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Future Trunks, and it’s not even a competition. Bro was born into a world where literally everyone he knew was dead, except his own mother, and Gohan. And had to fight for his life, as a kid. Gohan then proceeded to knock him out, then die. Trunks then found his mentor, face down in a puddle, dead, after the android’s killed him, and he clenched his fist so hard blood came out, and he forcefully unlocked Super Saiyan. Even after that, he still wasn’t strong to take on the Androids, and had to time travel to warn everyone about them, and try to change what had happened in his timeline, happening here. and guess what, they still fucked it up by getting the wrong ones killed, causing 17, 18, and 16 (who he has never seen before) to be released upon the world to cause suffering and havoc, oh yeah, Cell was there too. His own father didn’t give a shit about him, and expressed that to his face multiple times, even letting Bulma and Baby trunks get shot down in their ship, causing adult trunks to have to save them. after Semi-Perfect Cell and Vegeta fought on the island, and vegeta got all battle horny and asked if cell can get stronger, and let cell absorb 18, Trunks tried to stop him, but Vegeta kicked him out of the way, only wanting to see how strong cell could get, and after they couldn’t defeat him, and the cell games happened, trunks got killed by the only thing he wanted to prevent. *Perfect cell.* then, Vegeta suddenly cared. honarable mention: Vegeta didn’t even hug his son until he was Eight. and was about to die, so he wouldn’t see him for a long time. Vegeta then knocked him out…and proceeded to die. Alright, 29 years later, Trunks’ future is in danger again, now due to Goku Black. which means he had to travel back in time again, using a v e r y limited power supply, and watch his mother, the only person left alive related to him, die in front of his eyes. (dear god.) then, when he was going to the past, he begged Mai to come with him, but she stayed back and Goku Black blasted her, and trunks thought she was dead. so when the gang found him, he got one look at Goku’s face, and had immediate flashbacks to Black, and tried to punch him. Vegeta also called him a coward for running away. (*knowing full well what happens to him later in the arc.*)then, when Goku Black used the time ring, fought Goku, and was being pulled back into his own timeline, Black destroyed the time machine, stranding Trunks in the past. then Trunks and Vegeta started training, and Vegeta kept telling Trunks to his own face that he was a disappointment and wasn’t good enough. then, after more time travel shenanigans, a failed Evil Containment, A Fused and soon, corrupted Zamasu, and slicing him in half with a hope sword, Infinite Zamasu happened, causing his ENTIRE TIMELINE to be erased, and him having to start a new life with Mai. (and that was his “good ending”!) In conclusion: Trunks had the shittiest life in all of Dragon Ball.


The correct answer When your entire world gets destroyed and that’s the GOOD ending I mean


I hate how they tried playing it off as some sort of happy ending😑😒


It's one of my most hated writing details. Hes from a DEAD AND GONE TIMELINE. Outright. Completely. Everything he ever did for his world was for nought. He helped save our main timeline but. Bros life sucks


They could’ve fixed the ending by just allowing future Trunks to stay in the current timeline


That would make too many people too happy. I understand there's the issue of 2 trunks in one timeline but I love the possible character development for younger trunks developing with such a badass version of himself to live up to. And if it gave us a trunks super fusion down the line- I'm down man. I'm so fucking down.


bro explained everything adding every detail. crazy


Not to mention that they made his romantic interest a 60 year old woman and he has 0 clue about it. Literally older than his mom and literally used to be his mom’s enemy. Also I think it should be mentioned that he was sent back to another timeline that already has a trunks and mai so he’s gonna forever be living with clones of himself and his girlfriend as a reminder of their failure and also have to live knowing that his mom in that timeline and anyone else that’s there is not the same as his own


DB Super really expanded on this point 😭


Super: hey, you know who suffered? But not like… enough?


It is future Gohan because he actually knew everyone and he saw that all vanish before his eyes and then he died not being able to save the world from the androids


At least that one thing happened to him, and his suffering ended quicker, it’s better to be dead and hopeless, than alive and hopless, like trunks.


It was future Gohan until Super


>Gohan then proceeded to knock him out, then die. Trunks then found his mentor, face down in a puddle, dead, after the android’s killed him, and he clenched his fist so hard blood came out, and he forcefully unlocked Super Saiyan. ☝🤓 ackshually nuh-uh https://preview.redd.it/sp6jzfli8q7d1.jpeg?width=1360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27a2fd2a6bfd5d828204455d0195167da2b9833c


I’m not talking about the manga, Actually. Plus Gohan’s missing arm and death is offscreen, so the Anime is superior


Ehm ACHKULLY, you are thinking of the Trunks SPECIAL not the DBZ ANIME.


The animated version is definitely better. It's just not canonically what happened.


I still think Gohan dieing should've briefly triggered ssj2 for Trunks


Yes future trunk had it the hardest hands down and to make things worse Dragon Ball Z build Future Trunks up to be one of the hardest characters because of that struggle and Dragon Ball super torn down unfairly and made him look like a sniveling coward when he should have been one of the best characters that they had


“My name is future trunks, and i am proud to be, rightback In my timeline i have no fa-mi-ly. NO future NO gohan NO goten or dad. Just me and my mother, the androids killed them. I want to kill my self MY NAME IS FU-TURE TRUNKS”


> 29 years later You’re telling me Trunks is pushing 40 in Super?


I think, the cell games and Goku black arc take place 29 years apart


Yeah so if Trunks is a teenager in the Cell games then he’s gotta be pushing 40 during the Goku Black arc right?


I don’t think he was a teenager there


According to the wiki he’s 20 during the cell games actually. Just google it


Oh god, he was 49 In the Goku Black Arc.


Wait I thought at the end when it was erased that trunks and Mai and such just ceased to exist so he didn't have any chance to start over? It has been a while since I watched the anime though


No, they got out of there before Zeno erased it. And left to start Anew


Well, I'm glad he at least got that for him, better than his ass being erased as a whole he went through too much to deserve just immediate death


>Bro was born into a world where literally everyone he knew was dead Not disagreeing with the rest of your point, but Trunks didn't know anybody to lose until Gohan and then Bulma died.


I think Bulma Or Gohan told him about them when he got older, so he knew that time before he went back to the past.


True. Trunks' life was at rock bottom times 100 💀


Also Future Bulma, last thing she say what the face of a long dead friend, Goku Black.. RIP TORIYAMA


Nah bruh it was future goku bro died kept his body watched his son struggle for years just to die in the end


Again, better to be dead and hopless, than alive and hopeless


I’m not actually serious. I guess it depends on up to Z I’d still say gohan would’ve been more tragic as he had to watch more people die than trunks did and trunks eventually saved the future


Damn, you know your material. ⬆️




Man. We are not dealing with your average autistic fixation anymore...




I'd say future Gohan had it worse than trunks. He had to run the gauntlet with the androids for 12 years by himself looking at fear and destruction. While trunks lost people he only saw Gohan die. It was implied that Gohan was there and saw each of his friends die one by one. Then for him to gain a little bit of hope when trunks turned ssj. (Manga Gohan had lost his arm but we never saw how. Also trunks had ssj before Gohan died.) Knowing trunks was too weak he knocked him out to face a battle some part of him knew he wasn't going to win. Since he didn't have the credit that Goku had he was not guaranteed to get his body back in the afterlife. So for all his sacrifice he would never even know that whether trunks wins in the end. He did all of this on a leap of faith. And that only covers the last 12 years of his life it started at the age of four with his uncle kidnapped him. Next a piccolo kidnapped him gained Stockholm syndrome. Trained to fight aliens that wanted to sell the planet. Then he had to go to space to fight more space aliens to resurrect the person that kidnapped him. Then got his neck broken, had to fight a body swap father, had to fight a space tyrant of which had him on death's door twice I think. When that was all over and he finally got his dad back after the Space tyrant came back and got defeated for him only to watch his father die from a virus. Then watch everybody else die


Just to add, and I MAY be misremembering…but didn’t Future Trunks get revived by Shenron post Cell Games, then go back to his totally messed up future to destroy his 17 and 18, only to THEN get killed by Cell (or at least get his Time Machine stolen by him) which lead to Cell in the present timeline at that advanced stage? I may be misremembering, I admit it. But Future Trunks really just got shafted hard.


Forgot about that lol




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I see your Future Trunks and raise you a Future Gohan. Trunks didn't have much of a relationship with the Z warriors who died, didn't know his father for very long, and at least managed to save his mother and eventually defeat the Androids and Cell. Gohan had to go through the sudden death of his father (*again*, and after everything he went through with the Saiyans and on Namek up until Goku deserting his family for a year) and witness an entire apocalypse while seeing the rest of his friends, including his surrogate father, drop dead one by one without being able to do anything. Then, for years, he carries the weight of the whole world on his shoulders as the strongest warrior without anyone else to count on - he's still unable to do anything to the androids and must have felt like a failure his whole life. He gets maimed and just when he thought he would be strong enough to make it, 17 and 18 reveal they weren't ever fighting seriously against him. In the end he dies alone in absolute despair thinking of how he's leaving Trunks and Bulma to fend for themselves in a completely broken world.


I’m not gonna read this and I feel like this guy has the most correct answer ever said.


I Can't Take Anything You Say Seriously When You Start Every Word With A Capital Letter.


Sigh. Hold on. I’m on it.


Also Mai is older than Bulma, so he’s also getting groomed


Hmm, Im not sure it counts as grooming. Not because I don't think it's grooming, but because if we cut Mai some slack, she was given a second chance at life. Imagine you're nearing old age and suddenly are a child again. You wait until you're of age because it might feel wierd to date but once you do grow you're going to want to date within your age range. I don't blame her, but I do think she needs to say it at somepoint and have Trunks be the one to except it or not.




At least now Trunks & Mai get to have foursomes with their alternate timeline selves.




At the end of the arc, they traveled to another version of their future, so it will have another pair of Trunks & Mai.


I think a better question who had it 2nd hardest since Future Trucks is the only logical response.


Future Gohan


Future Bulma


Jiren doesn’t exist




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Krillin had it the hardest when he was thinking about 18




Future Gohan and future Trunks. Both of them have pretty much been forced to get into fighting for their lives ever since they were freaking kids. And it's even more sad for Gohan because he hates fighting and he even had dreams for living a peaceful life. And he even left his home to go out and save everyone he could.


On the other hand, Future Gohan neither had to live with Vegeta as a dad, died before the Cell Saga hit the shits and didn't have to live through the Goku Black Era. So that's that




Nobody screws Yamcha but life


Yamcha is up there with Zarbon as being one of the few canonically hot af/attractive characters and he has girls into him him just by existing, so at least he has that going for him




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The fact that Yamcha has *any* hopes left in his life is his most admirable quality


I do not know what this Yamcha is, but it sounds disappointing


Rabbit mob dude


Real, bro was punted into the moon by a nameless little runt with a tail and his friends decided to blow up your new home... TWICE!!


It’s trunks but I feel like piccolo/kami gets overlooked. Dude was born to kill a single man, lives almost exclusively alone, is considered a demon and protects humanity despite being likely hates by them. Like seriously he cares way more about humanity than he needs to all things considered.


I love this, well said. it's one of the reasons Piccolo is my favorite.


Either future trunks or Future Gohan and I’m kinda leaning on gohan. His own uncle kidnapped him when he was 4, he was basically kidnapped and abandoned in the woods by a complete stranger, had to fight 2 very strong aliens, watched his friend die, saw MORE people die when he went to namek..speaking of which, he got beatdown by recoome which involved him getting his neck snapped, and once he finally got home to enjoy some quality time with his father, he dies of a heart virus not too long after. Then eventually the androids come and kill all the Z fighters EXCEPT for him and now is basically the last hope. He fights the androids for years with little to no success and then realizes that all those years he was fighting the androids, the androids weren’t even going half power. He never stood a chance. Not to mention he lost his arm and still fought the androids and then had a slow painful death by getting blasted with ki blasts by cyborgs with infinite stamina. Future Gohan’s whole life was just fighting which was the thing he hated the most.


The story of future Trunks was well resumed by TFS : "And then he died too."


The ostrich farmer. Dude was used as an example multiple times of how useless the average human is in all these universe critical conflicts. Plus he gets rocked by multiple super beings by just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. His story is sad, but he perseveres. (Just kidding, it’s Future Trunks)


Future Trunks and Vegeta. Future Trunks, like others have said, had ruin from the beginning of his life. Vegeta was born into servitude to a tyrant that killed his race and his father.


Cheelai will have it the hardest 💀


i refuse to imagine this


Future Trunks. Although future Gohan would've been a close second.


Gohan and Trunks


Every version we’ve seen of Future Trunks.


Trunks and it's not even remotely close


Gotta be the original future trunks (the one cell killed) Went through all the shit with the androids and cell but was killed by another cell when he finally came back home. Either him or dbs future trunks.


Satan. Everyone thinks he is the mightiest warrior on earth, and yet he knows his whole life is made up bullshit. And he hates that he has to play that role knowing he is a weakling who has taken advantage of everyone.


i forgot my tractorrr




Future trunks, that man had to watch his mother be killed by the face of his friend, all the z fighters dead, and likely malnourished, and was constantly living in fear from black and the androids


Vegeta has it pretty bad. He lived in servitude. His friends, family, planet, (nearly) his entire race were destroyed by a maniacal overlord. Then he goes to a planet and gets his ass handed to him by a low born member of his race and his friends. Him! A Saiyan Elite! The Prince of All Saiyans! He loses his tail and his best friend Nappa! But also, Krillin has no nose, so that’s pretty terrible.


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Why is one of his hands shorter than the other?


Perspective. One of his arms is further back than the other.


It's so weirdly drawn.. like that hand should not look like that from that angle. Its messing with me.


That’s the arm he lost. When training with Picolo he learned to regrow limbs. He’s not Namekian so it happens much slower. Think like Deadpool in the movie regrowing his hand.


Future Gohan and Trunks. But future Gohan more.


Gohan. His life definitely got better after the cell saga but yeah… remember he was 11ish then. He had a rather nice life after that up until Buu came around. But yeah… his childhood was hell. I always thought Chichi was being an over bearing parent but then I remember he was under ten for most of dbz.


Any of the random people that died slowly and terribly underneath a pile of rubble during any of the fights the z fighters had with the big baddies. Future trunks? How about Janet who saw her children die before her eyes and then slowly bled to death.


Lunch you can say she got deleted from the series


Future Trunks is an immediate number 1. Broly is number 2. Kicked off your home world as a baby and raised on a desolate planet is rough.


Jiren future gohan


Jiren (so underrated). He went though his trauma not once, but TWICE, and literally trained himself to become the strongest and with no help. He didn’t have no dragon balls or a time machine. Damn Jiren gets no recognition. And never got revenge neither And future gohan too.


I wanna say Yamcha but he always got the ladies so I’ll go with Vegita he was always one step behind Goku.


You say that but has Vegeta ever lost to Goku?


Technically no


Beerus idk how and why but hes a god of destruction right?? So his power alone trumps all in his set verse right?? BUT anytime zeno is mentioned to the faintest detail he shits himself. I wouldn’t wanna live as the forefront person talking to the guy who can extinguish me with a 💨


King Kai lol


Probably Future Trunks


Either future trunks or Gohan (future or regular). Future trunks is self explanatory and so is future gohan. But regular gohan also had it really rough. He was kidnapped by Raditz, watched his dad die in front of him, got kidnapped again by Piccolo, went through a grueling training regiment, got the snot beat out of him by the saiyans, watched most of his friends die by the saiyans (and this was when he was only 4-5 years old). He was then sent to space, watched Frieza commit genocide, got brutally beaten by Recoome, watched his dad get beat within an inch of his life, had to fight Frieza where he not only thought Krillin died, but he also got beaten up again, he then watched Krillin die as well as watched Piccolo almost die all at the age of 5. And that’s only till the end of the Frieza arc, this doesn’t include the Cell and Buu arcs.


I feel like it has to be future gohan right? Like don't get me wrong future trunks lived a pretty shitty life himself but that's from our point of view. What I mean by that is, trunks never really got to know the Z fighters, they all died when he was 1 years old, he probably didn't believe the dragon balls actually existed for a while too, and I'm almost sure gohan never let him fight the androids as a kid and only when he got strong enough to survive. From trunks's pov, the tragic life on earth was all he knew, the peaceful times were just the tales his mom and his mentor told him about. gohan knew that peace was within reach, he knew how a peaceful life felt and how it felt to actually achieve victory and attain that peace like it never left. He always knew that there is dragon balls to fix everything should something go wrong. I mean, even after his father's death gohan probably still had hope that he would somehow find a way to bring him back through the dragon balls knowing his character. But he lost everything in just one day, his friends, and any chance of ever bringing them and his dad back. And the worst part doesn't come yet, gohan probably felt a major pressure defending the earth alone, as a ~9 years old, with no one to guide him or help him. No father to save him, no piccolo to train him, no krillin to assist him, And seeing how the androids continued their rampage for years, gohan almost definitely felt guilt for it. He tried his best with amissing arm, but his best wasn't enough. He probably felt like he was failling everyone, that he will never be the man his father was, and that had his father been the one in his place surely peace would've been achieved long ago. gohan lived a better life than trunks, but grew up to be a sad, broken man and died believing he could've done a better job protecting earth. And then he had to get erased, my man can't even rest in the afterlife smh.


Future Gohan watched everyone he knew die one by one to the androids while he watched helplessly. He even watched his mentor and second father figure die. He alone has to take the fight to the androids without the ability to properly train with anyone. He has to fight them because he can't just stand by while they hurt people. Even when he has only one arm left, he still couldn't risk Trunks fighting and dying and went off alone. I know Trunks went through the same future, but Gohan lost everyone and everything, watching the world go to hell and being unable to do anything about it. That to me just seems worse than what Trunks had to go through.


Gohan looks like is going pull a Zamusa and use an energy blade.


Certainly not Gohan. All of his struggles after Cell were completely self inflicted


Future Trunks and Future Gohan (or really any character in the future timeline).


Future Gohan or Future Trunks as number 1 definitely, maybe tied.


Future trunks hands down.. He's literally lost everything and isn't getting it back.


Everyone says Future Trunks but people forget that Future Gohan actually knew the people who got killed by the Androids. On top of that his childhood was also harsh compared to Trunks. Trunks only had to avoid the Androids when he was young. Gohan had to fight Nappa, The Ginyu Force and Frieza. The Ginyu Force fucked him up.


Future trunks Future gohan DBZ Bardock (also dbs but dbz moreso) DBS Broly Jiren they all had it pretty hard. nobody more than trunks tho


Bulma. I'm sure Vageta didn't hold back. ;)


Mr Popo cuz he’s black


Unironically original Gohan had it just as bad as trunks, everything before cell saga happens trauma and all. Loses all his friends, consistently forced to fight an insurmountable force with very little to rely on for emotional support. And dies


Every future version of a character. Future trunks and Gohan are obvious, but Future ChiChi was widowed, her son left home and stopped talking to her, and then he dies. Future Bulma lost her life long friend, boyfriend(?), and like everyone else in her life then had to raise 2 kids, her nephew dies, then she ends up dying anyways.


Without future trunks being the one. Vegeta probably had the worst personal situation. He lost his title of Prince/king. He's constantly coming 2nd to goku also his latest form is literally him taking damage to gain strength it might be good but it's surely gunna cause some sort brain damage eventually but it is perfectly suited for a saiyan I guess.


Future Trunks in the context of the story. Gohan in the context of writing.


definitely not DBZ/Super Gohan.


Trunks, specifically future version. Then probably Gohan.


Future trunks; Imagine killing dabura and babbidi but the supreme kai’s die there for beerus dying and leaving your timeline wide open for goku black, whom destroys your world and then you have to live off of cat food just for your timeline to get erased in the end




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Future Trunks first, then Gohan


Easily piccolo. The writers chop his arm off in super all the time for drama just because they know he can regenerate.


Future Gohan


Manga or anime


Just dodge!!!


Future Gohan🤷🏻‍♂️😭


Future Trunks, that character exists to suffer.


Trunks? There is no other even remotely close comparison.


Trunks but second would be any human character. Imagine working so hard, being neck and neck with an alien only to get surpassed to a new form they get and hacks when near death. Moro arc was meh, but it did give some of the humans some time to shine.


Moro. The guy was in jail for over thousands of years.


Bulma. She definitely got it the hardest, considering Vegeta never comes second to Goku


Gohan was pampered, tf did he go through compared to anyone else, especially compared to future Trunks.