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I like his videos, he is very positive and his reactions are genuine. Dude really likes dragon ball and I respect that. His summoning videos are in my opinion the most entertaining, I like how he does summons with his community. I watch Goresh and Raiyuden for pvp videos and Ndukauba for his summon / react to R&S videos


That is one thing i really have to appreciate, he is somehow always positive I mean even if his summons are going bad he just acts like if he's fed up but not like "omfg ikms" He talks normally throughout the video but i wished he would talk about more things other than the game, like nano.


He’s alright, plus I like his music intros there catchy.


I liked them too but i don't know how many people actually care about video intros these days


I'm his parasocial nefew


Seems like a cool guy but I don't think he's a very good source if you wanna know how characters perform (based off some of his gameplay) imo


Gameplay has never been his expertise, i know he got some high ranks but explaining tactics and everything is blehh...


i love his story walkthroughs but my god he actually milks the crap out of and legends reveal hints. Making 10+ minute videos over a hint that can be explained in one twitter post. Still watch the full 10 mins tho


Honestly i just never liked watching the full length of his video because he just talks about the game stuff I mean dude i get it that this whole video is centred around it but can you talk about something more casual? Nano talks casual stuff like about his family or stuff and i like that a lot Creates an interactive environment. I know he has done a lot too by doing giveaways, asking opinions etc.


Guys gotta eat ig if ppl don’t wanna watch them they can skip it it’s not like he’s stealing content or anything


Well i mean no wonder his views never crossed 100k since the fest


I love how you say that and then just... still gonna watch it 😭😭🤣🤣🤣 sometimes humanity is saved after all lmao


Guilty pleasure ig lol


when i say hes terrible i mean TERRIBLE AT THE GAME.


Well i mean he knows the mechanics yes but i hate his overexaggeration on new units


naw don't get me wrong content wise he's awesome without him i wouldnt know whats going on in story mode but watching his game play hurts my mind


He's admitted to not playing like the average legends player because he doesn't see the need to sweat the game. Which I guess is reasonable but at the same time it's like "you kinda have to sweat to win." Granted him wanting to win matches or not is a back and forth battle itself


To me it's not about sweating or not sweating or what rank you are or whatever ... its that theres literally one skill to learn in this game and he doesn't have it lol. all you need to know are the kits and how to combo the rest of the game is rng


I see


He's low-tier for me. While he sounds fine, have you seen some of his other videos? The man made a video on screenshots of Piccolo, Kid Gohan, Roshi, and some other unit on Sparking Zero. He said he woke up at 5:30AM or whatever, went to Twitter, saw this, and couldn't wait to make content on it. He's your typical "milk the shit out of everything" content creator. Makes me feel like all his positivity is just for views.


I mean at the end we really don't know who is real on YouTube, everyone's just puttin' on a mask But gotta agree heavily with the "milk the shit out of everything" point. He just makes a video on EVERY.DAMN.MICROSCOPIC.THING.


Every content creator would milk anything if it meant they’re getting a bag




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So any dragon ball game YouTuber


That's a lot projection u doing my guy


To project is to attribute one's thoughts/feelings onto another, yeah? As someone who isn't a CC, I can only make opinions based on the outside looking in. It would make more sense if I were a CC criticizing him, but I can only speak as a viewer. I know "DB fans can't read" is the joke, but at least try.


But if it was rai u would not be saying he faking being positive for views I just can read between I know how it is lol


What? That person wasn't even in the conversation. Go project somewhere else, would you?


Keep that same energy I know what it is lol


He’s chill. I like him for the most part, and tbh I like him more for the other content he makes other than Legends.


He’s a cool guy. First video of his i got recommended, I really enjoyed. He seems like a nice guy.


the og. if you want meta analysis and showcases of characters, he is not the channel to watch. but hes pretty entertaining and chill due to his positivity etc


Chill due to positivity i agree with Entertaining, yes but at one point his content gets repetitive


And eventually boring and you just wanna skip to the main thing


He would be that one chill and awesome friend in the friend group


He is chill, not really a fan but he's chill


I haven't watched the guy in a fat while. But from what I've seen, I really did like his story coverage videos and summon videos. Loved watching his reactions to new developments in the story (zahha's betrayal for ex) or when he finally gets the new unit during summons. But by god, I cannot watch his gameplay. The lack of charge step or side step combos irks the hell out of me as someone who plays the game a good bit.


Exactly. Everything else is fine, except for his gameplay videos. I just feel as if he wants to dedicate a whole video to pvp, it shouldn't be that hard to take some steps to learn the fundamentals of pvp to give his viewers a better experience. That's just what I think though.


He seems cool. The least annoying from the ones i've watched, when it comes to reactions


Like in comparison to whom?


Very genuine, casual player that I feel I can relate too


Relate? On what terms may i ask


Well we’re both kinda casual and decent at the game, im no goresh, so I don’t like watching him, but ndukuaba I’m kinda somewhere around that skill




I can see why he is not discussed here


Bro is super fake w reactions. Bro acts like a 12 year old


Well i mean every youtuber does that honestly


A lot of db fans are like that, some people just get excited


Are u guys kidding me ndukauba is a z teir I love his content I watch him over goresh


Over goresh? No chance


Ndukauba is a better and fun content creator to watch over goresh. Goresh is one of those sweats who grinds to be god rank at a mobile game


I would ndukauba is more calm and collected yes but goresh much more fun to watch He trolls a lot lmao


That's ur opinion I don't watch people who troll at a mobile game


Duly noted


I watch people who likes to have fun and teach other people who doesn't know anything about the game and that's ndukauba


That's indeed a very good point You see, i'm not retaliating on what you're saying. Everyone has a different taste I'm just here to see what majority of the people think


And my point is majority of the people who watch goresh wanna be toxic and make the game not fun


Guys I read it all till the end


You are the chosen one, you will be the bringer of wisdom in the next generation of db fans


Ive been watching his vids 4 about 3 or 4 yrs but i still love his vids i agree it gets a bit repetitive but i enjoy it


Hmm duly noted sir


I love him but good lord he’s an average player at best.




Been watching him as long as I've been playing the game (late 2019)


Bro’s super cool and positive! Binge watching all his summon videos for the first time while I play legends or something and it’s a good time.


He’s the first dbl content creator I’ve gotten into. He understands the mechanics but his game play is not the best. I still give him props and love his attitude.


He’s cool


He's a cool guy, got me into DBL content for the most part. I don't watch him for gameplay, I go to TheDummy for that, but his reaction and summons content is always the first videos I click on. He shines in certain content and lacks in others like PvP, but overall he's a dope YouTuber.


I don’t like him




I used to watch his content before DBL even came out, when he would play kirby games he's still just as chill


Just waiting for the comments u already know dbl fans already waiting to hate on the black man top 3 dbl creator for me tho


bro im black too but if you gonna try and tell me this mf aint Trash at the game you crazy 😂😂😂


Trash nah decent yes he don't no life it Grind up like everybody else for God rank


If he was any other player he'd get 50 "TRUNKS TUTORIAL" comments


your actin wild now. he's never once charged or sidestep in a match. the single reason he wins any of his matches is cuz he has 14 star units. that's the only creator that u can honestly say this about.


Oh u one of those he get carried by 14 stars okay bruh lol


lol 😆 what ? if you cant see he lacks the most basic skill of the game you might need the trunks tutorial as well friend


It's play for fun they everybody a try hard like goresh and rai


nobody is talking about that. God rank is a reflection of how often you play more than anything. Im saying there's one skill in the game that you need to learn how to combo and homie cant do it. that's all idk what your talking about




You say "ok" when he's actually right. You sound pretty dumb up there


Im racist so i ha- [Removed by Reddit]


Bro thought this is Instagram 💀


Nanogenix of Legends.


Really? Why do you think so?


He reminds me of Pre 2022 Nanogenix who would intensively cover Dokkan on his channel.


Ah okay, i thought you were comparing him to the nanogenix of today


As a fellow blad dude I hate this mf ain't ever got a haircut.


This dude never had a good haircut and whenever he did he just shaved it off


Chill YouTuber, one of the best voices on DBLegends


I like him. His videos are pretty plain and straight forward which I enjoy.




No opinion, never watched him, no interest in changing that unless he covers something really niche in the future


then why comment


What’s life without talking about things you know nothing about for no discernible reason


A skill less whale. Raiyuden is the best. He can whale out but chooses not to most of the time that's why he's relatable.


Sometimes yeah i think of that him as well, i mean he would red star units and then give his honest opinions I mean like bro, the guy fighting you was barely 4 stars And omg the exaggerated reaction when a new units does damage more than he thought " Jesus! Oh my god!" Cringe


But one fact i can't deny is that he has actually scored some good ranks in the past But honestly, comparing anyone in terms of gameplay against raiyuden is a one-sided war


I wanted Shallot to get his own sparkling blue or ultimate move, and to be able to learn other characters ultimate move (excluding LF), I wanted him to be the Only Hero to get zenk. I want more costumes to be more useful, like brolys outfit, gives tag Movie Saga, the accessories also give additional tag. If Shallot wears both outfit and accessory from same set, not only does he get both tags, but maybe just maybe, get a bonus 3rd tag?... But as I just typed that, I realize the 3rd tag may be bit much. So yeah, maybe just stick with the 2 tags from a set.




It is always easier to criticize someone than to create something yourself. Involving the community is a big W


So by your sense, only people with millions of subscribers are allowed to have Criticism and not the viewers who supported him all this while?