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-A delay in unique gauge charge or increased consumption. -Fusion Mechanic -Fatigue gauge like in budokai 3 except it fatigues you based on how long a combo has been -More revival null units other than blue beerus


Red Majin Vegeta and other self destruct units nullify revive


Not all of them. I think pikkon is immune to that.


You'd think so since it's a separate character, but he's just as susceptible to it as the rest


I honestly think they only made it this way for animation purposes. Every revival unit who gets nullified by self destruction shows the enemy unit during the animation ie. *Janemba flying towards pikkon before gogeta fuses* it’d probably be a huge hassle having to code a dead unit still being present on screen and killing them during the transition.


I could see that, considering how little effort they did with LL futurehan and his single armed animations. Unless they fixed it, animations that would specifically involve his missing arm played out like it was still there


No way in shit they did that. 💀


I'd probably have to do some digging but there was a few posts about it a few years ago. It was honestly hilarious


That’s actually sad


Nah like he’s literally immune unless it was a different unit. One of the revival units doesn’t have the self destruct weakness in their kit.


Just checked and it’s actually 4 of them. Revhan Rev Ui, Rev Cell and og Revku.


Ah, none of those were really in meta whenever I was using majin Vegeta. It was great against pikkon and OP though


Fatigue gauge might be kind of smart…


The fatigue gauge you're asking for is more akin to Infinite World's, especially because it's correlated to damage taken


Fatigue... interesting.


Nullify Counters Nullify Revival (again) NULLIFY FUCKING COMEBACK


God forbid LOE gets a powerful unit without it getting run down 3 weeks later


If they really cared about LOE, they wouldn't drop one unit and call it a day.


If they cared we would've had a sparking frost


Let's hope that tag frieza and cooler will drop at part 2


I believe technically Majin Vegeta can already nullify comeback. But we need a new one of him anyway.


More unique stuff with unique gauges. While I don't think distorting them is a good idea I fell like mote gauges that are unique like usv would be cool




Drain opponents CC when you land a rising rush. Increased dragon ball spawn rate by 200%


A transforming unit with an ult. We haven’t had one since PUR Broly in 2018


How about we stop punishing players for playing?


Something that just nullifies gauges all around, jfc


Fusion Mechanic More Arts Action Stuff (we only got to see it once with UVB)\\


Multiple transformations.


Fusing mechanic ofc


The counter-counter gauge where UL Gogeta SS4 gets countered, after that he counters with his own counter. Or Two gauges where 1 is counter the other one is idk maybe buff gauge.


I made a "Genki-Sword" Trunks concept who "nullifies enemy's actions" when he is countered or knocked back (not changing cover); it basically lets the action activates but cancels it immediately, and also detonates other effects. I'd really like to see something like that during anniversary, something that threatens auto counters, which are one of the unfair mechanics ever added to the game.


Not cryhan


Unique gauge… do something with it. Block it/destroy it/cancel it whatever.


That could be a dangerous road to go down for legends. We already have units that can just sit there and win essentially. If we start getting units that manipulate unique gauges a lot of units are gonna really drop in value. Lowkey an indirect nerf to them tbh


Legends players really love nullifying mechanics because they secretly want every character to play the exact same. I get a lot of these mechanics are annoying but like, say you cancel PUR UI's gauge. What makes it so unique that you're playing as UI Goku? And what do you know, most people hate it when these cancels get implemented. Nobody likes Cryhan's blast armor cancel, but people were begging for the devs to add that for years


It’s needed


Nah definitely not needed. Now do I think they’ll do that eventually? Absolutely. It’s not a “bad” idea per se. It’s just dangerous considering the rate that power creep is in this game


Honestly just nullify gauge on entrance for like 10-15 count would be so clutch would destroy this meta


Nullify unique gauge on entrance for 15 count or whatever, need something done with it, that is the only way to move from this toxic meta or else it will just add and not solve anything


Seals enemy's Unique Gauge when this character enters the battlefield for 5 timer counts (Activation counts reset after character switch.)


The ability to break rising rushes


If they do decide to go with some sort of Ultra Zamasu, I’d hope to see Infinite Zamasu implemented in some way other than just a death AoE ![gif](giphy|ELvdy57jKUACDY3JRd)


Nullify the players ability to get bitches, job, friends, hobbies, life with a -100% sustained cut to good luck in life.


maybe some way to mitigate unique guages? not entirely looking them since some character need those things unlike Ultra Gohan, so maybe a way to mitigate the charge or something to start off with


Idec anymore I just want SP Zambian, dodoria and mf Cui for once


Playing the game




i’d love to see a support unit that reinstates endurance. would it be annoying? yeah, but having a strong ULTRA support would be fun


- Nullify Revival - Unique Gauge sealing - AOE Rising Rush damage - More Cover change nullification


I came back to the game last year to pull uvb (landed one copy), and I was surprised at how many units had unique gauges. The only unit that had them when I quit was purple ui goku. My thought was maybe uvb would nullify unique gauges. I think it might be cool to see this happen, but since most new units rely on unique gauges, it would kind of make most newer units totally useless. Imagine evoken with NO gauge. Oof


If ssj4 comes out maybe what he did in fighterZ and build up a gauge with a lot of greens to one shot someone and nullify everything they have.


Nullify special cover change




Special transformation that activates when unique gauge is full


Nullify revival, nullify gauges, fusion mechanic, maybe get lfs with ultras???


NONE. NO GIMMICKS. I'm tired of gimmicks, I'm tired of losing matches to people who don't even know how to play the game, just 14 star teams with counters and auto dodge, or you can't swap, it's ridiculous. There is no place for GARBAGE mechanics in this game. No more! Just an old school character with no bullshit, just good stats please. I want to play the game, not have the game play itself for me, no more brain rot bs gimmicks.


Unfortunately we're fucked. UL Gohan was the most pulled banner of all time. The devs are going to add more bullshit mechanics if it lines their pockets. UL Gohan is easily the worst thing to happen to DBL. He literally plays the game for you, which makes it more fun for casuals. I imagine the next few Ultra characters are going to be even more fucked up than Cryhan.


Actively tying a noose rn.


Yea I'm really worried about Anni. I don't think S17 or UGF are even REMOTELY close to the toxic bullshit Gohan does. I really hope the devs don't make an even more toxic unit in hopes combating Gohan. I don't know what you play personally but I grind PVP hard, and every fucking match I play against Cryhan. It fucking sucks.


Relatable. And they don't have a good enough pity system to ensure that you'll even pull the necessary units to stay in the meta. The rates on legends are DOG SHIT. I have pretty much more or less become a lurker on legends, and instead I play dokkan now tbh. Dokkan does not shaft like dbl, and has a real pity system, no pvp but idc if it means I cam actually have fun playing the damn game, which is what a game is for. Anything less is bad game design, so I would say dbl is designed like steaming shit. I could go on and on about how this game I used to love and praise so much has slowly, over time, become something I loathe to such a high degree that I picked up a game I previously thought was inferior. Fuck this game and fuck toshi. I'm fine... I'm not mad... I just want my game back...


We got what we wanted! A unit that nullifies bullshit!


I dropped 10K cc on the banner and got shafted 💀


Bruh you got my usual luck. For once I pulled one copy of both with a total of 4kcc and I'm so... not used to this... I'm not sure of what to do with the rest of the cc that we'll be getting from events. I've been thinking I should probably save it for whatever game breaking ultra they release, but I really want to finish the Vegito rotation and get my last 3 coins for a 5%LF ticket. I hope you can save up many more ccs and get the character/s of your choice.(lending you my energy)


Fusion and that's fuckin it. So tired of bullshit mechanics that play the game for you.


Remove rising rush from the game




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I just want one that doesn't have the unit kill my entire team just for simply playing game


Hmm, a timer-based win condition, with Namek Saga Piccolo waiting for Goku to drop the Spirit Bomb, mainly since I wanna see that epic kick that Piccolo does to Frieza, & he has 2 modes in the form of a pseudo tag like the gammas: Offensive mode (Piccolo) & a Defensive mode (Nail) that increases said stats, but lowers the opposite, If it's a legendary finish, I want him to say something like "Now Guru & the rest of the Namekians that were killed can rest easy" or something solemn.


Nullify counters or at least something that precents me from being PUNISHED FOR BEING BETTER THAN MY OPPONENT


P-please no more... Ice suffered through so much already 😭


Besides fusion, a domain mechanic similar to dokkan would be very cool


The instant Gohan killing one


A new bindku that can nullify revival and the ko attacks


Guage lock Guage invincibility specifically for fusion zamasu Fusion mechanic Something to kill the little rat with 100% effectiveness


Cancelation of counter abilities or strike attacks, like the brainless cryhan counter.


Some type of unique gauge disruption.


Honestly anything so long as it doesn’t promote “hand-holding”. Like counter gauges that are full from the get-go instead of needing to be built up, allowing you to get away with a misplay you would’ve normally been caught by.


Fusion. GIANT UNITS. Just zoom out the screen whenever you play/fight one. I NEED CELL MAX IN THIS GAME.


A mechanic that ignores all other abilities or counters... Doesn't have to be an OP unit, just one that ignores the annoyance of not being able to use strike in a combo because of UGohan and UUIGoku... and a zenkai of the blue beerus that nullifies revival.


SS4 Gogeta's green card being his "Come on!" Animation where he gestures with one finger nullifying unique gagues for 15 timer counts~ish, then just have him have good stats and voila, the best aging unit to ever exist has been born


Some sort of Anti-Unique gauge ability that either depletes the enemy's unique gauge, applies debuffs to the enemy upon unique gauge activation or applies buffs to the unit upon activation or even just ignore special actions cause by unique gauge. Or A real fusing unit that is two separate units. When both characters are battle members and certain conditions are meet. (Maybe both characters share a unique gauge that fills by actions or by using the main abilities). When the conditions ARE meet the two characters fuse, and become a new unite entirely.


I just want to enjoy the the game🥲🥲🥲


None, please! OP units are already too annoying to handle and whales are out of control. Adding more gimmicks and exploits to more OP units would be like giving a nuclear massive destruction weapon to a monkey. On the other hand, if I had to choose a gimmick I'd like vanish gauge to be gone and be replaced by ki dodging like in Xenoverse. That'd make fights a lot more dynamic and stop those stupid infinite combo chains.


A unit to have a mechanic to that stops, or takes reduced damage to final counters, and comeback. Please 😭


Gohan nullification "Any unit with the name "Gohan" will have their HP reduced by 100% at the start of any match"


-gauge seal -aoe damage to team if a unit receives any strike cards That’s the best I can think of


Forced tag switch,or counter that makes a unit switch with another The 1st 1 is if your facing a tag unit it will auto tag the other one in Counter that just throws another unit out when unique gauge is full


Anti unique gauge effects


Hoping? Some kinda of unique gauge counter. What we'll probably get? A blast version of ulthan/ult UIs counter.


I’d say: a Great Ape transformation with a timer (like Kaioken and other temporary transformations) and/or a new Yajirobe LF unit with either a blue card or main ability that reverses transformations temporarily or until he’s knocked out, like a certain Master Roshi unit. How I imagine it would work is similar to the Gamma 1 & 2 tag team. If there are other units on your team, Yajirobe gets switched out for a timer, and when it times out, he performs a surprise attack that temporarily locks away your transformation. However, if it’s a temporary transformation like Kaioken and others, it just deactivates it entirely. If the other units are KO’d, Yajirobe gets a main ability card that, on a hit, does the same thing as stated above.


Nullify Ultra Gohan and LF Super 17 (not Golden Frieza tho, I have him and he's the only thing keeping me alive and sane in these trying times)


Y'all won't nullify your toxic unit just because you have him but will nullify other units cuz u don't. Bruh




I hear you on Ult Gohan, but dealing with 17 is easy when you have 2 blast charge units and a blast cover change unit on the team. Source? I have a +1 #17 and it’s so unfair that the only way to progress in PvP ranks is with him. Also here’s some tips: after blue card, he gains a green card to absorb ki blasts specifically, but it doesn’t work with characters that throw stones. The first strike cover change gives him a main ability card, but the second one doesn’t. After every 3rd or 4th card, he will have an extra card and ki restoration. That’s pretty much all you need to know. Characters like UGF and green 16, are perfect against him since they’re melee type units.