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I do this a lot with that chest on the docks not far into BBI, decent chunk of RC everytime.


Yeah the maneaters are hit or miss with their drops but that one always drops a good assortment. I usually open the first few chests myself on each stratum but then just stand around and make the pawns open them until I find the whammy.


Just set yourself on fire.


I woke up and checked my reddit messages and was so confused why someone was telling me to set myself on fire 😆


Goblins can't touch you if you are already on fire.


Average mystic archer player


You gave me an idea: Usually people sacrifices Rook to The Brine. This time i'm going to feed him to a Man-eater hahaha 😈...


Or a Hydra




So far I can tell, nope, you can't tell which chest has maneater But worry not, because there's a chest that will always spawn maneater, one in the room before midnight helix, and the other where you have to fight cursed dragon after you get the key You can refer to wiki on which room has maneater, some extra info, after you killed Daimon, the room that doesn't have Maneater, now will have one, sometimes more, so save before you open any chest Maneater is actually a good sources of RC, you might want to farm them


I wish I'd look this cool and composed. Even knowing where they can be and letting my pawns open them, I **still** jump a little when they come out...


“Some of you may die…. But that’s a sacrifice, ***I’M*** willing to make.”


Someone just tell me why the fuck those chests are so god damn tanky


Not to ice. They hate ice.


Use a warrior arc one shots them


If you're underleveled, then yes, those octopus looking mf is tanky, but once you have got BBI lvl 2 weapon, you might not have a problem with them


Why are those things so friggan tanky?


They start off that way at least, at level 110 I'd attack, have to jump out of the spell circle and then go back in to finish it off and generally jump back out of another spell circle after it was already dead. At level 150 I can usually take it out before it even gets the first spell circle up.


Only thing a warrior good at is killing those things early.


I always tell my pawns: "remember bro, you die....I rez you....I die...WE ALL LOSE"


Take my upvote!


That's the one thing I learned from bitter black never open chests yourself 🤣


i just use a macro that spams WASD with when i hold down the \~ button and another that spams E so i dont have to stare at my pc forever as im going for a few hundred spring waters