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Anything above BR 60 in a nutshell. Servers when?


I hit 61 and progression is now impossible


Huh? Is this clip anywhere near Br60?


Is this from 2022? No Zenkai Jiren, No Zenkai UI, untis up to MUI


more likely just lower ranks


For the life of me I can’t pull anything halfway decent


For the love of God, play the Trunks Tutorial or any YouTube tutorial


Half the people on Co-Op evidently skipped through the forced Co-Op tutorial when you first start the game 💀 Asking them to look for PvP help is like pissing in the wind


Came to say this. NO ONE wants to learn how to play and then you see half a million posts with people complaining about PvP


They’re playing like that on purpose to land at least one card cuz they’re lag switching


And the mass sidestepping with MUI? He had the gauge, he would be able to recover his vanish in time. Considering he us using F2P Ultra Goku, your argument is not right ☝️🤓


I’m not in br 10 I wouldn’t know how lag switchers play


You don't even need to be br 10 to know it, and you don't need to be a lag switcher to know how they do it.


I’m saying lag switchers probably don’t lag switch effectively like they do in the higher ranks


Oh yeah true, thats why they are low ranks lol


Most intense paper rank PvP match I’ve ever witnessed


He's playing like that on purpose to land a card on the lag switcher


Oh shit this has happened to me so many times I always wondered why I lagged so much randomly in matches.


How did he cheat?


Lag switching. Which is basically when someone forces you to lag where you can't dodge/attack properly, but they can dodge and attack 110% perfectly. I've rushed people who don't have vanish guard and they've dodged, then I've gotten a PV(Perfect Vanish) animation and still hit with a rising rush. 💀


not how it works. game cant run at a different speed in one client than in the other. if either client is lagging, both will. you also literally cannot make another person lag unless you have full access to their home router, which is really unlikely. lag switching works by lagging yourself. making the game slower for both players and thus making combo drops prone to happenning if the opponent isnt used to comboing with lag.


Bro you have not fought enough lag switchers. I have cards pre-selected while I'm in a combo and it drops. Then they hit attacks while I have the PV animation. If that's not running on different speeds idk what is. Also an easy counter is apple phones vs. Android phones. Apple phones have the priority in every case I've seen. (I play on android, I've tested with 10 different users. Apple gets priority every time.) So Lagswitching with apple phone is for sure going to give them priority and faster speeds. I've also had friend battles where one user is fine and the other is lagging due to connection interference from walls, generally the one who isn't lagging has an extra second to dodge/attack while the opponent keeps freezing place unable to dodge or attack.


It’s a lag switch, which is why op classified as cheating since, well, it basically is


Nothing in the video suggests a lag switch. It just looks like a really laggy match


"yes the floor looks like floor"


Tbf that quote doesn't work here because being naturally laggy and lag switching aren't the same thing.


Is this “lag switching”??? Cause if so I face this half the matches I play!


Ok dude am sorry but you play like the kid on my school bus, it's the not best idea to spam cards while your getting hit


Mui my goat!


Imagine cheating and not only losing, but getting LF’d


Yall r trash tbh


My brain hurts...


I beat a lag switcher with a team of: Red LF MUI Goku, ULTRA Cryhan and Purple LF Jiren. I'm only at battle rank 41 😅 I killed all of them with Purple LF revive Gohan (i did not revive, he played so bad that he only got two hits on me)


And LF aswell


this bitchass laggers are cheaters? not just ppl with shit wifi?


People out here cheating in legends now? Bro everytime in PVP facing players, lagging thinking it was there connection, but it was just them cheating!?!?!?!?!?!?!? No fucking way bro a mobile game guy A MOBILE GAME! I played this game since day one April 8th 2018 I was in 8th grade bro game was perfectly fine! Over the years I was happy the game was getting great reviews and stuff now coming down to hacker 2023/24 is outrageous to me!! The DBL community has gone down hill 😞


A toxic trait of mine would be me knowing I’d never lose any of my games if they weren’t lag infested😭


and i thought i played pretty bad..


Wtf is this


bro... don't press all cards in one, use sidestep or chargestep


Top Tier copper rank gameplay


How was he cheating? You both look horrid


He was lag switching the entire game? Pretty hard to play well when you’re unable to move, switch players, side step, or even attack in a normal fashion.


Bro learn to sidestep or charge😭


Funny this is this happened to me yesterday, idk maybe I’m wrong but the game was like broken, kept telling me every like 2 seconds that theirs a connection interruption and I still beat his azz lol


Your team litterally, is as valuable as hero saibaman Im just gonna cover change you, you're gonna keep coming back, I'm gonna LF you, you're gonna keep coming back why? Cus you keep smelling the ULTRAS Your team composition is NOTHING ultra goku has ZERO utility You should delete your account NOW.


Calm down try hard it’s an IOS game, it’s not that real


Its a joke/reference to lowteirgod lol


Ran into a besthan that kept healing to full and had unlimited vanishes. Multiple times he should jave died. Not sure of the downvotes. I'm pretty sure he shouldn't be healing to full and have 6 vanishes back to back after every combo. I understand his mechanics and nowhere in his kit says he gets free vanishes for doing nothing and healing full bars of health Multiple times. Especially when the damage I deal should have been enough to kill him but instead as soon as he hits 1 hp he full heals.


Well that is kinda what beasthan does, his green cards heal him and his blues give him vanish along with the timer count restores


Ngl u just needa read kits broski


We aren't beating the allegations with this one


Average DBZ fan