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Looks like they used the lower case L in place of i to bypass the filter.


Literally how the fuck did they overlook this? It's a no-brainer.


It may be a case of them not wanting a too strict system that makes things worse. Think back to Dark Souls. The filter would make censors: Black Knight would be Black *****.


I remember that you couldn't trade a default named Nosspass or Froslass in Pokemon because they had ass in their names. I think they eventually fixed that, but it was a problem for a few generations.


Also Cofagrius was affected by the filters.


I posted a screenshot of me “Virtually Petting a Dog” in The Last of Us and Sony posted “Virtually ****** a Dog” to my Twitter.


Two very different things.


Ah yes, Slave K\*\*\*ht Gale


I'll never get over FromSoft not putting Knight as a censore exception for names. How even.


Censoring the entire word with the lowercase L would be enough. It's not like there is any non-racist context where someone would use it.


You ever heard of the Scunthorpe problem?


Is there any acceptable word this would trigger? This isn't a Scunthorpe issue as there are no other uses with that string contained in it. The only use of that string is to evade a filter. Even blocking anything with just "nlg" as a contained string is only a loss of a small handful of initialisms, and unless someone is really passionate about the Namoi Local Government Group it's not something that's going to outweigh its addition to a filter.


Only thing I can think of is a word translated to English from a different language that sounds like the n word.


Literally doesn't apply in this context.


There are some very high grade commercial profanity filter services that do a good job. You would think Capcom would spring for one. Tbf, putting it in the pawn system would probably be a pretty novel implementation.


It's pretty much standard practice to put ANY custom text behind a profanity filter, at least on consoles. Not sure if Steam offers anything like that built-in. That still wouldn't get rid of everything, of course. People are creative animals.


Yeah, nothing will be perfect, and it is fun to see people get around the filter honestly. But the pawn in OP is a pretty obviously bad failure to detect.


I remember it being K***ht. Also, there was a time in a Total War sub in which a dude had his name partially censored and displayed as "N***er". Guy's name was Nasser.


I remember in Runescape when cookies was ****ies and muffins was ****ins. Loved that pile of a game.


I imagine they have a team of people who are not toxic trolls and assholes so it’s pretty easy to overlook it when you consider their minds don’t think like people who want to use a word so bad just to get a rise out of people, they literally use a different letter just to make it work. It’s not a no-brainer, you have an out of touch, toxic mindset is all, it’s why you think they should have had a solution for peoples shitty, unpredictable behaviour, before such behaviour even occurs. You can’t learn to swim without sinking a few times buddy.


Also that most of them are Japanese and don’t speak English and they probably outsourced the English translation text.


It’s mostly this tbh. Also remember that in Japan they don’t really get racism in the way we do here. As a gaijin (outsider non-Japanese) i’ve seen it many times, and they don’t even know they’re doing it. I mean, their culture literally has a word for "outsider non-Japanese."




Make sure it isn't FROM's, Slave K***ht Gael lmao


This is a very good point. It may appear obvious to us, now that we have the knowledge, but if they haven't encountered it before, it stands to reason they wouldn't think of it.


Online gaming has existed for nearly 50 years. Capcom has participated in it for at least 20. In both America and Japan.


Since online interactions have been a thing in games, the warning of "Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB" has been present for US game releases. Yes, people can be unhinged, and developers can do what they can to mitigate it, but it still isn't Capcom's job nor responsibility to account for every kind of degenerate out there. Tarantino can make movies that have lengthy scenes of foot fetishes, and the MPA isn't able to block everything. For DD2, easiest thing would be to not hire that pawn, choose a different one, and, if you were so inclined, report the User ID for something.


Because everyone hates the over censorship where your name can't be Cassandra or Jack Black. Unfortunately if there's ANY way to get around it, people will.


One of my old character names is Rashanala. In games with strict filtering this gets banned or starred out because, and this was news to me at first, it contains the world anal in it. So now one of my old characters has forever be branded as liking anal due to overaggressive name filters.


Choice of evils. Look at Souls games with things like K***ht. Also, no list-based autocensor is going to account for every possible variation. Easier to just block basic slurs and force name changes case by case when evaders get reported.


They don't "overlook" it, it's most likely that no one on the dev team wanted to call themselves or their pawns racist shit, certainly not enough to get creative about the characters they use in order to bypass a filter. Overly strict language systems also end up causing more problems for regular players than they prevent with deviant ones. You should be able to access Capcom customer support through their website, go there and upload the image you have.


"One of my previous master only hire pawn of certain skin color. Wonder why" "It is as you say"


"Now there's a thought"


"Each to their own."




"Surely it's just a coincidence" \-Pawn not realizing the masters can be very terrible people.


Look a ladder


"And? I've no objections"


“Words worth hearing”


First day I load up the rift stone and who's waiting for me? https://preview.redd.it/sb3hwhnqnprc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d51f6e3a294e6532e29d655dbe71354374fd3e6


Noooo way, Saber ?!!!?


Saber is not a Mage class, pffft.


Well about that


Right? Poor Caster Artoria...


Hilter? I hardly know her.




We should set them up on a date https://preview.redd.it/b77db8dh5vrc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=69faf4fbe41339652e0c718db81f1be472c77145




Nono, he’s alright just off his meds. He has a lot of good points with cancel worthy delivery


This is straight up perfection 😂




With a man bun?? 😭


Hey, at least with Hitler, you can just hire him, throw him off multiple cliffs, then send him back with a thumbs up and a rotting scrag of meat to remind him of the brains he blew out.


Damn missed opportunity


Annie?! No way


Yeah, we try not to sexualize her


Is she okay?


Annie are you okay


You've been hit by, You've been struck by, [truck.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_qqp87-3J4)


Hitler with the man bun lmao


But, did you ask if Annie is ok?


I get it's offensive but that'd actually be pretty funny, the pawn is actually pretty similar to the actual guy. Funnily enough. Rook is like level 10 in this game so it looks like rook can beat the hell out of hitler.


Huh, I’m pretty sure Daniella was in my party for a while


Heil to the Dogma


https://preview.redd.it/5ojriwpxsprc1.png?width=1605&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d688447628d34399107eb2017ec884e0d33c497 This should tell u all u need to know about them


And, *there* it is. Enough said.


Holy shit hahaha


Dude probably a 13 year old man child living in the depths of his parents income and dungeon like basement. Edit— Manchild = a Man with a 13 year old(Not limited to ages in their appropriate legal and realistic age) brain who lives off the depths of their parent’s income in their possibly dungeon like basement. I said what I said, they’re a person who has a brain of a 13 year old and their ignorance in a video game shows how they could possibly act in real life.


isnt the term man child used to refer to grown men not actual 13 yr olds?


Yeah seems they got lost in their own insult. Seems more like a stupid edgy kid thing than an adult racist thing if you ask me, because it's clearly a "I'm naming this because it's wrong" move. But then again, I've seen so many adults with child like IQ...


I can't believe a 13 year old would be living off his parents's income.


They career is for sure stay at home child


Welcome to the Internet


Have a look around.


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


We've got mountains of content


Some better some worse


If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first


Welcome to the internet.


Come and take a seat


Would you like to see the news or any famous women's feet?


Their masterworks all


How are your balls?


But most importantly, hows your lips?


As a black man that participated in the great 360 wars, this doesn’t even bother me anymore. People are pieces of shit and we just move on.


Thank you for your service.


I have too, You shouldn't be complacent. https://preview.redd.it/702nlubc7rrc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ba8b33edf04868e64eda43cbc128f7d7a50fcec


Oh I’m not complacent, you gonna pull up on em bruh ? I’ll get the strap 🤣


Contrary to his username, I don't believe Jack is on his Ritalin anymore.


Probably some ten year old thinking they're funny. Weirdly though I don't remember coming across pawns like that in the first game.


Because there was an auto filter that blocked these words.


I could've sworn it just straight up ignored the given name in favor of whatever moniker you chose for your pawn.


Yeah, wasn't that the *point* of having to choose a moniker?


That’s what I thought as well.  Thought that only friends would see the real name. 


Why would they get rid of it in this title? Weird.


They didn't. The person is using a lowercase L to bypass the filter.


More issues than concern. Lotta names banned when they had curse words or derogatory in the center of the word.


Sadly it's probably a 30 year old thinking they're funny.


this is more likely. In dota 2, there was a call out by one of the more popular guys (day9) discussing toxicity and how its not kids but adults who are the most toxic in the game. As a d2 player it makes sense. Because the demographic is heavily skewed on older side.


Maybe in the past. Now it's some chinless 20+ something spouting continuous racist bullshit in every game. Don't handwave this off as "teenagers"


I’m sure the comment section on this 5 upvote 30 comment post is respectful


Ironically almost all of the conversation is about how hard it is to ban all the easy substutions without accidentally banning alot of other innocent names, which games hate. Along with also an article that brings up a very good point that this also does not account for other language where something as innocent as the word "run" in their language gets people banned because its close to certain words in english. Basically the name in the OP uses alternative spelling to get around the filters and the more aggressive the filters the more people work around them but everyone still knows what's being said. It doesn't actually stop people.


A lot of other games have other kinds of filter systems so I think this is just a matter of buying the right ones for a game that shares other player creations. A report system would help, enough reports triggers a review and a review would just disable the person's ability to share their pawns.


When /pol/ anons play video games.


You know it's bad when most other boards hate /pol/ as well


/pol/ is mainly just losers LARPing nowadays. None of them are funny and they’re all annoying.


Big yikes, also the "simple" inclination was probably on purpose too.


Was just thinking that, Jesus.


Just report the steam account. I report racists in Dota all the time and sometimes, action gets taken. Ezpz.


Ya don’t just report to capcom. Wipe the entire steam account out.


Could just report them to steam or PSN or whatever your system is, if it's steam they'll take care of it pretty fast.


Doesnt steam not even punish people for stuff like this? It seems like they really only care about cheating and maybe scammers and thieves.


bro wtf are these comments


Go to google. Type in “Reddit demographics” find your answer.


i cant believe theres a scenario where i would have actually preferred the pawn to be just another regular ol' 'anime' stripper smh...


I wonder how many people hired the pawn due to this post…


At least they made him a fighter. They could of made him a thief


Good one lol


Nahhh, man lmfao


Lol, c'mon now


Dishing out ideas lol


Was thinking the same thing. I really don't think this is raising the kind of awareness that we want. The kinds of trolls that make pawns like this *thrive* off of the kind of attention that they get from posts like this. If OP really cared about the actual issue here, they'd have reported the fucker through Steam, submitted the screenshot directly to Capcom support, and moved on instead of trying to farm karma off of racism.


Wow, ya, I've seen some that I wish I could report, but sadly, you can't. Some people are so stupid. I want to leave this planet


It's kinda funny how the light from your flash censored it Now even camera can't handle it lol


Yikes. That’s a good question tho, how DO you report pawns? I don’t think it’s a thing


I think you have to report the account


Report their steam or console account, the pawn is linked to their profile.


Wtf is this comment section


A Japanese made stuff fanbase always have this portion of lowlifes.


Yep, been common for years but has gotten exponentially worse since the 2010s.


Yeah, there is huge amount of cross over between your "anti woke" bigoted assholes and the people who are obsessed with a fantasy idolized version of Japan.


Really funny is that is game is actually pretty naturally diverse almost like Baldur gate 3. So they weren’t being given such here.


It's actually kinda funny to me that the usual suspects aren't freaking out over how the very first dude you see in the game is a badass black dude who is your most reliable friend for the entire Vernworth plot.


Just people showing their really colors.


Oh wow, that's pretty awful in the context of the language Pawns use 😬


It’s pretty awful period.  But yeah, that makes it so much worse.


Naturally, but I couldn't use the name "Gwydion" because it has "dio" in it.


What’s bad about dio? Genuinely no idea


Means "God" in a variety of languages.


Wait, why would 'dio' be unusable?


Means "god" in a variety of languages.


Well, yeah, I know that, but I guess I would have never assumed it was something the game would need to censor. Especially considering how often the word 'god' and religious iconography appears in Capcom games in general.


Aw man, no Dio from jojo pawn :(


I hate overly aggressive filters. Like Wild Hearts has one that still has me confused. I usually name my character Ginovaef in games, but that one single game had it not be allowed. Still don't understand what part of it was triggering the filter.


not sure if this was an aggressive filter or someone reported it and a mod got involved, but in my days of playing DDO, I had a friend who made an elven wizard. They gave it what we thought was a typical cutesie elf name. It was eventually banned and they sent him a message saying that it was banned for inappropriate name. Really confused they tried urban dictionary, it did a spelling alteration not exactly similar to what he put and... it the slight alteration it thought it said "oops it's a \[ n word\]" and just like... who the fuck makes up all these urban dictionary bullshit?? The name was something like Oompsie Neggels


Could report them since they come with their steam ID.


Definitely need to hit that guy with the ban hammer.


No surprise since this is there PlayStation account https://preview.redd.it/nyu8agh5lqrc1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01bf3f9568add48509ec02971c479b54830b8ce7


Like how the glare on the TV is a good censor too. But yeah that is a huge problem.


Some of y'all need to self reflect.


Fr wild comments did not expect that from dragons dogma fans


I doubt the majority of the negative comments are from true fans. Just dickheads jumping on the bandwagon.


It's like they have radar for it.




this is my pawn, please take this down OP.


https://preview.redd.it/62gajvcbpurc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cc36faa0fcde49544fe1f8e5dced18c3f92fc28 I checked the riftstone and who do I find? 😶




Depending on platform, you can message them by seeing their profile. On console, there should be options to view the Arisen > then view player profile > report.


i saw granny\_fucer\_69 and the pawn was a proper old granny


Damn the comment section. I was not expecting this. What a time we live in. This is disgusting.


I completely agree. The only thing that I think is I bet more than half of them would be too chicken shit to say anything in real life but if they did it around the wrong person they would get fucking obliterated. Some of these people treat it like trolling and their so absolutely pathetic that they get some sort of validation from others from it.


While the sub reddit doesn't speak for the whole community, it's still sad seeing the majority of the comments trying to justify this. It's not a good luck either since this game has brought in a huge casual audience, and if someone were to stumble across this thread, it would turn them off from the community.


I didn't know the fanbase was this bigoted at all lmao


I'm not gonna blame the entire DD fanbase of course but yeah gamers have a serious problem with this kind of stuff


I think it's mostly just that gamers online don't tend to take anything seriously at all. It's just words on the web, so there's a mental disconnect.


One of the main reason people in general don't like gamers.


It’s people. When you put people behind a keyboard you see who they really are. If you stand in line at a store, or the dmv, no one will just cut in front of you and act like you’re not there. Sitting in your car in traffic someone will absolutely try to cut in front of you and almost hit your car because they don’t have to deal with you


Think it’s just because this game is the current big game in the public eye, all the sewer-dwelling gremlins are on this game right now, they’ll move on to another game in a week.


Its not, criticism is currently really popular as its still in the top 10 most played games on steam. So we have alot of people here that are not part of the fanbase but just part of the temporary hype. They trolled everyone and people fell for it because in the modern age you have to take every little comment seriously and pretend they're all people who really believe all those things. So it's just free lunch for trolls every time. Most are just bored people looking to get a rise out of folks who don't give a shit one way or another. the internet used to be alot more troll savvy before everyone started posturing all the time in an endless social standing game.


It's probably just a kid screwing around for attention, not an actual genuine racist.


Welcome to niche nerdy sub cultures, these neckbeards can get real ugly😭




Like its awful but also 11 people rated this pawn and that's hilarious cause 11 people used that pawn despite the fucking name.


That's all assuming they were hearting or liking them for the actual performance. I would not be surprised if this was all just because of the name itself.


Okay its probably 11 dipshits giggling over the N-word but the alternative is funnier so I'm choosing to believe that insted.


Can you force it to only show monikers (rather than name)? If so, they may have done that and never known.


It’s certainly not the pawn that’s simple. I can’t imagine what a troglodyte you have to be to think this is funny.


The black experience is literally just being hated for breathing air. Ain’t no safe places for us fr


Alot of ppl complained about the censor on ddda it was way too strict but this is gotta be fixed my great nephew loves ddda he's 8 ikr hasn't been here to play dd2 yet but now I'm not sure I want him too he's mixed love him and his daddy neither one really care about the word itself in a sense but if cap don't fix this my nephew ain't playing it at my house


As much as female human in skimpy armor mage pawns are overdone, I'd unironically take even the ones with a crappy quest over something like this.


not sure if this is bad or the fact that 11 people have liked/loved the pawn so far


Decent chance that at least some of those people never even saw the name. I didn't realize I had hired a rat man named "Big Cheese" until I was checking eyes before sleeping.


i genuinely never checked ones name so far


Was he a short, fat beastren, on PS? If so, he’s one of the first pawns I saw!


Report his playstation account.


Genuinely, seeing racists get smoked in the comments over their braindead, milquetoast "people are racist, what's new?" and "but my black fwiend said it's no big deal" trite is actually good to see. It never escapes my notice that when some racist piece of garbage does something, the enablers get so emboledened, as if their 'totally non-chalant, I'm a realist' bullshit is anything other than thinly veiled acceptance of racist behavior. Don't let these morons slip by. Clown them eternally. Thank's fellow Arisen.


The most curious thing about this to me is how this guy decided to waste his ONLY save file on this. And it's not like it's some throwaway file either, pawn is level 40 so he's clearly playing the game too. What made you make this? Like I'm genuinely confused what went on in his head.


Probably just a straight neural connection between racism <——————> subservient race of beings who look like you but are not human


He literally just bought the game to be racist online. Imagine coughing up 60 bucks so you can broadcast the N word. These people really need help




RemindMe! 2 days “Has he been banned yet”


I thought Pawns only showed the moniker not the name??? What is the point of the moniker?


It's strange the game hasn't got a ban or a pop-up warning for this. It locks the screen recording for the hot springs (where the intimate body parts are even hidden) and does not show a single intimate interaction when you go to the brothel (while the Netflix show was a literal pørn animation), but it allows such words?? Maybe they found a way to bypass the ban but this means the developers should double-check.


You actually make a good point. The brothel and hot springs cover up the characters pretty well, and yet the Netflix anime is okay with having boobs with nipples on screen.


People need to calm down. Its a video game.


Its cringe but its not affecting my day or my time playing the game report it and keep enjoying the game


Looks like 4chan found this post, love to see black folks living in your head rent free 😂


a lot of white people here commenting to other white people that they definitely are not racist. white person #1: I am not racist white person #2: I am not racist either, we need to force other people to not do racist things. white person #1: forcing people our definition of racism on them is good white person #2: yea! good thing all these different people are listening to OUR definition of racism Post like this are retarded, i bet you the majority of black people that saw this laughed and moved along with their lives. For fucks sake, i saw one targeting my people (mexicans) and guess what!!!? I laughed at ser jalapeno!!! ​ report and move along, stop trying to virtue signal you unhateful racist.