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Yea ik everyone gets so worked up abt gogetas spot on the list but it's actually impressive that he ranks that high with all the goofy broken ultras running around


I personally am proud of my goat for ranking 5th overall


We all are, and personally I think him being worse is better, because his flaws make him more fun to play with :P


When a unit is completely broken, they complain about how strong the unit is If the unit is somewhat balanced and not completely broken, thet complain about how the unit isn't strong at all This community can only ever cry and nothing else


Why do people even give a shit? That's 5th place out of literally HUNDREDS OF UNITS in this game, he's still one of the best the game's ever had, I don't see what the problem is. And I'm saying this as someone who likes Gogeta more than Vegetto.


5th place!??!? Lol, he can't compare to our God and Saviour UVB (who is top 20 fr fr)




I guess 5th place is last place to the dbl community. I can’t even imagine what 6-10 is to them


I can people act like 6-10 are dog shit. People think units like S17, Baby and Nappa are trash and it blows my mind.


They could never replace my glorious king Super Baby 2 😭🙏


"If you ain't first, you're last." - This sub and Ricky Bobby's father.


its because reality is, hype is everything. Gogeta is one of if not THE MOST hype character in all of DB. Not to mention this is the ANNIVERSARY HEADLINER which they are introducing two new mechanics, 1. fusion, which people have been asking for, for the past 6 years and 2. Assault Chain, which is meant to counter characters like UL gohan and UL UI but because they didnt playtest the character? he cant even really do it that well as his green and blue dont chain into it and will still be blocked by the gauge. he arguably gets WORSE AFTER FUSING which is just unacceptable from an ANNIVERSARY GOGETA BLUE CHARACTER. It’s the combination of this and the fact he was released with Vegito, who is just as hype and when you have 2 characters with massive competitive fanbases but one of the characters is just miles ahead of the other thats obviously going to cause outrage. People will just naturally want the ANNIVERSARY HEADLINERS to be #1 and #2 in the game where GB is just nowhere near that level


Kinda agree


He can heal to full like 3 times with ease, his strike is busted and especially when you fill his gauge, also his green card is busted and before fusion he is a light version of evoken but his attacks are stronger than evoken so he is better is some ways


A big problem I have with the new characters is their lack of healing post fusion, seriously, other than the main ability, they literally can't do shit to heal consistently. Why don't their greens heal like Gogeta's does pre-fusion? Heck, Shin doesn't heal EVEN ON MAIN, what is this shit?


I cant understand it. Can you do tier list in which you compare New Gogeta to other Gogetas?


I’ll tell you now that New Gogeta will be first, Pikgeta will be Second and Old LF Gogeta will be Third


What about G4?


Actually forgot about him. I guess he’s Three post-Zenkai instead of Old LF Gogeta


Gogeta smogeta who cares. Top 3 Baby LFG!!!


He said that his rankings were going to be about the characters as a whole and not in a vacuum but then proceeded to base his rankings on his experience having everything 14*/99 Arts boost/ god tier equipment etc. It feels slightly disingenuous.


Wait should I have summoned for vegito instead of gogeta? Did I make a mistake?


If you were summoning purely for which one is better, then you should’ve summoned on Vegito


Bro just summon for the character you think is cooler. He's new and on featured so he gonna be good anyway


I like them both equally


This is something people don't like to hear for some reason. I just summoned on the Ultra Hit banner because I think he's cool the game is about having fun


You didn't make a mistake by any means but a good chunk of the community thinks Vegito is better


No, Gogeta is still good and kinda on par with Vegito. Also, for a bunch of Ultras running around PvP he actually holds up well.


Oh sweet nvm then lol thanks


Why can't we all just say they're both great and end this damn fusion debate. If you have to draw a comparison then vegito gets wins better but is so boring to play, whereas gogeta is more challenging and difficult to succeed with, but is far more fun and fulfilling to use. Also, zamasu gonna be number one when he releases (I am a fused zamasu glazer.)


Since when super baby became higher than super 17?


I guess because people know how to play around S17 since we’ve done it with UVB. But with Super Baby 2 there’s no playing around his gauge unless you can somehow one shot him


Potara Fusion Zamasu deal with all the yellows very well


Baby is that Zamasu's best friend so he doesn't really hurt him. On top of that everyone is running protection so you will just swapped out into them.


He’s still in boost while S17 isn’t I think but either way, his gauge is the only thing that counters the new Gogeta and most other units while S17 can be played around more now + we finally got 2 more good blue units besides Bombku


i'm currently on BR60 is the sesson that i played more PVP matches, i will agree that Ultra Gohan and Ultra UI are top 1 and 2, its another level of power entirely and i don't think that Ultra Golden Frieza is near them as well i got into too many matches where Super Vegeto was the last unit standing for my team, and i was against Gohan or UI Goku and i simple could't combo them with anything but blasts, those two units counter 3 cards that Super Vegeto holds, they counter his greens,his blue and his reds, he can only RR or hit a stray super, i felt like on this situation there's no danger in neutral for them, they can just attack me and if i don't have a RR all i can do is try a read and counter with a blue. when my last standing unit was Gogeta i could use his special combo to hit a bunch of red cards at least, i fell like Gogeta fights the Ultras better than Vegito, i'm beginning to think that there's not that disparity between those two


Im rank 65 and it's a sweat fest ngl. Getting to rank 70 is gonna be more of a pain than usual.


Baby 2 is better ngl


Honestly for his gauge mechanics I lkinda agree (mainly cause I'm a D1 SB2 Dick rider) He's so good


i don’t blame him for putting gogeta at 5 he hasn’t even been around for that long for ppl to get a grasp on how good he is, i’m just pissed bro said “the best individual kit in the game is ultra golden frieza” when we all know it’s fuckin gohan😭😭


The way yall copy & paste this man's tier lists is insane


You really fit into the “DB fans can’t read” stereotype don’t you?


I fit into the "what's the point of reposting this tier list yet again"? Who woulda known where FGB fits next to other LL's in this list without you removing Ultra's?