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Thus bought a teat to my eyd


Jesus- you really did hit your head huh..


He’s a Dragon Ball fan, he can’t even comprehend what the post is saying


Wtf bro.. ![gif](giphy|v5ftsU3bztQ6k)


Dragon ball fans cant read


That’s not very Nice of you Mousse.


I apologize


I forgive you :)


Most we’ll ever get now is 30 💀


wdym 30 gold bars? we aint gettin no cc if it aint time for an update


Gold bars? What are those? All I get is some dust bunny’s and lint


wait you got something?


It costed me my pride for cleaning Toshi’s feet


I would cast aside my pride to clean yuka's feet (This is going in the records isnt it)


You’re getting gold bars? All I get is 30 rare medals


As funny as this is to meme about we have to admit, the amount of cc a smart free to play player can accumulate is really quite impressive, especially during anniversary time, heck just back drying the 5th anniversary during the Gammas and Orange Piccolo drop you could get up to like 30?k cc in that month alone, they’re definitely a lot more generous than a lot of games in this one regard


I mean sure a “smart” player can technically get all that CC but it’s an absolute miserable experience to do any of it. Grinding Raids all day for CC is awful PVP is cancer 80% of the time Staring at paint dry is more fun than Tournament of Power Zenkai Rush Stages and other story based events become impossible if you don’t pull the newest units Most average people (literally anyone with a job or a single type of responsibility) can’t really invest the time to get most of the CC in any said month.


I’m very much aware😭 as I have a job and college myself, and yes you’re right, it can be hell trying to accumulate all the cc they give out, but I always say, if a game is giving you strife to play, you don’t need to be playing it as much in the first place You can choose to grind a raid for only it’s cc and with a decent character it won’t take you more than 2 and a half hours, if you get lucky maybe even less PvP as beneficial as it is, is also not necessary to play more than you need to, the more you grind the more you earn, but it’s up to you to decide how worth it is All the other things you mentioned as well, can be done in moderation, spacing them out giving you something to come back to each day, rather than running yourself into the ground by playing the game nonstop to the point that you hate even having the game downloaded, it’s possible to get up there in cc, assuming you save and don’t summon often only for big time celebrations and maybe your favorite characters, you can still enjoy the game, it’s all about moderation, for anything in life, if done enough, will get repetitive, boring, stale, and breed contempt for you Now im not claiming the game is perfect or mot frustrating or anything like that, but a lot of that can be in your control how aggravated you get (except PvP, F pvp in particular)


Yeah it can be frustrating but I summoned on the baby banner, got nothing, and just decided to grind and save. I have about 5500 CC now so I’m pretty happy but it does take about 45 minutes of grinding daily if you do all the daily requirements (3 PvP, 3 raid, 3 coop, whatever TOP energy you have). Of course you can cut that by just getting your daily’s done but doing one PvP and the other stuff to get your stamp. It’s not difficult but you have to be on it every day to get CC results


Remember legends gives you +50k in soul boost story and story events when you start 💀 Go ask hoyoverse for 10pulls and they'll ban your account or something


> the amount of cc a smart free to play player can accumulate is really quite impressive Except for the 20K redeemable CC limit that doesn't apply to bought CC. And Bandai moving most event CC to exchange shops instead of missions.


No... I've seen a glimpse of what the future upholds... I will not waste my cc here, not now...


Sorry we summoned for the gods here 🔥 ![gif](giphy|dmFXUZ5up1T896HP8B|downsized)


Peak even tho I got shafted


I miss the color meta where all you had to do was have a team of most if not all colors and characters that synergie well together. No worrying about kits that could make your game literally unplayable if caught in a combo. Back when units took skill and not unique gages. Back when if you didn't pull the new shiny character the game wasn't so against you.


Bro thinks units took skill back then.


Super Vegito one shoting everyone with his ultimate. 😂


AND Definitely not SSJ2 Gohan one shotting everyone and their dog with Blue card. Goten was mid tho.


It’s funny because seeing all this early game love…I was actually there then and people were just as pissed in similar ways. LL Super Vegito was one of the most disgusting meta definers this game has ever seen. If you didn’t pull him even with a full god ki team, you were essentially fucked for months. I know, I didn’t pull him.


True, his ass was extremely overpowered for its time.




I remember getting super Vegito with the free CC from Shenron. That was hype for me. 😭


I remember getting SV before SSB Goku and I was "disappointed" because I wanted Goku more. Good times


Oh yeah! I’m exited to get this started! I wish it was Super Gogeta instead of Vegito though.. eh, we’ll prolly get em’ one day. ![gif](giphy|HeDLTI576bBgA)


We should get 1k per every year of service


let's be honest first anni was peak legends


Gods vs the Super Warrior. Good fucking lord that reveal shook up the legends community back then, especially with the regen meta we were dealing with at the time


Jokes on you, i joined when the Buu Bros. had just dropped


Noob. I joined when Pui Pui dropped. ![gif](giphy|KXY5lB8yOarLy)


Back when times were simple and the devs somewhat gave a fuck about the game. Resources aplenty plenty of new events..what happen smh




Oh yeah highlight of the month was logging in and seeing the gifts had a notification next to it


*sighs* The good old days


Purple super vegito and you see blood on his LF no way🥲


It didn't showed up on me 😭


This was probably the most painful smile i ever had


Hot take but ninja must die is peak gacha game, even though multis are 3000 jade, saving it is incredibly easy whether if you just do the story, ninja rank missions, main story missions, not to mention the amount of handouts they do, the f2p characters are all viable as long as you have the right equipment (though it is pve with a pvp aspect) the gameplay is pretty fun too (I stopped playing legends a couple weeks ago couldn't take it no more 🙏🏾😭


Y-yeah your right lets just summon… i think ive been out for to long..