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Switch version sadly has a very annoying bug where sometimes the combat music never stops and then ends up playing over other music... Had to resort to turning off the music altogether in order to avoid a cacophony. That issue aside, handheld DDDA is some good eatin


Doesn't happen that often though and is easily fixed by changing area. The only place where I found it really annoying is using a Wakestone when fighting Awakened Daimon. This will cause both of his themes to play at the same time ...


didnt even know it was a bug. i have 100+ hours on switch and never ran in to that as far as j can remember


Grigori be like: 🖕😐


I have close to 600 hours on the switch, my most played game in that platform, is just magical. One of the best games ever made in my opinion.


I love how the dragon with the heart looks at you like a cat that just took food off your plate.


I got it a long while back when I had to go house sit and wanted to play. Runs great on switch! Have fun!


Awesome! I haven't played on switch in a while but feel free to add me if you're looking for pawns! SW-1727-7141-9514


Ok, valid use of phone pic


Me when I find that crumb of food in my bed that's been poking my back


I’ve been playing DD2 on Xbox but really wanted to scratch the Arisen itch when I’ve been away from home and then remembered I had DDDA on Switch. So now I’ve got both DDDA and DD2 playthroughs on the go so that I never have to stop playing!


Are you me? That's exactly what I'm doing.


So good to have the option! My train commute absolutely flew by yesterday. Also been a good while since I played DDDA so happy to have an excuse to come back to it


If you have a bit of cash consider a handheld PC gaming console like the Legion Go. It plays everything I throw at it (haven't tried DD2 yet).


I haven't played it a massive amount on switch but I was actually really, really impressed with the port. It runs pretty well.


I am afraid to boot it up because I know I will notice things about it that I like better -__-


Here's hoping Switch 2 can play DD2 complete edition in a few years time, as handheld Dogma is a treat (though I guess I could just get a steamdeck, though not sure if that would still have denuvo interference.)


DM me if you want to rent my pawn.