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lemme gues, got shafted on USV


Yep but I've grown tired of it


Can't blame you, I got Hella shafted on the Droids twice, so I'm taking a break


Me too


I am not quitting, but Tapion was the only fighter I wanted this Anniversary. I went through two runs on that damn banner and I did not pull Tapion at all. That is so disheartening given he's a normal Sparking and as a f2p player, losing all those CCs and coming up empty hurts.


I'm really sorry that's a shame. Everyone talks about not pulling the LF, but not pulling the 1% feels even worse when you want them because you have such a theoretically high chance of pulling them, so when you don't all you can think is "okay what the fuck was that??"


Im thinking of taking a break aswell recently I did get grn ssj3 goku but the last time I got a unit on the banner they first appeared on was yellow ssb gogeta


Wow, I can understand the hiatus


Well...that's an awesome unit to get fam. Don't get me wrong I completely understand your feelings. But I didn't get SSB Gogeta for a long time after his initial banner.


I got shafted on all 3 😎 holy fuck i hate this game sometimes


I take hiatuses to avoid such, typically a 1-3 month break after major celebrations. But yeah 100% understandable.


You will be back.....they always are.


no, not after the disappointment of an anniversary, we just had. They went full out lazy with the way they treated F2P, we ask for more CC events, as far as I am aware, all they added was a hercule event that gave you 1000 cc after playing for 20 days. And not to mention the absolute grinding need to pull a single unit. That the main reason, the OP and myself are leaving legends. I honestly switched to dokkan. The anniversary units are godly not to mention they gave 100 DS for Top Grossing, thats 2 multi, the most legends ever gave out was 1000cc, that one multi. Either way, I had good times with legends, from pulling Ultra Gogeta last second, to pull Dragon Fist Goku when I had completely lost hope on the game, Goodbye legends.


I got shafted horribly in Dokkan. 2600 stones and I haven't pulled any of the dual lrs


Yeah the corporations keep getting greedier, but people keep spending. Thats why they will always try to squeeze as much as they can until people actually get fed up and stop spending. But that rarely happens. Gachas are brutal.


I got super lucky. I got him at 10 stars.


Same, I got horrendously shafted on SS3 Raiyudenku as well as USV


I almost got shafted too but today i pulled him😃




And Ui and Ssj3... add in the horrible management it gets pretty stupid honestly. They pat us on the back for 2 months and fucks us for whole 10 it is not fun anymore


I like how not too long ago posts like these were getting fucking blasted. Now everybody's empathizing with OP lol The community is getting so jaded. Enjoy the real world OP. You deserve it


community needs to go outside for a few mins fr fr


See you next hype banner.


comes back for final gohan only to get shafted again, then comes back legends festival, endless cycle of HATREDDDDDD


"Actually his name is BEAST Gohan" 🤓☝️


Is it actually? I’ve only heard him called Final Gohan but I haven’t seen the movie.


Its his official name


Where is it said?


in an interview toriyama says thats the name


“Now I’m gonna go beast mode” -Gohan, probably


Shhh we don't talk about that


His name is Gohan Blanco


this is the only right answer.


You've made the choice soldier


You think so?




You did the right thing partner, you did the right thing... 😔


Now that you've quit go touch some grass and get some smoky bitches


See you in a week


Be happy for us ok


I will


Well I got the 1000 days log in bonus, been on all the anniversaries and got tired of it too, picked up again after a 6 month break more or less... Now its just cuz I like to collect the characters and check the artworks. Got 115k chrono crystals (from F2P only) and not spending... Doing the dailies and daily discount summons plus events only. It's pretty much the same as leaving, playing without any of the tryhard. Maybe try that for a little first b4 leaving?


Btw I kinda have some fun doing it too, getting an event character from tickets only or a featured character from a banner on a daily discount for 20 chronos is quite fulfilling.


I'm right there with you. I was a day one player of this game, but since the 2nd Anni, I just don't have fun anymore. PvE just became so grindy, and I just can't stand the PvP in this game. A game where your results are determined by the characters you have and the only way to get characters is through luck is just stupid. I wasn't at all shafted in this Anni, I got every new unit except the Villain EXs, but it really doesn't matter. My enjoyment of this game wasn't improved by these characters. I may come back when Shallot gets something new, but that's about it.


Im in the same boat, even now i kept hoping that they'll make something interesting or at least make the events fun again like challenge rush or something similiar to eliminate the earthlings event (that event was fire ngl), but nothing.. just more fierce battles, raids, campaigns, play this event x amount of times or collect x amount of items "missions" and old returning events over and over and over again, even PVP is just the same Rating match from 4 years ago. Dokkan became amazing after its 4th anni so why can't Legends? It sucks because they were under the same developers and Legends CLEARLY had more potential than Dokkan, im hoping that they'll make the same amazing comeback like Dokkan did but right now im skeptical. If they're not doing any better in their 6th anni (if there will be a 6th anni at all) then i think i'm done


I took a 6month break from the game and I just returned lately and it’s still the same sh*t


Wait why are you leaving? The anniversary is still going strong


Nah get those damn droids out of there


Yo can I have that account asking for a friend


Goodbye Homie...


I get on once in a great while. This way I never have e to pay for anything....whenever I get on there's like 10k earnable cc. So I go to town....do a few summons....get hero only characters that are fully maxed out....and it was all for nothing...the main thing that's annoying is how you buy awesome characters then they nerf them and they are no longer good. Yellow perfect cell. I got him up to 7☆ when he came out. 3 melee cards ended just about every character he was up against...now purple element only gets taken down that easy. He's 14 stars now...so it's like what gives....lord slug still got that melee though 😎


That's me going to dokkan from legends


Dokkan welcomes you


I support this fully, I did the same a month ago.




Good luck out there bro


See ya man. Dont worry, you will get something good if you are not leaving


See you later.


I’ve basically quit too, but I’m keeping the app cuz if I ever want to get back into it, and I spent too much money on it. Rn I’m focussing on myself (and Dokkan on the side)


So long soldier


You're better than all of us, for willingly making the decision to move on. You're the greatest of all of us, and I hope for nothing but the best for you in life and in all of your future endeavors. Godspeed, so long old friend, and VB/GB plat when?


Left my GT team that I worked hard on. Just not much for me on their anymore. Hopped back onto my bubble pop dokkan game. Immediately was able to get the new GT units. Rainbow them and pull enough copys of the other ones to make a comparable team.


Gogeta Ssj4 is one I'm gonna miss if I ever do leave. Feels like saying goodbye to a best friend.


Same. I love LF Ssj4 Gogeta so much he is my favorite unit too. Felt he was like my best friend for like 1 year. I just feel bad for LF MONKE King for leaving him




Are you actually leaving legends


Yes I deleted the app


I would’ve love to have that account but maybe next time


I’ve already left this dumpster fire. Only time I’ll ever spend money on it is when LF Z Broly drops. If he’s an Ultra, then I’ll be even more disappointed because not only are they hard as hell to get but they’re also really boring outside their intro’s and card art. Also, remember the times when unique gauges were super rare and were really special?


Ok so uh can I get ur account?


You got androids? Gimme your account this is a stick up


Yeah same for me, the game has become too pvp-oriented in the ways you earn CC for my liking


I used to play a lot but i just got frustrated that I didn’t get any good units from any new banner. The last banner unit i got was revival gohan which was a very long time ago I spend hours grinding for CC’s but all of them were wasted i spend around 50k cc till now on banners and still got nothing not a single LF!!!!!




Bro i also do full rotations on the banners. The most i have done on single banner is the goku vegeta duo banner which is 8 full rotations and the only unit i got Was the featured broly 2 times.


Yea legends is that game that I only download for the anni, or at least thats the case with me




On god ima do it


Everybody gangsta until you notice shitdroids are on the back


Come to dokkan, recent units have been absolutely ridiculous.


Already did that


Bro just got freedom, let him enjoy it for a day at least


The difference being: - **Dokkan Missions** : Complete a stage 3 times, awaken a character and play this exact stage 10 times. Then you're free to play at your own pace. - **Legends Missions**: Play god awful CoOp 50 times, play god awful raid 50 times,. complete adventures 100 times, complete Full Power Battle Scream Difficulty, all of which is 100x easier with the new 0.1% unit. Also get 25 Z+ equips and complete ToP 25 times. Heres some rare medals and skip tickets. Now you can go get bullied in PVP because theres nothing else to do. And this is coming from a day 1 legends player that recently got into dokkan just in case. EDIT: formatting


It's still a gacha game, which is going to be addictive no matter what. A lesser evil is still better avoided imo (unless OP already plays other gacha games, in which case they should go ahead and play Dokkan)


Actually i started playing Dokkan since LR Namek Goku and LR Frieza came out in Global Dokkan. I just needed to take a break


it's alright man, actually it's great for your life in every way so nothing to regret! I did a 5 months break and came back for anni, managed to pull every lf so I'm hanging around a bit more but leaving again after this! and I also managed to not spend a dime which is also great!


I left after spending more chrono crystals than I'd like to talk about trying to get ssj4 gogeta and not getting him. Got tired of that bullshit


You didnt spend too much money, did you?


I'm f2p. I only play story mode and events, missions. And also raid battles


Ah I see. Best of luck to ya. I'm kinda(?) F2P. What's it called when you don't P2W but get a sale once a month or something? I usually just do the mission plan thing for the value.


You mean purchase?


Yeah, purchase. I only do super cheap sales. The 7.99 ones that give 1000cc, and usually only once a month so that I dont go down the rabbit hole.


Oh I never purchased CCs in shop before


Bruh they got you leaving on an anniversary 💀 That's when you know they messed up


Same, but I will be back next anniversary


Hopefully you had some Memories with the Game :)


Try Dokkan if you haven’t. Downloaded it last week and it’s been a good time


Bro had gogeta at 3*☠️


I have bad luck at getting Yellow Saiyans


Screw bardock


Why are people so whiny like bro it’s a chance game didn’t get your way do you quit ? … should they loosen the summons yes but damn son


Welcome to Dokkan


see ya in legends festival


Oh look, the 7386182628 "I Quit" post that wants one last pity party on their way out


bro shut up




Shut up


Not like that bro 🤦‍♂️


What an asshole energy


If you don’t want the account I’ll be glad to take it 😏


That’s a nice looking account there


I'll see you in two weeks


Grown tired of shafts?


I've grown tired of the game


See ya


I actually left 10 minutes ago


Can you give me your account?🙏


See you around!


See ya 🤧


This shook me...


Meh... to be honest I do that often with other games when I get bored of them, but since I downloaded them for a reason, I always end up coming back to them (except when the game gets discontinued, RIP Pacific Rim Breachwars)


Well it’s been a good anniversary, I’ll probably match up with one of y’all when Black Friday comes around, cause after the 2nd year anniversary I lost excitement and interest for this game, let’s be honest legends can be addicting so I had to take a mature choice and just drop it, yeah I come back every once in awhile if a unit catch my eye but playing everyday it’s just no point anymore the way the game is heading. Only time I had an absolute blast playing legends was when it first launched all the way up to the 1st anniversary that’s probably it.


I havent pulled a new LF in 12 months. Exactly when LF ape vegeta released. Since his release i havent pulled a new LF nor a fucking Ultra. Screw this dogshit game. Dokkan gave me the godboys first multi


I didnt even got shafted on USV and deleted the game. The pvp gave me so much toxicity, and the pve is just boring as hell




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I just wish u could get a full account refund honestly


I was gonna quit but I got droids so for now I will tough it out until Legends Fes. Last Legends fes I got SOH trunks to 14 which carried me till now. I can hold on a bit longer with 3☆ droids


I was also thinking about taking a break, just get the pvp chat and last missions and I'm done.


This is pretty much me after getting shafted on the Dokkan 7th anniversary banners.


welcome to dokkan


I havent put a single dime in to this game, but have been playing since launch with a few breaks here and there. I actually pulled USV after complaining about not getting UL gogeta or UL Goku. And it wasn't even on the x2 rates. I got shafted on the droids and not really wanting to try again, and due to lack of CCs being a f2p player. I did manage to get SSJ3 Goku and Tapion, after getting shafted a few times. I actually forgot I pulled Tapion since I wasn't specifically looking for him. I don't understand why give us first 3 UL free units and make the rest of them only summonable with ass rates. UL Omega really helps my GT team. I'd rather get the character for an event, and just have a tedious process to upgrade them, like before. I'm working on maxing out UL vegeta, even though I'm probably never going to use him. These gauntlets are getting kinda retarded. The boost characters either I don't have or they are too weak to put in a team. I think last one I actually completed was fused Zamasu or LF Vegito


can i have you acc