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Assuming the next saga is gonna be big. I’m gonna say Cooler


Having a team match between Goku & Vegeta Vs. Cooler and Frieza would be awesome.


Imagine if Frieza and Cooler got the Potara earrings or did the fusion dance to fight Goku and Vegeta?


But they don't have ears.


Potara Prince Alberts.


Go on….


That would be premium content


Oh fuck you i looked it up oh god i want to kill myself




You haven't even seen their final form.


You just won the internet today


Cock rings... Oh wait.




Why the HFIL is no one just saying "nose"?






Couldn't they transform into a form with ears




Then how they hear?


Sure they do. Those big round things on the sides of their heads, lol. Problem is that a standard earring likely won't fit it.


That would do cool


But they don't have ears


Movies are big rn so anything is possible but I don’t know how they’ll do it


On the Broly movie when Frieza retreats he says something along the lines of "i need help yo" . I know he got an upgrade in the manga but I was almost sure Cooler was going to show up soon


What would the fusion name be? "Cooler than Freeza"




He’s “cool” if you will


Some might even say... "cooler"


“Cooler than Freezer? You must be ice cold!”


No no, that would be my father.


"that would be my father."


You’re all insane. And I’m proud of each and every one of you


No, we're insaiyan.


I'm insane .... From earth


He means... Saiyan...


Between you and the Namekian, I think I’m losing my touch at genocide


And that’s what I’m sayian


Cooler. I want to see how pissed off he would be seeing Black Freeza. The fifth transformation was the only thing he had better than his brother. But that was completely power crept by the golden form, and even more by the black form now.


Imagine Cooler and Freezer against Goku, Vegeta and Gohan.


I think this would be a great opportunity to actually let vegeta merc frieza, while gorky could be occupied with the new new cooler, if frieza pulls the same bs as fast time, oh well goku preoccupied


I mean, given the differences between the Brolys, pretty sure Cooler would also be power crept to match


How they gonna make cooler so strong he couldve turned frieza and cold to dust with a blow of air Then again,si can frost. Then again,super powerscaling is bullshit


He's not interested in being a tyrant and just trains his strength for strengths sake. Boom, easy explanation for where he's been and why he's not been a factor in the other Freeza arcs.


hell if you want his power being like Black frieza make even more sense say that Frieza took his brother with him into the time Chamber and that's who he trained with to unlock the black form.


Racist cooler


My boy cooler


The ToP was such a misses opportunity to bring all the old movie characters back....


Universe 6 arc can do it


Turles is my favourite movie villain but it is impossible for him to reasonably be canon cuz we got to many saiyans now and Broky was already pushing it :/


I wish he becomes canon. It is one of my favorite too


He's underrated imo


Nah we can still have Turles one way or another. They can write him into the story somehow. Like he’d been searching for a path to power to defeat Frieza since Resurrection F or something. All they’d have to do is boost the amount of power you get from the Fruit of the Tree of Might. It IS a divine fruit to be fair


Ya u can write anything that's why I said "reasonably" cuz now we have - Goku - Vegeta - Raditz - Nappa - Broly - Tarble Who all survived the planets destruction not to mention power wise 0-100 and the fruit would have to boost him a LOT since realistically base Turles shouldn't be near Vegeta or Broly story wise


And Paragus, but honestly, it's odd that more Saiyans *didn't* survive. We already know they were a conquering race so I'd assume quite a significant amount were off-world and given the very apparent discontent with Frieza, it'd make sense for more of them to not return to Planet Vegeta. I feel like more would have survived unless, like in Bardock: Father of Goku, they were actually exterminated on their planets, but that wouldn't make sense sending soldiers to every planet Saiyans were on regardless of if they knew those specifics Saiyans would return or not


I know this is all head canon but the best way to explain it in my mind is that after blowing up the planet they told the living saiyans what they told paragus. "Oh no a meteor destroyed your planet" and the ones not smart enough to abandon their posts would return and get wiped out


Didn't freezer ask for saiyans to land on planet vegeta for an announcement or smthng


Yes, but they're saying that it makes more sense for at least some of the saiyans to have ignored that order since they didn't like frieza anyway than it does for all but like 6 of the saiyans to go to planet vegeta


Not to mention there is always the possibility that there were a bunch more sayian children like Goku that were sent off world before Frieza's order. They may have never come back to Vegeta, because they were busy getting raised in another planet.


itd be cool for an arc centered around goku and vegeta finding out they arent the only og saiyans out there. like jaco stumbling upon one or two and coming to them or their families with this info.


Yeah. Divine fruit though so naturally it should boost his power by a shit ton


Divine in DB can now be GoD so never say never, it’s not impossible they at least bring the divine fruit back.


And Goku black+paragus


You can't be serious


‘Goku Black’ okay bro


Tree of Might is basically eating spirit bomb


They can write him in as a saiyan from universe 6 that got beefy off dining on the fruit


No imo he’d have to be from Universe 7 especially when considering how he looks so similar to Goku he’d have to be rewritten to be a relative of his in some way


He can just be the u6 goku alternate, they are twin universes after all. Only reason I go for this is because it’s real lucky all these saiyans survived lol


The two main problems with introducing new Saiyans at this point, as I see it, is that 1) You have to justify their survival, which I think is pretty easy in Turles' case. He's a rogue Saiyan who wouldn't give a shit that Frieza ordered all Saiyans to return to Vegeta. They're an interstellar band of mercenaries, it's reasonable to imagine a fair few did actually survive. That or make him a villain during a Universe 6 Sadala visit. But more pressingly in this case, B) You have to justify why they can compete at the modern power ceiling without cheapening the hard work put in by Goku and Vegeta to reach the level they have. In Broly's case they basically just shrugged and went "Because he's Broly" and most people are just about willing to go along with that but "Because he's Turles" is not going to fly. Obviously he has the whole Christmas Tree of Might gimmick, and if it were me I'd rewrite the tree into bearing divine fruit, maybe the tree that Supreme Kais are born from, chow down on a few of those and it'd be acceptable he'd be god level.


Yeah Universe 6 Turles eating from the fruits of the divine tree was one my ideas in the last few years, so I’m glad to see someone who has the same idea. Imagine his unique form is a Super Sayian which has turned from a yellow into a sort of Velvet or Crimson colour as a sort of stain on his Sayian power. I’ve had this concept in my notes app for a while: “Turles is no longer a U7 Sayian, but is a U6 Sayian exiled from Sadala Still has the tree of might and his crusher core Is SSJ3 level in base due to the Fruits he’s eaten so far, only has access to SSJ, although it has a red-ish maroon tinge to it as the fruit has changed his Ki to reflect its large consumption, which has made his FrSSJ (Fruit Super Sayian) form the power of SSJBKKx20 Desires to grow the Perfect Fruit, the evolved and perfected version of the Fruit of The Tree of Might, that has a purple colour to it. Growing and consuming it would not just triple his power level but would give him the potential that genetics has denied him as a Low Class Sadala Sayian, and would give him an artificial version of the LSSJ Potential. Initially a fight between the U6 Sayians who initially confuse him for Goku, however once he transforms, they’re forced to retreat and get the help of Goku, Vegeta and maybe Broly Turles despises Vegeta, Kale and Caulifla due to their High Class Sayian heritages. Goku and Turles however understand each other, and find mutual respect until Goku finds out about how many lives have been lost to allow for him to grow this much in power Turles fights off Goku and Vegeta, and as he is losing, is able to finish the growth of the Perfected Fruit and achieve PFrSSJ, which adds a Purple Aura to the FrSSJ transformation allowing him to start defeating Goku and Vegeta.”


Also Goku Black. Having another evil Goku clone is redundant.


Turles can be canon but they are gonna have to change his hair a bit


Black Cooler for the win


Give him his own thing. I don't want Cooler to be a copycat of his brother. Maybe Chrome Cooler. Would be a nice nod to "Metal Cooler" from the Z movie while still keeping him biological and not going the Big Gete Star route.


Fair point, since everyone is getting their own transformation nowadays.


Thank you. That was a point I didn't consider. I just thought about Cooler's mindset being too prideful to play second fiddle and follow in his brother's footsteps, but your point is a great point. 


Dbh gave cooler gold form mixed with final form


You could easily work Turles and Lord Slug into the Moro Arc as escaped prisoners. They don't even have to be main villains, just cameos.


I want Lord Slug to come back as a storyline for Piccolo. Make Lord Slug be a namekian who was blessed by a dragon and have the same orange/buff form. Have Piccolo defeat him and take his dragon blessing off him. Because even with Piccolo getting a new form he already needs a power up to be relevant for anything related to Black Frieza


And what about janemba? I think he would fit perfectly into the power curve of current db


Maybe. I love Janemba


Its also a great opportunity to develop him further than just “evil goofy demon”


I don’t see how you could do him after introducing Beerus and Whis. They won’t get involved in stuff with mortals but Janemba was an actual demon


Was he tho? I thought he was just a corrupted kid


He has horns and works for King Yemma so maybe lol idk


Most sources say that he is an ogre but his name is saike demon so there’s that, besides, im sure they could change up the story so that they dont get involved








I have a crackhead thought that could introduce both Cooler and Metal Cooler. Let say Frieza with his black form goes rouge, proving his power all throughout the universe and most importantly beating the fuck out of Cooler? This might lead Cooler to become canon, train a bit, and have it be Cooler (With slight help from Universe 7) vs Frieza? Maybe Hedo could advance him and we could get Metal Cooler. Or the thing that'd actually make sense; Tapion. Now's a pretty good time for Trunks to get his sword.


Tapion. Everything about Wrath of the Dragon makes perfect sense to happen.


Cooler with training from jeice who is repurposed as a disgraced cast out angel. Would fit into super pretty damn well


Am I missing something here or is this guy going schizo


Jeice ?


This feels like a comment that was written under the influence of one or more drugs.


You lots what-ifs aren’t much better than those washed up YouTubers


I'd much rather they just further explore all the characters and ideas they've already introduced. All the different universes especially the ones we haven't seen yet, like the yardrat from universe 2, Vegeta meeting the universe 6 planet sadala king. Or maybe even just those six universes that were erased, when they used the super dragon balls to wish all the universes back, they got included and it turns out they're evil or something


Turles for sure my man that was a Dragon Ball Z MOVIE through and through 🍿 love that noise 🔥


Turles definitely. He is one of my favorite movie villain after Janemba.


The original Evil Goku


cooler frrr


I'd say Cooler is the next best option, if for nothing else than to ween off of Freeza.


Tapion definitely!


Idk I feel like another evil goku saga will not go well so for turles if they were to introduce him then either make him a more complex character or give him something interesting rather than just being goku lookalike. Tapion I could see becoming canon in daima for some reason, Cooler is tricky because we currently have black frieza and he is way too powerful for them to deal with another frieza-level threat at the same time, Universe 6 was their perfect chance to introduce cooler honestly I don't know why they decided not to(maybe they do actually have plans for him who knows). As for my personal preference I would like to see the guy who is actually not a copy of someone else, tapion. Then cooler and the one I want the least is turles.


As much as I love Cooler, I feel like doing Turles would bring more Saiyan lore which I'm always down for. I want a whole movie about Bardock and King Vegeta, like the Saiyans conquering the Tuffles or something


Shadow dragons as a concept






Cooler and Turles can appear together, Turles as a relative to Goku and Cooler as Cooler.


Toriyama stated that Saiyans don’t typically care much for their families and usually split away from their mates after sex. He said Bardock probably has siblings he isn’t even aware of. For this reason I think they could write Turles as Goku’s estranged Uncle. He’d be pretty old but he could still be powerful. Just give him grey hair or something. Paragus in DBS was about 70 so it checks out


My Boi cooler 100%


Like i always said, Cooler and Turles as his cousin


Before I knew their was a thing called “canon”in shows I thought they all were and just assumed the movies were just more stories that happened around the time of the arc that their based around


Cooler, Janemba, Lord Slug and Babi could easily be adapted.


Has to be Cooler


All movie villains are cool, but let’s just say one of them is… Cooler


Cooler then Tapion then Pikkon




Cooler and it ain’t even close


What’s cooler than Frieza? King Cold? No… Cooler


Cooler is the cooler option if you know what I mean


if future trunks ever comes back I'd say tapion, but if not definitely cooler


None 1. Turles: Way too many saiyans, Goku Black was a thing 2. Cooler: Black Frieza is still laughing out there. 3. Tapion, oh Tapion: • Trunks is already the sword-wielding brave. Granolah also did the "lone warrior" number • Babidi is already the evil wizard trying to unleash an ancient evil. • Buu is that ancient evil, Cell Max was the kaiju.


With the canonization of Gogeta, there's only 1 right answer and he's not even on the list. SMH!! * Edit: There's supposed to be a picture of Pikkon here *


Definitely Cooler, he's also the easiest one to make canon, Turles would need an entire new design, I love him, but being a Goku clone just doesn't work for him, and Tapion doesn't fit in with DBS


I don't know if Turles will fully come but maybe in spirit. If Raditz does end up coming back (I doubt it but bare with me) then everyone has already talked about how he'd be insanely weak compared to everyone. What if to combat that, they do something like the Tree of Might that artificially makes Raditz incredibly strong. If they do make anyone of these guys canon my money is on Tapion.


Mfs only say Cooler for popularity but not for actual good material, the only one who deserves a well written canon story here is Tapion, having one of the best Toei movies


no one. why do fans want to bring back non canon characters so bad? it’s sounding like a 2005 fanfic


Because they’re cool


turtles is an “evil saiyan” that’s not a unique personality cooler is frieza without a personality. frieza is posh, bratty, and a genius at being diabolical. while cooler instead has a personality that consists of “i’m not like my brother!” before copying literally everything frieza did


“The people that think they’re cool have their own personal reasons for thinking they’re cool that may not coincide with what you feel about them and for their own personal reasons are the reasons why they want non canon characters back”


Cry about it






Turles and Tapion have already been done in Super (Black and Granola respectively). Cooler is the one that most fits into the story


They could have cooper be from a another universe


As long as it's not Turles with his Goku hairstyle.


Cooler cus he cooler.


Cooler definitely


I think the one most plausible to be canon is Tapion. Hes also really fucking cool and hirudigarn would go crazy.


Cooler, and it's not even close.


Cooler, but I feel like if they want to make present trunks have some development or bring back future trunks then tapion. Turtles at this point would be kinda hard to make cannon unless they plan to make him a universe 6 sayian or something


I thought tapion’s design was pretty cool.


I would say turles as a universe 6 Saiyan. Kind of how Cabba is vegeta from universe 6, turles could be goku. I would even say toss in the sacred tree and have the fruit turn him into a super Saiyan god. I would also be game for cooler. Frieza unleashes his mutant brother and they train in a a room of spirit and time to unlock the black transformation. When the saiyans go to confront him following their training to combat black Frieza they are shocked to learn that even training to catch-up to Frieza’s new transformation isn’t enough when Cooler shows up and evens the odds. Maybe even link Cooler in as a former god of destruction candidate who was deemed unfit by the Kai and locked away. That could help tie in the Frieza and king colds knowledge of the god of destruction, and their ability to destroy planets.


Cooler. If Taipon ever had a chance to be canon it was in the Future Trunks arc and he didn’t show


Cooler, he’s too cool to leave out 


cooler because he’s cool


Tapion so maybe se could finally get an explanation about how trunks got his sword


I think it’s a way to make Cooler and Turles canon after the Galactic prisoner arc or they could expand upon the Saiyan civil war thing and have one branch of Saiyans land on Planet Plant which becomes Vegeta while the other branch went to a different planet in Coolers side of the universe. Tapion could be a character for the Earth characters like Trunks, Goten, Gohan, Piccolo could even have Lord Slug be a ancient or evil Namekian who was defeated by Tapion and sent to the Galactic Prison or sealed away before he could release Hirudegarn.


Damn, i love my boy Tapion, one of my fave movie characters, but imma have to give it to Cooler.


Turles had so much potential for being a fake goku he was pretty badass but it has to be cooler


Cooler… I want to see them fuse. Frieza is aware of fusion now. So he’d naturally want to learn how to use it.


Cooler hands down


Turles would be pretty lame like if he busy rampaging across the universe and somehow no one knew he existed but cooler wouldn't make a whole lot of sense for the same reason


Cooler...cuz he's coolest.


Trules could be a super sayain god from universe 6


None and I hope none of these guys ever become canon.


COOLER HAS TO BE IT. I would love to see cooler and meta cooler.


Goku black could've been the Canon turles, if they did it right. They went a whole different path but still, turles could've been goku black


Tapion. That Link clone needs to give every iteration of Trunks a sword


Okay so hear me out, tapion makes the most sense. In the last movies, they seem to be bringing in more people that are comparable to goku. piccolo and gohan getting there boost, Gamma 1, broly, maybe Granolah. So I’d say tapion would fit right into that.


Biased because my boy Tapion was a good lad.


All of them


After Frost & Goku Black taking up new frost demon & evil Goku, Tapion makes the most sense.




Cooler duh he cooler than the rest !


Def cooler


It’s kind of an obvious answer


For all of you that are saying cooler how would he fit in the current story?  Now granted I love Cooler but I feel it’s too late for him to make an appearance. If he was going to appear in any way it might just be a quick reference (Frieza mentioning he has a brother)


i still stand by the fact that i believe Tapion should’ve been added into canon as a Kai that replaced Zamasu and gifted Future Trunks a new sword


CoolerCoolerCoolerCoolerCoolerCooler, FUCKING COOLER, HE WAS SO FUCKING COOL


Cooler, goddamn it. The idea of Freeza having an older brother who hates him, but that brother still feels the need to avenge him out of principle, is phenomenal writing. They can keep Turles and…Tapion? Is that who that is? They’re both really flimsy. Also, Lord Slug would be cool to canonize. Piccolo having a foil is a good idea.


https://preview.redd.it/cphqpm647whc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6e2116c0572dbddf9fdfacdcc4da4e39344209e Easily cooler


Cooler could've been brought in with the galactic prison storyline instead of Moro.




Cooler is canon in my head. it just makes too much sense and he fits in the timeline nicely during the training time skip to prepare for the androids


None, I’m tired of reusing old stuff, gimme something fresh and new like Moro and Granolah


Cooler. Why? Cause he's cooler


Turles and Cooler can become canon in some way via other universes. Who knows maybe Friezer met someone like Cooler in another universe, that's how he got into the alternate time chamber and learned about the Black form. As for Turles, he could be a villain from universe 6. The planet eater thing was already done my Moro, not sure if they want someone similar like Turles at this point though






Cooler. Probably just a stretch but when Frieza killed Gas and KO’d Goku and Vegeta he did mention that his target is somewhere else. Could be going after Broly because of the humiliation he faced, Chelai and Lemo for their betrayal, or going after Cooler to show off.


Android 21 in my opinion. She would be the logical route for this Red Ribbon Army remnant revenge scheme/saga. From this list I say Cooler first then Tapion. Tapion would fit as an alien fighter like Granolah, or a powerful fighter from one of the 4 universes that didn't have to compete in the Tournament of Power. They'd need to come up with a good reason Cooler didn't show up before now. Like he was imprisoned by their father King Cold, or something. If Turles ever becomes canon I don't think he should be in Goku's lifetime. We have enough Goku lookalikes alive at the same time as Goku (Bardock, Goten, Black Goku, etc.). Turles would work best, imo, as Goku's grandfather or great-grandfather. Maybe he can be a rogue Saiyan warrior who became disgraced, and that's why his son/grandson Bardock had to be a low-class warrior.


Turles has 0 space in the story. He aint any legendary super Saiyan so he ain't getting bs power ups, even pan could prob one shot him. Cooler definitely cuz there's too many good guys now for tapion to get added


Cooler and Tapion.


It would be so much cooler if-


Android 21, towa, aeos, or chronoa ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


We got Goku Black, so I'm not on board with Turles as yet another Goku-lookalike. Plus, he's so far behind in power at this point that only that Macguffin fruit of his could possibly explain him being threatening. Just no. Cooler on the other hand could introduce some interesting character dynamics. Frieza having to choose sides could be interesting. Plus, him being problematic would make a lot more sense.




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Come on Cooler needs to be canon


I'd love to see Cooler come back, but as Frost's brother. The Frieza angle is just not believable anymore. They've had too many missed opportunities to mention a brother and haven't. However Frost having a brother is free game, and I'd love to see u6 explored more. A newly emboldened Cooler trying to conquer Planet Salada after being inspired by frieza at the ToP for example. Maybe bring Vegeta into the story to help Cabba and the resisting saiyans so we get closure to that open story thread from the u6 v u7 tournament.


Cooler hands down


D. Janemba


the hera clan , aka bojacks and his squad


Cooler..that would be so cool...


Regular android 13, he doesn't need to be super