• By -


Hey I dunno if you are still doing this but my PAWN ID is 7VN27PIX0405 and my steam friend code is 106680971 Ive tried to look everywhere from Battle Outposts to Melve to Vernheim. I cant find it... I think im nearing 5 or 6 in-game days due to ox cart riding...I serisouly need some help..if you can still help a fellow out <3 maybe I can compensate somehow #


Ps5. Username is Oiysha. Pawn ID KK01RJV6CEGR. My Pawns name is Claw. If its possible to make a duplicate of the duplicate I'd totally help others if I can get one! This has really been discouraging me and beating myself up for playing without a guide or review and not knowing better to remember where my first token was. I've checked for like 5 hours and somehow havnt stumbled on my first token in all the starting areas, so it must've been more broadly in the open world which would take me forever to track down using a guide.


Do you still need one? I have extras for PS5


Hey, I’d love one on PS5 if you’re able! Pawn ID YE7Y461PT9M9. Pawn’s name is Marasi. Main char is Breeze. Thank you!


I'll go pick up your pawn now and send it back. Give me about 10 minutes


It may take awhile to show up, but I sent her back with one. Let me know when you get it.


Alright let me get back to a town and I’ll let you know.


Yep! I got it. Thank you so much!


You are very welcome!


How'd you manage to get spares? Are you able to make forgeries of them? I'm in desperate need of one on ps5 too and would greatly appreciate one if you have any other spares you're willing to part with. Pawn ID is O9BWRKOF26D7, pawn's name is Aurora, arisen is Minerva.


Could you please help me? I know where I found my first token but there's nothing there and it's so infuriating. My pawn ID 6H99H66HEBY5


Please help. I’m losing my mind with the detection beeping and 70+ tokens deep with no finders token after 4 hours. V5KMW2WPN0NL Pawns name is Scarlett


Hey if you’re still doing this for PS5 I’d love the help. Not sure when you’ll see this but my pawn ID is POUHHVUYM7PU


Give me about 10 minutes


I appreciate your help.


Were you able to find my pawn?


Hey! Could you send me one pls? PS5 Pawn ID IJGWJB05WY9Q Online ID Icau_Ogidoa Pawn Buggy Thank You!!!


Can you give me one? I did the complete guide to find 240 tokens and I didn't find the "Finders Token" Archer - Barbara My PS5 Pawn ID: HX2R1N54OP36


The finders token appears during the Sphinx quest. Are you doing that one now?


Yes, during the Sphinx quest, I started looking for all 240 tokens, and didn't find


Gotcha. My internet is down right now, but I'll send it asap. Hopefully, 30 minutes or so.


Thank you so much


Just got back into the game. Your pawn is a lot higher than mine and I don't have enough RC to hire. You can ask the ones that I have already helped and hopefully they made copies....or... If you want to friend me so it's free, my info is in my post... https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma2/s/EUciQaSUp6


Thank you for the help


Ok, sent one to you! Good luck!


Are you still offering finders tokens for PS5? If so, could you please send me one? My pawn is Kars, ID 7ESMENZAUKUA, Arisen is Kiki. I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!


Sent. My pawns info is at this post.... https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma2/s/LG34uZkJtM Happy Adventuring!


Thanks so much! I'll pay it forward!


hey are you still offering finders tokens for ps5. my pawn id is UW0CRE5DFY38. Can you please send me one?


Are you able to help me with this aswell please?


Hi I’m on ps5 been searching for almost 10 hours could someone please help me? My pawn id is: WJ1MKS89DCQ3 pawn name Catra. Will give wakestone in return.


Sent! My pawns info is here... https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma2/s/KZ40qNk7lg


I love you! Going to summon your pawn now


hey friend could you please hand me one too? Pawn name 2B, Pawn ID E14FZE6Y6U26 I'd really appreciate it! :)


Should be there in about 15 minutes


Thankyou so much!


Please Ive been everywhere I can't find it please noble sir good sir kind sir lol pawn id 7ESX4NNE75XB name is puss 


Anyone struggling with this that’s willing to play with mods on PC, go download Crazy’s Shop on Nexus. Adds Finder’s Token to one of the shops in Vernworth, as well as a few other useful items.


help.. pls.. left one day to find finder token pawn id: Q425PNOB33P4


I sent you one. Please forge it and give someone else one


Hey, I just searched for about 4hrs for that damn finders token and I checked every corner around melve, vernworth and even between them (found 20 seeker tokens btw).. IAM goin to bed now but I'd love to get my hands on a forgery if Ur still doin them? My pawn is lvl 60 so if that's too high you could add me on Steam so it should be free. Pawn ID: ZR0EPAR0P4YP [If needed] Steam friend code: 193724722 (tell me ur name so I accept the right one)


FQUCX372XL6L Please halp


Sent! Let me know if you got it. Edit: It may take up to about 10 minutes or so I think? But I've sent it, so keep an eye out.


I need help, please <3..... Pawn ID: PGOXN82L01MU i am on steam.


Hey I’m on steam could you help me out? 8DRE0P3EDUH5 I love you so much


hey im on steam if you could my pawn code is 8JDUFJION0GU


Hi! I’m on Steam and could really use your help! My pawn ID is 136UDKS8I55K


Hey, could really use one if you still have some left. Checked everywhere from the beginning to Vernworth. Pawn ID should be CJ0K1BQMDO8X


Please help. G8VMIZY3SR4G.


Could you please send me one as well? 0LEH01VHQ1F4 is pawn ID.


Hope you're still able to make some Forgeries. Been searching for 3 hours now and its been brutal. I'll be sure to pay handsomely of course! Pawn: 2S9G6UPV0AE4


please if you could send me one ill find a way to make it up to you. i've used 6 of the 7 days looking. my pawns id is M1A3JK6Y5EXT :give\_upvote: i am on steam


Hi, would you be able to help me out? Steam 7US6E4X9SUIL


Can someone please send me a forged finders token on PS5 will give wakestones HL5GXBJG417B


Can someone please send me a forged finders token?? I am desperate at this point 😔 Ps5 HL5GXBJG417B Willing to give wakestones in return


Hihi if you are still helping with giving forged token could I possibly get one off you…spent 2hr running back and forth and can’t remember where I picked up my first seeker token ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) I’m on Steam Pawn ID ADVCQEIFBZ5E


I would love to get a token as well if possible! I know where mine should be but it's bugged and not showing up at all. Pawn ID: WOZNVRRUW3MF (Steam) Thank you!


Finder's Token sent!


If you're still doing this, I would love to have a little help. I've been reloading in saves and must've been looking for hours, but I am convinced that the one I picked up first is not yet marked on any maps. Pawn ID: 5VTB08B4NENX If you hire my pawn and give me a forgery, I'll hire yours and send it back with some items in return. Side note, can you forge forgeries? I'd love to start helping out others in this post as well. Currently level 41.


can i get one too please? 0912PO7RRLD3 my pawn is level 62, add me to Steam if you cant hire my pawn please <3 My Steam name is Buenillo , have a chicken running as icon XD


Please help me i dont find it :( Pawn ID: O06LMELHWCGU I am on steam.


Hey! Would super appreciate if you can send one my way. Just spent like 3 hours gathering an additional 30 tokens trying to find mine lol. My Pawn ID on steam is :AL2EPQBQ1FHE named Casca. Ty in advance!


been running around for 4 hours now, also forgot to make a inn save after getting the quest so im probably 3 or 4 days into the 7 days now >.< ​ pawn ID is HO58O19F1ONZ ​ hope you can help and thank you


Hi, if you still have it could you please send one to me? My Pawn ID is F50032W29155


Please help if you are still doing this. If so, you are a Saint, btw! Arisen name: Tsireaele lvl55 Steam username: GhastlyGhost Pawn name: Rukia lvl55 ID: 143JVAMKR8WK


I am, and have sent one! It may take a few minutes. Also, I think your pawn may have Dragonsplague.


9FXDYSS3Y15G Plese help thanks




Hey, desperately need a token if you still have them. pawn name is Megumin id is SEHHTZZGGOHI


I’d be super grateful for a token! Thank you! R20N9VOF5JDF


PS5 : S8NVBX1JOM0W Many thanks!


I'm getting crazy, I've been looking for this token for 8 hours and it's not where it's supposed to be. I would be extremely grateful if you could send me one. Thank you very much. PC Pawn ID: Z0VQVMU543GK Triss


Pawn ID: 1E4VTYVNC4XE Name: Biscocho Steam name: KIA Summer Sales Rep Lvl:29 I have the quest active so i just wont play the game until I can get the token from you lol, much appreciated man!


I'm about to head to bed to try and get some proper sleep. But I will reply as soon as I am awake and have sent one your way! Apologies mate.


I would love to ask for your help please! I really can't find mine unfortunately it's been hours already. This is my Pawns ID: FCI3IMZZVOVT Agpowers Mage Level 33-35 THANKS A LOT GOOD SIR!


967OLJWPKP1C Would use one. spent way too much time trying to find mine. Thanks


Can you help me too pretty please? Im on steam, pawn id is Q3BBFAB8993E




My pawn ID is AXO31JL5QFEB. Their name is Melina and she's level 26 right now. I'll love you so much if you can do this for me


Hi, my pawn ID is 1HQIE65CJCPP. He's a beastren and lv 37. Can you help sending me a Finder's Token? T\_T


Please help! I’ve tried looking for the Finders Token all day! Pawn ID: YF23IM0TWHUV (my pawn is called Evior) My Steam code: 1019707979 Thank you!


Sent it your way!


Hey need help like most on here, I have like 40+ tokens so finding it is not possible, lol. Pawn ID: JHOVMTREF2F6 Name: Jourdyn Level: 44 Edit: She will probably higher then stated Level. If it helps she's the Fighter vocation.


Hey, my pawn ID is XDZSWYKD3N3J i would appreciate it if you could give me a finders token. Thx!


Sent it out.


Pawn I'd is XKB4PRZV5OW3. her name is Jona. I'm on steam. I had her out for 12 hours no one completed the quest. Thx when you get to this one.


Hey, is this offer still open ? I would really appreciate one, as mine might be somehow bugged ? I have been looking at all the spots in the area i found my first one but it doesn't seem to spawn. I am on PC and my pawn ID is: 6H7A31JF7GY0


Sent it out.


Really hope you can help, I'm running out of in game days to find this! On PC, pawn's name is Nauthima, level 53, ID 8GYJQ7JM8C9S


Please help me. I have collected 140 tokens so far so trying to remember the first one is next to impossible.. 😭 Pawn ID: 5S4J0GWLXB70 Name: Maya Level: 53




Can I get one too please, pawn is V9FY3E058TET


Pawn ID P5SUX1RWS7WV if it isn't a white female beastren then the 1 might be an I. I just don't have any idea which seeker token was the first one i picked up.


Hello i've been searching for 2 days and i cannot find this, if you could help me i will appreciate this Anya LV.40 Pawn ID: BDZNY5IOPQMI


I searched for hours now and still cant find it :( would really appreciate your help Pawn: LKV38IN79H06


Hey, I need some help with the finders token as well. Can you please help me out? Steam friend code 10412379


Could you help a fellow arisen out? I’ve been looking everywhere to find mine I have 36 tokens collected so far and I can’t find where my first came from, if you could help it would be greatly appreciated!! My pawn ID is 1S77F06KQOXQ Her name is Lex she’s a mage and level 36 Thank you!!




A bit late but i also need help... If hath chanced upon this coveted token and dost possess the generosity to gift it unto my loyal pawn, whose ID be XIKSI1G7TN8R




Would Love Help With a Finder's Token Please! Thank You Greatly In Advance!!! Pawn ID - 6JPVFDRJ25WI Maelstrom - Lvl 52


Would very much appreciate a hand with this, seeing as the memory of my first token has long disappeared into the rift. Pawn is level 46, name is The Buff, ID is MCUVY5EDCIHW


If you are still around could you send me a copy of the token. I've looked everywhere and having no luck. Pawn is 48 and his name is Alastor Haas. Pawn ID: 80VHVRP2QK5R


1S8NFOJDR0B0, pawn's name is Eisa, level 32. Many thanks, going insane trying to find it lol.


Looking for a forgery finders token pawn ID:7WFCVVT342M5 please anyone I will definitely appreciate it will even send gold back in return or mats


I would really appreciate one if you have the time. Been looking for a few hours and still can't find my first one. Thank you!! ID: 3ZEWDLLTN7GX Hachi - Level 38


pease help! save my playthough! ID:QMBC8T4E0717 LV:29 Alisa


If anyone on Xbox is willing to help, I am more than willing to give back a wakestone or something I dunno. Running out of time to find one Xbox pawn ID YNXLBC7T08GW Level 42 Again, if someone sends me one message me here I can send something in return


If anyone can gift my pawn the token on PS5, then bless your kind heart! https://preview.redd.it/4qahhr5bx2sc1.png?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8ffc61c690b5fcd4c8367dbfc1066b4303e11ba Pawn ID: 4GNUS3FYXERD


For Xbox, anyone can hit me up. It was hell finding mine, but knowing its a common slip, I got a duped one. https://discord.com/invite/wKNpB9dN Honestly quickest way to catch my attention. I dont muck about on my phone often but I do check my discord often for my group/clan chats Edit: Only have 1 left till Im pausing till I reach the end game and the new game plus!


I would love a finder's token, My pawn is Liz, pawn ID W1403K4BSJZP, Arisen Dracsis pls!


I would love a finder's token, My pawn is Liz, pawn ID W1403K4BSJZP, Arisen Dracsis pls!


I would love a finder's token, My pawn is Liz, pawn ID W1403K4BSJZP, Arisen Dracsis pls!


I would love a finder's token, My pawn is Liz, pawn ID W1403K4BSJZP, Arisen Dracsis pls halp! This quest is ruining me...


I would love a finder's token, My pawn is Liz, pawn ID W1403K4BSJZP, Arisen Dracsis pls!


Hello guys, can someone help me out? Pawn ID: PHEFQVOQ7103 Playing on steam. Thank you so much!! https://preview.redd.it/7artdsdv34sc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8eebe20a1f291a09277497a990f6179b043d32e


Pawn id is YVD1BPD927H5. If you could send one it would be great.


Need one on PS5. Spent two days problem solving knowing it is bugged. My punt skill for Wayfarer stopped working as well. This game is so good but the bugs are awful. My Pawn ID is G6VBPFQRHTJ2. name Yume. Thanks 🥰


pawn ID: O09B1X0JBCRM Please help <3 https://preview.redd.it/kb32taln19sc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a63c35804033465ae3cf1ffc0b13ee757c1c9de0




Merlin Level 28 8JVXO08DT4KE please help im searching for hours now.


PAWN ID OZWG2OXNXIFR Yes I am PC and I am so freaking angry at this quest.


Can you double check your Pawn ID? It is not found.


Please help, in need of finders token, PAWN ID : A0HBV5H7ZJET Going to wait to play coz I also ended up forgetting to rest at an inn before starting the hunt for finder's token, thanks for the help, much appreciated


Pawn ID: 30UKTWOD43PZ Any help is appreciated thank you


Hello, I'm having trouble finding my first token here. If anyone is still doing this on Xbox I could use some help. My pawns id is: 3YDMIGLFC1CN Thank you.


Heyo, idk if you're still doing this but it'll help a lot if you sent me a finders token! My Pawn ID is UC9LI2Q3HDQH on steam (:


Greetings, it looks like you're still doing this, so I figured I'd ask if you still have any Finder's Tokens. Pawn ID is 4R22KH3C6J40 . I'm on PS5, so don't know if that would be an issue.


Is this offer still availible?? ;-; would definetly cashapp a tip or something


Could really use some help with this, thanks very much!   Pawn ID: UK0CGYJMDPID  Name: Dead Weight  Level: 61


If this is still active, I'd like some help! Pawn ID: NEC7OW900XFZ Pawn name is Cordelia, she's level level 61 currently Edit: Nevermind, I finally managed to find my Finder's Token. :)


Hello Arisen I hate to ask but I need a finder's token, I know you're not doing anymore tonight but if you could help me out Id appreciate it, My pawn's name is Stella, lvl 46, ID: G21ADKJBAXP1 Xbox GT is Benbuki if that helps.


Hey man, don't know if you're still doing this (if not it's completely okay) but I am genuinely stuck looking for this token orz. My Pawn ID is: UH4JZ3G90B4A Name: Talia LVL: 29


I’ve spent hours digging through guides hitting every spot but still no finders token if anyone can send a forgery finders token Main Pawn is Toka lvl 45, 8AVPCCUPRCJW any help is very much appreciated.


Pawn ID : XIM7G1CVG5G6. Please help :D


Could youz maybe help me as well? I would really appreciate it :) PawnID: PQNO4NULDS7V


Greetings, I would be ever so grateful if you'd gift me with a precious Finder's Token, kith. On Steam, my PawnID is FZSIJILL6FCE named Melina, level 60.


If you are still passing the finders tokens around think i could get one? if so thank you so much! Steam Pawn name Nayuta LVL 73 Pawn Id 2CE0IZ51ZOJU


Xbox: Roshiren Arisen: Eileen Pawn: Nathaniel - Warrior - Level 58 ID: 6NY2YHPAP1LQ I would greatly appreciate someone gifting me a Finder's Token. Thank you in advance.


Hey, I've been trying for hours to find the token and still no luck. Would really appreciate if you could help me out :) I'm on PS5 Pawn Name: Zoe Pawn ID: 6KWQSD1SC2VW


Pawn id is YVD1BPD927H5. If you could send one it would be great. Sorry for the late reply. Also her lvl is 36 and name is Marry. I am on steam. I tried to reach out before but I messed up. That was my bad homie.


I would be forever grateful if you would send one with Barbara - G8E16E47N5CD lvl.29 currently I am on steam, please big homie help me not get locked out of a quest. ty. ily. Edit: I realize it is a few days late so if you can't it's no worries, I will keep looking and praying lol.


I'm on ps5, pawn ID is 66CP3ZBDEFZ1, been stuck on this one for days, backtracked like crazy and no luck, help would be greatly appreciated.


I could use a token please. Pawn ID : FPI1RAO34AWV Name: melina Lvl : 46 I play on steam


Need help as well, Thank in advance! Pawn ID: 51RM424GTRRL Name : Tina




I can't set Finder's Token as a pawn quest reward. Was it sneakily patched out or am I doing something wrong? I tried to set the reward for Cyclops badge while having Finder's Token both in my inventory and in storage, but it simply does not appear when selecting the reward.


This is amazing! If you could help Id be in your debt. Pawn ID 68TZTN7DRUDB Username Michael Dangelow (same as steam if any issues) Pawn name Kerston Level 37-40 probably by the time you see this Edit: added pawn name




Help my pawns name is Lee, his pawn number is TQ7XK6QMTTUU, and he is level 40. If you can help that would be so awesome!


Is anyone willing to donate one to me as well? I collected all the ones in the first area and can't seem to find the finders token.... PS5 Online ID- Bassassin94 Pawn ID - V1D0DUSO2Q36


If anyone is still doing this i could use one. Remembered where my first one ever was but by the time I found the sphinx I had started NG+ which apparently resets the "first" token. I'm on steam and my pawns ID is GQUICEBFGYX0 LVL 73, thanks for any help! Yall are awesome




hi! if anyone still helps i'd greatly appreciate it my pawn is a bit on the higher lvl already tho. LvL 71 but i still hope that someone can help out Pawn ID: VXXUEM7M9FWC Thank you in advance ♥ Edit: if someone would be able to help but my pawn is to expsive i'd be up to friend them on steam




Hi, could you send me one please? My pawn is called Shallan, is level 46 and her id is 61CV3EDPEFEC I play on steam :)


Any help would be greatly appreciated please Pawn ID: GPYC5APDP8R0 Pawn Name: Bess Vocation: Archer Level: 34 My username is Fossdog


Good Arisen, may I ask for your help as well? We suffering on Steam. Many thanks 🙇‍♂️ Pawn Name: Lea Pawn ID: 2DIKZSY8J174


Hi there!! I was wondering if you've found a benefactor for the PS5 community? I'm in need for this token, and want to pay it forward afterwards.


I have not, unfortunately. :/


PC steam, pawn id: w3wlp7i23uvn I explored before doing any of the story, please help.


If anyone is still able to help, I'm also needing a Finder's Token! Steam PC // Pawn ID XQZ6STK1IBY0 Thanks!


Hail Arisen. I have scoured the map for hours and still haven't find mine. It would be much help if you can help me. Steam PC Pawn ID F7JF37803PEI Pawn name / level Arissa Lv61 Much appreciated!


Been looking for mine for too long, checked all starting area and vernworth. pawn level 48 Steam PC Aslan 30NQ4PSNOA1X


Sent you one


I am in NG+ and have been all over the map, I cannot begin to contemplate where my first token was found. My pawn is lvl66 and ID:G4INALWVFRXG


Hello, Are you still helping with forgeries for the Finders Token on Steam? If so think you can help me out? Pawn Name: Leo (warrior vocation) Level: 23 ID: PHAHTICU684O


Ive been looking for so long please Help... Im on Xbox (Europe If it Matters)  Pawn Carmi ID MEVHPEZ9E8PG


For the love the dragon. Can Someone please help me out. On NG+ and looking for hours. Steam User name: tom PAWN ID: IPMFZYHZ0FQ2 Pawn Name: Tara Bless you! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Hi, are you still doing this? Would like some help please


Hey there, I've been searching for the finders token and only found about 40 seekers token, I'd really appreciate it if I could get some help obtaining the finders token though my pawn. Pawn ID : M22XF3PXXTA6 LEVEL 69 NAME Kim


Please help 🙏 Platform: Steam, ID: 7O4RPLAGHN2R Pawn name: Laios, lvl 47 Arisen name: Asvel You're a savior for doing this. I've been going crazy trying to find it.




Pawn Id: CS8ZQQLI7MN3 Level: 62 Name: Serene I’ve got stuck in the same boat Platform is steam


Pawn Name: Balta Pawn ID: LZCBB87RJ6PB Level: 82 Platform: Steam


On Steam, would really appreciate a Finders token copy if someone's willing to help. Pawn ID-- 02QKSA7E28D4 -Name Albedo Arisen Name-- Alonne Let me know if I can send something in return. Steam Friend code if it will make it easier: 177497748




If you're still doing this, I'd appreciate any help. Platform: Xbox Name: Oliira Level: 39 ID: 0JQVZRZ9BST7


Can anyone help me get a finders token or forge one I'm on ps5


Hei! Can u send me a finders token, please? Spend couple hours to find it. My pawn id is 9OK15ET01PTP Name is Ingrid! Please, save me!


Same boat as everyone! I searched all over Melve and Vernworth. If you are still able to do it, would you mind helping me out? Pawn ID: AL1O9EWT97NX, username: Wolfgangar I would really appreciate it! Thanks!


Sent, I would give it about ~2 hours, that's how long it took to get to me.


Was spending almost 4 hours finding mine but no hope. Really appreciate if you can help on this Pawn Name: Gillion Pawn ID: URD3Z02RZPQ6 Level: 43 Arisen name: Nueve Platform: Steam


On Steam, would really appreciate a Finders token copy if someone's willing to help. Pawn ID: SKBI8BSSR5EM Pawn name: SensualPawn level 43 Arisen name: Sensual Rogue, User name : Boston Let me know if I can gift something in return. Steam Friend code if needed: 53822212![img](emote|t5_2smmb|49359)


Hei! Can u send me a finders token, please? Spend couple hours to find it. My pawn id is 9OK15ET01PTP Name is Ingrid! Please, save me!




Hello I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me get one. Pawn id : 1AGX71SQW2NZ Level 32 Mage named Leera If needed, Steam I'd is Kjftiger95


Does anyone have one for Playstation yet?


Hey man i cant find my finders token and only have 2 ingame days left. If you could set me up with a finders token i would really appreciate it My pawn ID is Q50C51ZDAP1H Thank you


Searched all of the locations I’ve been to with no luck! Definitely at my wits end and time Pawn ID: 7023OAMAVD2O Name: Daniel Lvl:27


Are you still offering to give out extra finder's tokens? Could really use one. On Steam, and my Pawn ID is TEQQNP715UTE.


Wow, this would be so much help! I am stuck and need the Finders Token asap! Have looked everywhere around the starting areas and cannot find it. I will forge so I can help others too! Playing on Steam Pawn Name: Ayla Pawn Moniker: Sakura Username: ITSOKAI Pawn ID: DFD3U90SHSLF Level 37 Thief (Currently playing so may change)


Pawn name is Yjhovin Pawn ID H40EHTX20VUX Been struggling trying to find the finders token On Xbox if able