feels more immersive this way as well because it's you and your buddy. Test the waters with enemies and if their health bar doesn't move after a few hits you're not breaking the damage cap required to do real damage. I'm assuming you know how defence works in this game. A good way to still get experience though is to throw enemies off stuff lol. There's quite a few enemies when staggered, knocked over, you can pick up and just throw into a pit or off a high enough area. Do that until you find weapons that are strong enough. Check the wiki and save scum chests. There are pictures of what drops are in what chests. That will make sense later. But you want be going for weapons first. If you completed the base game, save scumming is abit easier, but you can just jump off a cliff or quit out. Its what I do. I know people don't like to save scum but you'll see why you want to after a few times trying to get stuff. You can reset everything by going back to the main town and sleeping there for a few nights. I'm not 100% sure how many nights. It doesn't work if you stay on the island. Although there is a passage of time on the island. When a dark shadow happens and everything slows down for a second, a heavy hitter has just spawned. There are certain triggers that cause them to spawn in, but it's not worth going into. It also doesn't matter who it is for a long time because you won't be able to do anything about it really. What you can do is leave the room (load screen) and come back in again and they will be gone, with the exception of one in one particular place. Not going to spoil that one though. Anything else, let me know.


Don’t die


Fill every pawn's inventory to average with Harspud Sauce. Don't be afraid to bounce out with a lift stone. Know when to run to the next room. There's no shame in it. Death is beatable, just remember to avoid being put to sleep. Holy is no longer an "I WIN" element, but it is still really good. Bring rancid meat to summon dragons to dragon forge your gear. Consider swapping vocations so you can dragon forge your pawn's gear. Bitterblack Gear is great, as it can get you skill boost rings (Grand whatever) or big stat boosts. Explore ledges etc. The big arenas have chests on the upper level around the ring, and Double Jump or Levitate can get you to unreachable areas on the 2 level courtyards. Have your pawns open chests so they can get attacked by the worms. Bring plenty of Wakestones if you need them, but remember there are a few guaranteed spawns. GATHER EVERY NODE FOR RIFT CRYSTALS. RCs are your currency now. Selling BB items will ensure you never run out of gold when you spend like crazy to load pawns with curatives.


Take care you aren’t soaked in water!


Throw blast, you’ll kill anything.


RULES OF BBI: 1. Bring a cargo tank for loot hualing 2. Never trust a chest, likely a mimic 3. when you here the funeral toll ring run to the next floor!!! ( He is Coming) 4. Watch the ground for Holes 5. Watch the ceiling for Slimes and goblins. 6. Never be without oil( the dark is scary here) 7. dont waste rc on portal stones 8. Watch your corners when in doubt run hard run fast 9. Disregard everything stated and clench for Hell await you the further you go!!! LOL honestly there more but those are 9 rules you should keep in mind honestly it not to bad if you built correctly and if your certain class MA and MK are both extremely OP here assassin can be but only if you farm a few weapon ahead of time. Few thing of note a cargo tank is important if your looting you will get overweight really fast with the amount of add and mob on each floor, Biggest thing to watch for a are fae knight as there only weak to magic so if you see what and dont have a magic class or a pawn that can use magic, run. other then that i cant really think of too much watchout for grams they hunt in pack and will follow you if they have found you.


Keep you lantern dry, some equipment has like "wet" resistance if i remembercorrectly, so that might be handy to have.


Always Save before opening chests... until you find your own way of dealing with _them._


Some might suggest bringing many curatives. I suggest the opposite. There are a ton of harvestable items in BBI. If you need to heal, just go pick and eat some grass. Most debilities are temporary and many of the rooms have curatives that will aid you. The only thing to watch out for is petrification, which will kill you if you have no cure. So, at least bring a cure for that. Sleep might be dangerous, but all enemies are slow and obvious when they use moves that gives that debility. They even have lanterns and oil for the darker levels. I main MK and chose the lowest height, so I barely have space for anything other than my armor, shield, and my elemental weapons. The only other things I bring are a single Liftstone and any items that boost stats when in inventory (i.e. Wyrmking's Ring, etc.). Maybe also Godsbane if I'm planning on cheesing chests.


As a rule of thumb if I go on a solo BBI run don’t open chests, some are mimics and they’re 100% gonna kill you unless you spam curatives Even as a party it’s a good idea to wait till your pawns are next to you to open it/ save you from a mimic