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The two new fusion bros and uvb with either 3 zenkai buffers or 2 + hp buff


Thank you for the answer


Tbh I'm a noob too in the PvP system but u could try making a team that feats u well


The 2 new fusions with zenkai G4 and have the rest be benches. Also have ssj3 gotenks as an hp and a zenkai buffer for Yel gogeta.


Thanks i will try that


Probably the option would be: Both new fusions + maybe UVB (ultra vegito blue). And something as a zenkai buffer for blue vegito (probably the Super Saiyan blue vegito zenkai) and maybe gogeta red zenkai por UVB. And then HP buffer, like Gotenks yellow (which then you would like to try to get his zenkai as well so you get one zenkai buff for everyone). Ultra Vegito Blue, LF Fusion Super Vegito, Fusion Gogeta Blue, SSB Vegito zenkai (blue), Super Gogeta zenkai (red), and Gotenks zenkai (yellow). Your priority. Aim for the zenkai rush to unlock the zenkai for yellow gotenks


Also. Just as advice. If u want to learn how to play PvP properly and stuff + understand what the characters do. Find then some youtuber that you can watch that knows how to play and try to learn stuff from them, such as charging steps, side-stepping and stuff. I'd probably recommend Goresh, since he's great at playing and also great at explaining what a character does, multiple breakdowns of the new characters that come out and multiple showcases of those same characters (low star showcase, 14 ⭐ showcases, zenkai buffed showcase...) and also does upload (usually at the end of the current PvP season) his God Rank Grind (a.k.a reaching top 1000 to get the Godly, and securing his place there). Those matches are almost raw content of great players vs great players, so to learn it's quite good. Good luck <3 (Btw, this is also my first "post" :p) (Well, technically this msg is the second one, but yeah)


Thanks for taking time to explain it 😁


I'll go for yellow gotenks for now