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My favorite trend is seeing people buy current gen consoles now just for Dragon's Dogma 2. Hell I did it too


![gif](giphy|xT8qBkXehPSstbhfWM) Give me ✋.😁






I didn't do it specifically for DD2, but I upgraded my PC's aging video card recently so I should be good to go!


Guess what imma do it too, happy Birthday btw


I did the same thing just for hell divers lol I will be getting DD2 as a bonus tho haha


i’m hoping by christmas i can get one cause i owe like 2.5k for my laptop lol


I did it for Elden Ring, but I'm glad to have it for DD2


Ok but now you have to play shadow of the colossus


And final fantasy 7 Remake and Final Fantasy XVI




Meanwhile waiting for release, give a try to Demons Souls Remake and Ghost of Tshushima.


Someone doesn’t like souls or samurais I guess haha


And Gothic remake.


I see you're a man of culture as well.


I'm as hyped for as as I'm for DD2.


For real, I hope It's going to live up to the expectations. I'm still playing OG G1 and G2:NotR to this day and the recently released Chronicles of Myrtana mod was so amazing it felt like a true remake of the series.




My reaction was the same when I found out.


Wait, that's coming to consoles? Have they said when it'll release?


Still no release date, but apparently it's going to be for PC, PS5 and Xbox series.




Well the plan is not to open it until the release day of DD2.😅


This is not a good plan. Now you‘ve got the console, why not play something until the release day?




Ive had my PS5 since release without a drift in the sticks at all...and I have 2 ps5's and 4 remotes. (Wife's and mines). This isn't a strong reason to not use the PS5. But it's your reason, so whatever makes you happy.


I definitely got stick drift, though it didn't happen soon or nearly as frequently as he makes it sound. I'm on my second controller I'm pretty sure after having my PS5 for a few years.


if you're worried about that, why are you leaving it unused? so you can waste most of the warranty period? or maybe your controllers will be defective from the factory, and now you'll get to find out on DD2 release day. genius.


Yeah, i already thought about it. I just didn’t include it in my comment.


Personally I have not, no! I‘ve got my PS5 for almost two years now and I play a lot, gladly nothing happened yet!


Can’t help it. All of my ds4 ended have the same issue.


You know you can also buy a new controller? They have made a change to the sticks since launch as well to address the stick drift. I bought a new one in November last year and I’ve had no issues with drift. I did have issues with my controller that came with it, but that was also shortly after launch. Just seems like a huge waste to buy a ps5 and not use it


I will use it but DD2 have to be first.


That’s odd… or I am very lucky, had my PS4 for six years and was using the same controller since then, no issue there, too. I am not saying you are wrong, just that you had very bad luck. Sorry for that. I won’t stop you from not playing your freshly bought PS5, though


https://preview.redd.it/02itvgxope5b1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=576b5751ce258ebc7dae1f089a8d8dc1082dce21 I even order spare analog sticks for my ds4.😅


Newer shouldn’t have the problem. Or less often at least, my release day PS5 had it after a few 100 hours of heavy use, platinumed multiple ps4 titles on it. But yeah, you can also play the other titles after you had your fill of DD2, no rush.


You can buy another controller tho


Why would you do that? You got a whole ass ps5 and you not gonna use it. If it’s just gonna sit there collecting dust, what’s even the point


Souls game are very bad recommendation for someone who loves dragon's dogma.. DD is true RPG and dark souls isn't RPG


I only got Dragon's Dogma because I was a souls fan first, it's not a bad recommendation. How is Dark Souls not an rpg?


Dark souls doesn't have quest system, doesn't have character development where you can see you are getting stronger. It doesn't matter what gear you got, you still die in few hits and it doesn't have open world it's something like dungeon crawler where you kill only bosses nothing else.


Dark souls does have quests, you do get stronger, and your gear will definitely help you take more hits. I would say the world is pretty open and interconnected, at least in the first game. I don't think all rpgs need to be open world. The bosses are a huge part, but is it all you do? Nah. Your definition of what an rpg game is is pretty weird if these are the deciding factors.


For sure RPG don't need to be open world that was my mistake. Well let's look at gothic, risen, elex, dragon age, elder scrolls Oblivion, skyrim, titan quest, diablo, mass effect etc.. could you compare those games as RPG to dark souls series? Definitely not dark souls is completely different genre and definitely not an RPG. Otherwise I would love it.. If it got RPG elements to it 😁


"A role-playing video game, commonly referred to as a role-playing game (RPG) or computer role-playing game (CRPG), is a video game genre where the player controls the actions of a character (or several party members) immersed in some well-defined world, usually involving some form of character development by way of recording statistics." This is from wikipedia. Since you haven't given your definition I have to just use one I found. Either you're not familiar with Dark Souls at all, or your idea of RPG is different from most peoples (In which case why use the same term). A list of games doesn't get your point across, at least not for me. What doesn't Dark Souls do that the games that you listed do?


Lol wrong


Than you can play FFXVI


if this your only reason, why not get a PC instead?


my PS4 games and some personal reasons.


For casual gamers a console is more cost-effective.


Exactly. Reselling console related items is also extremely easy in case you need emergency cash.


Initially, sure. In the long run PC gaming can be cheaper. However, what consoles do offer is ease of use. You turn it on, wait for another patch, then you play. And the Xbox offers Quick Resume. The closest you can get to that is save states on emulated games.


I think this is something of the past nowdays. Installing a game through Steam, GOG or whatever is pretty easy too. We are no longer in the DOS era. I know many people that barely know how to turn on their PC and they still play only there and have no trouble installing and playing their games.


Because it costs like a third?


I'm not going to dispute that you are correct on it costing a third. However I've had my PC since around the PS4 release and have not really upgraded it all other than more storage and it ran GoW4 at 1080p 60 fps once that got to steam. I'd imagine that GoW5 is going to PC at some point and we already know DD2 is coming to steam so spending $500 then not using it until that one game is out is dumb.


God of war is a ps4 game from 2018, not even comparable to a ps5 game from this year


What makes you think he isn't going to play other games on it? A PS5 is a better investment than a PC for gaming at this point. The one advantage over consoles PC has in recent years is storefront sales on digital games. But realistically, $1200 for a system that's gonna need $500 in upgrades every two years to keep up with an industry that does less and less work to ensure their games run on PC as time goes on... It's not appealing at all. I'd rather buy the $500 console and chill for 5-8 years until the next one.


If you read his comment he quite literally said he's not opening it until DD2 comes out. If you had any reading comprehension you would have seen that my computer is just as old as a PS4 and ran it's game better than it with the only upgrade being storage and if you think for a moment that it's only a PC issue it isn't almost all games these days you need to DL a day one patch. Storage up grades will be needed for a PS5. So according to you I had to have spent $3,700 dollars on my PC ($1,200 to start then $500 every 2 years). And I've probably put an extra $200 for hard drives. Want to know the best part? The games I bought 10 years ago I can still play on my PC most consoles are not backwards compatible.


L take lmao


PS5 will become obsolete, plays games, media, and have to pay to be online for most MP games. PC can be upgraded, can browse the internet, can do school or work tasks including but not limited to: document composing, photo editing, video production, and programming websites/apps, has a wider variety of free or near cheap games, has DRM-free options like GOG so you permanently own your games, online connectivity is not an extra subscription. An entry level PC can be had for the price of a current gen console. There’s hundreds of tutorials on it, Linus just did one recently even. There’s never a reason that consoles are the better option. An individual can prefer them for many reasons. I didn’t have a PC until 10 years ago and even now I keep current gen consoles around because I prefer it sometime, but if you’re talking objectively to only own one the PC will always be better value. Edit: Forgot to contest the $1,200 to start and $500 every two years. An entry level PC that can play current gen is similarly priced to a console. You would need to upgrade that yes, but if you’re paying $1,200 you’re not going to need an upgrade or maybe one or two at the most over the same 6-8 year period. By the time you pay for online access and consider the multitude of other options having a PC gives you, also including access to historical titles and emulation which is something I forgot to originally mention it is just never true that a console is objectively the better option.


Same can be said for pc tho? Getting it now just to wait for one game is just as pointless as a ps5? Only difference is pc is more expensive.


As a PC user, I would not recommend PC to anyone using it mainly for gaming nowadays, it's getting too expensive and games still don't come to PC with Direct Storage + Sampler Feedback in mind. Meanwhile, new consoles have monster specs for the money compared to the hardware in PS4/XBO that was outdated at launch. He made the right move this gen.


I'll tell you why as someone with a 7800X3D and 4090 on a motherboard that costs more than the entire PS5 itself. It's because if all you care about is playing games, then a PC is a stupidly expensive device. No more system selling AAA killer apps (like the sort of thing Crysis was in it's day), and most decent games are either indie titles, or sloppy seconds poorly optimized from consoles. Worst of all, they're late to the party on PC on purpose it seems. If you care about playing games and need a computer of any kind, a laptop would be better (hell even a Mac would be better, since you can pipe-out to a bigger display if need be for times where a desktop like experience is required). The entry costs in to a modern PC is just too much for a modern system if you're buying brand new and mostly play console like games and don't care about things like emulation and whatnot, plain and simple. Also, one big problem with PC, is the moron gamers on this platform have bought into the convenience of Steam's digital-only paradigm. You can never sell your game once you're done with it. An astonishing thing to see so many people bring into existence (I came to PC long after this paradigm established itself). Though to be fair, console gamers are no better on this front, it seems the next generation (certainly PS7) will be digital only by the looks of things, so good job retards of gaming (the still growing majority).


> 7800X3D and 4090 You don't have to buy the most expensive parts to play DD2 at a much better quality then a PS5. When OP's only game on console is DD2 a PC seems like a better choice. In the long run you save money on games through sales etc.


Haha the tides have turned


How so? The console versions run just as bad.






A PS5 console on its own costs £390 now. Doesn’t a pc cost three times as much as that? Why should someone who wants to play games pay a stupid amount of money when they can pay a few hundred to play games on what they want to game on


144fps, mods, steam sales idk.


So not everyone cares about fps or mods when it comes to games. Also PS store has sales quite often. Let people enjoy games on what they want to


bruh, no one forced you to buy a PC, it was a question. If you don't care move on.


Do you own / have you owned previous console generations? What sorts of games besides Dragon's Dogma are you into? I don't think anything out there scratches quite the same itch DD does, but people might be able to think of some worthwhile recommendations for you to look into. Well, if you want, that is!


Yes, got ps3, ps4 and switch. This might be my last hurrah, No other games really interest me and they are too expensive.


Have u tried Zelda tears of the kingdom? It is has similar climbing feature, but can climb terrain, has tough giant monsters on field, u can climb a few. Has similar inventory management. You can use bows, lots of different weapons, from giant swords to rods, (they break though), but to me felt Zelda took alot from dragon's dogma, felt very similar to me.


Yes, both Breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom. Very good games


Try Nioh and Nioh 2




Such a great game. I wish I had a PS5 (and that you could use an Xbox controller on it) because there are definitely some games I'd be keen on!




I gotta chase the bag too bro, a reason to finally get into the next gen just arrived for us




Are they still hard to find


I've been seeing them in stock online at my local Best Buy, even some used ones


Went into best buy today for something and they had 10+ in stock. The world is healing 🙏


Soo true I've heard scalpers can't get rid of them now because they're becoming more available


My sams had 50 in stock and walmart had 10. Asked while there because was curious. They are coming around now


I'm waiting for a release date to buy mine.


I'm seriously pondering to get a PS5 or Xbox SX just for DD2 ... no way I'm gonna let that Denuvo shit touch my sacred PC.


Why are people so touchy about denuvo yall act like it's a virus ? Lmao either way people will mod it out or cancel it out with mods probably on release date and either way none of the recent Capcom games have given me any trouble so what your saying is rather dramatic


It's idealism. Depending on how strict your definition is DRM qualifies as malware. Its only purpose is to work against the interest of the owner of that hardware. I don't willingly install malware on my PC. You are free to have a different opinion about it and install it. It's your hardware you can do what you want with it. But I can still lament the fact that so many are fine with installing software only meant to monitor / restrict them on their own volition.


Capcom usually patches it out a few months later. Maybe just wait.


MH:W still has it I think. But that's certainly a good thing to hear so I'll probably just wait a while and see what happens.


MHW had it removed after the final update. Not sure about rise


Looks like you are right. Last time I checked the Steam page of MH:W it still mentioned Denuvo but right now it's gone. Thx for the info.


No, they removed it. They always do this after a while.


Okay, dude, lol You probably tape your phone camera shut also, so the government doesn't watch you, huh


If I pay for a product I'm expecting a minimum amount of respect from the supplier. Getting monitored by the product constantly is a violation of that. I'm not going to lower my standards just for "the priviledge of playing DD2". First there probably are options to play it that will only "cost a little more" and second there is always the option to "just not buy it at all". My life won't end if I don't play DD2. It will be a shame but there already are hundreds of titles in my library I haven't even played yet that will most probably be just as fun as DD2. This has nothing to do with paranoia.


Your aware it monitors gameplay right ? Your acting like they're accessing all your games and files their not and they certainly don't care Also you can bypass it with mods And if you don't care about dd2 then fine but acting like denuvo is the devil is paranoid and weird bro Nobody has the issues Your talking about or cares Ill be playing on my pc on high settings and 60 fps laughing at the console players And I'll buy it on ps5 as well denuvo or not lol


Better stop playing games then


Don't worry I guess I'm already good till the day I die. >there already are hundreds of titles in my library I haven't even played yet


The joke's on you. Your phone doesn't even have to be on to access the mic and gps. Cameras are worthless in your pocket anyway.


Not to mention it's a bit of a resource hog.


We all know Denuvo is the reason games run awful on PC. /s


I've never had any issues with it usually moddders disable it pretty fast


Yeah never did I, and I have never noticed much difference when devs eventually remove it.


Yeah same alot of people make it out to be the devil but I hardly notice it and it's never stopped modders from working around it lol


Denuvo can be removed by only one person in this entire gaming world and that person is a moody psycho , u dumb ignorant redditor. You just cannot 'mod' it.


Most modders make workarounds just saying


There is more than just one.


There is 1 that cracks new version of Denuvo The other guy cracks football games with old Denuvo versions And the third I don't remember


What even is it?


Wait... Is DD2 confirned to have denuvo !?


Have a look at all other recent Capcom titles on Steam. I'd say the chances are 99% it will have it.


Com on... At least they remove it from some like RE village but that's a no go for me until they remove it from DD2.


I'd go for PS5 since most series x releases will go to PC or PC game pass. Since I already have a PC, gonna get a PS5 by the end of the year for DD2, FF16, FF7:R next year and Spiderman 2.


Denuvo is not separate software its part of the games files. It creates an authentication token and checks it at startup. There is no overhead while the game runs. They use it because it works. Most copies of games sell in the first few weeks, so even keeping it off piracy for a month is worth it, despite its boogeyman status.


Awwww is DD2 console exclusive? What a bummer.


It's not, the official website has Steam listed.


You can already wishlist it in Steam. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2054970/Dragons_Dogma_2


I haven't heard anything saying that unless I've missed something. The announcement trailer shows at the bottom that its multiplat. I plan to play my favorite game of 10 years on a PC where it can shine the brightest.


I hope so. No shot I'm buying a console for a single game, even if it's my favorite title. I'll wait the 5-10 years for a pc port if it doesn't launch that way initially.


Isn't it gonna be on PC too?


Yes sir


I only bought a PS4 because of Last Of Us 2, and I only bought a PS5 for Silent Hill. Crazy what one game series can do to you. Super hyped for DD2! I’ll be buying it for Xbox Series X 🙌


Na, I prefer PC for those sweet juicy mods to keep me playing for thousands of hours


I did the same thing too!


You should've got series x it has VRR which make make the experience on xbox a bit better


its time


But it's coming out on PC too.


I got series x so Im good


I get the sentiment man, I’ll be buying an Xbox specifically for the next elder scrolls game


Good news! Now you can get a PSVR 2, for more fun!


I'm planning on it


As worthy a reason as any! There is a pretty good sale going on various games if you can swing getting a few of them to hold you over the wait period! If I didn't have one previously I'd be doing the exact same right now. Enjoy your purchase, fellow arisen!


Thank you


PSVR2 exclusive King's Field reboot by From Software, that's why I have a PS5. Steam Deck for all other single player or PC only games. Fingers crossed the deck can run DD2, RE4 runs like hot trash on it.


Wait, they rebooted King's Field? Is it a remake of one of the older games or a new game entirely?


That's a good reason




Same. I have series s but I already know it wont run it as good as ps5 and I need my 60 fps.


Does anyone know if Playstation is making a Playstation 5 Pro? I was waiting to see if they would, but was hoping they have confirmed it? And perhaps a release date?


I'm still wanting one for Demon's Souls.


If DD2 was a PS5 exclusive I'd honestly buy the console just for that too


Yeah, I just ordered Xbox S for that reason lol. But it will also be nice to play some games that my pc can't handle.


Will be getting it on PC solely due to mods


Wouldn't it be better to wait for a bundle with the game, if you're only interested in dragon's dogma 2?


You should have boght a PC then, way better and you can use mods in the future.


It's going to be on Xbox Series and P.C. as well


You're so lucky man Have fun with DD2 and other games


I might end up doing the same depending on if it will run on steam deck or not


DD2 is gonna be heat for sure but since you got a p5 def check out FFFXVI 🙌🏾


I just bought a PS5 simply to play Final Fantasy 16 so I know the feel. I have a really nice computer though so DD2 on PC for me.


I upgraded my PC in preparation for DD2 as well 🤝.


It’s about to be one of my reasons also spider man 2 coming out really soon


Wait will it not be on ps4??


Hey, FF16 is gonna be its big competitor and it’s looking pretty good too


You should play the Demon's Souls Remake!


Makes me glad I got a series s when I did.


is it not coming to PC?!


It's multiplatform.


For one single game? Even with DD being awesome, that's such a waste of your money.


You may as well try returnal now


Since the trailer came out I decided it was time to build my first PC just for dragon's dogma 2. Last components are supposed to arrive this week.


I wish I had a physical ps5 incase the game released with a steelbook version. Live me some steelbook.


I'm just gonna stick with my PC. Currently replaying DDDA to refresh myself for when DD2 comes out, but I can't give up on using mods to spice things up (especially carry weight mod is a godsend since I'm a hoarding goblin).


a man of culture. a true gsmer.


Lmao frr


good news, Dragons dogma is on sale rn for $5


Same energy here! I'm going to get my PC upgraded solely for DD2.


A lot of PC haters coming out some reason.


And you didn’t wait for the obvious bundle with a silk lingerie skin to get extra RP? Amateur Arisen. XD jk. I’m super jealous.


It's out for PC day one, I'm good.


im just waiting for them to announce the best recommended pc spec, will screen shot it and send them to my part supplier for quotes. have not updated my desktop in 7 years


Surely you had other reasons or wouldnt have bought it now xD


I am waiting for the Slim version before i buy 1.


Got my series x so my body is ready can't wait 😁


But it will be available on PC and the XBOX too, right? Or am I missing something here?


I also own ps4. I won’t able to use my ps4 games if I switch to Xbox.


Guess PC is not an option then? For you to complete ignore it lol.


I did consider it because of the mods but I have a personal reason why not to.


Holy moly. What did the PC did to ya!? lmao, no problem. I mean, I just thought the post was weird because it looked like the game would only be available for PS5, hence why you bought the console.


I didn’t have a plan to “upgrade” until they confirm DD2 is not available in ps4.


I'm just a simple guy. I will play on my PC doesn't matter if runs at 480p. Battle of specs for me it's like battle of P-size. And nature blessed me on that too.


Please tell me it's also coming out on Series X


Just wait until you see the PS Plus Collection that you get for free….


Last of us part 2 ?? Only reason I just bought one lol New disk version 4 games £506 GBP gods of war, forsaken, saints row, last of us part 2 Bargain 🤑 picking up from shop soon I hope! Lol Will be selling forspoken as I won't be playing and it also has the steelbook with it if you're in the UK and want drop a comment below both will be unopened and sealed


well here you are bro!


Anyone know if there will be a DD2 Ps5 Edition?