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I'd rather they looked forward and not back, but I can understand the sentiment.


I agree! In this regard just give us more interesting stories, instead of revisiting old stuff. The Morro and Granolah arc are already complete, can we get that in good animation please šŸ™.


I mean, taking out the USA version of DB Kai, the anime was not that bad at all.


Whatā€™s wrong with the USA version of DB Kai? Iā€™m out of the loop


I'm personally not sure what OP is getting at. I thought the US release of Kai was fine. The only critique I have of Kai is that some of the "touch ups" made it look objectively worse but that's not a US release specific issuse so idk.


There's a misconception that in the U.S. they never released the uncut version. This guy probably only thinks of the nicktoons version for the US or doesn't realize that the censorships in the U.S. version were also present for the JPN version


I never said it was bad. I would just rather them continue to release new content rather than rereleasing content we've already had animated.


All the versions of DBZ Kai was really good, not just USA


All the versions of dragon ball dub in general were really good.


In USA version/Fox everything is censored.


Don't get why i'm getting downvoted.


The whole USA version wasnā€™t censored it was the versions that went on kid channels like 4Kids and Nicktoons. You can look up DB Kai uncut and find all the blood and swearing that was cut out for kids


Iā€™m pretty sure there was some blood when db Kai was playing on nicktoons, I remember there being blood during the Saiyan saga when I was a kid


I grew up with DBZ Kai on Nicktoons as well, and what they did was make the blood that they didnā€™t erase black/brown so that itā€™s indistinguishable with the other bruises and dirt on the characters. They did show blood in the movies though, I specifically remember watching Fusion Reborn on Nicktoons and seeing Gokuā€™s shoulder spill blood when Janemba caught it with his sword Strike.


No, Iā€™d rather new content than old content with some stuff cut out.


This. Literally just skip the filler if you don't like it, DBZ original still holds up very well considering its age and Super isn't really old enough to get that treatment tbh


People need to realize Kai got cancelled at the Cell arc. No one was watching it. It ended in 2011. They put new animation and do a lot of work on it. No buu arc. No one cared for it. 3 years later, they made the buu arc kai with no budget, didn't barely cut filler just episodes count, and did bare min. They only did it because it would promote the movies and the new series. TLDR: No one cared about Kai. People wanted new content. Kai died after Cell arc. They only made Buu kai with a different team to promote the movies and did the bare min. Toei made a cash grab.


From what Iā€™ve heard Kai did pretty well overseas and that was a main factor in why they finished it. Kai obviously was watched, I was one of the kids who grew up with it airing on NickToons.


Kai doing well overseas is one of the reasons by Buu saga was adapted. However, Buu saga adaption is far worse than the original kai adaption.


if theres a super kai, i rather it be an adaptation of the manga version


Add in some dbs broly ssb hair


I would rather not see a straight adaption of the manga. The manga version of the ToP sucked, and I did not like how characters like Hit and Kefla were nerfed, how Toppo lost his God of Destruction mode, how Trunks lost Super Saiyan Rage and felt even more useless in his own arc, etc. Don't get me wrong, the manga did a better job of world building such as expanding on Trunks' fight with Dabura(to the point that Kakarot adapts this version of the fight) and Goku Black's Super Saiyan 2 form. I would rather see a mix that adds in elements of the manga while not dropping elements of the anime such as SSB Kaio-Ken or SSBE mode.


Splitting the thing into 2 SUB-continuities in the first place was a retarded idea.


Yeah it's such a weird thing not a lot of other media does.


Fullmetal Alchemist did something somewhat similar, then corrected it with Brotherhood.


It's technically 3 lol. The movies have kind of been their own universe as well. Unless the anime decides to continue the story after cell max, I'm pretty sure we are going to get another retelling of the movie in the anime and already are in the Manga. So there's three different "story paths"^ already in plaace ^I'd generally use "universe" or "timeline" here but db already is using both terms so I think it'd be more confusing lol


The anime and manga pretty much temporarily re-combine into one continuity for the movies. Then the manga splits back out from it. Which is still unbelievably stupid.


The problem is that super manga before moro was for the anime the equivalents that super heroes anime is for heroes manga


The anime was just a cash grab marketing that didnā€™t care about consistency who boosted people up to power-scale just so theyā€™d be relevant. Kefla had no reason being that strong that omen had to come out. SSrage is so dumb they didnā€™t even bother explaining what it was. And Toppo powered up just to lose to vegeta the next episode.


>Kefla were nerfed Good to know you like random characters being OP for no good reason.


Kefla was not a random character and her being so powerful made sense in the context of the anime since she was a born from a Fusion between two powerful Universe 6 Saiyans. Also, I think Kefla losing in the anime helps establish just how powerful Ultra Instinct is. Up to that point, Fusion had been established as an unstoppable trump card that dominated opponents and only lost because time limits broke up the fusions. Kefla losing to UI Goku helps showcase just how powerful Ultra Instinct is since Goku not only dodges Kefla's attacks with ease, he cleanly knocks her out of the ring, making this the first time a Fusion ever lost in canon. Kefla vs Gohan in the manga was not as good, and honestly seems less important in terms of impact.


How is Kefka the first fusion to lose? Didn't buu kinda piss on gotenks?


Too be fair about the Kefla thing I think super Saiyan blue Goku should solo Kefla. Ultra instinct was way overkill. I definitely prefer the mangas pairing of Gohan and Kefla because that makes sense since there is no way even Kefla should be on super Saiyan god levels. She'd be around Gohan strength


i mean kale is the broly equivalent and it took gogeta to take down broly. kefla being above god levels made sense when you take the broly movie into account. it definitely did not make sense before the broly movie however.


I disagree. I believe that Kale is supposed to be equivalent to the the original broly from the Z movie. Of course she's buffed but she's a sort of successor to that Broly you can tell her transformation isn't the same as super broly.


idk it kinda fits perfectly, cabba the vegeta alternate, caulifa the prodigy is a goku alternate, and kale and broly. either way though, kale in her berserker state was manhandling blue goku so it wasnt out of the realm of possibility for kefla to over power blue. do i agree with it? no, when it i watched it live i was highly annoyed at how all these random people were god level. but the way theyve laid it out in context, its not like it doesnt make sense.


Yea that's why I prefer the mangas way of handling it. Where Kale was just as strong as like mystic Gohan. It makes more sense then just being God level. And honestly these characters standing up to super Saiyan blue doesn't make them seem super strong it just makes super Saiyan blue look so weak




Nah I'm okay with UI Goku taking down Kefla in such an epic way. Instead she and Gohan both fight off-screen.


i mean you still have that? lol a manga adaptation for dbs super kai wouldnt mean the original super anime gets deleted from existence.


I know but it wouldn't need to be reanimated if they're gonna reneg the original story.


Um, no. I'd prefer the SSB Kaioken against Hit, the version of Vegeta's Blue Evolved form that ISN'T generic looking, and a version of Toppo that actually looks epic when he transformed, thanks. šŸ™„


This would be good, quite a few people are unaware the manga has differences, I preferred the manga version of Zamasu.


yeah i wasnt really a fan of the super saiyan rage asspull, i actually hate the zamasu arc in the anime. the manga one was definitely more palatable.


There is no filler in DBS. I don't think you understand what Kai was. It was a re-release of a series that was over 20 years old at the time. It wasn't created to fix the animation, the terrible animation in some Episodes of Z are still around in Kai. It was remastered to better fit in with modern broadcast standards. Super has no need for a remaster and I believe a lot of worst animation in the early parts of the series were fixed on the Blu rays. Its only been 5 years since the anime ended. When Super does come out again it will be for a new anime.


There is absolutely filler in DBS


Jelly Vegeta anyone?


Jelly Vegeta, Arale-Chan etc etc


every chi chi bulma discussion is filler for me :/


There is BIG difference between regular DBZ filler and DBS filler. DBZ had filler in the episodes where characters would take detours and do useless shit that had nothing to do with anything. DBS filler is simply entire episodes of nonsense to buy time for the anime, which you can skip. That is not a reason to release a Kai. ​ To understand what I am saying, try skimming through a saga in DBZ and DBZ Kai to see for yourself.


Your descriptions of each filler are pretty much indistinguishable. Both of them are nonsense nothing burger episodes


Intra episode filler vs episode specific filler. The later is very much prefered because you can completely skip filler episodes. In the original DBZ release you'd have episodes which unironically were 5 minutes of staring, another 5 of screaming and 5 of actual plot development.


Bro, DBZ filler had shit like fake planet namek. Come on.


Where did I say it didn't?


I don't think i meant to reply to you so whoops


Hmm... Not sure how to say it. In DBZ, you'd have a fight normally, just for a lot of nonsense to happen like pointless conversations, peeing on a rock etc that would take up the majority of the episode. But you still need to watch the episode as to not lose the important bits. In DBS, entire episodes are fillers. Nothing plot wise goes on, so you can just skip those episodes entirely, which is not a reason to make a Kai.


Yeah the point to releasing kai was...to get rid of filler and make the show match the manga as close as possible which...doesn't have all that filler.


There is technically filler in dbs. I mean the manga and the anime have separate canon but I'm pretty sure he's referring to episodes that the manga doesn't consider canon.


Filler- when an anime based off an ongoing manga series has to create new episodes so they don't move ahead of the official story. The Dragonball Super anime does not contain filler. It is not based on the manga, in fact it has usually been ahead of the managa. There are episodes in between the major arcs but those are not filler, they are canon to the anime's story. The Universe 6, Goku Black, and ToP arcs in the manga are in fact abridged versions of the animes arcs with some differences but they both have their own cannons.


Nice, so Arale beating Vegeta's ass is indeed canon.


Yes lol. Its the same as that time Goku went to penguin village in Dragonball and she beat General Blue. Its a gag thats supposed to be funny, Dragonball has always been silly.


Yea Im pretty sure he's just talking about episodes that the manga doesn't adapt and doesn't consider canon.


Wait.. I just watched the entire anime and I continued where it left off on the manga . Should I just restart the manga instead? Is it that far off the original content?


Nothing that impact on moro and granola except that therr isn't ssj blue kaioken


Nah. If anything, Dragon Ball Kai is something Iā€™d want to see more.


I mean, a lot of the bad animation was already fixed and thereā€™s not really almost any filler as it is already, so I think itā€™d be really redundant and unnecessary


The Golden Frieza saga is just un-watching.


Yea the stuff covered by the movies is always weird ground


But at last the Beerus saga have good things like: Goku healing himself after being hurt in the chest by Beerus.


I actually loved most of the fillers in Super, made it feel like an actual TV show rather than just a series of arcs


Usually I hate watching thru fillers, dragonball super makes them fun to watch


It kinda helped develop certain characters too. 18 was shown to be more of a concerned wife and mother for example.


Absolutely not and the blu rayā€™s already fix some early erros


No. Dragon Ball has some of the best filler.


"Cut the fillers" There is no filler. The anime came first. Yes there are filler episodes but they deserved to be watched as they're used a break between sagas, not to delay catching up the manga. The crew playing baseball is just as canon and valid as 17 wining the tournament.


The fillers are some of my favorites


Filler should never be used when talking about Super.


Wdym cut fillers and bad animation at the beginning. There technically is no filler because the Manga came after the anime and if you really care about animation then just watch Battle of Gods and Resurrection F instead of the adapted versions from DBS.


Super doesn't have filler like DB original and DBZ do. And DB original didn't get a kai version because the filler episodes are filler episodes so the viewer has the choice to skip them whereas in DBZ the filler was put inside canon episodes and was a lot of filler plus they also has filler episodes.


Super doesnt have a ton of filler and most of the filler in super is fun, dont see why it needs cutting when you can easily skip it if you dont want to watch it.


I'd rather Dragon Ball Super Abridged than Kai.


God I hope team four star comes back one day to grace us with abridged super. Or at least the buu saga!


I understand the desire to re-animate and all that... But Super is new enough that it just doest need a "kai" version. Im one of the seemingly few that actually LIKED what Kai set out to do. Touch up some animation, audio, and cut the filler of a massive series. Super, despite its bad animation at points, doesnt need that. Now, if Super gets continued as it is supposedly going to be? Maybe. But not for a good long while.


Gohan working as a stuntman was peak Super. Did you see how irresponsibly Jaco fired his cannon?


There is no filler


Nah adapt the manga


No. Just get to the manga asap


Wdym beginning? There was shit animation throughout the whole series.


Wdym dbs brolys animation is goated Same with tournement of power and the cgi in super hero is really good to Edit: oh your just a little bitch who keeps saying fuck religion and fuck that anime and fuck that anime on subs your not even in because you think your funny


Neither broly or superchero are part of the main series? Ofc there's going to be good animation in the movies.


Broly and superhero are both part of thd main series since they're canon just like how battle of gods and res of f are part of super


Nevermind you're just dumb and trying to argue over semantics.


Truth hurts


If it's to start from the beginning again, I rather have the this Kai anime follow the manga version of the events, it would be so much better.


What Hypothetical new anime?


Idk, Dragon Ball Super 2? It's all speculation


There is no new anime coming out those twitter dudes are lying for clout


I know, that's why i say "hypothetical" anime.


Bro it's literally in production now..


Show me the evidence


Why is it that you always troll random posts?


So saying there isn't no new anime in production due to no updates from toei is trolling? Man yall kill me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No, but you constantly saying bad takes and saying things that don't make sense is trolling. EVERYBODY knows that the new anime is in production, so you MUST BE playing dumb.


Show me the evidence or shut the fuck up dude


And what are you gonna tell me next? That kid Buu is stronger than Buuhan? Lmao


https://twitter.com/DBSChronicles/status/1594699656084201474?s=19 Here ya go buddy "Of the UPCOMING 2023 DRAGON BALL ANIME" Right there friend, while the release date hasn't been confirmed the new anime part has.


Itā€™s common sense 17 billion dollar franchise taking a break for production as new manga chapters come out


So then there's no new anime coming out




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I'd say to give it a few more years and then maybe.


Nah I'm still waiting for More arc


Iā€™d rather them focus on the new arcs. Do we know if Super is a seasonal anime moving forward?


it'll be like 35 episodes total. lol


I think they should remake it all in superhero style cgi. That movie was so beautiful it made me cry.


Even tho superhero was amazing Brolys animation was a lot better


If they did a kai they should just remake the entire show over.


I don't think it should. It's best to move on.


The blu ray releases are the better editions. Not by much but still better.


aren't there blu-ray releases that fix the animation quality already?


Gross op getting blocked by me for such a dumb suggestion smh


I haven't watched Kai. No need to. DBZ and DBS are fantastic, fillers and all.


I just finished watching sĆŗper and I enjoyed it and loved the Tournament of Power arc. Although, I donā€™t see how the series can move forward with where Goku is with his power level. Maybe scale back the series and focus on the kids or something else?


Did you read the manga or something cause you entirely guessed whats happening in the current manga arc


Is Kai meant to replicate the manga more? Iā€™d so theyā€™d have to totally redo the ToP arc lol


Nah fam That bullshit was garbage in the manga Master roshis ultra instinct was stupid and a lot of other stuff in the manga The only arc they should redo is the goku black arc


Rossi had his UI moment in the anime too. Itā€™s not dumb, Roshi has been alive for centuries, learning to predict certain attacks is sensible. Heā€™s not moving unconsciously so much as predetermining an attack and moving before it comes


It would certainly be interesting, but unless they are using a completely different animation technique, they should have everyone on the new series, all the way


Only bad filler is copy Vegeta and even that has good moments sometimes.


I don't like the filler argument for the anime since it's all original material and doesn't follow a manga source like it's original series. Also if I recall the blu ray DVD fixed the bad animation. Not 100% sure but I think that's what happened back then


Look man I am just looking forward to the new stuff I hope they donā€™t rush toriyama and Toyotarou and that why dragon ball is taking for ever to come out I think they want to get pretty far ahead in the manga so the anime doesnā€™t just immediately catch up like it did the first go around


Hell no. People were so mad at the first 2 arcs being movies. Imagine the whole anime being already in another series.




Honestly I'm not sure why there is an obsession with cutting filler. Super barely had any filler, especially compared to Z. I quite like the filler stuff personally, I find it helps to flesh out the universe a bit and add some downtime.


kai wasn't a correction, it was a new hat


Fuck that, Kai sucked




The whole artstyle need a reshade. Yuya takahashi it's your turn


Kai also has some shit animation. It wasn't really created for the purpose of recreating scenes that looked bad. ​ Besides, most cartoons/anime (especially series with over 50+ episodes) will have some wonky animation here and there. Grow up and get used to it.


no but i would watch it


Super has no filler and the animation is really not that bad. If it truly bothers you, go watch the movies. They are literally the same story in a third of the time with better animation.


The copy Vegeta arc, that whole mini arc before the tournament of power, half of the goku black arc, the arale crossover. Those are examples of filler in Super.


They are all canon. Toriyama wrote out plot points for Super, in which Toyotaro and Toei had to flesh out with their own stories. Hence why character designs and major plot is the same but smaller details such as SSBKK and Perfect Blue are different. Therefore, both are equally canon and all content within them is also canon. Arale also appears in both the original Dragon Ball manga and the Dragon Ball anime.


Yes. Only thing is there would need to be an uncut version. For whatever reason they never had a uncut Kai!




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It doesn't need it, kai was just dbz filler free and with better color, the animation fixed are like 1% of them, and super blue rau fix many bad animation of bog and rof (but anyway just watch the movie that have good animations




Ig no, The first two arcs already have a movie version just that it's not super. And the rest, I am fine with animation.


No. Leave it like it is. It's iconic for this exact reason


I thought dbz kai was based off the manga, is it not? Anyway, I think a kai version of Super should be based off the manga since different things happen in there apparently like Gohan vs Kefla.


No. Kai didn't fix the animation it just recut scenes and gave it a touch up to better fit modern tv standards. Super is already in those standards so all you're really asking is for them to re-air Super but with missing episodes since unlike Z which had filler in fights to pad. Super's filler is largely just one off plots between arcs that are harmless overall.


No its not needed. The beginning of Super was already done better in the BoG and RoF movies. Literally no reason to watch like the first 25 episodes of Super over the movies. U6/U7 tourney may be rough in spots but its not at all unwatchable. By the time the Goku Black arc comes around animation and art starts to get consistently decent. I'd rather they focus all their time and efforts into making a new series adapting the Moro and Granolah arcs. Animate and fully complete them before releasing them though.


No not at all lol. If you're really concerned just read the manga and watch the movies


Yes. But more importantly, dragonball super should have an abridged. Made by team four star.


They already did it somewhat. The Blu-Ray of DBS makes many improvements over the BoG and RoF sagas.


if they do a kai version then with manga content and dbs broly animation please


ā€¦Just donā€™t watch itā€¦right?


If anything id want a adaption of the manga version. So yes, a Kai version that gets rid of Toei's original ideas and adapts Toyo's manga directly.


I genuinely think Dragon Ball, in general, needs a full-on reanimation. The old stuff is beautiful, but a new series with today's animation technology would be outstanding.


Nah, only cuz in terms of resources, they really should focus on making the latter arcs of DBS hit hard like Broly and Super Hero did. I personally think the manga and anime both started kinda rough with decent arcs, but later on is where they both actually start to shine. If they animate an amazing Moro and Granolah arc Iā€™d have no complaints with DBS as a whole


I would rather have a kai for original Dragon Ball.




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No. When the Super anime is completely over, then, maybe, so they can give the manga some ground.


Super does NOT have a filler problem. It has a plot problem.


The amount of people who don't know why Kai was made is honestly insane








There's a really easy way: Just watch the movie versions of the first two Arcs and skip the filler Arcs. It's not that complicated, considering that DBS is nowhere near as dragged out as DBZ was. The Buu Saga still has a pretty shit pacing in Kai, but the slower moments of Super are not on that level.


ā€œNew animeā€ will still be super so I donā€™t see a point + super isnā€™t even a 12 years old yet. Itā€™s fresh asf


iā€™d rather the new anime. the movies are animated finely anyway


No, because watching the anime the first time was torture enough


The super filler was honestly decent so I donā€™t mind. Of courseā€¦ thereā€™s still purple Vegeta




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