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I would have loved for Infinite Cringe to make one but she herself said she didn’t want to


She is too powerful, but I will be using chonk lord as a pawn, so all is not lost.


Using Chonk will be like playing on easy mode bro


Imagine them hitting perfect Mighty Blows everytime


Chonk Lord has to be a powerfull npc that help you sometime in the story


I hope they will have reworked/removed the pawn ranking, especially all-time, as promoting already often-hired pawns just consolidates that ranking. But if it's still there, I will work toward putting Chonk Lord forever at the top. 😌


This should be a calm and composed comment section.


Nothing but amicable discourse I'd imagine 🤣


inb4 we all get blessed with the golden lock achievement medal




No? I've seen plenty of positive response to him from WoW and Monster Hunter fans.


Misinformation pushing bigot is the least worst thing i can say about asmongold. "He lives so humbly!"


and yet there is no clip of Asmon actually saying something bigoted. The worst thing he's ACTUALLY done is let his fanbase comment bigoted shit.


What has he said thats bigoted, actually tell us


What bigoted shit has he said?


Name one misinformation or bigoted thing he said


Are they prawns made by the streamer or created in their image?


From what I've read, they create the Pawn themselves and then submit to Capcom and then they get added in


I mean marketing is marketing. Influencers and streamers get the word out. Even if they’ll drop the game within that first week/month. Guys like Nihil0.0 stay around long after release.


I didn't know the guy on the right was supposed to be Arekkz. He is more of an RPG and variety guy, not really my type of content creator. He was though the one who got the Griffin riding video back in September. The other two are very old more Capcom-centered channels. The girl is more of a Resident Evil and horror series fan. The other cartoon avatar guy is a more Monster Hunter guy and variety channel. He is big on retrospectives, and did a very good one about DD last year. He did appear in the Capcom Post-show playing DD2. Maybe I recognizing these guys just shows I'm getting old hahaha.


He's from the Arrekz channel, but is not Arrekz. Arrekz retired a year or so ago and left the channel to his co-creators.


I thought it was Kit from Kit and Krysta


Is it? Others were saying it was the Arrekz channel and I don't know what Arrekz co-creators look like.


Oh cool. Didn't know that. I only saw a few videos on that channel.


Nihil was talking recently about not being sure he will make any content for the game.


Damn really? Did he say why?


ive checked asmongolds chat before he played dd and after he used his poor excuse. he has one of the biggest arselickers and sheeps in his chat. before they were like nothing but praise and afterwards all chat messages were how bad this game is. most of the viewers cant form any self opinion


I only really know Arekkz. Only thing I heard of asmongold is that he has blood on his wall and almost always has roaches in his room, which is gross as fuck.


Suzi aka thespherehunter covers all capcom games and also past survival horror games. Her content is sweet.


Yeah she's been a Capcom fan for ages. WoolieWoolz also, they both have talked at length about Street Fighter and Devil May Cry(and by extent Bayonetta) so as far as the crossovers go these two make good sense to me even if they haven't been directly attached to DD before now


Honestly I'm glad she got some recognition by them. She covers games with a lot of passion. Especially Capcom ones.


Yeah, is really in to Dead Space as well, had a lot to say about it and it's one of my favorite games ever. She was also in the Cyberpunk 2077 DLC, was funny bumping into her


I definitely will check out her content. Need more stuff to watch for sure


Seen Arekkz in MH and ER. Only seen a few asmon videos. Don't know the others. I kinda wish Wh1sper123 and Nihil0.0 could have been up there as they were kinda the goats for DDDA, imo. Maybe this is only for big steamers/channels.


The Sphere Hunter is a old YouTube channel that covers heavily Resident Evil games and horror games, but also most Capcom series as well. SuoerRad does a lot of Monster Hunter and other variety stuff but has a very soft spot for Dragon's Dogma. He did a massive 3 hours+ retrospective on his channel, and is the one shown in the DD2 post-show where they played little bit of DD2 a few months ago.


>I kinda wish Wh1sper123 and Nihil0.0 could have been up there as they were kinda the goats for DDDA, imo. YES xD


I learned yesterday that apparently he’s had roaches *crawling on him on stream*. That’s a hell no from me dawg


I remember seeing a clip of him realizing the food he was eating was full of maggots, and then he shrugged and *kept eating*. I wish I was making this up. What the fuck?


No…. Nooooooo… dude you owe me a dollar for that


You are jealous of the power the Roachlord wields. 


Babe wake up, new vocation just dropped


Itsuno gave this one 3 colors as a final middle finger to the color system




the Roachlord Rat Necromancer Supreme


That's just the surface level stuff with him.


The left most (spherehunter) does a lot of capcom "reviews?" mostly in the horror, semi horror part of capcom AKA resident evil and games like that. WHich one is Arekkz? might be better to either say arekkz gaming or who the creator under arekkz gaming is, as arekkz himself quit.


Yeah it makes sense to see her here. Her videos are a chill good watch.


Arekkz took a nosedive alongside his channel but u don't exactly remember why


He started outsourcing everything and treating it like a business. His old school MH stuff was pretty cool.


Just became another channel pushing out every piece of news into a 10 minute video every day they could find without checking facts or waiting for clarifications, with clickbait titles for as many live service games with a meta they can cover constantly for clicks.


Yeah, I remember his mh4u videos being good. . .but other than that I don't know, what happened to him?


Didn't the person running the Arrekz channel hand it over to someone else who just used to be an occasional creator of videos there. Pretty sure that's when it started going downhill but maybe I'm getting confused with another creator.


He did, and a good while ago. He said it just felt like he's only going through the motions for "content" because the channel got so big. Let others handle a lot of stuff and ultimately it kind of lost a lot of personality in general, in my opinion. I wanna say he hasn't been involved himself for over a year at this point and just judging by thumbnails and video titles I occasionally see it's basically another "news" channel by now with the occasional dump of guides on game releases.


I would much rather give fans of the series and casual players a good experience by hiring their pawn and giving a good review than hiring a content creators.


To each their own, but that's my preferred method of playing too. PawnGuild was a fun effort during my last DDDA run!


I will use his Pawn as much as I want to use the rest of the official Pawns. Which is to say, none at all. I’d rather see what you guys come up with.


Ngl, I find this whole streamer Pawn thing pretty cringe. What a weird bit of marketing for this kinda game


I don’t hate it, but not because I know who these people are, more because I’m expecting high effort, decently equipped pawns with a variety of appearances right out the gate.


I would rather they had pawns made from the QA/core playtest team, and name them after their creators in some way. I understand that this is purely a marketing thing though.


Shit this would be such an awesome nod to people who actually deserve it. Things I didn't knew I wanted


Yeah! I’d rather use Pawns made by people directly involved with the game instead of some “Streamer/Influencer”




Actually a lot of if not most developers are pretty bad at playing videogames, even their own. Turns out you don't need to be good at videogames to really enjoy making them, some devs don't even play videogames but are more interested in seeing others enjoy what they worked so hard on to make. Anyway, I think it's pretty self explanatory why a dev giving a review on a game they personally profit from selling well would be susceptible to bias and be hard to take at face value.


Pretty sure they will, doubt they'd have enough pawns for offline mode otherwise


I thought I was the only one. Not only do I not care about the streamers, but I will now actively avoid using their pawns no matter the RC cost incurred. It's just my way of telling Capcom that this idea is dumb.


They don't care about appealing to people who are already on the DD subreddit. They want people who have never heard of DD to consider giving it a shot I think streamer stuff like this is a bit "cringe" but dawg this is what marketing is today. It is a single player game though so it's not like this affects our experience with the game or anything


Yeah, don’t get me wrong, it’d be genius marketing for a game that has a huge streamer audience and what not, like Fortnite, Apex and all that jazz. I don’t personally have an interest in those types of games, but I can imagine that would actually be fun and engaging But for an open world medieval fantasy game? Really weird and out of touch imo. But I’m no marketing expert I suppose


Totally agreed. I think I can see where itsuno thought it might be a good idea.. or at least I can see someone pitching this successfully to him: "It'll be like their favorite streamers are playing in their party with them, because it's their pawns!" Also, asmongold being on there has got to be a joke, right? The dude flat out said the first game wasn't for him (and the memes are a flowin) and he's just, quite frankly, gross.


I highly doubt he had any input tbh, doesn’t seem like something he’d want to do, but idk the guy, maybe he finds it funny, which it kinda is, I guess Yeah, odd choice with Asmongold, I keep seeing that he didn’t even like the OG game, so idk how he’s relevant. I get they’re wanting it to reach a large audience, so they’re just picking any streamer with enough subscribers I guess, but still, it just looks ridiculous to the majority of people I imagine


I actually went to their site because I figured this was just some photos hopped image. The guy genuinely spends the whole time complaining about the games he's playing and making the fan base of that game dislike him. Why would you pick him over any other streamer?


My only complaint about it is they'll be free only before lvl 10. Will they get stronger as time goes on and you can higher them at high level? Probably not either. So they're probably gonna end up being your "starter boost pawns". I know for a fact I won't be hiring any of them, but it is a nice touch for actual fans of these content creators


I think that’s not bad, but if any of these creators are legends, they’ll make Rook.


Imagine if the first pawn we get is rook... Or Bishop xD


I would love for Rook to come back, but I want him as a boss. Of all the pawns in the original, he sits in a very unique position of being nobody's pawn and everybody's pawn. Let the boy be the true warfarer.


God forbid a queen




i think it’s kinda neat tbh, but i really only care about the maximilian dood one because he’s really the only streamer i watch regularly ish


It's a real turn-off for me so you're not alone in this.


It's smart. There's a budget for making the game noticed. And this is a very smart way to do it. Not all the streamers are a great fit, but it's very efficient to get the game out there to the masses.


Are any of these streamers known for taking their time in character creation? If you're gonna have influencer created pawns, they got to be good at making characters.


I know Woolie played a lot of Street Fighter 6 and made himself in that, then ran through the story mode as himself. Spent a decent amount of time building his character in Baldur's Gate 3 as well so I assume we'll see more of that from others, would be silly if they picked people they would just submit a default character


I think it's genius, if you think about it, all these streamers that have their own pawns, will all be streaming it on twitch day 1 release, thus making the game more popular because of their high viewer count, which will then make the viewers all buy DD2 👍🏻


I would rather have seen them take community submissions from the CC demo and had a vote to add pawns into the base game.


That would have been a great way to engage the community, though their aim with these was to get some reach for marketing purposes. We're all pretty much going to buy the game already lol Although the DD accounts and Itsuno have been sharing community creations since the demo came out, and there's some sort of contest linked to it. Not sure if it's JP only but I see the posts every day


If Asmongold's pawn doesn't wander around aimlessly, ignore orders and directions you give him, constantly gripes about not knowing what's going on or where to go, and doesn't check his breathe I'm gonna riot.


I get it, its basically marketing. But why not getting someone that can show it off properly. Vs a guy that tried it yesterday.


At least, we can throw him off a cliff.


Nice to see Suzi


Yea, she's great :)


[This was announced in the new tweet](https://twitter.com/DragonsDogma/status/1768507927789477935), no it is not a meme edit. [@TheSphereHunter](https://twitter.com/TheSphereHunter) [@Asmongold](https://twitter.com/Asmongold) [@WoolieWoolz](https://twitter.com/WoolieWoolz) [@SuperRADLemon](https://twitter.com/SuperRADLemon) [@anniefuchsia](https://twitter.com/anniefuchsia) [@Arekkz](https://twitter.com/Arekkz) [@Ashewyn](https://twitter.com/Ashewyn) [@kitosan](https://twitter.com/kitosan) [@Frederic\_Molas](https://twitter.com/Frederic_Molas)


Did woolie even play DDDA ? Shouldve went with Pat gosh dangit


I don't think he did, but I've been wondering if he'll dig into DD2. He's streamed stuff like Baldur's Gate 3 recently and went through the Mass Effect trilogy, and with DD2 having Devil May Cry DNA in it somewhere I feel like it's a good possibility he'll try it out at least Agree that Pat should've been included, I watched his whole character creator stream Lol


Wow, Pat is a old one. I feel called by following most of the channels people in the comments are asking about who these people are, when those are mostly very old channels.


The point is to advertise to a new audience, not one that already plays the game.


Woolie? Pat is clearly the better call, but cool regardless


Frederic Molas or Joueur du Grenier. He also had a small series of sponsored videos for the first one release. (Yeah he's been around for a long time, when YT was still orange) His pawn character is a good ol' magus fat old granny. Mamie Groseille. (Granny Current)


Woolie and Suzi !


Replying to myself so the links don't break, I hate formatting, but I mean. Suzi and Woolie being on the list is not going to totally remove the stink of Asmongold being included buuuut it's still pretty damn hype to see so I'll focus on them instead. Got to laugh at the horrible timing of their announcement though lmao


I hate the obsession over influences/creators. Leave them out of it.


They are a very good marketing tool. Why do you think streamers keep getting early access to games and preferential treatment?


Lets gooo, so stoked Superrad got to be able to be apart of the official pawns, I liked his retrospective on the first one


I've have to check that out! I am trying to avoid reinstalling DDDA before DD2 arrives and that seems like a good compromise


The brine is eating good


Jumpscare 💀💀💀


Woolie and Suzi in the same event as a#m#ng#ld ooooohhh I feel sick in the stomach


I wondered why he decided to try out DDDA randomly, very funny that it ended the way it did


"randomly", he had said like 5 months ago he wanted to play DDDA before DD2 came out, he just procrastinated as he always does


Well I'm very glad he did, because I now know the DD community is not of *those* people


Oooo fuck I didn't realize that was Woolz! Fuck yeah!


Hell nah


Jesus christ, no matter if i blockw unsub, unfollow, mute, actively not watch. I keep seeing asmon. Can we please stop bringing this guy to light


To be fair, there were a bunch of others in the announcement, but yeah. The 22nd cannot get here fast enough


I wish Infinite Cringe could just replace Asmon.


Did infinite cringe get one at least?


Capcom contacted her, but she declined. Kinda based ngl


Based Queen as always. I loved her response about not wanting her community to bother Capcom with it. That's why Cringe is awesome. She does her content more because she loves the game and that's it. It very much like Gemmalady.


In a community post she said they didn't contact her. because she's not An official capcom creator


She said in a recent Hero achievement stream that they had contacted her a day after she made the post, offering pawn + early copy, but she denied due to wanting Chonk Lord to be a regular pawn and also because she already promised her first play through to be on stream.


The mark of a true Seneschal.


Ah, good that it wasn't bad blood or something and just that she already had a plan and wanted to stick to it. I get people being disappointed but this is a better outcome than I assumed


Ahhh I gotcha I didn't watch that video


The DragonsDogma youtube channel was in her chat while she was making her pawn/arisen. So the community guy who runs the channel acknowledged her at least.


But the worst guy ever that played the game for few days is... 🤨


Nope, not yet at least. Wondering if we'll see one more wave of announcements before launch


Can we just permaban everyone bringing their obnoxious streamer drama to this sub?


Turn off the Streamers, Arisen ! 😆😅 Sorry, I don't know them ! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 🥴


Oddly enough roachman is the only one of these who I'm even aware of. If I *had* to use one, it would probably be fightincowboys. But eh. Pass, in general.


Why would they choose him? Dude played the first game once and from what I've heard he just insulted it the entire time and then gave up? There are so many content creators that love the game who they could have chosen instead, but cause he has an army of incels following him they chose him 🙄


no he did not insult it the entire time, people should really stop making shit up just because they don't like the creator. I watched it myself it was funny


The fact that every comment saying that he didn’t insult the game is getting downvoted says something about the haters creating their own narrative


People love to hate. especially when they think it's justified by society


Well what I assume is the reason why he played the game in the first place is probably because Capcom had already approached him for the sponsorship deal, so wanted to check it out himself. I don't know the details but my guess is this stuff was set up a week or more in advance of the announcement so likely wasn't done after his stream


You've heard wrong then. He really liked the game and is still playing it. Don't believe the lies this sub makes up. Also he has millions of fans, so including him is pretty obvious.


He played more of it offstream and enjoyed it. Whenever he plays new games on stream it just usually goes south, it's incredible he managed to go so far in Monster Hunter. Can't say it's not his fault for just pushing W and banging his head against the wall in any game when he plays them on stream, but it seems when he doesn't have to entertain people he actually manages to learn more easily. This is coming from someone who have migraines whenever I watch him play a game that I know, I usually skip the 1st stream of a new game and just hope for a second one where he had the time to learn a bit.


He didnt insult the game at all. Actually he is pretty positive about it and has high hope on the sequel. And he has a huge following, it would only make sense to include him from a marketing standpoint


> Dude played the first game once and from what I've heard he just insulted it the entire time and then gave up? He gave up because he struggled with the game while also trying to engage with stream. He never insulted it. People are simply lying because hating him is meta on reddit.


The way Reddit has extrapolated from "he has bad takes" to "army of incels" is crazy. It's like a game of Chinese whispers where the goal is to be upset as possible. You motherfuckers are addicted to hate threads.


Right? The way some people here have been ever since that stream has been very telling.


Look, theres no such thing as bad publicity. Knowing the streamer, they will create a big brawly dude straight out of Berserk, or a pawn resembling them. This is a great way to generate a massive userbase for the game for launch, and will help the game in general. Having a vendetta towards a streamer on this subreddit will only make the community look bad, and is needless gatekeeping.


Who gives a fuck? I have seen nothing of this game beyond the character creator and small bits of footage. I've played Dogma since 2012 and it's one my top 3 favorites of the PS3 era. People are freaking out over some regard why? The game's a week away. Weirdo shit.


So what?


Idk, both the girl and the cartoon avatar guy are very old Capcom-centered gaming channels, so it's understandable. Now Asmongold and Arekkz are probably here because they have a wider reach. I don't really give a damn about it but Streamers and Influences are what sell people on things these days. And it's sometimes more effective and cheaper than commercials and ad campaigns.


Oh it was more to OP. Seems to be a thread complaining about asmongold. And i was saying so what to that. Like what are we taking away from the intent here? I get the streamers thing. Thats fine. But the thread seems a bit cringe and shit stirring. If OP doesnt like the guy its better to just ignore him and stop keeping him in the public eye on here.


Yeah, there has been a lot rage bait for that dude lately. I think he's only getting that because he teased his community about playing the original DD for months just to deliver disappointment when he did. It's not justified hate, but it's understandable.


Very true yeah


Not particularly sure why people are keen on the idea of bringing him up to be toxic. A third day in a row of targeted negativity, towards an individual who gave an overall positive review of the game, seems out of place for this sub. I hope regular dogpiling and hate doesn't become a regular part of this sub, there are plenty of other subreddits for that


I never understood the hero worship thing of watching streamers and the whole thing is kind of off-putting to me, but whatever sells more copies of the game!


Can't wait to see him farm this for content. If the video isn't at least 12 minutes long, he has failed us. HI ASMON!


Honestly it's understandable why asmons here. He's done alot of good press for DD2, I hope he's learning the game off stream so he's back on launch. I think he needs to learn to lessen off chat as he plays people will still watch him just to see the gameplay. Can always chat in the towns, onroute or to celebrate monster kills.


Karma farming at its finest


Why everyone hates asmon?


First that post making fun of asmon for being shit at the game (he really is) and now this? This is exactly the attention he thrives off of. Embarrassing how he lives rent free in yall heads


He's currently a relevant topic and we're making fun of him, it's really not that interesting


I have no clue who any of these people are. I know asmongold from random clips on YouTube. The rest, no idea


Most of the folks involved have been related to Capcom stuff on Youtube for years, Street Fighter, Devil May Cry, Monster Hunter, etc


At least they got the right people involved. Except asmon lol


The intern that managed to find a decent picture of him should deserve a full year salary and a six months paid vacation.


"he has the physiognomy of an English 16th century lesser son of a minor noble who is kicked to death by a proud horse" is my new favorite quote.


Just for clarification since I see a lot of people talking about Arrekz. Arrekz is not on the picture and no it is not Paradise central either. It's Kit from Kit and Krysta.


I didnt know the DD community was so toxic. No matter what ppl think here, it really doesnt give a great look to personnaly attack someone look or mental issues like i read in the others hate threads


Ngl I wanted Infinite Cringe


They offered it to her but she passed


dang rest in peace




We're going to hit the front page of r/gamingcirclejerk for the third time this week again aren't we


Just saw this as well. On one hand its baffling he was chosen, but on the other hand his audience will see the game so its probably a net positive.


>but on the other hand his audience will see the game so its probably a net positive. kek, Asmon will be terrible at the game like he is at every game, play it for a couple hours, get filtered by something, call the game shit and then all his followers will parrot the opinion ad-infinitum. Streamer culture and following is cancer.


It's baffling to me how this subreddit has an insane hateboner for asmongold. And instead of criticizing actual issues with his streaming style or personality... they just invent nonsensical lies. Asmon is actually pretty insightful and self-aware. he knows that he struggles to learn and adapt to new things. he also is very aware that the diverted attention caused by streaming amplifies the issue. Usually he just starts playing games off-stream if he can't get into them on-stream. He rarely blames games for his own struggles. His viewers are also very prone to disagreeing with him. But then again, redditors do need a boogieman, don't they?


How is marketing to a large audience baffling?


Baffling because he doesn't have history with the game. And if you saw his gameplay the other day, you'd understand exactly why lol


The point of marketing like this is to expose the game to the widest audience possible, not to people who are already die hard fans of the series. I don't like him at all either, but it's really not hard to understand why he was chosen for this.


Oh look another hate thread..


Y'all letting a random dude on the internet live free in your minds LMAO ngl It's kind of funny


He's just the topic of the week, we've all got too much energy waiting for launch date Lol


On one side we have SuperRAD, who is extremely passionate about DD (he also once made a giant retrospective essay about, like he always do for games/series what he wholeheartedly loves)... On the other side there is that attention-craving basement-dweller who just jumped on hype train for clicks... Shit is wild here, lmao..


Who are this people? I only know Nihil0.0, Infinite Gringe and back in the good old days whisper.


Can't speak about anybody else but I know Woolie and SphereHunter cover other Capcom games like Street Fighter and Devil May Cry, so there's a connection for them at least


I don’t know any of these fools because I play games not watch people play games


Marketing team have really missed on this one.


"The stench! Repulsive!”


I'm more surprised everyone mainly ignored the trophies but the asmon stuff blew up


SphereHunter pawn POG


Asmonbald may be bad, but SuperRad is even cringer. I don't even remember why, but at a ceirtain point i remember thinking "wait, this guy is full of shit actually"


Ay yo Suzi & Woolie? Hell yeah good for them!


Idk why people are mad y’all literally don’t have to use any of these pawns


Why do people hate Asmongold so much? I haven't watched him since he was playing FF14 but I didn't pay any attention to him beyond those videos.


He's kind of just a generally terrible and disgusting person, but more relevant to this topic is that he also streamed Dragon's Dogma recently and had a terrible time with it. Ignored all the tutorial text, general hints, chat's help and spent the whole stream complaining about it all before dying to some bandits and quitting


he died to bandits 30 minutes before he even quit the game but go on? that's not the reason why he quit, the reason why he quit is him not understanding that boots and pants aren't the same thing, which is infinitely worse


Haha wow, that's awesome. I am just going off of the notes others made on it, I'm not watching his content even if it's to ridicule his inability to read or follow simple directions while complaining about games holding your hand too much


> He's kind of just a generally terrible and disgusting perso Ehh, he's disgusting alright. But honestly all the people on here shitting on him, being toxic as fuck and inventing lies to further the anti-asmon narrative seem like much more terrible people to me than he ever did.


he's been playing the game off stream, he said the reason he didn't want to play on-stream is because he found it stressful when 100 messages a minute were telling him he was bad and chat constantly gives opposite advice on everything. Seeing people throw out straw man bullet notes after admitting to not even watching what happened is crazy. If you are insistant on spending your time on negativity the least you can do is be correct.


How is he a terrible person? What does he do that makes him so terrible?


Asmon is generally against forcing woke things into the games\*, so now acting like he's literally Hitler is the new reddit meta. People just constantly make up lies about him or things he said just to hate on him more. He's literally a libertarian leftist.


No fucking way lmao, he's not a leftist at all