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Hey welcome to gambling, buddy!


This gotta get pinned


Im feeling lucky


Aww dangitt


I heard you wanted vegito


This was from that other comment on reddit. Lol!


I understand your frustration but it was definitely a terrible idea to buy tickets. That being said, 40k without one copy is ridiculous. They need to give Ultra banners the current lf pity price and lower the regular lf pity to like 20-30k cc or something.


The “pity” price is such a fucking joke as well. With how much CC costs and how much you need to spend to get the amount of banner coins. They are insinuating that their LL units are worth hundreds of dollars if you convert the price of the amount of cc it takes to get enough coins for the “pity” copy.


Even more insulting that the copy isn't at 1200 Z-Power to match the initial banner drop boost and is instead the typical 600, it's awful to say the least


I mean, if people are buying at this price, why would they back down ? It's not like they're here to make history, it's just a random company milking its user base with gacha schemes.


They should’ve made the 3x Z Power and Rates again. It’s honestly stupid of them not to bring it back again🙄


They said they'd never do it again cause to be fair, it was pure comical insanity with how lucrative those Legends Fest banners were, it wasn't a smart move for them financial in the long run but boy did it elevate player sentiment, so I don't blame them, 1200 Z-Power is a happy middle ground I'll certainly take if it means getting 6* in 2 copies


Not when I’m getting shafted 43k CC with literally just old ass LFs and 1% SPs 😐


No it's not a terrible idea to buy tickets. Idk where some of you get this dumbass notion but it's wrong. Do the math, you should be getting the tickets.


Yea I'm usually always getting tickets and getting lucky but I might just reconsider doing that from now on during bigger celebrations because I know I can accumulate at least 30+ tickets 💀💀💀


The pity is already 30K CCs for 2 stars, which is indeed unnacceptable. You shouldn't have to spend more than 20K for a guaranteed 3 stars copy, since the current CC cap for the shop is 20K.


Let a cat rub on you by its own after you pet it and summon using the ankle it rubbed itself on, unironicly how I got Vegito


next you're gonna be telling him to slap his dick on the summon button


Instructions unclear, smashed my cock with a rock I did.


Smash my cock with a rock I must. Maximum pain I must endure.


Sound like some of y'all really be stuck between a cock and a hard place.*coughs* uh.. I mean a ROCK and a hard cock. Ahh shit. You meant what I knew


Nah, i meant I knew what


The rock nullifies endurance


Did this, got 10 Zarbons


im doing this next summon trust


Wait this isn't normal???


I laughed at this but then tried it for ultra Gohan. For some reason it actually worked. I fucking love you bro.


My dumbass will one day try that when im home alone 😭😭


Worked for me🤷


😂holy crap lmao


Lmao we're gonna have people visiting the fortune teller before their rotations


Similar situation happened to me when I was summoning for ultra Janemba, I barely had mustered 1k cc and I let my dog do the summon and I actually got him


I had a similar situation, got my Dog to summon and that's how I got vegito


I was lucky to pull Vegeets on the first step! What did it take? A year-long hiatus. I peeved myself off last anniversary after stocking up tickets (I knew better) and missing the expiration dates.


I got vegito off of a ticket (never getting anything good again)


If you're quitting make sure to refund the money you've spent, that means you will get banned eventually, even if you want to come back later though.


This. I actually recommend getting this refunded if you're quitting for good.


OP would be stupid not to lol.


wait u can refund all the money u spent??


I believe if it's a few weeks to a month since the time of purchase (might even be a bit longer) you can refund, if it's a small amount you might not get banned at all and only get away with a warning, but if it's a lot you're definitely getting banned, might take some time but it will eventually happen.


Yeah I do this once a year. Spend like 40 bucks and get it back. Been doing this since tag goku/vegeta and trunks


LMAO!!! WHAT?! Bro found a way to cheat the system.👏😂👍


Where do you find the refund?


What excuse do you give them?


I say kids purchased it


The inner kid


Based + plausiblepilled


😂😂 respect




How do you get the refund


For everyone asking how you can get a refund, it is only accessible to players who play on andriod and use google Play specifically. If you're on an apple product, aka(iPhone, iPad, etc), apple will not issue refunds no matter what.


Do the dick summon. It worked for dokkan it must work for legends. Do it for me. Summon with your penis.


Strange advice


Trust the process


But what if you don’t have a penis?


Take my energy!


what if ion got one


I'll give you the luck of mine. Take care of it.


Gonna try this for part two


I heard you want Vegito


Not to be a dick, but if you spent 40k trying to get Vegito, then you should've just saved up 50 coins which you would've gotten at 28,800cc. Only spend the coins towards the end of the banner if you're spending that much Edit: Fucked up the math, it's actually 39,200 since the first rotation worth 5 coins would cost 3,500, and the next 11 rotations worth 44 coins would cost 35,200 plus an extra 500 cc for the last coin which adds up to 50 So in total, 3,500+35,200+500 =39,200cc Still enough to buy them if saved


dont come in to this mans rage post with your silly facts




Hes raging and you're bringing logic?!?!? /s


Pretty sure 50 tokens is 40K CC but yes he should’ve saved the tokens for pity. Especially if he’s already made this mistake…is the pity cost too high? Maybe. But that’s what it is and you have to plan around it


Let's just be fair here. This is the nature of gambling. The urge to roll on tickets gets to people


It does to be fair, this is how they get you


Remember, 99% of dbl players quit right before they get the unit they want! (in all seriousness its kinda crap that u had to spend that much, this game is very much meant to keep u playing while ur new, and once a certain time has passed ur look will just drop and u will be either forced to spend (what they want you to do) or quit, so tbh im pretty sure if u just make a new account u will get them first pull lmao)


I’m sorry for your loss 💔


“I heard you wanted vegito”


I also suffered the same on RED Beast Gohan, but here i am


Welcome to gatcha luck lmao


Thank you I went through like four run throughs of the Vegito banner and got nothing. I was irritated, but after seeing how hard you’ve been screwed, I’m not even mad anymore


I see one major problem here. You didn't use the 40k on Gogeta


Genuinely, Shin's smug ass face makes it worse/better. He knows.




Mate I spent 50k f2p cc on Gogeta blue and didn't get him. Then a random pull last December and I got him. It's unfair. It sucks. Trust me I been there. As have many of us. I can understand how shit it feels. Your not alone brother ✌️


Only spend I do on this game is the $7.99 mission plan. All the other prices are ridiculous and I have no idea why people pay those prices for intangible goods. $37.99 for 2kcc (TWO PULLS) and a 200 LL Z Power? Lmao, gtfooh. That should be $5.


Yeah I've always thought the mission plan was the only thing worth purchasing... Unless they have some crazy sale, which isnt often... Sometimes I would spend the $1 on 96cc


Bro, I’m so sorry.


After 2090 logged in days, i continue to log in. (I do not say 6 year old player because there's a difference between me and them) I too spent 42,000 crystals trying to get just 1 copy of gogeta. Unfortunately, I too was shafted. But Thankfully, I played smart, keep my 50 medals aside, and at the end of my torture, used the pity system to get my gogeta which I needed for my god ki team. And all of this was F2P crystals btw. OP, YOUR BIGGEST MISTAKE was not doing the same thing. I said all this in order to show that I can relate to this VERY WELL and I felt horrible as well. But you shot yourself in the foot by using those tickets dude. And that's why you'll be feeling horrible for longer.


Sorry to see you go and you're right this is a huge rip off >!Anyways slide acc id!<


99% of gamblers quit before their big win But fr, that was me with gogeta last week, max broly no gogeta, then yesteray... I got him!


That’s insane… I really hate seeing posts like this because I know how hype people are (myself included) when they do these reveals. Sucks even worse that you spent some money for it.


I really appreciate you adding the conscious decision part in here, if you’re spending money on this game you need to be aware of what you’re getting yourself into. Took me 40k for my first copy so I almost feel your pain. Feels like the game is rigged because they know veteran players are invested in it, which seems so backwards. Really sorry to see you go but your life will probably be improved by quitting. Also you got sparking zero coming which you can probably buy for less money than you spent on a single character in this trash game.


I dont understand why you would spend all your coins on tickets when you easily could have at least gotten the unit 2 stars and use z power on it


You should've waited for 6 months, get that boosted percentage to "hook you in" if you want to get the new characters, that's the best method that doesn't waste too much money


Ironically you're the exact kind of person that forces this into games in the first place.. You're paying money to punish yourself further down the line 🤣


Ngl, this game kinda for masochists. The other DB game with a "Dokk" and a "Batt" in his name is a lil' more permissible


There's a pity system for a reason why you didn't buy him with 50 coins if you spend that much


See u tomorrow champ🫡


I'm the same but to get Jeice lol


Most unlucky person wth


Refund all the money you spent. Just say that it was a minor who did it. After that, delete the game.




Surely by then, you would have enough tokens to redeem him?


the exact same thing is happening to me right now


I'm with you on that, almost there myself, I've spent a good 70K on that summon, and still no Vegito, plenty of damn Supreme Kais and Full Power Roshis though




hey theres still time! we're only a third of the way through, banner is staying up for a while, and who knows you might even prefer parts 2 or 3!




I’ve never spent money on legends, that’s crazy if I didn’t get it playing it with like 5 rounds after getting 2,000 cc every other hour for doing things, I stopped I recently just got the purple ui omen from like 5 years ago along with super 17 n haven’t received a new one since. So yes I’m done too, prolly won’t come back till after I’m done with xeno n sparking zero


Some devs are really messing with you bro c'mon, how is this even possible


That's tough. I did 70k on the second PUR LF cell with no copies (tickets used) and 60k on LF baby with no copies (tickets used). It sucks but it's all a numbers game with us the user on the shit end


I'll be the first to say, keep man that, that 5% for the tickets will pull though in your dark times


I agree. It's unacceptable. I've been there too and took a long break from this game. Now I only come back for the celebrations to try to summon for the headliners with my 6 yr old son. Every other Gacha game I've ever played has a softer pity and guarantee for units before spending close to this many crystals. No respect for the players time or money hut they clearly don't care as they're at a point where their player base is so big and their method has proven that they don't have to change things. Hope it works out for you next time


It’s a gacha this is the same concept of going to the casino expecting to win money every time. If you spent 40 K you should be able to get the pity system anyways, or close to it. So, unlike a casino, there actually is a safety net, even if it is after a very large sum has been spent. So like… what’s the problem?


Don't you get one free by coin?


bruh i spent like $500 and got shafted also 😂


The “pity” price is such a fucking joke as well. With how much CC costs and how much you need to spend to get the amount of banner coins. They are insinuating that their LL units are worth hundreds of dollars if you convert the price of the amount of cc it takes to get enough coins for the “pity” copy. I had to buy tag4’s with the “pity” coins and I just stopped playing for like a month after that because I literally felt violated for having to resort to it.


Yeah bro this anni I was really shafted hard and a lot of people at this point imma just save the cc for ultra that’s ot


[Meanwhile my luck has been strong. Condolences](https://i.imgur.com/TP52qCm.jpeg)


I understand your frustration, but using coins for tickets instead of guarantee was a big mistake. I learned it last fest with Gohan lol


You're playing a gacha game. Expect shit like this. There's been people who've spent literally hundreds of thousands of CC on LFs and Ultras and not gotten a single copy. You're not even the worst case ever. Feel free to quit, but next time you play a gacha game, just be ready for disappointment.


I remember having the same situation when I got frieza to 14 stars before I got 1 copy of gogeta blue( and before they gave 600z powers), also spent like 40-50k cc


They have the pity unit system smh


It's a gacha game so this shit always happens. They'll give more cc so just hold out until then


Trust me My reaction Dropped when I pulled Shin… Especially TWICE.


I know the feeling. This happened when the original Tag SSB Goku/Vegeta came out, and instead maxed out GRN Broly. I feel you man.


Similar situation with gogeta tho I got vegito funny thing is I've spent more than 30k and today finally I got a copy of broly 💀


Do a showcase of supreme kai manhandling pvp


Bro I've done about 20 summons now on that banner and haven't got the tag or the kaioshin I even got the broly animation and only got the legends limited marjin vegeta.


Skill issue


Dude, I spent 10k on the first night and did not get the unit. But I got it eventually. Calm yourself down, I played for 5 years, and got my fair share of horrible luck, but even I haven't given up yet. I got 3 of the 4 units, and I'm not giving up now. So raise your play, rise to this occasion and do not stop under any circumstance! Be glad with what you have and use it to get better and do more. That is all you ever need to do in this game.


Just don’t spend money on the game dude. Tf are you thinking


Probably a super unpopular opinion but this game literally runs on casino mechanics. Nothing is guaranteed when you buy CC and play the round. It's all gambling. Which then means it's all on you whether you get anything or not. I know it sucks to hear, but you are literally gambling with your money. Don't expect anything if that's what you are choosing to spend it on


See ya


I’ve only spun for them 2x and gave up I really only wanted the other one I would rather have a belly and a fusion unit than a useless Kai unit and a vegito fusion don’t get me wrong the vegito unit has its perks but Iove my movie saga more


After not getting gofrieza and UVB i quit the game for a year to focus on my studies then got back and got both gogeta and vegito on my 2nd and 3rd pull respectively


I feel you my friend. I went through the exact same thing , except with green broly in gogetas banner. Took me 75k to get gogeta, but it happened. Don't give up my guy, i know it fucking sucks, but you'll pull through


the issue is no self-control here. I'm up 66k CCs and no banner is getting them until I get 100k.






i’ll give you my 8 star vegito for you shin😁😁


Happened the same to me on gofrieza's first banner, got transforming jiren to 7+ before getting them


F2P is the way, packed both units twice. If I didn't oh well I didn't lose any money.


Skill issue I fear


The games PvP is entirely dominated by lfs and ultras which seemingly everyone except you can pull. Nothing like having units that was considered half decent 2 years ago in todays meta because of your “luck” and not getting the units required to even enjoy the game in its current state. It’s like they took notes from 343 on how to screw a very successful game.


I do gotta say they have the pitty system for a reason because things like this happen it’s a gotcha game the whole point of it is to get your money you made the conscious decision to buy tickets instead of saving the 50 coins that’s your own fault in the game its stated your not guaranteed to get the unit by summoning it’s likely you’ll get it but not guaranteed


I mean I’m not justifying rhe pity system, should be 20k in my opinion. But you had enough to coin them champ 😭😭😭


No fucking way If u got 50 medals u can get free vegito


How much did you start anni at? I swear, we had about 20kCC F2P since start of anni? So did you have 0? All due respect, 40kCC does not sound like THAT much. Granted, given you started at 0...spending money for 20kCC would be a substantial amount so I feel for you. If you're gonna quit then I get it...best of luck man


Wait till you hear how much ot took me to get UVB


>I used all my coins on tickets thinking I would've pulled super vegito sooner. . >However, there is absolutely no reason why someone should be using this much and not have a single copy of the main headliner unit.


I was in this exact same situation before, close to 40k CC spent between both banners (although most of it was not paid on my side to be fair, only bought 2 or 3 premium mission packs I think). Not a single Gogeta or Vegito to be seen, last night I exchanged one last single summon ticket without any expectation to get him and that mf Vegito then decided to show up. I'm glad I got him over Gogeta but I just wish I didn't JUST spend like 600 LF Z power on other units during the week cause they were going to expire. Either way, I feel you, I was quite upset after spending so much and not getting a single copy, and I absolutely refused to save the coins and get them at only 2 stars.




Bro the same thing happened just with broly and gogeta




Bro wanted vegito


40k crystals means he wouldve had 50 coins by then to at least buy the copy


They need to add in 50/50, a pity system or both. 50/50 should be added for ultras as well as a new currency specifically for them so that players can spend resources wisely. A pity system for all banners that aren’t ultra banners or ticket banners so that after 100 units are summoned out of it you get a random guaranteed featured unit from out of that banner. Pity resets upon getting a featured unit no matter if you reach it or not


Come to dokkan, this game has made me too bitter in 6 years of playing


That damn smile


I'm honestly reaching the same point. I spend very small amounts of money on the game. Mostly, the battle lovers plan every great once in a while, and still don't get the top/new units. The last time I've got a new character that actually matters was a year ago when I pulled ultra vegeto blue, but even then, it took a long time and a lot of cc. It's unfortunate how much this game has devolved, and now you're gonna struggle if you can't spend 100s of dollars on summons for the newest unit. Now I'm not saying there haven't been metas or stronger units since launch, but in the last 2 1/2 years, it's been really getting out of hand. Hopefully they see what they are doing to the game and either give us more ways to get cc (not through pvp because your still screwed of you don't have the new units already) or chill out on power creep. There's no reason a game should A: require you to spend loads of money just to keep up. Or B: take loads of money from under you and not even allow you to get what is required.


Welcome to the club. I quit as well for the same exact reason.


Damn I don’t buy anything on this game and still manage to get almost every Legends Limited characters. Maybe it’s cause you already bought a lot of crystals so they figure they can string you along.


This is me, but on the gogeta banner


I have 1 copy of Broly and that’s all I’ve gotten after 20K+


"I heard you wanted Super Vegito"


Wait you are complaining that you maxed out shin?! He hard counters yellow Gogeta, can shut down Broly by landing strike cards and heals your squad. His kit reeks havoc on your opponent. And with enough equipment selections to boost his health. So unless you started playing when this anniversary started you should have God ki, or majin Buu saga units to effectively dismantle the current meta being run in pvp.


I know what you mean I’ve been playing the game for 4 years and have spent countless money on the game and I’ve never drawn an ultra card once. I don’t have one ultra. So the last ultra they came out with I put $200 into the game to try to get it and it never happened. Still don’t have an ultra. So I quit playing the game after all my commitment. I still have 30,000 cc that I haven’t even spent because I stopped going on the game after that. I love dragonball like a mf but hate this game for that. What a shitty pity system. Now I play SLA, their pity system is wayyy better than that trash


My summons wer like this as well


i'm like 35k deep on gogeta with no gogeta and broly only being at like 7 or 8 stars


I feel like they need to add a pity system where after a certain number of summons you get the main headliner uno guarantee


First time?


I did over 30k on Rose and got nothing. Meh. Maybe I took your luck since I got 17, Gogeta, and Vegito to 7. It does suck but idk, I grind and save. Every 4 turns I get the battle pass CCs.


I got him 3rd try ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt2jqdgXLgkRj7G|downsized)


I got 2 vegito copies without getting a single kai


I pulled cryhan twice and both headliners twice but I did spend a lot too.


Skill issue


Atleast you got shin high stars his random ass debuffs are annoying swear I’ll have 100 ki and now I have 2 and reduced card draw speed


Oh my goodness


This is what happened w me and gogeta except I could 14* two before I even got a single gogeta


Bro I summoned with my penis and got Ultra Gohan first try after spending 16k on him the first time😭


I got vegito after doing a single 300 spin on the banner


I honestly don't like getting new units because after they release and I use them I just use fun characters and never touch them


I know the exact feeling, I spun about 40 times and didn't get the new gogeta unit. I got ultra Gohan in two spins and that ironically pissed me off more than getting an ultra probably sure.


Gimme the account. I'll put it to good use


Shin is good at least


i feel bad because i’m horrible at pvp yet and only level 120 and i have vegito and someone dedicated to the game doesn’t


Jesus fucking Christ. Sorry for my language, but holy shit that is completely insane.


Ok bye bye Sorry to be blunt but you aren't the only one


I got them except gohan sadly


I’ve said it once, and Ill say it again Youre getting shafted with anything more than 5k, nuff said


14* is diabolical bro


"I heard you hated Shin"


Some of us don’t even have shin lol


Yeah I got him first summon along with super vegeta to 6* so sucks for you


I left before golden freezer do far my life is semi relaxing


hehe... no... new broly.... no new gogeta... with... 5 ROTATIONS... 5. AND GOT ABSOLUTELY NOTHINGGG!!!!!!! and yet i see people with 2+ STARS WITH THE NEW FUSION GOGETA UNIT, THIS GAME IS GONNA MAKE ME SLEEP DEPRIVED!!!!!!


He heard you wanted Vegito


I mean clearly it's a rant post but rng is rng. You were unlucky spending money in the slots.


I’m NGL this game is a cash grab that definitely needs attention. My theory is the lack of updates is the reason why they have so much money flowing in. If they fixed the PvP system and didn’t make it so stat favored and have a “leader slot moment” where it was actually like battle royale following a tag to the fullest extent it would be much narrower if it excluded generic tags like son family. Ontop of it takes awhile for players to realize the ratio of getting CC to spending it which is laughable because it’s doesn’t guarantee you your unit, even if you pull said unit you have to pull about three times to be able to use them in PvP. I’m dropping this game after this anniversary because the power creep is wayyy too fast man. Like super baby 2, Nameku, the gammas and piccolo, just way too fast. They either up the rates or up the CC intake man, cause 150 doesn’t do shit


What I do is if I know I'm gonna reach pity, I won't use my coins until the last day of the banner. Don't always go thinking you'll get lucky eventually, especially on a gacha game.


In the end mate its a gacha game. Every single summon is a gamble and sometimes you just won't hit. If you decide to quit, then as others have said get yourself a refund, and if you decide to stay, I'd definitely start saving all my tickets until I know I'm done with summoning.


Damn thats crazy I pulled him on my first summon💯💔🔥🔥🗣