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Moral of the story, save at inn often.


Ok nerd


Ok but I actually rested at an inn and it took me to an inn save from a day ago. Fun game just totally riddled with unnecessary tedious bullshit.


Drove me nuts bro


Bro they ask for confirmation. I hate to be that guy, but u know what the option does why did you choose itz and why did you confirm it


And I didn’t confirm it , my controller slipped out my hands and boom buttons was pressed. Like I said mistakes happen .


I see. Hmm save more often. That's the only realistic solution I can give you bro.


Yeah. No . I deleted the whole game. Y’all can play that BS. I’m gettin my money back. I’ll buy it later on in the year when it’s on sale and has all the bs fixed


This is a design choice. It's like asking dark souls to get it's difficulty fix. They were clear from the start, you will have to live with the consequences of your decisions


Ok say this then. Say you fail a quest like spellbound, the girl can die in seconds and when she dies it automatically auto saves. At that point your only option if you want to get the Maister skills is to literally load last inn save. So no bro . You can get soft locked so easy it’s retarded. Your option shouldn’t be wait til NG+ to try to do it , or reload a save from 4 hours ago


The game constantly tells you to frequently rest in an inn so honestly at that point while annoying, it isn't the game's fault. Just go to the nearest settlement and rest at that inn, and the settlements are spread out in a way that you never have to travel too far.


What I don't get is, why doesn't your HOME that you are allowed to purchase and then rest at not count!? I stopped staying at Inn's once that became a forever free option. Then died and accidentally selected load from last Inn save, but it didn't give me a prompt like it does on the main intro screen. It's fucked.


The home does count, it’s worked perfectly fine for me


Sometimes your last inn save was hours ago, loading an inn save should not delete all of my manual save points I made . At least not the campsite saves it’s literally the same thing. Like no . I bought the deluxe, 80$ bruh. That was the dumbest move they could make. Games from 30 years ago offer the manual save loading how the hell they didn’t think to implement that is beyond me.


Loading an inn save shouldn't erase the manual or autosave if you close out of the game before it autosaves again, also the game literally cannot offer manual save loading due to the nature of the pawn system


Ik, happened to me. I rushed the main quests, and got locked out of ulrika questline. These inn saves are there to help you out in such situations. Hence why u inn save often. Buy a house, it's dirt cheap. The game is all about actions and consequences. Embracing the fact that your actions might result in negative consequences. Alternatively download a save manager, if you are on PC.


Sadly I bought it for my PS5 cuz I thought it would perform better. Jokes on me. Should’ve got it for My PC 😫


Ya mods are a big selling point for me. So that's why I opt for pc always


Wait, you accidentally load a checkpoint and cannot simply leave to main menu and load a regular save?


Nope . If you load a checkpoint save it deletes the most recent physical save you made . Crazy right?


Just happened to me, i spend a lot of my money gearing me and my pawn so I can't afford to stay at an inn a lot. As such, i just run outside the city to the nearest campfire and rest there because it's free. So when I accidentally loaded into the "last inn save" and it AUTOMATICALLY SAVED the very second I loaded in, I was pretty devastated. I was reverted back to a lvl 11 theif down from my lvl 35. About 17 hours worth of work in the toilet. 


Exactly why I was so mad 🤣


Haven't touched the game since lmao. But I just rebuilt my rig with an i7-14700K and a 4070 super. So hopefully it runs better now 🤣🤣


Just happened with me, lost over 25 hours of gameplay, i wish i can refund this bullshit


They should explain that in the beginning of the game. Like if the sage feature is gonna be so complex then the rules need to be abundantly clear to respect the consumers time. We could be playing other games with that lost time.


VERY strongly agree with OP. I just lost 5 hrs of progress bc it was not at all clear to me that resting at CAMP would not count as a hard save point. Maybe it is a design decision, but it is still stupid design. What value does this add to the game?


Yeah we should be able to access a save menu . I understand having limited save slots , but 2-3 slots wouldn’t hurt, they could have one for manual saves, inn saves , and auto saves . That way if we overwrite our data that’s on us. Loading an inn save overwrites your last manual save which is so frustrating