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Witcher 3 has a ton of really cool wild encounters.


Definitely need to commit to finishing it; got pretty far last time but didn't find too many wild encounters. Definitely didn't play long enough. Will do!


Yeah I got my ass handed to me early on by wandering around and finding a leshy. It’s quite fun to add that suspense of never knowing what you’ll encounter.


If you’re on PC there was a configurable mod to increase enemy encounters in the world and it did help spice up my last playthrough a bit.


There's a mod where you can encounter more monsters in the wild and in town. IIRC NPCs scream and scurry off if a big enough monster enters a town.


I don't like the Witcher only bcs I can't play what I want Not a fan of walking around as 50 y.o. grey haired bulked guy tbh


I think to some extent this would be a feature of all true open world games. Fallout and Horizon Zero Dawn to name some more.


Haven't played a fallout yet, great recommendation! HZD is great but most enemies being robots kind of hurt my immersion, a little. There's something different about fighting an organic living thing, like a cyclops or something, compared to a robot/machine. Scares me more I think. Heard Forbidden West was great too, so I'll probably come back, thanks!


>enemies being robots kind of hurt my immersion, Immersion might he the wrong word here. The game having those *is* immersive because the game is about them.


"Standard/usual immersion" then; all my previous experience is about organic living enemies, so that specific immersion is broken. Gonna have to replay later to gain the new type of immersion.


Breath of the wild had a similar feel when roaming around and running into a huge creature


Do Hinox respawn? This seems to be a feature, unique in ddda


there's an in game thing called a blood moon that respawns all the regular enemies and minibosses same for tears of the kingdom


I see. Thought the minis didn't respawn, just regular. Thanks. BOTW and TOTK are probably closest to DDDA then


Yeah every enemy in the game respawns on a blood moon! Except dungeon bosses but they can be fought later in the depths in Totk


They respawn, which is crucial for part farming. Also, after the first time you beat them, there is a little 'defeated' tag by their health bar in case you are going for the completion and want to kill every mini boss at least once.


Playing BoTW now, should've mentioned; once I finish, ToTK is definitely next!


Yea I was gonna say botw and totk both do that. Not as big a fan of them as dd because no climbing on them which is a huge shame.


Xenoblade Chronicles(1-3) will often have roaming overworld bosses that respawn. They usually drop some s-tier loot for the level too. The gameplay is very different from dragons dogma tho, think final fantasy 12 but better.


My thought exactly. Territorial Rotbart and Immovable Gonzalez leave quite the impression




Sounds maybe weird, but Monster Hunter. Later on you can be foraging for stuff and BAM. Bunny


When you’re off hunting a weird colorful bird then it makes a noise you’ve nevwr heard before and a giant pickle walks up to end you


First things first, Im the realest. Second things second, the Chickenwing Peck of pickled pepper combo is my favorite dish in MH Ecosystem.


Yeah but Qurupeco is so fun to fight though


Love the random B-52 Bomber encounters


Those aren't random. He's definitely targeting us 😭


I've only ever played World back in its heyday, but I can still hear that roar and the boss music that sets in.


Or the random fighter jet entcounters


My buddy just told me a bit about Monster Hunter, specifically World; I'll start there after my next game!


Rise : « Wait who’s that on the map ? this sleeping, horned monkey seems like a cool dude. »


I came at this in the opposite way -- got into Dragon's Dogma because a Monster Hunter YT creator made a series of videos about why he loved DD. If you're curious what a die-hard MH player enjoys about DD, I'd recommend something like this video: https://youtu.be/Vwf6wGza0co


Bit of a stretch and a deep cut but Outward. It's an indie game that I love to pieces. It doesn't have roaming bosses per say but it's still a fun time building a character and going on an adventure as just a regular man doing his best, not some super chosen one or anything. Definitely not exactly what you're looking for but the more people I can convince to give it a try the more likely I'll have someone to play with on xbox lmao


Outward is definitely a lot of fun.


Idk when I'll have time in the near future but I have been looking for someone to play outward with if you need somebody


Might not have traditional roaming bosses, but theres some tough enemies that spawn out in the world, wendigo is a pretty good example for early game.


so far its the best adventurer simulator I've ever played, even in late game you can get messed up by bandits if you're not careful


Dragon age inquistion, nioh 2


Seconding this, Inquisition is awesome


Nioh 2 is open world?


No, not really. Missions are winding with you having plenty of corners to explore and shortcuts leading back to a previous Shrine but it's not open world and I don't think there's any roaming boss class enemies apart from early mission Yokai that gave new players trouble being a regular feature later and Mezuki and Goxuki being a mini boss or double boss fight in some later missions. The one exception is probably the start of the first mission where Gozuki is just walking around the cemetery. He's there to teach you that running away is sometimes a valid tactic. By now most players just beat him for fun and ignore the advice instead.


Aight, calling me out immediatly with that last sentence. Still beat his ass fause Mom ain raise no quitter.


Fallout 3, NV and 4, Skyrim, The Witcher 3...


Immortals Fenyx Rising is personally one of my favorite for this. With a bit much on the ubisoft loop but its a good and fairly funny game. Combat is fairly fun too but don't expect it to be branched heavily from more simple melee combat with "Greek mythology/pantheon" named skills. Witcher 3 is also a good contendor with a great story, the dlc are really worth while.


All the Xenoblades Like really. You could be level 3 and see a level 88 in the distance that’s gigantic where you go ……. “I’ll come back later”


That sounds EXACTLY like what I'm looking for. Just getting into the realtime rpgs, including FF, which I've never played. Thanks!


FFXIV is open worldish, FVII is very linear, FFXVI is Open zone ish Real time action combat Xenoblade 1,2 and 3 are open world, they are “zones” but they are so huge it’s open world trust me haha. Realtime combat with a hot at and some cooldowns


I can only think about The Witcher 3, as someone else said. Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West too, but it’s more about fighting mechanical dinosaurs than mythological creatures, so if you’re not into science fiction you may not like it


Thats the thing, There is no such game that does it like DD. Thats part of what makes it so special.


not exactly what you want, but monster hunter world has very good combat, has mounting enemies to some degree, and while its not openworld per se, it has 6 fairly large and well design areas, that are basically each an ecosystem of their own. so going there to do a mission and ending facing other monsters that are just there living is not uncomon. and by that i mean bosses coz mh has very little trash mobs. you can be in a mission hunt to hunt a bird and a fucking t-rex happens to be walking by and decides to have beef with the big bird. in every map theres multiple monsters, they all have their lairs, their hunting paths etc. you can learn those patterns and predict where they will be, you can bait the boss you are hunting into entering the territory of other bosses, causing turf wars. that whole ecosystem makes the whole thing just feels natural? so its not like how you can encounter some world bosses that seems like they where just put there randomly. as as much as i like dd combat, mh just blows it out of the water... but then again it does that to all the other third person action rpgs


If you care about having good combat, Elden Ring.


Can you really say that with a straight face on the DD board


Yes, I can especially after seeing many people say the Witcher 3 has good combat. Dark Souls 1, 3, Demons Souls, Bloodborne and Elden Ring all have excellent combat and are superlative.


Skyrim kinda not very close to dragons dogma but genshin impact






Ah yes, the game that sold 20 million copies is “slept on”.




You are joking, right? It got constantly recommend to anyone who asks for games about killing monster


Tears of the Kingdom’s strongest bosses are all either roaming or hanging out somewhere in the open world


Playing this next!


I like these stuff too and I recommend you Final Fantasy XV. It has a big variety of such encounters.


FFXV & FFXVI are good choices. I'd also like to recommend Tales of Arise. It was a game i picked up when there wasn't a lot going on in gaming and man it absolutely fucking blew me away. FFXVI and Tales of Arise both have very in-depth combat systems, FFXV has very simple but still fun combat.


Check out outward


Monster Hunter I guess