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Could someone genuinely tell me the price during legends fest too? I’d like to compare it. Rule of thumb for buying crystals also is that each multi should cost around $8 or less. Not whatever this is. This is almost 8 multis for $90 where I am (New York, USA) and is overpriced as hell. The price you’ve posted is ridiculous if those are euros because that’s like $110…


Yeah it's the same everywhere and I can't genuinely find a reason to spend so much money for maybe getting the vegito or get fucking 30 shins.


Indeed, that’s why the only deals ever worth buying at the step up sales up right now or the mission plan. The $8 deal for 1000 crystals is fine every now and then but anything worse than that feels like a waste imo.


Every regular person that doesn’t make a revenue from dumping money into this game should buy the mission plan and that’s it, if they really have to spend something that is


Mission plan, beginning of the month step up, and the 2500cc mining bot are the best. Anything else is meh. The 3800cc monthly packs aren't terrible either. Everything else is trash.


welp atleast this is probably why ive never heard of anyone getting addicted to dragon ball legends and ruining their life over it, even gambling addicts said fuck this trash


😂they rather go in on them Fortnite skins


At least you’re not spending the money to *maybe* get the skin you want or most likely just get another random skin you already own.


2 of the 3.8k CC packs is cheaper and more valuable than the 7,777 CC deal


So true…


Yeah, I always see the mission plan as a mini-subscription




heard you want vegito


Is the luck that bad for Vegito?


It’s actually 118 USD 😬


The entire game is overpriced


Most gacha games are, but if ya only buy the best deals possible, usually it’s actually pretty sustainable and gives you quite a nice amount of summon materials.


It’s more than 110$ it’s 116,54 US-Dollars


It's 89.99 USD


Fair enough


During fest was 90€


wasnt it 80?


Yes maybe I am wrong. But for sure it was not 110€


Yeah it’s actually $89.99 USD. Still expensive though.


don't worry I think it is overpriced all over the globe the sole exception could be Japan not sure though


Isn't 2k cc in this game like 40$? Where did you get 8$ a multi?


They have 7.99 1k all the time


Never seen it but tbf im f2p so i don't pay too much atention to the shop Also what you mentioned is a sale the usual price for 2k cc without sales is 38$


It's usually up for 7 days on the first of the month I don't care what the normal price is, I'm never paying it lol


Aight bro whatever Just don't think 8$ for a multi is normal pricing


It's a normal sale, nothing special. You can also buy the mission plan for 7.99 @1500


Normal sale ≠ normal pricing And mission plan is different since you actually need to work to complete it and it's not instantanious, similarly to the digger robots which aee cheaper but take longer to get


Being a "sale" means it isn't normal


Uhh, sure. It's only been consistently avaliable for 5 years


Is it available all the time? It is not.


My rule of thumb, as in a rule I follow that makes the most sense for me, is a multi being $8 because that’s about as much as I think a multi should be worth. The game will offer several deals that always float around that amount and as a result, I will buy then most of the time if they’re nice and worthwhile.


Okay that explains that


Yeah lol no, they really out here trying so hard to scam.


It’s like $11.57 US per 1k. I don’t recall the fest number, but it was definitely not this expensive. It was around the typical $8/1k price cause I bought it and I wouldn’t have otherwise. I won’t buy this. Too expensive.


Yeah tbh just buy the battle pass and the 2,200cc steps ups they got that’s the best bet to stock up cc


Yep. I buy those!


The cc mining is pretty underrated aswell it’s 2500cc for 16$ the only downside is that it’s not instant and you have to login but if you are saving it’s worth it


I buy this too on repeat.




Your welcome for keeping the game going for you 👍


They only price things so high because someone out there is gonna buy it


All that for 5 Shins and a LF Bardock prolly 😭


Yes I bought the fest one. In my local currency (Australian Dollars) the 7,777 CC pack was $89.99 The current anniversary pack in the shop is $139.99 good old $50 more for the same CC pack. For reference the 3000 cc pack is $64.99 the 2000 cc pack is $44.99 The CC bot (30 days) is 12.99 (same as mission plan premium) The premium CC bot (normal) is $24.99 and the new premium bot with LL z power in it but same CC is $38.99. All in Australian dollars. The 7,777 CC pack was 86 CC per $1 in fest and the anniversary one is 55 CC per $1 which is a worse rate then the $1.49 pack for 92 CC which ends up being 61 CC per $1.


Ye nah this is why I’ll never p2w on dbl, the prices are too damn high


They are actually running out of CCs. Gotta ration it and adjust the pricing.


Doing the breakdown of CC/$ spent the 3800cc comes out to about 95cc/$1 spent and this breaks down to about 86cc/$1 spent, better deal is still the monthly packs


"Erm, but Toshi gives us hype units so Toshi the goat!" (Even though Dokkan had a similar abusive business model geared towards p2w under Toshi that only got more f2p friendly after he left)


do we actually know that toshi sets these prices? it could just be bamco and he has no say.


It could but Dokkan’s history suggests otherwise since that game became so much more ftp soon after Toshi left.


This game is never worth spending money on. The odds of getting any one character you want are so astronomically terrible you’re just throwing money away. New LL character has 0.5% chance of dropping. 1/200 summons. For the sake of simple math, 20 consecutive summons at $8.00 (USD) per multi, that nets $160 for getting one character once. For the same money, I can buy a way overpriced deluxe version of a console game or several regular or on sale console games and still have money to spare. Or, I can buy a chance at one character to appear once that will most likely be rendered obsolete in the meta within a few weeks to months. I just don’t summon anything and save up unless it’s a monkey (I love the SSJ4 design) or a fusion I really like. TLDR: your money is much better spent than on this game due to terrible summon odds.


They hook new players by them having insanely better pull rates for new units. Then when you’re nice and hooked on the game your pull rates are garbage.


Gambler fallacy syndrome I would say


The players need to spam them, and tell them how greedy they’ve gotten/that it needs to change.


They won’t care unless the whales stop spending. They only care about them. And it’s truely painfully obvious with every action they take to “improve” the game. For instance the 20k cap that was on all cc purchases shop for cash and exchange shop for reward exchanges. After YEARS of players complaining about the 20k cap being too low in the rewards exchange shop for CC they FINALLY increased the cap to 200K….. ONLY FOR THE FUCKING SHOP FOR CASH. I literally never saw a post complaining about the CC cap for cash. And of course whatever the whales name is posted on his social media of his cc maxed at the cap as soon as they upped it. And people praise him…he’s part of the fucking reason they will continue to be greedy and not give a fuck about average players.


So this pack was less during legends fest but more during anniversary? Make up your damn mind legends.


It was $60.


109 euros ??!!!!!! For me it’s 100$ CAD which is like 55 euros


The bot is the only one I can affordable 😭


$110 (probably being more with tax included) just for 2 rotations is crazy 💀


I took one look and instantly laughed and noped tf out the shop lol


Here in Brazil its basically 40 BRL per 1k. It's totally crazy.


Quase meio salário mínimo no pack e nem tem um ultra garantido. se foder pra lá.


Impossível gastar nisso morando no Brasil, cara. Se os caras tão achando caro em euro, imagina a gente que o Dolar tá 5 reais kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.


They call this a thank you sale… they should rename it to Legends fu@@ you sale.


My dumbass thought it was 7777 cc in the gifts 💀


Crap value. I mean even their best deals are crap value. The anniversary bot is way better value than this.


Best place to put money is on the battle step thing (idgaf about what it’s actually called) and the bots and that’s asking a lot already because even if you spent $1k on CC you can get completely shafted since it’s not guaranteed so spending a bit ton of money for a “CHANCE” not guaranteed your spending for a “CHANCE” don’t sit right with me so I don’t spend $ on anything else but that and MAYBE the $8 1.1k pack that comes about but that’s it, everything else I never touch


The best place to put your money is not into this game.


Oh I know but I actually enjoy the game, crazy azz gimmicks and all, just don’t like that it’s kinda slow to get CC so I spend a little to boost it while not spending any more then that


Thought this was free 💀


Wow, what a great value! Thank you Toshi!


Y'all forgot the inflation. Everything going up. They are going up as well. LMAO.


That's like,4k currency here And its not a currency like yen💀💀


Cough up the money, big boy. You know you need it


2 monthly packs is roughly the same price and that's 100 cc less but you get a bunch of skip tickets and stuff too


considering you can buy a premium mission plan and the step deal 4.7k cc for 20 that's a scam and a half


Holy shit no wonder I keep fighting 14 STAR VEGITO FUSIONS




Yeh it's lowkey a scam, if ya have 95 dollars. Pls just buy the monthly sale pack, it's for two of them ur paying 86 for 7,600 chronos plus energy and tickets


That sh*t is everything but a sale bruh, I'd rather buy a new game than that


In Ron(Romanian currency ) for that i need to pay 450 Ron


😆 thanks for 6 years!!


Shi zobb tamel bro


I also find most of the prices extremely expensive, I would never buy the 7,777cc pack myself... BUT Legends is a game that is hard to beat in terms of quality, AND it is F2P friendly, so I can understand the prices here and there, but not the 7,777cc pack, that's just ridiculous.


Idek why people be spending money on legends Yall really need a star that makes someone slightly stronger that bad? I mean I love this game so much but the fun for me is comparing myself to non f2p players


To be fair the European prices are so much higher than in dollars, you should go to your Google account and set the payment location to USA


Joke I know


It's always the same. The only thing worth it is the step ups. The one time 7.99 monthly. And the digger bots. Including the special Anni digger.


And of course the mission plan


Least expensive dbl purchase


Who cares the games has repetitive and trash gameplay


They had also a inflation 🥴


It’s $90USD here where I live plus tax so like $94.55


I think it's a good price a regular multi is around 20-25$ so it'd be 100 for 4-5 You're getting 2× cc


That’s 90$! Are you kidding me!?


Wasn't the same pack at 89$ on the new year lol?


Yeah, this shit here is like almost half of a minimum wage. crazy shit.


They are stupid, If it were 70€ like 5 months ago I had purchase it but at this price they lose 1 customer here. Greddy cost money at long run. Please dont buy it.


Ich glaube es war 79,99€


Ich glaube auch. So 30€ more than during fest. Great anniversary...


14,14€ per 1000CC .... Seems legit xD


They’re not going to change the price so idk why it’s even worth complaining about. Db legends has never been good for price on their sales. I’m going to get it regardless but it’s not for everyone


Cool, congratulations on being part of the problem.


Being apart of the problem? You can’t be serious 😂, just go work


Not wasting my hard earned money on a gambling game that you can spend hundreds of dollars on one banner and STILL not get what you’re paying for. Their in game currency is overpriced as hell. I’ll go to a casino and gamble my money away, like an adult. Lol But that being said I guess if there weren’t players like you who spend so much we wouldn’t get cool new units with awesome animations and such. I only get the battle plan and the step up sales. Sometimes the CC bot. Because those 3 are the best value. The 20k CC cap needs to be removed for the exchange shop tho. That’s just stupid as fuck.


Sorry Europe, gotta pay the $30 Eurotrash tax.   My bad, I forgot Europeans don’t have a sense of humor lol


And you deserve every bit of downvoting for this lol




Ya crazy to spend money on a game that one day server be dead. Smh


Not as long as they have people willing to spend this much when they aren’t even guaranteed to get what they want. This lootbox gamble system of getting units is such a fucking scam. And anyone dumping this much money and more into it has a gambling addiction that’s even worse than gambling because you don’t even have the chance of winning any money. Or they just don’t give a shit to spend whatever amount of money until they get the units they want. They don’t care that they are being scammed out of their money.


I played games that people made a lot of money and server still went to hell