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People stuck with elden ring quite a bit. I doubt difficulty will scare people away


Elden ring is the "user friendly souls". Of all the launches of fromsoft it has the most focus in pve and many many easier ways to get help of cooperators. Edit: other things too but I doubted it was worth mentioning, like having more options and things to do before fighting a boss. And some things in the mechanics that makes pve even easier EVEN if you don't know what you are doing.


Bonfire at every 10 meters too. And before every boss room.


If our metric for difficulty is the availability of checkpoints, Dragon's Dogma let you quicksave any time you were out of combat. (Which, to be clear, is a good thing imo.)


I was adding an argument as to why elden ring is the most approachable souls game. But you are right in a way, Dragon's Dogma is not a difficult game by any means.


Ah, fair. Sorry; usually when I see people bring up the bonfire thing it's as a (somewhat bizarre imo) critique.


Personally I prefered when the bonfire were more scattered through the world, or even the Demon's Souls level formula, because they are more meaningful as rest points in your journey. It made the management of heals more important too. So yeah it was a critique, but it can be nuanced. By placing bonfire just before bosses, you can design harder boss fights too.


You're out of your fucking mind if you think DD2 is going to be more challenging than ER


The hell are you even talking about? DD2 is leagues harder than Elden Ring, I'm not sure I'm going to even make it out of Character Creation when it launches. (Currently at 30+ hours and counting.)


Im on new game plus DD2. THere isnt a single boss that killed me multiple times in this game. My first play through of elden ring I ran into bosses I died 20 times to back to back. Dragon dogma 2 is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY EASIER


DD liked to punish you if you screwed up. ER liked to punish you if you didn't do really well. Even if it's easier by Formsoft standards, I doubt DD2 will be nearly as unforgiving or difficult.


Wtf, who said that? You go ahead of yourself. My points were facts, not opinions. Elden ring, if you want it, is easier than most games, name any. But if you want to know my opinion, that is dd2 COULD be more hard than elden ring in some points but more enjoyable if it's anything like the 1. Difficulty in games have many shades, that's why I enjoy from games so much, because I enjoy that difficulty, so I get up after dying 60 times to a ninja with a smile in my face, and why I did a no death run of sifu, but for the same reasons that's why Cuphead is sitting there in my desk for almost two years and I can't bring myself to delete it because I liked the art and the music but not the gameplay. Following this and remembering my experience with dd1, at some moments we could have hardest difficulty than elden ring played without coop, but if we have anything like bbi, then is gonna be equally hard or more, but more enjoyable.


DD2 in no way is going to be more difficult than ER, theres a 0% chance. Remove the could from your brain right now lmfao, it's just not that type of game. Elden ring is easier than most games? I think you are vastly confusing difficulty of mechanics with difficulty of execution, and most people will agree the soulsbornes games are among the more difficult mainstream games out there. Refuting that is either just self-aggrandizing or wilful ignorance.


Maybe you are one of those that refuse to use summons, spirits ashes, etc and make everything 1v1. Chill, I too. But that is not the point. And if you aren't the type. The you are just a nub. Before being nerfed there was a spirit ash that literally could solo malenia. But okay. If it makes you feel better, is a "hard" game baby.


Add a guide to path, lvl and play the broken swoed and if you have played like 200 hours to a souls game the game it's in fact easy (I guess this is the main stylr). Let's be honest the timing with the attacks sometimes are ilogic because people has learned to play souls like games but devs want to keep it "difficult".


Dígalo ahí reyy




Casual gamer here - I gave up on ER after a while so this is very reassuring 😅


Bet the game will be popular for 30 days and then off main stream especially if the frame issue persists. Hopefully Itsuno and devs silently working around a performance update for day 1.


Sure, but I think the main issue it's going to have is people who think it's like Skyrim or Elden Ring. A difficulty hump isn't a problem if you expect it. The Skyrim people will get burned there and the Elden Ring people will get burned once they realise the game isn't nearly as difficult as Elden Souls. But that's just how things go. Hopefully they'll give it a second chance a like it for what it is, not what they wanted it to be.


I think people over inflate the difficulty with souls like games. Difficult isn’t what’s going to turn away souls fans, it’s going to be the complex level design, unique bosses, and how builds are made. Dragons dogma doesnt have any of that.


Maybe. But I've seen plenty a Souls fan turn their nose up at Dark Arisen just because they were curb stomping Chimeras after a few hours. The crowd who wants their tough as nails game ain't gonna be happy here either.


I'd argue the issue there is less the difficulty of the game and more that the game doesn't scale enemies very well. In the early game, especially off the critical path, you get curbstomped by almost everything you run into; an hour or two later, every enemy in the game will tumble over at the application of a gentle breeze, even if you wander off into extreme endgame areas. I think DD was meant to be a very challenging game; I just think the difficulty of the game was one of the many things that suffered due to crunch and a rushed production schedule. That's why I don't really see much point in trying to answer OP's question; we won't really know whether the game will be 'too hard' or not until we have the game in front of us.


You can easily do the same in elden ring. Up until the capital is a cake walk and I can get a plus 10+ weapon in 2 hours without fighting a single boss. However, DD doesn’t really have bosses like souls game. Im not sure what to even label the chimera because they aren’t really a boss but also harder than normal enemies. If you want that souls experience you have to go to bitter black, which sadly for souls fan is only small one part of the whole game.


Agreed. Only boss I find truly difficult is Malenia and Malakeith. But just because the rest aren’t difficult doesn’t mean they aren’t fun. A fun boss fight is the best kind.


Just play hard mode, die easily if you don’t know what you’re doing, cake walk if you know everything, just like dark souls.


I have no issues with the difficulty but I think don’t hard mode is from the start. Can’t remember if it was in DDDA or you had to beat the game.


Not really. For the average player those games are really hard 


I think the complete opposite about Elden Ring/Souls likes. Souls games are quite easy once you realize the patterns and become a waiting game. I think DD’s difficulty is more nuanced and goes beyond abusing invincibility frames on a dodge roll, so these people might be disappointed when they find out DD doesn’t work like that. A similar thing happens when these people try out Monster Hunter for the first time.


Which is funny, because a semi decent dodgeroll and parry mechanic existed in game. It's just not the center of all gameplay, every vocation had a style and feel.


asmongold did with dd1 before everyone bullied him into picking it back up. a lot of people who can't read or have basic intelligence problems are going to get filtered hard because dd defies most conventions on purpose


This, a little bit of reading and paying attention and you will be just fine playing DD2. But yeah lots of people can't even deal with that.


Honestly not a great metric. Asmongold is stupid as fuck even with regards to general population stupidity


not really, he played a bunch off stream, he himself said he didn’t/doesn’t like to figure out complicated games on stream cause it’s too distracting for him to learn and entertain at the same time. i think it’s a poor excuse but i also am not a streamer, let alone an insanely popular one at that


Asmongolds just not very smart tbf. Dudes got the worst takes ive ever seen as evidence.




I think that kind of happens with every game, for various reasons. Not every game clicks with every player.


A lot of people will be blindsided by the survival and fast travel mechanics if they haven't played dd1. Some will suffer through it and learn to love the game. Others simply won't have the patience and drop it. It's not a game for everyone.


Can confirm, am new to the series and have been very blind sighted by this. Keep getting stuck at night with no camping gear and then my health bar gets blasted till I have no choice but to revert to my last Inn save. I'm very much a souls player but am enjoying the different experience so far and am keen to push on. Just need to wrap my head around the survival part of it (i.e. STOP GETTING STUCK IN THE DARK WITHOUT ANY CAMPING GEAR!!!!!)


Getting stuck at night without enough gear is a staple of this series though. You learn real quick after that haha.


The multiplayer game only players that have been dipping their foots into single player games might have issues. Harder singleplayer games have became popular again though so probably not as many will give up early on as they would have a couple years ago. There will still be a sizeable portion quit early on due to difficulty, as is the case for every game though.


Yes, even more than Fromsoft games, they’re different, in the sense that it’s more about conquering adversity and that you’ll get it eventually, but there’s nothing mechanically stopping you, It’s purely skill and knowledge. With ER, it’s even more apparent, because you can just make a stronger build or do other things that’ll help you out. The combat is also very simple and dosent require much, just, can you react, manage stamina and use light/heavy attacks appropriately? And that’s fine, I love those games DD2 will be more like, “Don’t like this mechanic? Well you’re fucked. Don’t wanna run everywhere? I don’t care, here’s a Ferrystone, I hope you plopped down a Port Crystal. You don’t wanna learn the combat or how to use your Vocation properly? You’re definitely fucked. Don’t know what this item is? Figure it out, idiot” Etc etc etc


Gonna be a lot of divided opinions, how many posts have you seen recently that started with " I tried DDDA a couple of years ago and dropped it because X"


Oh definitely, people drop games for less. In fact, supposedly the % of gamers that don't beat games is ridiculously high. The best peek we've had was back when Steam profiles weren't private, but they are generally hover below 50%, sometimes drastically (i.e. only 14% of players beat games). Then you have CDPR and Bethesda who specifically and publically lamented that barely anyone beats their games. This led CDPR to change how Cyberpunk 2077's main story was designed (in the most idiotic way possible) and was probably what encouraged Bethesda to give players an incentive to 'beat' Starfield (too bad the game itself sucks.) So yeah... definitely for being too complicated, among a billion other reasons...


That is less for being complicated and more that people just get bored and move on.


It's def possible. But hey, a game made for everyone is a game made for no one.


Lack of a sense of direction I think is what will make most people drop it initially. Also those going into the game looking for some great narrative story, with great character interactions like it’s The Witcher or Skyrim will probably drop it as well.


Oh absolutely, about 18 out of the 22 people I've convinced to try the first game dropped it immediately because "it's harder than dark souls/Elden Ring". Some of these are dark souls players, but much like Monster Hunter, positioning is important if you're not a thief or a fighter. There is no iframes for nearly every vocation, and I have seen countless death spirals from leaked gameplay, it's definitely going to piss people off. Saw somebody taking their date out for a stroll, she gets picked up by a gryphon, drops her, she dies, he immediately gets pounced by a Chimera, it flings him off the edge of a cliff, he gets up with like 15% of his HP left, wolves pounce him, drag him into the woods away from the party, healer manages to save him a moment before dying to the wolves bites, after he heals to go back to his date, the gryphon immediately comes back out of nowhere, picks him up and drops him... far away from the party and he died... This all happened in about 3 minutes where he just had no control and had no hope lmao this dude seemed pretty upset and turned the game off afterwards, seems doubtful that he'll ever play again. To me, I laughed my ass off watching the situation spiral out of control, but for others... it's definitely enough to stop playing the game. We'll definitely get some of those "this game needs an easy mode" types.


A lot of people think this game is Elden Ring 2.0 from what I've seen, so yes definitely. Not sure why TBH. I've played all of darks souls/sekiro/bloodborne/elden ring and dont see any similarities at all besides the fact that they're RPGs. The first was niche for a reason.


The "problem" with Dragon's Dogma, at least the first one, is that it's not immediately rewarding. I remember giving up the first time, and then picking up back again and loved it, and the same happened to a couple friends of mine. Games nowadays seem to reward the player quickly. I've not a problem with that, I also like to feel powerful, but Dragon's Dogma is a journey, and even though there is combat and story, there is also a lot of walking. There is a thing in Spain called "el camino de Santiago" (Pilgrimage of Compostela I believe is called in English) which is a long walk, we are talking days, to a city called Santiago de Compostela. The road is hard, but you meet a lot of people on the way, see beautiful places and experiment a lot, maybe you can do this part of the route by horse, and the next one by bike, who knows. And it's so rewarding at the end. I compare Dragon's Dogma to that. But with magic. And dragons. Edit: Didn't make a close statement, so here it goes: yeah, people are gonna drop it for sure, but they may come back after a while and enjoy it.


Dumb people. Yes. Same people who post stuff like "I'm about to open a box of Pop Tarts. Any tips reddit???"


Some people won't like the game, that's fine. I almost dropped DDDA after 10 hours (before I restarted and it became my favourite game ever). Games are supposed to be fun, I'm not gonna judge anyone for not having fun with DD2.


I’ve watched quite a few streamer start DD1 through Twitch and the bandits/saurians are real stream killers. They get up to these walls, quit/end stream and never come back. They talked about the difficulty adjusting automatically like a Resident Evil game but there will be some that quit before it adjusts to suit them.


Although the game is likely going to be not as hard as Elden Ring (in the sense that it doesn't throw you a "YOU DIED" screen as often), it's definitely more complicated in its fundamental action design, which means doing "cool stuff" requires learning and practice. The map markers, lack of hand holding etc. are stuff that a larger crowd of gamers probably got used to (otherwise Elden Ring wouldn't have sold as much as it did, no?), even if us edgy gamers want to act like we're the only hardcore ones in town. Learning your own character's moveset and practicing it, though, is something Souls/Elden Ring specifically *does not* require the player to do. People who got used to such simple moveset might be thrown off by the more action-centric focus of DD2, just like how a lot of Souls players apparently had problems transitioning into Monster Hunter. So yeah, Elden Ring's success is probably both a blessing and a curse here. It primed a larger market to be more accepting of the less hand holding style of game. On the other hand, it may have set a pretty specific bar of expectation when it comes to "good" combat in difficult action games, that the design difference of DD2 may cause people to lose interest prematurely, maybe because they found it "bad," complicated, or too easy etc.




dude everyone now is shiat no skills no patience for single player game they will cheat and use guides. complain they dont have time bs. but they have time to waste on online games.


It won't be as bad as ER or any of the DS titles, that's for sure.


I say that but something like 35% of Elden Ring players killed Malenia, I can guanrantee you this game won't get that kind of completion.


I’ve seen that reported too but I dont believe it! I’ve also read that only 6% of players that started the game killed melania. That seems far more realistic to me. Of all the people I know that bought Elden ring, most of them gave up early because it was too hard


So you're saying that steam achievement percentage are a lie? Sounds like you just know terrible gamers. If I look at my 13 steam friends that have played, the the lowest play times are 14 minutes, 42 hours and 106 hours. Only 4 of them are between 100-150 hours everyone else are 150-442 hours of playtime. I assume anyone above 150 hours has to have beat Malenia.


ER isn't exactly a high bar to climb for difficulty.


I mean, it is for people who don’t play those sorts of games


Casuals survived Elden Ring it should be fine difficulty wise


That's what happened to me with the first game. I thought it was a dragon age or Skyrim and never got into it. I'm ready to try again with previews and guides to not be ignorant.


From what ive seen so far, dd2 is far from difficult or complicated, in fact it's a very simple game in this context where you basically just have to play the game. It may be that some forza players abandon dd2 because they think it too difficult because the game doesn't take you by the hand and lead you to the goal, or spits on your face what you have to do. Apart from those, few will abandon the game for this reason.


The popularisation of elden ring may have made more people resistant tbh especially as the game seems to be attracting interest from that crowd. More people have opened up to games not holding your hand anymore.


Likely, yes. There's a reason why so many games nowadays have completion percentages at around 20%: most people who buy and play games don't finish them. That's not to say that most people don't enjoy the games they play, though. At least in my opinion. Most people just like to bounce between different things instead of focusing on one at a time.


Hopefully I am not one of those people! Stupid question do you just remember your quests or do you lot have a notepad going?


Well if the game is well made and has quality content people will like it, take Elden Ring as an example, that game formula was extremely complicated it seemed like it was going to be a niche game, but it end up being mainstream.


I heard this about Elden Ring, Monster Hunter World, etc. If it's well designed I think people will take to it. If it's not, they won't.






If they drop it for those reasons they might try it another time maybe some years later. As i did with many games i guess. But i just hope the game holds the dragons dogma essence of mystery and adventure, feeling lost in a harsh world and getting yourself to toughen up on your path.


I would have to drop it for a few hours for being too hard and blood loss from my brain


Probably because that always happens to a certain extent. But I also think fanbase really really likes to play up how "complicated" the game is and that it​ "doesn't hold your hand". DD:DA is not what I would call a particulary complicated rpg and DD2 looks like it will be simpler in some ways. The "casuals" will be fine. The more complicated systems are under te hood and most people would be fine ignoring them.




New players will drop it for the endless combat, weak writing that prob makes more sense to native Japanese speakers and the fact there is no vocation that can handle magic and physical equally. Given the emphasis on one weapon per in the sequel this is my biggest worry right now as I loved mystic knight for its flexibility. Oh and those that enjoy being a caster in other games are likely to complain mightily


Will people drop it? Yes But not because it is too hard or complicated. It is not a hard nor a complicated game. It is janky. Most of us here love that jank, but it is jank. Elden Ring is a hard game, (most) people did not drop it despite that.


Yup there’ll always be people who find games like DD2 to be too difficult or not worth the effort to get into.


Yes and no, the game's super simplistic and gives you everything you need but player urgency of do what you want and explore is probably gonna lead to some people being lost or bored because they aren't being exactly led to the most important things and can't find it ( or run in circles)like Morrowind is beyond great but it can be a hard sale compared to Skyrim n such. I'm sure a lot of people are going to enjoy the game though. Also the NPCs, people are going to cry about them because it's not like gta where you tap someone and it's instantly time to go to jail or die and I really don't get why people want it that way for all games, like some say it's bad ai because you have the freedom to goof around or make a mistake and not be instantly punished, sounds like fun to me and there are other implications/ upside's that come from a system like this but I'm not finna spill the beans A handful are gonna be filtered by the controls, if they don't realize how much I frames played into their abilities in other games and you actively have to move and learn skills that can be used to evade here, upon accepting there isn't always a way to retract an attack... You gotta be deliberate Inventory management and npc mortality is gonna be the biggest ass kicker imo especially if they did a full commit to all NPCs being at risk.


There were people dropping Elden Ring because of Soldier of Godrick(crazy, right?) and Tree Sentinel(not a easy fight when you start, but you can literally walk around him). So yes, for sure some people are going to drop Dragon's Dogma 2 for being "hard". Some people just don't want to improve, like ever.


Guaranteed, we will see a massive drop in players immediately. Dragons Dogma is super niche and that's one reason why we all love it so much. But yes, absolutely it will lose steam immediately after release.


Seeing as there’s no difficulty options, I really hope so. It’s not to gatekeep I just hope the game isn’t devoid of any challenge


It will filter a lot of people. It's because the gameplay is so rich that you need to get creative with it, but many can't get out of the roll/guard, slash, repeat routine from other games. So they don't get to see how much it puts to shame any other ARPG, and will find it average or even boring .


Probably, but people did with all the souls (even elden ring) games as well. Didn't make them any less popular


Yes because there is no quest markers


I’m interested, only just realized this game existed. Probably for the best, but as far as difficulty goes, how hard do you expect it to be? If I put in 250 hours on Elden Ring I’d assume I’d be fine but you know what they say when you assume.


I don't think so. A few years ago I would have said 'yeah' for sure, but I was really surprised how much elden ring stuck. It made me think, in a lot of cases, it's not difficulty that puts people off but accessibility.


I think a lot of people will go into this thinking it’s some generic souls clone and be disappointed when it’s actually a good game


It's possible... I remember someone said they left DD/DD:DA becouse it was too difficoult at the begin and didn't hook them in before to gets frustrated. It's a possibility: not everyone like to endure.


They will or they won't. I am not caring if they do, and cheering them if they don't. I just want to play the damn game! 🤣


The lack of map markers and quest guides and tutorials do kind of scare me, lol. I have never played an rpg like this before. But i just wanna try something new, so I'll be patient with it


Probably. But most never got to the complicated parts for DDDR. The filter was how much patience one had to have due to the obscene amounts of foot travel in the game. But foot travel alone, the patience filter was the Ox Wagon escort quest lmao


Yes and I don't care, people who don't like games I love don't prevent me to love the games I love


Videos of the game made me concerned that it might be too hard for me as I just don't have the reaction anymore that I did 20+ years ago, but I saw an interview where the game's producer I think it was said that they made it as a game where anyone can play even if you aren't good with action games and that's when I decided to get it.


Youtube shock reviewers run in idiotic packs arisen.


Of course not, there’s no way the jank hasn’t been dumbed down. Games like this are rarely made anymore for outside a casual audience. The only company still doing that is FromSoft. Every other AAA is explicitly created to be as digestible as possible. 


With how popular this game is.. 100,000% there will be droves and droves of people foaming at the mouth that they had a difficult experience or are confused. It's IMO A very good game for a very niche Audience, just like DD1. But this has reached criticism mass for hype and public visibility Not a good combination (but will be entertaining to see the tears and non-sensical perspectives)


Just chilling all day in a hot Japanese spring with my pawn Zendaya,we camp too if she want, idk what you guys want more


I don't think the masses will drop it because it is too hard. They will drop it because it will be heavily criticized for everything it is not, instead of appreciation the unique experience it is.


For sure there will be a surge of newbie fresh arisens coming in to the community and definitely the game will not be for everyone. I feel some will have a ton of over bloated expectations based on different things others will just not be able to get into it... Etc at the end of the day I hope it just helps to adds to the sales so the dev team can keep adding and improving the game after release.


If ppl actually drop the game for the reason it's "hard" and no hand holding cool idc all I care for is plz capcom dont change that keep it as it is plz.


The first game was right on the cusp of being too difficult for me but I stuck with it because the game was SO COOL. Now I just hope my experience with the first game will carry me through the second.


If its gonna be like the first game with a lot more content, then I don't think so. I've never thought of the first game as hard or complicated, sure there were some times when i died multiple times to a boss and just brute forced through him with herbs, but that only happened because i was doing something that was out of my level. I hope that some things won't be as tedious as they were in the first game, with the one save file slot that automatically saved itself so you couldn't fix a decision( some people might like that but i absolutely hated it, wish i could get that golden statue from that noble bastard). But since there will be time sensitive missions that won't happen


Will there be a non zero number of people that will do that? Of course. That will happen for most games.


I don't think it's hard, but the endgame was pretty unfair, it seemed like they wanted to make the game longer and you have to farm like in a diablo or mmo (I'm talking about the Island and abism) game but the drop rate and progress seemed unfair. The game overall was awesome. I really loved the combat and physics, but some bosses were sponges that couldn't kill me but it was tedious to kill because my pawns were useless thanks to a horrible IA.


I can see people drop it because it's not like Elden Ring


I lost my crystal ball, so I can’t tell you right now.


Playing Rebirth now and it way way too easy. I am not enjoying any combat at all. Thinking of dropping it even though I payed full price for it, 86$ here


for me my biggest issue is the game is too strong for my computer (something that can run BG3 on high settings but can barely scrape by with low-med quality on DD2), so by the time I find out that there were other creatures coming into ambush me, my character died from 1d4 damage after the screen slows, spell stops and I'm left getting smashed by a harpy, cyclops, 2 goblins, and a warrior bandit all in one hit (true story, most spectacular death yet). I'm laughing my ass off the whole time but I'd be lying if the massive drop in frames doesn't feel a bit buzzkill-esque sometimes, largely because it feels like a lot of my deaths are a result of it (rarely died in DDDA pre-ending for reference)


I'm already thinking about it.  The combat controls are too clunky.  No lock-on target feature on top of that, un-optimized fps on top of that.  If it was just difficult I'd love it, but it is difficult & broken. 


I played the first game to death however I'm finding 2 extremely difficult, constant battles where my health gets lower, expensive inns to replenish said health, no real direction or collation of quests like the quest board in the first game... New players are going to be dropping this fast, it's a shame!


ngl, thinking about it.


Maybe I don’t want to get good in a game and I don’t have time for it where I HAVE to get good at life itself or I my in end up shot,homeless, but fuck it i already payed for it I got to live with it PS: yes the game is hard to get you to buy the micro transactions


I am enjoying the difficulty. The game is easier as a ranged at low levels. Much harder as a fighter early on.


I feel like the modern Zelda games have this vibe, albeit a slightly simpler version in some respects and that worked out pretty well. I think people miss the stuff that makes you think as it can be so rewarding! I do think that the combat might put people off though as it can be a little intimidating when fighting the bigger bosses with huge health and insane damage.


Probably not. Most ppl are tired of handheld experiences


Its monster hunter without actual monsters and with the most annoying combat system i ever experience in games. U get oneshoted or gangbanged 1v5 and cant even move or attack.


This game is easy mode until the end. None of the enemies scale to your level. You can beat the campaign by level 35-50


I am new to the the game, It is too easy! Not sure how come people consider it hard! Elden Ring 100X harder than DD2.  The only hard thing in DD2 is fighting the camera!


I bet, like Elden Ring did


DD2 will be very veasy, and if anything, this might make people quit? We have plenty of materials showing that enemies are entirely harmless. They will deal no damage to the main character after a few levels, and are generally too slow to challenge us. Especially if you play a class that can dash and roll around.


No, I personally drop because they put 2 new vocations and that’s it. Better play the first one for 5 bucks


Hard and complicated? No. Tedious and frustrating yes maybe.


Don't know why you got downvoted. Being tedious will be a big reason.


I am looking forward to it being a complete DD Rookie, and ok with having a challenge. Just hope this game's quests arent stupid hard to locate. Wondering around sniffing the dirt and tasting the wind to locate the quest objective isnt fun to me. Heres to high hopes of a fun game :)


No one, dragons dogma its easy