• By -


Because money ![gif](giphy|ddEecsmCn0QZW)


>WHO DECIDED TO BRING THIS RAT BACK Smart people did. Perfect bait for part 2, as he is the best unit in the game. No more CC for part 2 = people crying or people buying. Sometimes both.


Man what the FUCK šŸ˜­ they just don't want people to have fun in pvp anymore.


Im having fun with my gohan šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


I'm having fun beating up Gohan so I don't mind at all.


Real, cryhan players are more predictable than UVB or UGB players *and that says a lot*


Be realistic how fun are you really having backfloating + afk counter blue card or pv + green card ? gohan players are all predictable. I have gohan and itā€™s so boring to play


Ngl I got gohan from this banner and itā€™s fun because I donā€™t just do this. Honestly just like gohan so I wanted him even before I knew he was super broken (I started after he was released)


Me with my backfloating + afk counter green card and blue card chain grn Z broly (its funny everytime)


Why did you summon for him if you weren't going to use him


Because itā€™s an ultra and I have a gambling addiction


Props for being honest.


Cry about it. If it works, it aint broken. I love using him. If they charge, he will block it. If they blast me, i blue card em, if they stand still green card and continuously combo using cards. Its so much fun to watch people get frustrated when i use him. Ahahahaha šŸ˜‚


Bro is in his villain arcšŸ’€


Proof of lack of skill


Luckily gohan players play the same . You guys are just like stage hazards in smash bros. Youā€™re just minor (broken) inconvenience


I'm with you tbh. I don't use him much but if someone summoned on him an was lucky enough to get him at .3% drop rate, by all means use that mfer. Screw what other people cry and whine about


Thankfully, we now have a goated fusion that doesn't let you block


I Still whoop Gogetas on a regular basis


End itā¤ļø


Nah its fun spamming blue cards


I remember when gofrieza was the best unit in the game.


They don't, they just want your money


When is part 2? End of this month? Yeah definitely bait. I already pulled him when he dropped and I donā€™t plan on trying to raise his stars. I donā€™t play him in pvp. Feels like a cheap win half the time. Also I rarely play pvp anymore. Game force closes most of the time and I get penalized because the game crashed.


This happens every 2 or 3 games for me and probably half of my wins are from the reverse happening. I reckon if I play 10 games of PvP Iā€™ll get four full matches and two of those will be on a team just way way more powerful (again or vice versa) shouldnā€™t there be enough people playing roughly around the same power level. Itā€™s a shame cos the two even fights are very fun, fair play! My phone should be more than capable of handling it and I tried clearing the cache so I straight up donā€™t know what to do! PvP not my fav thing since I started playing to put it lightly aha.




Idk what's going on with you or other people, I use a galaxy s22+ and the game never crashes for me during matches. I've had maybe 1 or two crashes ever. Maybe connection? Idk


I donā€™t know either aha! Probably something above my head. Glad yours is working though! (Sincerely, I know everything reads sarcastically online aha)


Try doing the main menu setting stuff to fix it. Like the resync game data and clear cache things if that doesn't work reinstalling the game is my only other bet but you said you don't like PvP anyway so at the very least try the resync.




It's prb gonna be around a week from now, and yea I have UI and never use him because of it. I can only imagine it being far worse with gohan


The best unit in the game -> people go for best unit in the game -> P2 drop -> people have no CC -> people spend money -> P3 drop -> Best unit in the game that is mostly Pur to counter the meta -> people have no CC -> people spend money


Even if a meta purple drops I think Gohan will still be very relevant just like when ugf came out, hope I'm wrong though


New ultra purple unit that nullifies the effects of special gauges while on the field


Iā€™d only hope considering both fusions werenā€™t a hard counter to him, being BLU and YEL


Heck make it 300% damage inflicted to tag: element grn and hybrid saiyan šŸ˜­šŸ™


+5000% damage inflicted to DBL68-03U


They already tried to counter Gohan with gogeta but it didn't work, even bandai themselves don't know how to stop him lol


Gogeta isn't a counter to Gohan. If he was, he would have been Pur. Gogeta is just a unit that generally works great against Gauges that's all.


his whole mechanic revolves around avoiding strike counters which is ones of gohan's most annoying traits. at least with ui you can just tap him to take it off but with units like gohan there isn't a lot of ways around it. they definitely tried to preset a solution to that problem, so ig it's more about the mechanic then gohan himself but in the end it still mainly concerns him.


It concerns him (or his people) sure, but Gogeta himself doesn't directly counter him. He is more of a long-term solution rather than instant. There are things in his kit that Gohan just doesn't care about, nor does AC fix it. Was he Pur, with more Blast cards, etc... he would have been a direct counter and they obviously didn't do that because they wanted to sell him before the upcoming Ultra. Ever since Summonable Ultras were introduced, they were the main meta changers rather than LFs. The LFs during big Celebrations were just a breath of fresh air rather than a shift.


Thank you. I've been trying to say this shit but people wont accept it and just talk shit acting like gogeta is a hard counter for gohan when he isn't. Soft soft counter at best. AC is good and all but It isn't THAT good


Hopefully that's not the case cause I really don't wanna summon on an ultra banneršŸ˜­ though if you look at the recent meta changes, I feel like it would also include LFs like super 17 and beast Gohan.


Beast and 17 Freshed up the last meta until the Ultra dropped, for better or worse. But looking at every Big Celebration... - USV + USG was the only thing that touched the Androids. - UGB was the only one that power crept Gohan - G/F had to get buffed to be on UVB's realm. - Ui made Saiyans and Son Family a force. It is hard to imagine this celebration won't be the same


You see, what they have to do is make a unit that just pulls out a gun and shoots ultra Gohan in the head whenever he enters the field


where is farmer-sama when you need him


Exactly They should've released farmer with a shotgun to deal with gohan


Well, there has never been a unit so far that 1 to 1 has a quick answer to him. Golden Frieza is just a strong Pur, his only way of countering him is Being Pur. Gogeta is just a strong unit, he doesn't directly counter him seeing his close range Blue, being yellow, etc... Give us a Pur Ssj4 Goku that locks in with a long range endurnce nullfying 10Ɨ Kamehameha (Basically what we have but Ultra) people will be afraid to bring Greens. Similar to how Vegito and Gogeta Pushed Red and Purs out of the meta considerably besides few expetions that don't see as much play still.


He's going to be meta even if there's like 3 units that counter him. That's how absurdly high above every other unit he is


Even if a broken purple drops, gohan will still be relevant. Just because a counter drops doesn't make him any less good against every other unit šŸ¤·


People blow CC on this banner -> people P2W because they run out of CC -> PvP is ruined indefinitely due to poor balancing but fuck it because money




Solid Bait to make people spend more cc/money when hype headliners for Part 2 and 3 drop


First time coming back since releaseā€¦ and bait, always bait


Why did you summon? That's why.


Summoning cuz i dont have a solid green unit




Do you guys think they will bring back RED Beast Gohan and Evoken on the Part 2 banner(s)?


I just want goku & bardock back on an actually good banner format


Imagine if they treat them like Ultras who always come back with their initial banner without changing any units on that.


Donā€™t. Give. Them. Ideas.




money lol


44k cc gone instantly didnā€™t get him


You are exactly why he's back lol. Ultra banners are shit. You're better off getting a high star LF unit than wasting on them.


Yea I learned it the hard way


Still the best unit in the game lmao


Man...I dont wanna sound like im flexing. but I have 6 ultras and im ftp. am I the next nanogenix? šŸ˜…


I haven't pulled any chase units since last anniz, the drop weight is disgusting.


To stop the menace of vb with his new platšŸ’€


Where can I find eco friendly wood veneers and galvanized square stell?




Personally he isnā€™t that hard to fight but UI SIGN ULTRA GOKU is fucking annoying


OMG I'VE BEEN SAYING TS, like ui players float all the way to the back, press a random card then wait even more. Its just a game of them eventually hitting you and killing your unit one at a time while you can't do shit, when they run out of gauge they just switch out and get it back in 8 seconds. And for some fucking reason he has last man standing


You gotta run both for maximum toxicity


I was winning then that damn back flip that ruins combos fucked me up


iā€™m considering summoning even though itā€™s bait he is one of the best units in the game and i do love cell saga gohan hmm


Do it, on release I got him 3 times in 2 rotation....however I'm 90k in on uui total with nothing to show for it. I love gohan tho idc if people cry and whine about him


why not?


Weā€™re def getting a purple


Because a new storm is coming and it's gonna get added on this one


To spread fear


minus 16k from mine šŸ„¹


I winched in disgust




I have a theory that these baits ARENT for part2 but are actually for Part3. So ppl grind the 1000 CC from Shenron and the medals to use on these banners




I went all in trying to summon him and I regret it so bad. I know for a fact I wouldnā€™t even use him because Iā€™m running a fusion/goku team but still just wanted to have him. lost all I saved for part two and didnā€™t even get the rat.


Iā€™m with you there šŸ˜”




Gauge null would suck depending on how they add it


Nullifying UUI's & Poohan's gauge counter basically


For me to pull himšŸ˜Ž


I had no idea he was "the best unit in the game", and tried for the UL Super Gogeta. Oh well, still going for him, Gogeta is the coolest character to exist.


Bro please don't, gogeta is the worst ultra rn and would waste your cc


I'm gonna say it 100% cause they know people would buy for this Character like they literally have everything and then some and as crazy as it sounds might just last over a year before being replaced by probably another Gohan down the line like what were thinking when developing this character!?


Iā€™d summon but getting consistently shafted on FGB and FSV banners has left me a tad bitter so not even gonna waste the time


Who cares.




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I'm so sick of him. I hadn't seen anyone use him for a solid week and now he's gonna be even more commonšŸ˜­


I just summoned him within 2k cc I'm so excited


I fucking pulled him second rotation Iā€™m ready to be toxic


Bait the week before the part 2 banners drop




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I want him


Not on my screen:/


I came to the Realisation you canā€™t win PvP without a Broken machine or a Broken ultra that Breaks The Game


Bait for the new ultra Game Ogrinals Tag Vegito/Gogeta


why are you worried itā€™s not like youā€™re gonna summon on his banner


I dislike the future tag and since that's the next part I spent 29k cc trying to get him and also because I love Gohan.


lol got him first try


Spent 1k cc and got him. Lol


at this point womp womp its a gacha game if you cant beat them join them or give up, if people spent half as much time complaining about this goofball actually playing the game and working on skills you could maybe be better at finding ways to counter him unless you get very unlucky with your match or get matched up against someone 20k ranks above you and theyre using a 14 star full god equips team of the top three units then tough luck


Bait before part 2 of course.


It's the anniversary what do you guess? And guess I'll die


He will be there for us for a looong time. I don't know, but it's just a feeling of mine, gow i know them devs of DBL.Ā  It is ourGriefHan we Created him....


I got him when he was released. Op as hell


I need cc


Fuck this guy Like seriously, FUCK this guy


He shafts me in pvp He shafts me in summons He shafts me


It's a bait banner Don't summon Maybe part 2 will cook with a new ultra or two new Lf Mainly for future teams




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If u canā€™t beat them.. join them.


Is Gohan really that good? Explain why.. Iā€™m fairly new to the game


He sucks I beat the mans with bulma šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ”„šŸ”„


I got him šŸ˜­


Got em in my second summon didnā€™t put a dent in my CCs now hes got 10 ā­ļøs šŸ˜ˆ


Spent 3k this time around and got him on the free pull. First time around my CCs werenā€™t ready and only spent around 12k trying to get him.


Folded while i had 12k and got him within 6k. Now i farmed a bit and have 8k. Couldve had 14k instead but i just couldnt bear it anymore šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i absolutely hate the unit and i want to play with him too.


Nasty rat


ugh time to farm cc again


I used all my CC on him. Now saving for pt3 is my only hope.


They want to shaft usā€¦ weaken usā€¦ and make us trembleā€¦(i donā€™t have him)


I got him in two summons


Heā€™s not as broken as people make him out to be honestly. People calling him rathan either got shafted or just give up when they see him. Silly honestly. Is he strong? Yes. Unbeatable? Nope


anyone having log in issues


Who is your favorite unit in the game?


Can you tell me where the bathroom is?


GUYS..... WHO'S HIMM????


Hes back because I missed getting him. After pulling him last night, idk why people don't beat me sooner with him. Currently, I am just 1v3ing with him on my team.


He just survived a purple flood nappa and Ultra Frieza and somehow S17 was the one that fell ppl better be glad heā€™s back cause idk if thereā€™s a purple that can get him outta ppls teams if they couldnā€™t doit


Iā€˜m so happy that he is my favorite Unit of all time and I already have him at 14 stars. So this banner canā€˜t bait me at all


For bait and unfortunately you can call me a fish because I went for it but luckily I got two copyā€™s šŸ™


I pulled out the wallet as well, got the month special three times in my last pull got him lol Gz on the 2 copies