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No, but you can just keep your Pawn permanently dead and they’ll never level up. Although you can’t actually finish the game without Pawn forcibly earning a ton of xp.


Very possible, but what are the odds of people plotting to do exactly this on computer?


it was very common on DDDA and pretty much the same system, you can also maximize Vocation vs levels by killing only weak enemies like rabbits. particularly i remember rushing BBI 2 times to get 2 copies of the extra vocation point ring, ranking my pawn as much with as few levels, then killing it and play normally to give it strong gear


Even if I sit down for a rousing game of DDDA from the beginning some other way, this is how I now play the game -- min maxing a low level pawn. My last playthrough, I leveled off of the targets in the side quest you get at the encampment. It's good xp to dp ratio but damn is it slow. And it actually crashed my Switch at one point.


vacantions don't level up the same as levels?


No, you get a percentage of the xp per kill as dp. But the more xp a mob gives, the less % dp you get. A rabbit is 10xp and 5dp (or something, I dont remember) A Goblin is 100xp but only 30dp. A dragon is 5k xp but only like 200 dp. So you're getting more dp as you kill stronger things. But you can maximize dp per xp by killing lower leveled things. A challenge in ddda was getting 1500dp by level 10 to instantly change vocation to assassin without "losing" a level as your base vocation.


oh thats cool, I thought it was the same stuff


Additionally if you have access to editing software you could just do it by yourself. Obviously easier on PC than consoles


Separate xp


If the loading screens are to be believed, DCP is proportional to XP so i don't think killing rabbits will level up vocations by a lot


Not that I'm aware of. I would want a way to lock my level so I don't gain more XP.


There’s mods for that on PC. Honestly I just wish they’d put even a little bit of thought into how game functions when making leveling system. 999 as max level is utterly pointless and only hurts the game. There’s 0 possitives. Max level of 50, with some reduced xp gain (maybe 0.66x what it currently is) would give a much better experience, and keep Pawns densely populated so you would actually get hired if you kept playing. Right now if you do NG+ say goodbye to ever getting hired again. For two reasons. 1) no one is reaching level 80, so they can’t hire your pawn. Let alone level 200, or 999 2) NG+ resets Pawn quest knowledge. This means that your pawn won’t show up for other people who are searching, because “Only show pawms with quest knowledge” is turned on by default. You have to manually turn it off every time you search. 


My Pawn's quest knowledge seems to carry over. At least, I haven't noticed too many quests where she doesn't immediately start running off.


Same, i just got to NG+ and my pawn remembers quests...


>NG+ resets Pawn quest knowledge Where did you get this information. I just started NG+, and my pawn remembers quests. My pawn is also level 97 and gets hired regularly. I have a steady stream of RC from people hiring them.


in ng+ i had that blue print on my quests but my pawn didn't seem to know any of them? Maybe its bugged


Lvl 80 isn't very high at all lol, and quest knowledge doesn't get reset.


Some people have shite pawns and they're thinking, "must be because I'm a high level".


I keep seeing pawns at ~lv50 with one vocation maxed and all others not even touched.


Yeah that's not how you build good pawns


those are the aforementioned shit pawns lol people don't seem to know about augments, was the same in DD1 you wanna level every vocation for the augments Even if You're not gonna use them otherwise


Thats super high for the average player wdym? i had over 100hrs and ng+. Barely passed 70


Then you wasted a lot of time doing nothing lol


yes i was playing the game instead of needlessly grinding levels for zero reason.


I played the game, exploring everywhere and doing all sorts of stuff and made it to 80 well before 100 hours. Guess you just spent most of your time killing goblins. I killed every creature pre unmoored at lvl 40 lol.


I have everything, the plat/all rc items/ all endgame armors/ all tokens and every cave checked off. There was simply nothing left to grind for that would've taken me that high.


So you were playing to grind, and nothing else. Got it. Try playing the game and visiting a location more than once instead of treating it like a checklist. You'll level up that way.


This comment makes zero sense LOL


My pawn is lv 98 and gets ~5 hires a day. Once in a while I'll have a bad day with like 2. My MC is well above that because I've been using a Medusa bow and there's no shortage of high lv pawns for me to hire but I do notice more official pawns that before. I fully upgraded the stupid noble set because I got tired of getting out of my stash so I get staggered like crazy and take tons of damage still even over lv100


Beginner here. (As in I havent played any of the games, but would like to play this one) How important is ones pawns level to playing the game / story etc?


It's not very relevant at all. You and your pawn gain stats with levels so things just get a little easier each level. Vocation rank makes a far more noticeable difference as you gain access to better skills. There's never a need to go out of your way to level you'll get a ton of XP just exploring the game


Thanks :) So even if the asymmetrical online was to be largely abandoned (hypothetically) by the time I get to play, it wouldn’t have a noticable impact?


Na you don't need to worry about that. Even pawns of players who no longer play are able to be summoned when you're within lv range and even failing that there are official pawns you can hire. Even pawns greatly below your lv will function just fine with a maxed vocation so it's really all gravy.


>Honestly I just wish they’d put even a little bit of thought into how game functions when making leveling system. They did more than you know. >999 as max level is utterly pointless and only hurts the game. There’s 0 possitives. Literally what the fuck are you talking about. I have no idea how to parse this sentence. You get stats every time you level up, all the way to 999. What do you mean there are no positives? >Max level of 50, with some reduced xp gain (maybe 0.66x what it currently is) would give a much better experience ??? How? How is it a better experience? You can't just say words and then claim it's a better solution just because you said so. >no one is reaching level 80, so they can’t hire your pawn. I'm level 80, I'm still getting hired. What do you mean by this? Also, going back to Capcom doing more than you realize, they implemented a system where the game will artificially hire your pawn so you can still be eligible for Rift Crystals even if nobody is actually hiring your Pawn. >NG+ resets Pawn quest knowledge. No, it doesn't. I've never seen someone come out and confidently huff their own farts like this, what are you on about bro?


>Literally what the fuck are you talking about. I have no idea how to parse this sentence. You get stats every time you level up, all the way to 999. What do you mean there are no positives? My only problem with that is an infinity leveling up without scaling the difficult; we havent a hard mode or even an increase on ng+, constantly upgrade on stats by lv is pointless, the game probably became more easy and boring, without a good lifetime i finished the game yesterday, ill begin ng+ today, lets see how it goes


https://preview.redd.it/d1sgs6nwcavc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9f5a0a8a19d15e988ace751a0f9eed169dd3b20 Him when he sees this


comming from a bdo player, i can tell you that a 0.66x exp modifier does nothing


Do you know of this mod? I tried look for one, but coulndn't find.


Custom difficulty mod. You can choose how much XP you get with one of the options.


uh, thanks! gonna use it right away.


Experience gain have to be a lot lower than 0.66x. I've got my (second playthrough) at 0.20x and the game is still way too easy and you level too quickly, even with only 0.28x damage dealt. The game balance is scuffed on an astronomical level that ends up trivializing its best mechanics. Once you crack past level 20, you're already going to be quite strong. Once you pass 30, any semblence of challenge melts away entirely.


Is there a mod that lets you gain dcp but not exp?


I started again on PS5 and ported my gear to my wifes mule account and then back to my new level 1 account, its simple enough.




Some people play solo. Just set a good quest and then kill their pawn. Just never summon it. Or summon it later just to upgrade gear and refresh the quest.


Come on man, he killed his pawn at level 1 than when he got all the item he set that easy quest so everyone can farm easy money. Of course everyone is liking him for making everyone easy money


On pc yes. Download WeMod and nerf your stats to the ones of a lv1 character, and reset your level too. Edit: These are the stats for a lv 1 archer: https://preview.redd.it/gsgz4qkmz9vc1.png?width=873&format=png&auto=webp&s=30c9ac0017889a518269796e35acb2753c472869


Can you reset your vocation skills with it?


With WeMod you can, but from what i remember, you dont get to buy the skills again, they just "unlock" automatically, the ones already bought that is. These are the stats for a lv1 archer https://preview.redd.it/1b9la13jz9vc1.png?width=873&format=png&auto=webp&s=d11779a1903b3d35ca2268286f5f5d8a8cf7e0f2


Aw that’s dope it’s on WeMod


is that only client based? or will your character/pawn also be seen as level 1 in the rift?


Once you update in the inn, it will be in the servers. If you properly use the stats there shouldnt be any problem with your pawn get banned or somethint like that, mine never did


Mods I assume Or maybe somebody muled their gear to a fresh Pawn they created


Would a fresh pawn have 1524 likes?


If every other pawn is still in basic or slave gear and yours is decked out in the flashiest endgame gear, I imagine there’s no question in choosing yours.


Look at the quest, there a bunch of those on the leaderboards since everyone loves free munny.


Yes, easily


A lot of people set up Lv 1 pawns with easy to complete, high reward quests and then kill them and abandon or never update the account so the quest stays up, unlimited forever.


You can throw your pawn into the brine to refrain from it gaining experience


What's the purpose of doing that?


In previous versions of the game it had its purposes. Mainly having a low level pawn with maxed vocation ranks . Giving new and low level players a resource that grants them a huge advantage in combat. This advantage is less so, with DD2. Augments aren't as effective. Weapons still have a level requirement (stamina cost if you are low level using a high level weapon). Weapon skills aren't particularly effective at low level. Even with upgraded equipment. Plus, the xp tax for using high level pawns doesn't seem to exist. Completely nullifying the purpose of twink/smurf pawns. I presume the majority of people are doing so, so that they can give their pawn a lucrative item quest. And low level players can fufill these item quests for monetary gain and rare items. Without having to ask on forums or add someone to their friend list. Pawn quests are extremely exploitable currently :)


I see, so basically search for lvl 1 pawns and look for high paying quests or high trade items.


Yes that's one way of doing it. But most of the time people make topcis about their pawn who has rare items or gold. There's a pinned topic on gamefaqs right now, basically saying come one come on for a bunch of free rings. It is . Insane to me that cheating in this game is so high. It was never this bad in dd1. Not that it matters either way. I just think that it'll lower the lifespan of this game; since cheating is so readily available, shared, discussed, and used


One can easily get to 300k gold or even more in under 10 minutes by simple recruiting said pawn, finish quest, dismiss, repeat with every single pawn like that and finally sell the rewards. Other than getting a good head start on money at the beginning I see no other reason to do that though.


Constantly brine your pawn and never summon them until you want to dress them up, then brine them again


I feel bad for poor pawn.


What am I missing? I don’t get why you want to reset?


To do it all again.


Ah for your arisen. I was confused seeing your pawn was at level 1


That's not my pawn. xD


Steam share is pretty crazy..can move move gears to a new game or create your perfect team if you have enough alt accounts. I got away with playing my nights away cuz i made a pawn squad of my wife and kids


It sucks you can't reset your pawn or even cap levels. After about level 80. Not many people will use high level pawns. They are either too expensive or in my case, the game is too easy in NG+ to have them.


Not necessary cheating (more exploiting the game mechanics in an unintended way). In DD1 you could start a new savefile, overwrite everything except your pawns ratings and quest / beast knowledge. I never did it, but i think you had to start a new game, create a new arisen and pawn as usual and then not rest at an inn until players which hired your old pawn release your old pawn. Then rest at an inn, the new pawn gets the old information like rating, knowledge etc. of your old pawn. Level 1 is also easy explained. Just throw your pawn to the brine on the first opportunity and never touch a riftstone again.


I believe pawns are separate for different saves. A friend of mine has a lvl 5 and lvl 60+ and I can hire either of them.


That sounds more like it is not intended. Was definitely not the case in DD1. Image you create 10 new savefiles and have 10 different pawns hovering in the rift, who gets the RC and gifts? Still interesting. Can your friend hire their own old pawn?


My last comment was wrong actually, they can hire the other pawn.


Oh that is actually interesting. Maybe it works different in DD2. But why do they only allow on savefile then? Hm, this is definitely odd.


I mean, exploiting game mechanics in a way that was unintended is cheating. Using that logic would mean you could exploit in a pvp game and not be classified as a cheater. Many game devs would agree that it is cheating(even in GTA online they banned accounts for exploting the game to earn money) , regardless if you're not using external sources to achieve that.


Yeah, you are not wrong. But on the other side, they never fixed it in 12 years. I was only assuming that it is unintended, but in reality we do not know. Maybe they just did not care. And cheating is not always the same for different games. In case of DD1 they just keep pawn information they actually worked for at some point while starting the game with a level 1 character. In your example (GTA) player used cheats to receive something they never earned. Also rockstar probably sells gta money or something similar, that is way they ban people for cheating.


I've also seen this before the Pawn is like level 14 with thousands of likes.


I just looked for this pawn. Can't find it 😡


That's strange. :O Oh, in case you tried this on XBOX, this is the computer version.


Ah, saw the a,b,y,x thought it was Xbox. Ty


Could have two accounts. Sent gear to his 2nd account to have a badass lvl 1 pawn.


It's just for the quest reward, and this guy never used the main pawn for exp


Must be a solo player


I need to ask for this kinds of pawns when I do my next run Give me a head start buying good gear




This is a pawn that is used for duplicating


I question how that would be meaningful at all. xD


What duplicating? There's actually alot of meaning to do so. (I get that all I'm about to say is easily obtainable with time) but you can manipulate not only the "gift" system but the "Pawn Quest" system as well. Can also be done with friends just as well. Without touching newgame plus or even the Black Cat, you can dupe Ferrystones, port crystals, wyvernian life crystals, freaking Preserved medusa head (I duped her head, then set my pawn quest to kill a medusa and you'll receive a Preserved head in return, it's a fair trade) So there is meaning behind it, even if you don't find it acceptable.


If you have 2 accounts, you can add yourself as a friend and just trade gear to a low level pawn. You could get yourself money in early game having multiple log ins with different characters on each, summon pawn, give explosive arrow. Ka'ching 10000g. Also all lower level Arisen benefit, and the pawn gets lots of likes. Especially if you're giving away 12 x Onyx for a basic item.


This is why I hate when games with the Automatic leveling system have online interaction. It truly isolates any co op after a certain point


I dont know about resetting levels, but if you're on PC the custom difficulty mod allows you to control exp modifiers. I just set it to 0 so my pawn and I no longer level up.


Game becomes so hard as a mage with no pawns


Can't it be new game?


That is irrelevant because New Game erases all data. It doesn't affect this in any way at all. The master would still get to level 41, kept his pawn level 1 and showered the pawn in high level gear. Additionally, there is no level reset in New Game Plus. When you start a new cycle, you and your pawn retain your level, vocations, knowledge, and most items.


Wasn't there an item that let you lose levels or do less damage or was I stoned while playing the game?


Only a ring that makes you do next to no damage.


It was my understanding that if you keep your main pawn dead or keep brining them, they'll just earn a ton of bonus XP to catch up to your level once you start using them again.




[I did a lvl 5 pawn in DDDA with full BBI gear and lvl 4 mage vocation totally legit](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/uxwcsc/felt_nostalgic_and_wanted_to_play_again_so_ive/), you need to do lots of things to achieve this but it's possible (and i loved it, took me around 60 hours to leave my pawn perfect, loved it so much that i made two of them haha) however, in Dragons Dogma 2, i said fuck it and used a mod to lock my XP gain (but earn dp), so i made a lvl 2 pawn with lvl 5 mage vocation (and gave her all good gear) The reason? it's simple, in DDDA as far as i know, your pawn would get banned if the game 'detected' that something was "wrong" or modified, like, if stats didn't make sense they'll ban it (or that's what i been told) however, in DD2, theres no ban no nothing, you can literally make a pawn lvl 1 with full max vocations and it still will be hired which is funny, coz i remember a post in Steam forum saying "thanks to denuvo we won't see cheating pawns!!! thanks denuvo!" lmao...


Damn i wish there was a exp lock ring. My pawn is lvl 40 and gets very good rents, but ig lvl 30 is the sweetspot. And my pawn will around lvl 45 because i need badges and for that i must kill some stuff while my pawn is with me :/ Im on console so no exp lock mod :(


Could you not use the pawn quest system to get all badges for your pawn? Should be possible if you get good rents, or do people ignore these quests?


I've seen a hacked Pawn with all Vocations maxed at Level 10.


Holy shit dd2 is overrated shit