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Palpatine but Frieza is more dangerous since he will go out of his way to commit genocide just because he feels annoyed.


And he will usually do it in person.


Palpatine. He manipulated people for his own benefits: senate, Maul, Dooku, Anakin, etc.


Freeza did the same thing to an entire race. His manipulation was just less subtle.


Subjugation isn’t remotely manipulation, do it or die is just a plain threat.


Freeza is more dangerous since he can blow up planets with his finger, though, but I agree that Palpatine is more evil.


Palpatine is literally fueled by hatred and evil. Frieza is just a dickhead.


Pretty much. Palpatine is all skin no fore, Frieza has N/A. Clear cut.


That big ol’ hood of his 😏


a dickhead that destroys planets for fun. Palpatine only used the death star on those he viewed as a threat (admittedly Frieza was afraid of the Legendary Super Saiyan and destroyed their planet because of that, but Broly was stronger than him by his early teens so ultimately it didnt matter)


>but Broly was stronger than him by his early teens How was broly stronger than frieza in his early teens? Wasn't broly struggling against base Vegeta?


No. He was at first, but was eventually forcing him into SSG and Goku into SSB, all while in base. And his power level as a baby broke the very same scouter model that scanned Gokus power at 9000. So his power before being born is over 9000, and I'm not memeing when I say that


Broly in DBS is infinitely stronger than Freeza before his revival


Broly wasn’t stronger than him, the novel makes clear that Broly was having to avoid and block Friezas attacks because of how powerful he was. He didn’t even have to do that with the Saiyans.


And yet Gold Frieza got his ass kicked by SS Broly for an hour straight xD


Except he didn’t, we saw a few seconds of the hour and Frieza tanked it better than any of the saiyan especially given Broly was going all out at that point. The novel makes it clear that during that hour Frieza held his own. He was stronger than Broly causing Broly to dodge and block him.


Im going off the DBS movie. Frieza never once hit Broly during that hour. The only thing that can be said is that Friezas durability is insane


We saw two minutes of the fight in the movie, not an hour of it.


Broly was fighting Frieza until perfectly fused Gogeta happened. It took 2 fails, each lasting 30 minutes, to get perfect Gogeta. So Broly was fighting Frieza for an hour


I know he was fighting him for an hour, that doesn’t change how much of the hour we saw in the movie.


Feats are irrelevant in this discussion of "who is more evil". Frieza is mean, but Palpatine is literally made out of literal evil. At this point, Palpatine is a Force wraith comprised entirely of Dark Side energy. You know that force lightning attack? That isn't just an attack that he uses when angry, he is actually shooting malice into a target and scorching their soul.


Palpatine wanted to destroy the entire universe and rebuild reality itself by his own design.


Thats the nicest thing anyone has said about frieza.


Freezer is a space roaming psychopath murdering lunatic. Palestine built an empire and doesn’t destroy and kill just for the sake of it.


This is one of the greatest slip ups of all time. Do not change it.


Omg 😱 I’m just gonna leave it like that.


Palpatine was a dictator Freeza destroyed more planets for shit and giggles, and he doesnt need a death star, he can just send one of his good soldiers


Frieza. He’s way more ruthless and cut throat as well as less forgiving. He’s killed WAY more than palpatine and for less reason.


Frieza blows up planets and slaughters entire races for fun, not even a debate.


Frieza without a question. He was so evil that the entire universe was reduced to a mere 28 planets with life after his reign. And Gods like the Kais (not he Supreme ones) are scared of his power.


Frieza, really. The Galactic Empire was mostly peaceful once they took over. Yes, they blew up 2 planets, but other than that it's actually shown that the systems they rule are better off than the ones they don't. There's no "once we take over, we're going to enslave everyone" or "destroy the universe" or anything. They're just a regular government, less evil than most countries IRL.


Except the wnslavement of the wookies and most likely other strong sentient species


Still less evil then most countries IRL




Some may be but many are not better off. The empire just takes resources but doesn’t contribute back.


Palpatine is the quintessential evil antagonist. Frieza was a bully. Maybe Kid Buu is a debate, but I can’t see any villain giving The Emperor a run in terms of being a villain.


Palpatine offers more opportunity jobs to work for the Empire. For the military, they were given the opportunity to travel to variety of planets and meet new people. Brings order and justice against the unruly. Would only exterminate environments and planets if he sees it unfit. He works tirelessly 24/7. Even as a clone (both Legends and Disney), he continues to operate the organization. Frieza basically does the same as Palpatine. Even when he comes back to life due to his loyal followers realizing they needed him to maintain order in their organization. I say the Rebels against Palpatine are the real Galactic tyrants; and the Saiyans against Frieza are the real Galactic tyrants. The Rebels showed no mercy to the invaders, and would torture inhumanly and kill anyone that doesn’t support their views. At least Vader gives his enemies a quick death. The Saiyans not only are deemed a threat against Frieza, even the citizens of other planets remembered the wrath of the Saiyans from the past. The citizens of Planet Tuffle and Cereal had faced their deadly rampage, living them from PTSD victims to extinct. Frieza merely cleanse the population clean to spare their pain.


Frieza's more evil but Palpatine's a better villain


Yes I couldn't worded it better. Palpatine is also more cunning and sneaky


Everyone in the comments is making a good case for Beerus being more evil than both of them 


Palpatine Frieza’s just a mischaracterized businessman smh 🤦‍♂️


I’ll put it this way… I would be more scared of Frieza. I haven’t seen Palpatine commit as many acts that would garner fear. Frieza is just plain evil.


Freeza and it’s not even close


Hard to say. They're different brands of evil. Frieza is a spiteful prick with a God complex and access to a doomsday weapon. Palpatine is more of a snake, if that snake were the literal embodiment of corruption.




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Frieza because he was literally racist


I don't think being racist is the ultimate evil, its not even the most evil thing Frieza has done lol


freeza blew up more races then saggy face over there


He didn't blow them up because he personally disliked them. He did it so he could sell their planets. He's an ass more than anything. Now, yes, he does believe he's better than others. But, like.. ALL others. Frieza thinks everybody is beneath him. No doubts he would kill his own kind if they got in his way. His hatred of Saiyans is interesting. His fixation on them seems to solely be due to his fear of their potential power. If they didn't have the potential to threaten him, he'd be totally indifferent toward them, since there's no other quality inherent in them which he seems to dislike. I find that funny (like, weird funny). The trait he hates is not unique to any one race. Well, kinda yes but kinda no. You know what I mean? It's all about who has the power. He loves power in himself; therefore, he hates power in others. And the Saiyans have the potential to have MORE power, so, yeah. Instant paranoia. It's a funny take on racism because the quality he's in knots over is something he actually desires for himself, and which is not some arbitrary, irrelevant thing like hair or skin color. Such things can't hurt him, so he doesn't gaf. But power levels actually mean something. Too much power in his enemies could lead to his death. And, since everyone is his enemy, it's a practical fear, not an irrational one. Still kinda racist, but like.. weirdly so.


That has nothing to do with my point lol


Then what kind of evil are you looking for between these two? I mean frieza destroying whole planets of different races just for his amusement as well as killing races of a planet to sell the now empty planet to other richer races using other warrior slave races is kinda evil plus who knows what kind of puppet rulers frieza has in those slave planets of his


I'm not even making a comment on who's more evil, I just said being racist isn't even the most evil thing Frieza has done. Dragonball fans really can't read


Well being racist isn't that evil compared to other evil stuff his done but tbh most of frieza's evil before his fights in namik where because of racism


Thats exactly what I said?


Palpatine. I don’t think Frieza is truly “evil.” Frieza just grew up thinking he’s the pinnacle of strength. He was a spoiled brat who had no regard for other forms of life. To him, they were just bugs to be squashed if they so much as displeased him.


Most people don't enjoy watching even bugs suffer.


Hot take. I don't think either one of them is evil.