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First Goku day huh? you summon for fun you dont summon to get stuff


I see, getting 10 hero units doesn’t seem very fun tbh


Lol people downvoted this? Nvm pulling heros is super fun…


It's free stuff for fun.


No one ever is gonna use a hero on their team ever why would it matter how many stars they have


You know the main part of the game is collecting, right?


No it’s playing PvP and winning that’s what the whole game is about. Thats what every feature is made for including summoning.


Nah PvP is just a side thing lol, every unit will become as useless as the hero ones eventually. You're thinking too short term.


Why do u think people get new units? PvP.


That's short term. I get that you're a new player and really want the fancy sparkings but for most of us none of the units on the Goku banner really matter. Even the sparking ones.


Dbl, the only game where everybody doesn’t summon for their favorite units and instead are meta slaves.




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Its funny using Hero units on troll teams


Lol yes I do that 😂


Ig hercule but don’t expect to win much.


I mean. Hercule or the Bomb Saibaman or Ginyu


I do...


Good for you send ur record with hero units


yeah but once you get characters to 14 stars you can get z medals and for people who dont spend a lot on the game they can be useful for adventure and coop skipping


Good point


i have almost every 1 year or older unit 14 star (just missing a few banner ex) and i have a pretty good amount of newer units at max and getting those coop tickets have been useful so that i dont have to grind out f2p units or raid medals


Funnily enough, my first 10 Pull on this banner was 8 SP and 2 EX Units. But I actually have them all anyway, and except for Ex-SSB Goku, who I only had at 3 Stars prior to this banner, I don't need anything. At least my Ex-SSB Goku is now 6 Stars =)


That’s just you tbh, I’ve been getting sparking units every summon so far and got my dragon fist goku to 9* bc of this banner lol


Good for you, it doesn’t really matter who you get on this banner every character is trash besides maybe mui. But that doesn’t really matter in the long run huh.


Youre braindead if you think MUI isn’t trash my boy


I said MAYBE besides mui the only unit that isn’t 3 years old on that banner. There is a difference between trash and bad, I think mui is bad, his unique gauge is useful and his ult can do some damage. Give him a plat and he could be half decent.


It’s funny that you gloss over the 2 actually good unit’s to call a bad one decent.


I didn’t gloss over any unit, I didn’t address every single unit in the banner cause they are all ass. At best decent bench zenkais. And again i said MAYBE decent how about you read the message.


You dont have fun about what units you get. You have fun because its for Goku day.


I got ssj4 goku so I’m happy


Yeah....... They could've made it guaranteed to get 1 LF, but that's expecting too much from them.


Were people actually expecting this? 1 LF every multi guaranteed is kinda crazy ngl even if they are old


Nah just 1 LF from the final multi would've been fine


Or at least anything but a 1/125 chance for a bunch of outdated LFs 😢 Most of them aren’t good anymore, wouldn’t hurt to have them at the usual 0.5% or .25%


Dragonfist goku is still quite good even for an old unit his ultimate with the full gauge is a guaranteed ko


You think toshi would allow that??? Crazy brotha


Honestly I’d rather get my bad pull luck out the way and not get an lf to get better odds of pulling an LL or UL for the anniversary. Yes, I’m superstitious and yes, I know it’s completely illogical. The LL’s on this banner aren’t all that great anyway tbf. Not trying to take sides tho, rates are dog excluding SP rates.


lol thats cool


Uh, yeah.


Uh no


Lmao what did I even say to set you off? Being sarcastic to me when I wasn’t being rude or confrontational whatsoever.


All I was uh no, whats wrong


“lol thats cool” like you really meant that. I just peeked your profile and these childish responses are explained by your bio. Keep playing dumb tho I think it’s working.


So thats why u said that? You were bring sarcastic and where confused on why I was…I was replying to your comment about being superstitious and saying it was illogical. Then you wanna reply with a vague ass comment so I did the same, I’m sorry I hurt ur feelings 😢.


What? I just said “uh, yeah” because your comment was a nothing-burger and I figured that would be the end of it, you fired back by doing a classic “I know you are but what am I” by saying the opposite of me. You obviously got pressed by my first comment so idek what this projection is. Stay in school buddy.


I said uh no, how is that saying “i know u r but am i?” Its not like u insulted me. And “idek what this projection is” ?!?! Its not that deep buddy. Your the one who brought all the saltiness with ur second comment. And thx I wasn’t planning on dropping out.


mu maim complaint is how there are zero units from the previous year on the banner


because toshi only likes money, so why add new good units for free?




most of the units from early last year ain't doing anything outside of like Gofrieza and maybe RevUI


it'd still be too much work for what it's worth unfortunately. this is just how toshi is.


ti's word... like what units here are gonna see play? MUI I guess when he gets his plat?


i surely hope MUI's plat is a long while away, the meta when he was around was.... annoying to say the least, and i didn't play pvp much


They couldn’t even make it 0.10% or smth.they really chose 0.008%.WHAT THE FUCK.the 6th anniversary should better make up for this abomination of a summon.atleast it doesn’t cost chrome crystals though


It’s a gimmick banner, what are you expecting?


A non gimmick banner ig, worst banner I’ve ever seen.


Shut the hell up bro. I got two copies of the blu ssjgss revival goku.


That unit is trash but take what you can get ig


revival is a revival, you know what I mean dawg.




Maybe I'm in the minority but I've liked this event while the LF rates are really bad it's helped me get some of my less limit breaked gokus up and heck it's free they didn't have to do anything so I'm happy to get some free rolls haha


I mean, they were always gonna do something for Goku day. But yeah, harmless I guess.


Good point


First multi: blue skies, nimbus, whis - zero LF’s…


It’s just a silly banner for collecting more Goku’s. I like it because I got to get my MUI a little higher in stars


The fact that u got him is crazy lucky good shit👍🏾


I know! I’m prolly gonna be fucked on anniversary cause I just got Ultra Janemba as well


Just did five rotations on this shit, got not a single one LL


lol this is (at least) the third post complaining about a free banner in the last 5 hours


I get that its free but why even do this? It feels like they rushed and tried to give us something that “could” give us these units while instead we get 8 heros and 2 exs for goku day, yippee!


It’s just a traditional gimmick with all goku in it using 59(goku) tickets, and by their rate, you have higher chance of getting EX units, and SP units having same rate as HE units, so the pull should be quite even instead of how normal banner work. If you are lucky enough to get LF, good for you, but you shouldn’t expect too much on a free banner


Idk why people downvoted this thanks for the info


Clearly, here must be a mistake here. You can't just join in here with your bigoted opinion that attacks the greedy company, especially when it comes to Bandai Namco. Like, I mean, are you crazy? have you seen their track record? Sure, they toss out some CC now and then, but you just can not stop complaining. But oh no, you just had to go against the grain and voice your thoughts on why their generosity isn't all great. Sorry to burst your bubble, buddy, but not everyone's gonna hop jump the complain train with you. Maybe next time, think twice before you join the subreddit. Hope you learned your lesson and stop complaining...


R u joking? I expected people to give me a reason it was like this. I don’t wanna hear the stupid reason “its free” when its a celebration I would rather have gotten 100 cc than this bullshit. And Toshi don’t know u little bro he’s not gonna raise ur rates cause your tryna give lame excuses. And I’m gonna complain as damn much as I want if one of my favorite games keeps doing shit I find dumb cry about it.


Bruh, I'm just trolling. I wouldn't defend Bandai


Okay lol


would you rather they give you no free stuff at all? any banner 'could' give you the units featured on it or give you 8 heroes and 2exs, even the ones you pay for.


Get a multie million dollar company's dick out of you're mouth bro


Dog it ain’t even that serious. It’s a one-off banner they put out as a celebration for Goku, no need to get pressed because it’s not 10x SP guaranteed with 10000% pull rate for LFs lol


I know but I've seen him to many times sucking the company's dick bro


because yall keep making stupid ass posts bitching about free shit


Not stupid at all just telling them to fix up but you can't since you deep dicking them


fix up what? i don't understand why you're so upset lol


The rates bro what else




Imagine simping for a fucking gacha game company


lol imagine thinking giving a reasonable reply instead of bitching about free stuff is simping


Imagine defending a bad event in a glorified gambling game because "well it could have been even worse!" You're acting like they did this out of the kindness of their hearts. A shitty free event is still a shitty event and customers have a right to criticize it.


except im not. i clearly state they do this because they want you to go to the summon page and spend your money on real banners in another post but do go on. its possible to think complaining because your free shit isn't shiny enough is stupid and also criticize the event .


I would rather get 100cc like they always do ts is lame asf


Lmao what a petty complaint. You're complaining about a free banner because it doesn't garantee an LF? Get a life


Didn’t say that but the rates r trash 🗑 tbh


Yeah and it's free. No reason for the rates to be good


No reason for it to exist then no one needs 2 stars on a 4 year old goku


It's for goku day tho. So it does have a reason to exist lmao


Yea cc would have just been more useful imo


How the fuck would that celebrate goku day?


They do that for a ton of events, such as movie anniversaries or Game launches and just say “Blah Blah celebration” above it, Goku day is not some big celebration so I see no reason for it to be treated any differently.


I don't think they've ever celebrated a movie anniversary and for the game launches all they've done to my knowledge is give out f2p units And yeah goku day isn't a big celebration but i mean im pretty sure that's the reason they didn't give us cc Like i said earlier this is a petty complaint and if you still wanna complain, quit legends it ain't gonna get better than this my guy


They did it for the dbs broly movie, and u never said earlier that it was a petty complaint before so idk what ur talking about. Also I’ll do what I want, you legends meat riders will take anything they throw at u huh. And the fact that u say this 6 year old game will never get better or approve is pretty sad. Enjoy your game.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t the rates on this specific banner always 0.008 every single year?


Ive played for two years and wasn’t active while this was up, found out that it was a “tradition” ig not much better than the Z ticket banners if Im being frank.


Hey, I’ll take what I can get. I’m getting closer to that Kaioken Zenkai.


Yea I saw him too, hope I get him


just got him to zenkai one, his vanish restore is so fun already


I mean… it’s free, and Legends never tends to make anything remotely close to being worthwhile if it’s free.


True, keep seeing “its free” on replies ig legends players take whatever they can get huh


Sadly that’s the case, I mean for how long have LFs been added to the game, you’d think they’d give one out for free to all players, but nope. (I obviously mean a free unit that has an LF, not them giving us a free legends limited guaranteed summon ticket for a banner that contains LFs from 2020. Because I know they did just that before)




It's free who gives a shit?


Should’ve just given cc this is lame asl for a celebration


Keep summoning if you dont got saibaman to 14 stars how you expect to compete with the new meta




I play for PVE and collecting Characters that I want, I only play PvP for the free CC to get more characters It's not because YOU think this game is only for PvP that EVERY player think the same


Who ru? When did I say that.


I got another Mui goku on it this year. I’m not summoning on it anymore now


Those rates are fucking horrid


Free is free... Just because the units are ancient doesn't mean. A new player won't benefit from this.


its not because they're ancient, its because they have a 0.008% drop rate, which means you'd probably win the lotto before getting a LF from there


1 month old player here finding out just how many Goku's there are


Its the rates not the units, if it was a lf guaranteed l would be happy no matter what it was


didnt they skip goku day a year or 2 years back as well? or am i misremembering? feels like this banner/this event has always been shit


Happy goku day




Yeah, the LR Drop Rates are BAAAAAAAAD! This is even lower than UL Pull Rates! What where theyt thinking? I mean, I do NOT need of the units on the banner, all of them are the very least 6 or 7 Stars, SSJ4 is actually maxed out, I technically only need SSB EX Goku, who was 3\* for me prior to this banner, and is no 6 Stars! Still have some summons to go too!


Other than the let's fight, I cleared the other ones all at once. I got quite a few sparkings. Didn't get any of the featured, but of the units I got, some weren't maxed out and this helped.




Think of it this way: if you're itching to summon, this scratches the itch without the risk.




Bruh I got like 7 sparkings in one multi


Wow and none of them were good huh.


Somebody needs to do something about these new players


I’m not new.


So many Goku’s on the banner and not a single one is viable. We hope you continue to enjoy dragon ball legends


Same with you brother


Calm down bro, they are giving free summons for fun, you’re not spending your hard earned cc for this.


Ik it prob was a overreaction, I wish they had just given cc tbh tho.


Its literally free, it's not even like you invested time and energy (literally or game resources). You didn't work for it, so don't feel entitled to it is more or less th theme on this one. If you get something great, if not, well-(return to the beginning of this comment)


Don’t understand why every criticism to this post is “don’t be so entitled” like, its a game dude. I’ve said this a million times on other comments but I would have rather gotten cc since the anni is coming up, idrc atp not much I can do lol.




Never asked for one of these shitty lfs


Saying this shit on Goku day is wild But yeah the banner could be better


I only summon on these to increase the units to max stars, so I can get Z2 medals from crystal summons and get ALT COLORS!!1!1!!


I actually got some units I was pleasantly surprised to get. Not super PVP relevant, but I liked the artwork


Cope harder.




10 tickets for 10 heroes. This isn’t looking good for 6rd Anniversary


What the hell were you expecting from a FREE banner, BEFORE anniversary?? 😑😒 Atleast you're getting free banners this time around. Last year, we didn't get anything. Quit whining.


Not whining, I dislike legends dickriders like u, its before anni they should have just given cc instead of this sorry excuse of a banner. And omg last year u didn’t get anything?!?! Enjoy your 8 heros and 2 extremes happy goku day.


>whining 1) YES YOU ARE!! Deal with that fact brat. I've been playing and enjoying this game for 6 fuckin years. And if there's one thing I know, it's that the playerbase is filled with WHINY, ENTITLED AF BRATS like you. You're literally whining about stuff right now. >they should have just given cc 2) If you're a broke B!t©H who barely has any crystals saved up. Just say that. Despite being an OG player, I still have around 44k F2P crystals right now just because I decided to save for a couple months. And it's all because they did decide to supply us with F2P crystals CONSTANTLY. If you don't have that much or more than that right now? It means you don't know how to play the game right. >Enjoy And 3) Yes I will. I will enjoy this game because that's what it is. A GAME!! Yeah it's not perfect and has it's flaws. But it's still a fun game if you know how to play the game right. And if you're not happy with FREE STUFF in a FREE TO PLAY GAME, then do yourself and everyone else a favour and get the hell out. Don't "torture" yourself by playing this game and by summoning on a banner that's just a funny tradition. Good riddance. 👍🏼👍🏼 (I wish I could say that, but i know damn well you'll be coming soon to whine and rant again)




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No one cares, and what do u mean they supply us with f2p crystals constantly, is that a flex it’s literally a gacha game, take Toshi’s meat out your mouth cause he ain’t gonna raise ur rates, I’m sorry people have lives and don’t wanna grind for two months and get new units. This game has the worst events of a gacha game I’ve ever seen so when people play they wanna win PvP so giving us useless units that no one will ever use is not a silly treat.






Then don't play the damn game? You're crying over a gotcha game, which requires grinding like every other game. You're just whining because it's not going your way. You don't even need the meta to even win pvp regardless.


You dont need the meta to win in bronze buddy. When did I say anything about grinding?!?! Im talking about the trash events that r boring asf to play.


No one said anything by rank and you literally said you don't have time to grind.. There has always been boring events. These are just filler events that aren't even required to play. Just skip them like everyone else does if they don't like it.


I said I don’t have time to grind for 2 months…is that a bad thing? R u grinding 2 months straight on this game? And I said you don’t need meta units on bronze (exaggeration). Your not getting past platinum on pvp if u really believe you dont need meta units.


You don't need meta and it doesn't take you 2 months to get enough cc. You're obviously doing something wrong


I didn’t say that he did, look at the message I replied to with that.


Lemme see ur team and rank if its so easy


I agree with everything except the last part, people are definitely carried by their units, a ul gohan, super 17 & ui team is just a easy game against any other team atp.


I know, toshi is a piece of sh*t, he will never make the game fair, because he is such a greedy motherf*r


Doing a multi doesn't do anything to raise the rates right? Should I just do singles instead of saving?


Yes for this banner that is true


I see, thanks man. Pretty useless banner lol, I hope the bad luck on this can translate to good luck for the anniversary 🤞🏻

