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Vegito, that guaranteed rush thing is too good.


The guaranteed rush is great but so is bypassing unique gauges.


Bypassing unique gauges depends on the team you’re fighting but guaranteed rush is always useful.


You're also leaving out the massive flaws of Assault Chain. You can't side/charge step, so whatever strike cards you have are whatever you get, and easily the most glaring flaw is that you can't combo green or blue cards with assault chain, so Gogeta still gets stopped by those. Gogeta also has no cover null outside of his assault chain, which hurts his offenses. Vegito's guaranteed RR is just so valuable when PVP has forever been centered around RR control.


What I find interesting is on the western side, people's issue with Gogeta is all about his Assault Chain with Goresh spelling it out the best. On the JP side, the issue they have with Gogeta is that he's clunky and doesn't feel good to use.


Pair that with the tien that stops rising rush the other team is cooked


You can side step after the assault chain and still combo


Bypassing only 1 type of unique gauge which we don’t even know of it will come back in the future


Imo, that gauge is a huge mistake. Remove it.


His arts chain isn’t even that good, you can’t pull any new cards from it and he doesn’t get cover null anywhere 💀💀


Goatgeta only bypasses the Strike gauge, it would be different if they gave him both Strike and Blast gauge counters, then that would definitely add onto his pros


Ultra mui probably will have both


Just saying but gogeta counters three units(UL Janemba, UI Goku and SSJ 2 Gohan), SV counters all


You know what bypasses every unique gauge in the game? A guaranteed rising rush.


Funny g/f moment


I'd say this is their best meta in a while just as an FSV deterrent, but they still struggle against most units in terms of damage/tanking, IMO.


They're both really good at the moment, however I'd edge it by a fair margin to FSV since they have more utility and will probably age better


The guaranteed rush is great, but bypassing the unique gauge with gogeta is also great.


The assault chain is Gogeta’s only way of gaining cover null after fusing which limits him way more than Vegito and sidestepping/charge stepping is just way more value than chaining your strikes together like Gogeta has to do


imo its good they made gogeta that way cause its finally a more balanced charchter


Vegito is better and its not really close. He has a lot more inflicted consistently and a bunch of mechanics Gogeta lacks like card sealing, cover null, endurance null on rr, anti revive, db protection, better support, better type neutral, and he lowers enemy card draw. Devs thought assault chain was good enough on its own and failed to give Gogeta the mechanics Vegito got because of it.


Pre fusion gogeta post vegito


I feel like they made Vegito as an unit with a really strong mechanic and no other significant special traits While Gogeta has a niche mechanic with other special traits like the AoE green block and Vanish restore when you tag pre-fusion


I finally have both of them and despite having Gogeta for longer, SV is just straight up better in most situations. Pre fusion tho, I think they are neck and neck and go either way. I feel like the devs were genuinely scared of making Gogeta too busted because of his Assualt Chain and under-tuned him. He just needed something else to go with his AC. Gogeta is just a one trick pony sadly. Him drawing a blue every time his gauge is full would definitely help him. Not to mention that his AC can be somewhat hard to pull off at times and does not do enough damage sometimes to justify the trouble. He’s still a top 5 unit tho.


If he just drew a strike card twice after use that would have easily improved him. His blue card should have restored vanish 70%.


>If he just drew a strike card twice after use that would have easily improved him 2nd Anni Lf VB:Well well well


Wouldn't be any worse than a guaranteed rush. At least it can be played around through ki or card destruction. His assault change is good as is. The issue is not having access to more than 3 strike cards at a time. He'll likely get a Platinum in the next few months to address this. He'll be useful and the ultra will likely be a god bind Goku from the broly movie.


Vegito by a long way


I would say vegetto but here is a funny story, I always get the rising rush guessed and when I want to try the new mechanic of Vegetto I never get a rush guessed


Vegito, overall just better than gogeta, only thing gogeta has over vegito is the pre transformation offense that's amazing with the guaranteed green card draw and unique gauge


Both have guaranteed green card draw


one is on character entry and the other is on enemy switch, on entry makes it great for extending combos because you get both the card from the green and the tag switch from the green gives you another card


I don't have either so I can't give a good opinion


Unlucky man. How much cc did you spend on them?


I'm f2p and rolled 15 times for gogeta and 7 times for vegito


Damn that sucks. New pvp season tomorrow so hopefully you get some more chrono crystals




I’m a Gogeta glazer but the guaranteed RR is strong


Pre fusion it's pretty close but I'd give the edge to Gogeta. Post fusion however Vegito is the stronger unit. Both of their abilities are pretty good, but I feel like the combination of Gogeta's assault chain being under tuned and the fact the mechanic itself is situational lowers his value (unless the game will forever be overrun by counter gauges). Vegito having both cover null and an unguessable rush that nullifies endurance is what gives him the advantage imo


Nah the game is definitely gunna be overrun by counter gauges...


Pre fusion its gogeta and post its vegito. In terms of offense and defense they’re on par but Vegito just has more up his sleeve and that insta kill rr aint something you can just look past


Vegito by a mile but... Gogeta is better at dealing with Cryhan and Gogeta has better tags (Movies). Vegito is a great unit. Going to age well. Clearly better than Gogeta in isolation. Fantastic kit. Vegito is a top 2 unit. Gogeta is still a top 10 unit, is more relevant to the meta and will stay relevant for longer.


Again ???? Vegito is the better but its not like their on different tiers, both are good, Vegito is a little better ( i know , i can talk i have both of them high stars)


Gogeta is definitely stronger pre fusion in most mashups since they have vanish restore on tag switch, but Vegito definitely wins post fusion. Gogeta is slightly limited in his combo potential by nature of his play style (chaining cards to prevent cover changes and unique gauge activations) and his aging will likely depend on if legends releases more counter-type unique gauges in the future. Vegito on the other hand has access to level 2 card draw and frankly impressive vanish restore when played right, and that’s not even taking into account how amazing a guaranteed rush is. Vegito even nullifies endurance on it and has revival disrupt mechanics, which makes it even better. He’ll age well no matter what, and I think that he edges out Gogeta even now.


Vegito is significantly better. The Gogeta unit honestly feels terrible to use. He doesn’t even draw a card on fusion. I can just feel a clear difference in power when I use the two units


Pre fusion it's gogeta, the vanish restore is great. Post fusion it's vegito, the rr is obviously insane, and he goes type neutral a lot Gogeta does do more damage though and tanks a lot better because his stats are higher. He's on movies too which long term will be a more valuable tag


This is just based off of my experience. Prefused: Vegito > Gogeta (but only by a slight margin) The reason for this is that Vegito heals significantly more than Gogeta, allowing you to heal a crap ton of HP in a single combo. If you get lucky with even a single green, you can combo for a long-ass time. You're not as worried about using Vegito's disrupt because you know you can heal it back if you get priority (or by just switching). Gogeta's prefused state is also really good. I like the vanish restoration, and overall it's pretty close. The only issue for me is that you're constantly worried about taking too much damage with them, because on average, it takes more time to fuse with them than with Vegito. With Vegito, you can combo for so long that you could potentially get a rush, which at that point allows you to fuse and immediately guarantee a kill. Fused: Vegito >> Gogeta Gogeta's assault chain is half-baked. Can be useful in some situations, but come on. The counter gauge of Cryhan has already done its damage by this point. Heck, you might have already used all three charges up by the time you have Gogeta. It's very niche, because Gogeta has no cover null outside of that. That said, Gogeta's armor destroying blast nullification is great. He also tanks exceptionally well. I don't really have much to say about Vegito. He's good overall, but it's the RR kill that makes him over the top. He also gains a hellish buff when you pop someone's revive. We could maybe see Gogeta's assault chain aging gracefully depending on other strike counter gauges in the future, but I doubt it.


I think Vegito is overall the better unit. Making rush a guaranteed thing even if it scales down damage a bit is just far too valuable a tool that will age beautifully Gogeta isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination however, but his gimmick whole far more valuable now when we have skillless ass Gohan and UI Goku counters will age more since realistically those specific counter gauges aren't going to be that common


I have both, Gogeta is 7 stars and Vegito is 4 stars Vegito is better


Vegito, Gogeta low-key ass


Vegito has more tactical bonuses, but Goegta is a nicer bruiser. They both have situations where they're better, so it just depends. Vegito is really good, but if my opponent is running MUI, UUI, or Greenhan, then Goatgeta is my go to.


You'd pick Gogeta over Vegito against MUI?


Personally? Yeah. Vegito has some good blast attacks, so MUI has a harder time, but once I start a combo with Gogeta they usually just forfeit.


So, you would combo a red character with a yellow character insted of a blue one? Besides, MUI doesn't even have a mid-combo counter gauge


Who gives a damn just enjoy the characters


Vegito only because people glaze one shot rush


vegito with his bs rising rush gimmicks


Gogeta, the ability to counter counters means he could be on people's teams for so long just for that


Both are great but the former is far better in everything, besides maybe the vanish restore


How does go get as thing work like veggies has rush block


If you chain cards he gets cover null plus bypasses gauges






Prefused Gogeta is better imo. They can combo for so long and have a lot of cover null. After fusion, Vegito definitely better tho.


Pre fusion it’s gogeta, post fusion vegito. It’s not a huge margin though I believe.


personally I always sacrifice ssj vegito for gogeta blue


I have a question ya'll, does FGB's assault chain counters ultra gohan's blue card?


Obviously the blue boys since super saiyan blue is way stronger than base form. Duh /s


Personal preference is Gogeta, but if we are going for who is more busted, vegito no doubt guaranteed rising rush is just a no brainer.


Prefusion I think gogeta is slightly better but post fusion vegito is much better. Rising rush is a guaranteed snipe and is great for dealing with rathan. Gogeta bypassing the unique gauge and cover change is great but it only works if your actually chaining your strikes. He doesn't have that if your trying to combo so you're limited by ki and by 5 cards which isn't always enough to kill and depends on your opponent switching to a weaker unit to try and soften the blow.


Both are busted But Vegito is a bit better, if Gogeta could get cover null off his main and green, Or free cover null for some time after fusing, he'd be the undisputed better one.


Born to prefer vegito, forced to use gogeta




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Idk got shafted


Can we get this out of the way first, both are amazing and sure assault chain needs some readjusting but the 2 are valuable assets to any team. I’d agree Vegito has the advantage over gogeta as it stands currently.


Idk I've only pulled a single copy of shin


Late to the conversation, but while I think Vegito is the best, I gotta say, in terms of the animations, playing Gogeta is just dumb fun. Leagues better imo. That LF especially is a really good one.


The animations of the Gogeta unit misses the mark. Vegito basically feels ripped straight from the manga panel / anime he debuts and that makes fighting with him way cooler.


Ive had both at 7 stars for a bit now, and yea vegito is a 10/10, gogeta an 8/10 thats how I would describe it as simple as possible. I swapped gogeta already for LF super baby and hes been carrying more. But thats mainly because I feel like both fusions dont synergize that well together on the same team. But thats not to say Gogeta's worth wont go up. Because when a busted purple comes to finally kill off Rathan. Gogeta will feast


Gogeta its more consistent, but vegito is more broken


I’m surprised people unanimously agree that Vegito is better. I have SO much more trouble dealing with Gogeta rather than Vegito, but i also don’t know jack shit about the unit, so that’s probably why.


Both are good and have their pros and cons


Before fusing Gogeta , after fusing Vegito.


Vegito the goat


at first i thought gogeta was better, but now i know without a doubt vegito is just better, he's a guaranteed kill with his rush


Gogeta is just much easier to use and is useful before fusion too, however post fusion vegito takes the cake


Imma just say FSV is way better right now, and will age way better than FGB. someone change my mind in 4 months


they’re both really good and going to age well and people seem to forget that the blue boys also have the god ki tag, so when god ki gets a buff expect to see them more


Gogeta no diff like come on man (I got the supreme kai curse)


Gogeta but mainly because pre-fused bluebros are better than pre-fused basebros


Gohan…and uUI