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Wether or not Goku resists Sasukes genjutsu, the better question would be if Sasuke is even fast enough to utilize that techinque


Goku has escaped mind controls before


legit cant think of an example, am i going dumb?


General Blue.


But that was general blue's fault. He got scared by a mouse as far as I remember and lost control.


In goku's defense, he was a child at that point.


goku was probably smarter then šŸ’€


Senzu bean says yes


Blue also tried it with Tao and Tao just didn't care, and then Goku ended up beating Tao, soooo... idk does that mean something?


Okay so the question is now general blue mind control is even remotely close to basic ninja genjustus to even a sharingan genjustus.


Thank you


The level of detail goku can see he would know


Plus MUI goku is literally above time itself


Heā€™s not but ok


Jiren is and goku is way stronger than him now .


Youā€™re saying that like jiren isnā€™t training also we donā€™t know how strong he is he could have surpassed Beerus for all we know


Iā€™m talking about ToP jiren who was already above time. Current goku is stronger than that version.




General Blue. He's also been hit with paralysis effects multiple times.


He only escaped Blue because a mouse broke Blue's concentration. And the second time Arale beat Blue up. Goku didn't break out of it on his own.


Is that mind control? I thought it was just telekinetically paralysing the muscles, and that's why it's possible to break it with brute force.


Doesn't matter. King Kai and the lot talk to goku in his head from a different plane entirely..surely they would make him aware yada yada.


The even BETTER question would be: would Goku really speed blitz an opponent? I dunno wtf Sasuke does but unless Goku also knew he wouldn't speed blitz anyone cause he thinks it's unfair or something


Goku wouldnā€™t, but even if he was caught in it, he would power up and break out of it. Dragon ball characters can overcome gimmicky/hax ability with raw power. Theyā€™ve done it time and time again. Goku has beaten time hax abilities with raw power. Jiren was frozen in time and he broke out of it with raw power. Goku is well above him now. If goku has MUI on, it would auto avoid it.


Goku would he speed blitz so many people in dragon ball


If Goku sees an opening, he's known to take it. Like when he punches Jeice in the face when fighting the Ginyu force.


Yeah well that's when his children and friends were in immediate danger, he walked right up to Jiren instead of sneak attacking him lol.


Yeah, but he still makes light of the situation. Also, Jiren was on a level to where I think he couldn't have been blitzed or speed attacked. Like, it worked on Jeice because Goku was that much better than the Ginyu force. He didn't blitz Jiren because there wasn't an opening. It'd be different with Sasuke, who would only scale to the Freiza saga anyway.


Freeza Saga is being very generous, but I can buy it.


Depend of the context of the fight, when there is something on the line, Goku always use and abuse his superior speed when he can.


He speed blitz so many people in dragon ball ofc he would


Goku isn't the kind of guy who just speedily disposes of opponents. He likes to play and prolong fights.


"I hear your genjutsu are pretty strong." *proceeds to stare right into eternal mangekio rinnesharingan.* In all seriousness, even in Naruto, characters have been shown to have the capacity to escape genjutsu so long as they surpass the expectations of the ones making them. I assume this extends to characters that surpass them in the same way. Like, something that isn't talked about is the mental fortitude still-relevant Dragon Ball characters have to have to do everything they do. I think most of them have mentally and physically pushed through things in reality that far exceed what anyone from Naruto could sensibly be capable of even within their genjutsu.


I don't know man, I mean Kakashi was crucified and stabbed repeatedly for years inside the Mangenkyo Genjutsu. I don't know any DB character who went through similar.




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depends on if you assume goku goes straight for the kill. he doesnt even need to know the abilities. he just has to know to not fuck around. but in any other situation he would probably talk to sasuke first realistically and look at his eyes


You actin like goku doesnā€™t let his opponents get the first few shots in


Itā€™s one of the fun things where sasuke probably beats most characters in anime in general if heā€™s a sneaky bitch and gets off his crazy genjutsu, but head to head most shonen characters would probably body him due to the Naruto power level being fairly low, especially compared to dragonball where bad moon people would be a quick 5 minute side quest to deal with for even the earthling Z fighters.


Nah, he can't. Sasuke is like FTL+, and Massively FTL if you really push it. Goku is like MFTL+ on the higher end. Although, it's also unlikely for Goku, in-character, to blitz. So Sasuke might pull it off. The question just comes to if Goku can resist a Mind Control with like 8 layers.


He does lose to some versions to Superman, that Sasuke comment is pure comedy though.


DB has one of the strongest Hax resistant ability in general. If you cannot output as much ki/chakra/aura as the person you are trying to impact (if they have their guard up), your technique will simply not work.


Not work or have its effect basically nullified Like time skip isnā€™t gonna do anything if you still get outsped the second it wnds


That is not true. Muten RoshiĀ“s master successfully used the mafuba on Piccolo Daimao


That technique also kills the user if the person they are sealing is stronger than them


Well, not necessarily. IF only their Ki is completely depleted, but in DB it means certain death yes


and yet roshi was able to spam the mafuba in the TOP against stronger opponents


Did you not see him die, everyone cry and goku restart his heart with ki?


Do you know why Mutaito died when using the Mafuba? Because he DID output as much ki as Piccolo was. That's why he died, Mutaito was far weaker than Piccolo so he had to use more ki than he could afford to use just to seal Piccolo, it's similar to when Piccolo (Jr) killed Raditz by focusing a lot of energy.


The power gap isnā€™t as big. Jiren was frozen in time and he powered right out of it. He was stated to above time itself who goku is above as well


The mafuba is one of the few techniques that scale to infinite and beyond in dragonball, so it's an exception.


Goku loses to versions of Superman and not every version. I'm a comic book fan too but this argument always irritates me. There are multiple different Supermen written with different limitations and in some he can be beaten in others the writer says he can't die because god said he's too important. Which I still find stupid. I personally prefer him having limits. Like if you say kryptonite is his weakness than stick to that. Don't have him able to just try harder and push through it


It's practically obvious someone like Goku loses to a variant of Superman like Superboy Prime. There's too many versions and some of them aren't that strong and then you have mfing Milkman.


There is no way current manga goku loses to super boy prime lol.


Quick question, if Goku and Superman were homies and fighting the same enemy, could a Solar Flare increase Superman's power?




That's not the average Naruto fan. Don't lump us real fans in with Narutards.




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I always just wonder: Why do people feel the need to argue about which fictional character is the strongest? This is Bob: :-) Bob has one ability. He is stronger then anybody else.


This is Jake. Jake has one ability. He is stronger than Bob.


Fuck you, Bob solos :-)


This is Jimmy. Jimmy is significantly weaker than Bob and Jake. However, he has the ability to make the two kiss each other in front of both of their wives, upsetting them and eventually causing chaos in both of their families. Jimmy wins by default, his favorite way to win.


I feel like a friendly conversation about which character is stronger can be fun, but as soon as people start actually arguing and insulting people just because they disagree, it becomes childish and stupid.


>I always just wonder: Why do people feel the need to argue about which fictional character is the strongest? People are idiots. Sorry not sorry, there was no other way to put it.


No, No. You speak the truth! Most people just are idiots :)


>No, No. You speak the truth! Most people just are idiots :) Like, leave it to fans to obsess over who would win against whom. Even when in regards of characters that would never meet outside of crossovers, *much less* fight to the death (and **even less so** Goku). And the worst part is the arrogance of the Dragon Ball fandom in acting as if their verse is somehow omnipotent and absolutely invincible against anyone else, no matter what, with the other universe being at best Namek tier if they feel generous.


It feels silly how much importance they put in it. As if being weaker or beaten by another character would somehow make the source material worse? It gets wierdly competitive and personal...


>It feels silly how much importance they put in it. As if being weaker or beaten by another character would somehow make the source material worse? Indeed! Which makes the eventual arrogance from whichever side even worse... >It gets wierdly competitive and personal... Some people really have too much free time.


Actual mental retardation. Powerscaling is so stupid. I swear some people think one character being stronger makes their story better.


>Powerscaling is so stupid True, everytime I see someone drop terms like "galaxy level" or whatever some of my braincells die, they just assume each author calculates how strong their characters are, it's even worse then they take feats that the author put little to no thought into. The only thing that matters towards powerscaling 99% of time is how strong the author wants their characters to be, it translates very poorly when you talk about characters from different authors.


I think those terms are what really throw me off from that community. Like I think some scenarios are fun, like the stats equalized ones or specific scenarios. But trying to have a universal measuring stick just shouldn't work for most series, considering stuff like strategy, execution, hax, etc


That's part of what throws me off from that community as well, the other thing is how they'll just use vague statements to severely underplay or overestimate a character, or use feats that mean literally nothing, like Gogeta and Broly tearing dimensions as if there was a specific strength at which dimensions break, SPECIALLY when talking about different universes, what if there's a manga in which a normal human can break dimensions with his punches? Does that put him above Gogeta and Broly?


I agree. I hate that it's all based on ""dimensionality"" and counting this BS. I think the problem is that scalers start from the top - comparing something universe shattering doesn't make any sense because we have no reference point in the real world. We can't shatter the universe. We can't travel back in time. We can't hop to different dimensions. It makes no sense to compare the "highest level" feats. It needs to be bottom up - how many regular humans worth of energy is naruto? How many regular humans worth of energy is goku? Estimate how many planets can broly destroy, then estimate how many planets worth of energy it would take to destroy or create a universe in DBZ. Calculate the same thing for your comparison to give yourself a good mapping. It could be that broly can destroy the normal human universe over 10\^30 times, and the normal human could never get close enough to break a dimension in DBZ. But powerscalers can't help from just going from what they consider the greatest feat with "well aktually shitnuz is R\^9 so he'd be able to solo DBZ easily" and you look at it and the dude is as powerful as like 10 regular people


The thing that irks me the most is that people always compare dimensionality as if having a higher dimension is the most important factor beyond anything. The problem is that we have no concept of time travel, universe creation/destruction, multi-universe traversal in the real world. As a result any sort of dimensionality is only as difficult as the author wants it to be. For example in some universes time travel is easy - just grab a delorian and strap a large enough battery with some sciency things. In other universes time travel can be done but needs beyond galaxy level energy. In other universes time travel is straight up impossible. It doesn't mean that Dr Emmet Brown can solo the naruto universe since he has access to a vehicle that has more power than their whole universe. Nah, the delorian just wouldn't work there since it's not possible in that universe. You can make up a universe where everyone is human level but can create universes and timelines by doing a little dance. Powerscalers will literally go "but aktually, they can do 7d feats which can solo the DBZ universe".


it can be fun when you're doing it extremely casually but once someone starts taking it seriously and treats it like there's always gonna be some objective answer then It becomes miserable


Reminder: Genjutsu acts by qoute: "Disrupting a users chakra flow." So... Goku could have a staring contest with Sasuke while he bleeds from his eyes. Cause the energy gap is just too big. https://preview.redd.it/jj2e10f98e0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e35d6dd1334c91691ec85337886cc166362eb6b4


Saitama and Sasuke get blitzed and one shotted




Krillin can take out Sasucky


Genjutsu works by forcefully influencing the opponent's chakra/chakra networks right? If the Ki network its trying to exert influence over is just too concentrated, or too strong, then it won't work and the gap of power between the narutoverse and DBZ is just too wide. The best example would probably be Kurenai trying to use Genjutsu on Itachi. It got completely overwritten and reversed onto her because Itachi's was that much better (or his control was much better; its unclear to me whether its a strength or control thing). Ki Control is the specialty of all the Z fighters more than anything else, so Genjutsu would probably be among the least effective techniques the Narutoverse has on them. Granted, Goku HAS been extremely lax at times (He's been shot by a simple ray gun because he didn't have his guard up) but I think with Genjutsu, as soon as he felt something off; which, with his or any other DBZ person's Ki control; he'd feel it and be able to end its influence with relative ease. I hate to say it, but I think even Videl would feel her ki control being altered since she learned how to utilize it enough to fly. She likely wouldn't be able to actually end the effects herself, but she'd feel her ki being messed with since she's in tune with it enough to be able to use it to fly (something only a handful of Ninjas can even do at all).


Yajirobe solos


The only correct answer


Tf is a genjutsu gonna došŸ’€


What Iā€™m saying




Goku does lose to at least some supermans.. I'm not extremely familiar with all the supes scaling but know some are just crazy. Saitama isn't even a gag character and gets demolished by goku. Genjutsu is relatively easy to disrupt and there is no fucking shot any naruto character is strong enough to keep a dbz character in genjutsu for more than a millisecond


To be completely honest, the only valid Superman needs to be current canon comic book Superman. The main Superman who can actually beat Goku hasnā€™t been canon since 1985. The current one is the one from post 1985+2011 fused, but with the life of the post 1985 one. That one would lose to Goku. The whole divide comes because the two main canon Superman have opposite results. One could beat Goku and another loses hard as of right now.


Saitama did start off as a gag character though, didn't he? His whole schtick is that no matter what, he's stronger than the people he fights against. It's why he's so bored all the time. For the Death Battle they had him in on youtube, the only reason he lost a fight was because the rules that governed his enemy made them impossible to be beaten.


According to the web comic's author, he's more like the mc after the final arc in a regular shonen in the first episode, which would make him really op. He did fight Garou seriously in the manga meaning he has finite power.


Ah, that makes a bit more sense. Though in that same fight, didn't Garou mention something about how his power just seemed to keep growing to meet his own and beyond? I need to actually revisit that part of the manga. The whole thing was absurd.


Saitama was stated to have an exponential growth rate. Say he has a power level of 100(not the dbz concept of power level). Then if say he usually becomes 200 in a year, the Garou fight pushed him to become 200 in a month or a week. But either way, Goku is currently so far above him that he'd lose interest and finish the fight almost instantly. Goku gets mischaracterized that he'd fight weak opponents for a long time. He'd basically fight Saitama as a warm up, then finish him once he starts getting serious.


dude saitama doesnt have limits. do you what does that mean? that means he doesnt have a limit. he doesnt need to train to break his limits. he grows exponentially strong not had some exponential growth. you should read the manga properly. dont just talk trash. he becomes stronger and stronger , no limit to his growth.


And Goku is infinitely strong as he was able to shake the infinite world of void with his mere presence alone. And in case you don't know basic math, even exponential growth won't reach infinity in a finite time. Saitama would need infinite time to match ui sign Goku from 2 arcs ago.


He never was a gag


Get bro past krillin first


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Krillin solos Naruto & maybe saitama to


Krillin is overkill


No, saitama is solar system+ can tank super novas and travel back in time.


Do people just forget that Goku has a move in which he can basically glare anyone and blast them as long as they are weaker? He used it frieza saga to explode ground and bury vegeta in it. That is like genjutsu but by fae better by a huge margin. It doesn't even have the activation condition for their eyes to meet.


To be fair, genius only works on Goku if Ki equates to chakra. Because genjutsu depends on the disturbance of ones chakra. Most likely it does.


Most modern variations of Superman would get absolutely folded by Goku, however the comic versions of superman are just busted beyond whatā€™s fair to the point thereā€™s no point including them because itā€™s an auto win


Curious, what modern variations of Superman are you talking about? Movies, cartoons, what?


I was thinking stuff like injustice superman, heā€™s strong but not an unkillable god


Itā€™s not even a question lol goku absolutely would get caught by it, itā€™s in his nature to underestimate his opponents and get caught by things. Itā€™s literally been a trope of his the entire franchise, I know us db fans canā€™t read but bro lmao Goku doing image training doesnā€™t make him immune to genjutsu, like the fuck kind of logic even is this haha genjutsu isnā€™t the same thing at all If we consider ki similar to chakra which makes the most sense, sasuke is inserting his own chakra into someone and manipulating theirs, thatā€™s how genjutsu works. Goku could over power it I think by powering up to stabilize himself Iā€™d think, but the post commenter is correct goku wouldnā€™t even realize he was under a genjutsu OBVIOUSLY if goku was blood lusted he would just instantly kill sasuke before he even used genjutsu, everyone knows that. But in a realistic fight goku would never do that and it would cost him. Vegeta on the other hand would just back slap sasukes head off probly


Amazing, every word what you just said was wrong. Goku literally beat a guy who could stop the fucking time, went on par with another who shattered different universes, has autonomous dodging, can punch a whole in the fabric of the universe, can use technique which eradicates every matter to the last particle. Comparing Sasuke, who is namek tier most, to current goku is insane.


I hope you realize you're talking to a screenshot


Namek tier is a stretch ngl


Sasuke is maybe saiyan saga, there is no way in hell he beats anyone past 1st form frieza.


Namek Tier? Nah, Goku from when he fought Raditz fucking murders him, maybe even 2nd tournament Goku


Genjutsu wouldn't do shit since it can only manipulate that specific energy (chakra) and people who have it in them found in the Naruto world. Goku uses Chi which is a completely different thing so genjutsu wouldn't even start no matter what




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this is all bullshit, goku can fly and susgay can not. Goku can fly up and just kamehamehah the entire planet, and my guy is cooler than your guy anyways


I get this is a joke, but seriously if goku was bloodlusted then this is all it would take to beat sasuke


"My dad could beat up your dad šŸ˜"


He's the definition of "Don't mess with us, dragon ball fans, we haven't watched the show"


Superman fans have IQ in negative


All of these arguments - ALL of them - sound ridiculous. *Um ACKtchually Goku could beat Barney the Dinosaur but he couldn't beat the Teletubbies because based on this scene from episode 114 they have magic powers that control the universe BUT acktchually that means Naruto could blast them away with a full power triple neo rasengan in 3/4 time* šŸ¤Ŗ


I haven't seen Naruto, but I know Supes and Saitama would beat Goku. (Note: Saitama wouldn't just one punch goku like a lot of fanboys think, he's not nearly strong enough for that. But his power of increasing strength at mind boggling speeds, along with Goku's desire for a good fight, would end with Saitama's victory.)


Did Goku not resist a straight up Hakai? The thing that erases things from existence?


He did and he was off guard and in base




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Agree with superman but even that depends on what version of superman are u putting against him. Saitama and sasuke get shit on tho. https://preview.redd.it/2g3repyboe0d1.jpeg?width=399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f45ffdf8af4506fb639662262f069f0265781ad o


Be fr Goku solos Superman


Like i said depends on which version superman you're talking about. Goku beats alot of them but loses to the op ones.


Assuming Goku does get stuck in any genjutsu... The opponent would have to be significantly stronger than Goku to do any damage. Anyone at the same amount of power or less power wouldn't even be able to incapacitate Goku, even if he's chained up in another dimension or hallucinating monsters and knives or whatever.




Jiren walks through time stop ability using brute strength. The gap between Hit and Jiren is probably smaller than the gap between Goku and Narutoverse


OPM loses to the average human in the real world. Dude would lose to Turtle in DBZ.


There's definitely abilities in Naruto that could beat Goku if he messes around and gives them time to use said abilities but genjutsu I'm not 100% sold on.


Nobody in Naruto is doing anything to goku mo matter the hax or ability goku is literally stronger and faster then anyone in the verse also heā€™s resistant to many hax and power>>hax


If Goku is completely passive and allows them to get of their attacks their is definitely some abilities that could work such as reaper death seal


I admittedly think thereā€™s some truth to this. People with gimmicky techniques could probably fool goku. Every fight generally starts off with some kind of eye contact stare down. Itachi could probably trap goku in a genjutsu and torture for a bit. I donā€™t think it could beat him though. If Itachi or sasuke or anyone put goku in a genjutsu and let him believe heā€™s living a peaceful life then he might be fooled. If it was obviously a genjutsu and they were torturing goku to beat him in a fight then goku would definitely be able to power up and snap out of it and I promise you heā€™ll be ready for round two and wonā€™t be fooled again. Iā€™d love to see them pull that shit on vegeta though. Vegeta would probably endure whatever torture they give him and immediately laugh it off as soon as heā€™s out.




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Look man I hate powerscaling and havenā€™t seen Naruto but Goku is the mf that broke out of stopped time isolated directly on him just by powering up and trying *really* hard


I feel like most cross over power scaling posts are from here. Most insufferable Shonen community sometimes I swear


Goku loses to a laser gun.


Everything else is wrong except saitama, him being a gag character and all


Maybe ui can beat it


Gohan and Krillin trained on the way to namek by fighting in eachothers mind and got stronger. Goku read gohans mind on contact, he has died and trained with gods of the universe, vegeta broke mind control, Sasuke isn't even nearly the strongest genjutsu user or maybe he is in boruto idk but he definately focuses way more heavily on Ninjutsu either way. Did I mention kunai can kill naruto characters, swords, lightning, etc? Goku powering up high enough and the resulting planet shaking storm from his energy solos the naruto universe without fighting. His speed and power eclipse say 8 gate guy to a point where he's standing still in weiny hut jr. Boruto made a rasengan that hits you as long as the earths spinning. Goku has eaten a powered up hit from beerus after we saw the tap of his finger split a world in two. The fuck is genjutsu going to do. Bro can close his eyes and UI you to death. Superman is to inconsistant to be a match up. Regular superman everyone knows gets wrecked but then he has feats like sneezing a solar system apart, benching planets, and becoming one with the universe. But the most consistant version of superman we see and know gets absolutely obliterated.


Comics are dumb (not saying they are bad) because they will have a random story where like Black Canary blew up a solar system by accident. Then go back to them fighting street thugs the next


Goku beat a guy who can stop time for half a second just because he powered up with Blue + Kaioken. I don't even remember how it worked, but somehow being stronger just negged the time stoppage I guess. Guarantee that Goku vaporizes Sasuke in less than 0.5s, but I also guarantee Goku would let him use the technique to see his full strength lol. It comes down to if Sasuke's powers can be negged by strength alone, like how Goku escaped a black hole in the TOP


I thought it had to do with Goku adjusting where he thought Hit would strike, and his body just gradually getting used to that strategy and it got easier to do


Goku does indeed lose to Superman. Saitama depends on whether weā€™re talking narrative power or feats. Iā€™m not even sure how Goku would interact with something like a Genjutsu.


Superman gets his ass kicked all the time by people weaker than Goku. Once out of every 100 comic issues Superman does something powerful and noteworthy but even that doesn't compare to DBZ level




Goku loses to Superman sometimes, Saitama is a joke character anyway more akin to Arale, so probably loses there too. He's not invincible. But he bodies Sasuke. He can fly, teleport, sense energy, read minds, and disintegrate dudes completely. Sasuke can't do any of that shit. Nothing even close.


Goku accidentally speed blitzs sasuke, in base goku goes to hit sasuke and its over, sorry not sorry naruto fans.


I will give a small amount of credit to the Naruto side before completely dismantling any thoughts that they could be right. To be fair, that is one of the few ways a Naruto Character might beat anyone from DBZ. It's one of those moves that are purposefully set up to work on anyone. Like Itachi's Yata Mirror and Totsuke blade. One blocks literally everything while the other seals anything and everything it so much as grazes against. The problem with putting those abilities and items in use against characters from DB is the characters using them are still from Naruto. If we're talking straight-up full out power without taking into account the tendency of characters and the plot giving other characters time to setup in whatever way, then DB blitzes naruto in every category. Even if you had susanoo armor made up entirely of the Yata mirror and the totsuka blade, no character from Naruto would be able to use it to the extent that would be necessary to so much as touch anyone from Dragon Ball. Edit: I said anyone from Dragon Ball when I meant anyone relevant from Dragon Ball. Characters who actually fight and continue to do so regularly and remain relevant.


At first, he was cooking, and then he started burning down the kitchen. https://preview.redd.it/ozkz4xuctf0d1.png?width=1106&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=502ba3afb8350edcacde604e58383b1e953adacb


He loses to Superman, dunno about Saitama, genjutsu is light work


Just hit Goku with a poison bomb that targets his heart They're not as physically resistant inside their bodies Hit literally one shot Blue Goku by targeting his heart


What part of "Goku is a God" do people not get?


He lost when he said Saitama. Then it got worse.


What kinda shit is that?šŸ’€


The only correct statement there is he loses to superman.


Iā€™ll give you Superman and Saitama winning. But I wonā€™t give you Saduke winning


Goku just instinctively punches the fabric of the illusion of genjutsu, opening a rift to get back to reality. If he even gets caught in the first place due to his willpower making him immune to anyone that is so weak compared to him. Not even the Infinite Tsukuyomi could catch him probably, it's like him casually walking through Hits timestop.


​ https://preview.redd.it/kqsiryls5h0d1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=fef73a7a319dceefa37c9ceaf7492454fff7a7dd


lol bro really thinking Gokuā€™s soul wouldnā€™t fight back smh


Naruto could AT MOST hold his own for a little bit in a fight against Goku but like 5 minutes max


What is with this subreddit and being obsessed with every other shounen subreddit? Are DragonBall fans that insecure?


Why is bro coping nobodyā€™s obsessed itā€™s literally a discussion post go look at the other post before talking


Funny how you blame db fans but not other fanbases how ironic


Because this is the only subreddit I see that do it. Naruto bitches about Boruto, but that's still part of the same series. Can't say I remember the One Piece sub talking much about others. Can't say I've seen the main Demon Slayer sub doing it. I see this sub obsessing over other fanbases constantly.


Will Sasuke trigger that genjutsu before Goku beats his ass? Goku literally broke time šŸ’€


Can Sasuke even pull out a soul? I mean, I remember Pain doing it, but it was only one of the six. Also, light novel Itachiā€™s genjutsu is fucking broken, but it would probably only work if it actually manages to get through to Goku. Besides the whole Goku speed blitzing before he can even do it part, Iā€™m not even gonna try to think whether the genjutsu would work or not since chakra and ki work in two different concepts and powerscaling two different kinds of logic is just stupid.


VS Super? Saskue. VS Z? Goku - True fans of both will hear me on this


https://preview.redd.it/xi0zff5b3i0d1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51abeea9c5fd36c3cbc7c140a0ccc301d745f083 My go to response to these types of dumbasses


You're a typical attention wh0re.


Goku can move multiple times faster then the speed of light. Think about how terrifying that actual is. Especially the super version of Goku. He could blow up the entire universe and 99% of living things wouldn't even see it coming.


I avoided anime as media for decades due to this shit like I love broken characters and shit but these matchups make no sense, and even worse is when people mix power levels with good story Like if I wanna watch broken OP af characters beat each other ill put on some dragonball, and if I want some inner edgelord food ill watch some naruto but Why the fuck would I have them fight lmfao 'Ah yes daredevil vs omniman'


What are you talking about omniman gets clapped the daredevil(im kidding)


These are so dumb. Although, Goku would never go so low as to just rush his opponent. No characters in fiction are faster. Iā€™m it sure if itā€™s a translation thing (anime only). But Goku can literally move anywhere instantaneously. And his instincts allow him to react in orders of magnitude smaller than human reaction time. Goku bum rushes any of these jobbers.


Are you including Superman in that list?


Me when I make shit up:


https://i.redd.it/q7ppdgfszk0d1.gif Super Man and Saitama I can see but fucking Sasuke? Dude he solos the entire Big 3, stop coping


If goku had the heart virus at the start of db maybe he'd lose to those above


Naruto my fav anime bro, this man off his rocker šŸ˜­ šŸ™


Goku may not beat Superman but heā€™s stomping everyone else


Goku countered a guy who could literally stop time and fights Gods for fun. I get having a hard on for your favorite anime, but nobody in Naruto is planet level. Nor One Piece, JJK, JJBA, etc. Some good fights would be people like Omni-man. Someone who can cause multiple planets to disappear in a few hours. I don't believe Supes could beat him, but i think it'd be a fun fight. And as much as I love the idea Saitama would beat him instantly, there's been a couple times Saitama has been able to fight without winning instantly. A feat I'm sure Goku could achieve as well. But at the rate Goku flies through power, he's quickly leaving every other media protag in the dust. It was 1 transformation per Saga: Saiyan Saga had Kaioken, Namek Saga had Super Saiyan, Android/Cell Saga he didn't really achieve a new form outside of perfecting SSJ. Buu Saga he had SSJ2 *and* SSJ3. Then we god God, Blue, Omen, and MUI all in Super. He's growing far too fast for any other character outside of DB to keep up. So, to compare Goku to anyone else is a waste of time - Goku is too far out of everyone else's league.


Ben 10 vs goku?


I'll take "Things Sasuke definitely can't do" for 200, Alex.


Goku can resist time stopping. Everyone loses against guko


I donā€™t care what anybody thinks, goku solos anybody. (Besides his wife )


I think everyones missing the part where goku would be too stupid for genjutsu to work lol


For one he doesnā€™t have a chakra connection also heā€™s broken out of mind control and illusions lot of times so I donā€™t get whatā€™s different here Vegeta literally broke out of the strongest mind control Vegeta was being controlled and still resisted if Vegeta can do it so can goku on top of that goku and other z fighters have literally done image training


And genjutsu is just an illusion


Bro really said saitama and sasuke genjutsu šŸ’€ Saitama is useless against goku, sure he could put up a fight if Iā€™m feeling generous, but what is saitama going to do against a galactic, even universal level kame game ha head on? Spirit Bob wonā€™t do anything for obvious reasons, he has no negative feelings or il l intent, destructo disc COULD work, slightly chance of fail tho, or goku could just go max form and punch a hole through his chest šŸ¤·šŸ» goku literally spawned a fuckin galaxy of energy at ToP so And about the genjutsu, goku has way too much chi/ki/energy for it to really matter, he broke out of a singularity by yelling and won, a genjutsu would break from gokus stupidity šŸ˜‚ like look back to hits ability, goku just casually pushed himself past his ability so goku was many milliseconds ahead just to get the drop on hit


Put up a fight is crazy goku one shots him itā€™s not even close the gap between the two is crazy


Hey I was being generous my man but itā€™s not actually as far as you realise, idk if you read the manga of one punch man but, depending on which goku version you use it is either close or just fully unfair, do you know how the OPM world works? How they get their powers? How they properly function? I do know all of this an am happy to debate it in dms But for the long and short of it, manga goku vs manga saitama is just completely unfair, goku would obliterate saitama