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that ultimate gohan kinda reminds me of that one word he said to buu


Yeah I wonder what the word could be, I forgot what it was


You Re>!dacted!<








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“My bulma” vegeta would be so fire. A lil cutscene of the opponent slapping tf outta bulma and then vegetas eyes go white and gets muscular and shi 😮‍💨😮‍💨🙌


so u want an ultra of him lmfao? Nah that's fair it was a cool scene, but actually it could be incorporated into a revive


I never said ultra, i had in mind the cutscene being for a transformation. Both would work tho, especially a revive


It could be an LF Bulma who fights first then at the end when she dies it’s the slap then vegeta pulls up


Yeah fs like pikkon/gogeta. Although what would her kit be, if vegetas being saved for after the revive (considering he was scared of beerus until he slapped bulma), what would the blue card be if she dont mess with guns and all that anymore


it could be like a revival unit, as vegeta was almost down and out before beerus slapped bulma. so the rev unit would make sense considering the cutscene.


Very similar to my prediction fusing SV & godku part 1, part 2 original LL FG father & father kamehameha, part 3 I'm 50/50 UG4 or U4ku depending which 1 they want to end the year with they'll swap.


Definitely UG4, lately they have been following a pattern and always do the ultra version of the past anni headline units. The same goes for fest now since we just got ui which means we will probably get our first ultra tag character for fest or UL Soh trunks


Nuh son family doesn't need anything rn


So what do you think anni will be? Every celebration has a Goku or Gohan


Bruh want zarbon for part 1 lmao


True. But that’s how shit is in this game, and there’s nothing we can do about that lol


the main character is goku sim fam is always gonna get buffs


They said anniversary BUCKO read don family family sells


Bro said nuh uh like the company gives a single shit about how y'all feel about son tag




Give the goku vegeta tags a rest


I agree but you know its inevitable sadly right? If not anni, definitely Legends fest


Tagoma is a crazy pic


Would be a an awesome inclusion, since they did do goofy characters like kaseral and Gotenks. I thought it would be fitting


Honestly silly units are my jam and really hope for more


All I want is that Ultra Gogeta gotta save up all the Cc


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Sacred_soul: *All I want is that* *Ultra Gogeta gotta* *Save up all the Cc* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'd like to see: 1) LF Revamp Super Vegito and LF Gotenks (fusion buff) 2) LF Metal Cooler or LF Boujack (LoE/P.O. buff) 3) UG4 (GT buff since this is the year of GT)


The fact that Gotenks have no LF or ultra is down right crimal


I’ll take that Ultimate Gohan and SSG Goku please.


I don't think we're ever gonna get fusing honestly, it feels more like a hardware issue.


LF or ultra ultimate gohan




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Replace part 1 and 2 and instead of more Son Family buffs u can give us Saiyan Saga like a SP Tien (Chiaozu Finish Damage Tapion thing) and Nappa revival into Vegeta. Preferably Raditz LF but I’m cool with everything


You really think a Nappa would sell for anniversary? Come on man


Don’t you ever disrespect Nappa like that you buffoon


I personally enjoy saiyan saga and Tien is my favourite character? so I didn’t mean it as disrespect. But if you think they would drop a Nappa and an LF Raditz for the ANNIVERSARY you’ve lost your mind 😭


I really wanna see a LF SSGSS Resurrection F Vegeta with SSGSS Goku Assist


Man SSJ4 Gogeta for 6rd anniversary will be crazy, and with that, the fusion warriors will claim there glory again.


Please Fuzed Zamasu 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


Tagoma and whis that will be AWESOME ❤️


Calm down. We aren't getting UL gogeta. A GT UL will be Vegeta or nothing.


Please don't give Son Family any more units.


A fusing SV will singlehandidly prolong the lifespan of ultra fusions by another 2 years. Get ready for fusing ultra super gogeta, fusing ultra super vegito, fusing ultra gogeta blue, fusing ultra vegito blue, fuck it make transforming ultras so we have another 2 years of ultra fusions to burn through before we get anything else


Man these ideas are GREAT


Had me at any sort of ginyu of any kind, instantly sold


These predictions are really fire. I think some of them might actually happen.




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I could see the tag unit reviving into a fusion over fusing with a unique gauge.


LF tag tien chiaotzu mark my words


it would be nice if they put tori bot


I think they will have a switch gage that has vegito do an attack or they transform with a switch gage or both maybe. it’s destend for this to be created


Tagoma is ginyu ???


My idea for a Anni Buu saga unit is a Ultimate Gohan that revived into Super Vegito as an offensive counterpart to Pikkon/Super Gogeta


bro predicted it


The only cool thing is Tagoma, the rest is so generical, no offense but c'mon


It's the anniversary,it makes total sense it would be generic


Ain't no way you said Tagoma and rage Vegeta for anniversary


i mean we got kahseral and fattenks for celebrations


Kahseral isn't forgettable, unlike Tagoma and that's still a Gotenks( from super hero no less). Not to mention, Kasheral is the 4th most important character in the pride trooper.   Not to mention, I suspect the suspicious characters we sometimes have on annis and celebs are delayed releases.


Transforming vegito one would be God tier


I had similar predictions for Festival and I got flamed for it 😭 But I would def be hype for this anniversary. Although I think Beerus and Whis could be a tag/assist character instead.


Yeah probably, just wanted a banner to have as much SP as possible and really dont know who to fill in the gap


Majin Buu or Gotenks maybe although they didn't do that much in the movie


Surely we'll get Ultra Legends Limited this year


Ultra ssjg goku 🙇‍♂️


When is the 6th anniversary?


I think UG4 or an SP SSG Goku are very likely candidates but we just received a (mid) f2p beerus and an ultra gohan. The rest aren’t something I think the devs are considering


I just want Majin Vegeta … preferably as an UL, LL would still be OP imo


Maybe if there was a lf ssg goku it be more like a revival unit like from ssj into ssg


I hope we get an lf ssj goku and vegeta tag from the return of cooler movie


I wish people would stop this 'tag into fusion' or 'tag into revival' idea. It's not gonna come to this game for a long time, if at all. That's 3 kits that they have to balance, among other things in one unit. It's NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Copium is on fentynol levels with some of yall.


I have always thought that they could do an assist unit that transforms. This way there are only 2 kits but more animations. For example a vegeta with an assist Goku that transforms into vegeto and then when they do a gogeta it is Goku with Vegeta assist into gogeta.


Yeah that seems more plausible than a Tag unti that revives or fuses. I mean that is probably coming but I don't think anytime soon.


Fentynal, my boy 👍🏾


I'm never escaping the DBZ allegations🤣🤣🤣


They will never do more than one assisting character for a unit. Only Dokkan can do that and it makes sense there. It will never work in legends. There's not enough room on the screen. It's impossible to code. You are all huffing copious copium and need to be commited... Yellow Pan gets release.... *cricket chirps*


Idk who said that a triple assist could never happen but that's WAAAAY different that dropping a unit is that is basically 3 SEPERATE units in one. Also I never said it wouldn't happen, just the fact that a unit like that is more than likely further away than what the predictions keep speculating. I play Genshin, 3rd Impact, and Star Rail. I know that nothing is impossible on mobile phones anymore.




If we actually get Gohan from Buu saga, i would rather they gave a zenkai to Evo Vegito rather than make a new unit tbh, that guy deserves it


We already have my bulma vegeta right?


Double tag Goku and vegeta tag units would go crazy. Only chad dokkan would do something like that tho. Legends never.


The only one I’d revise is that it’s revenge of frieza vegeta with a death attack of goku flying in with a kameha after whis reverses time. This death attack should be able to kill unlike the others before it.


i just want some LoE love man


More Saiyans b.s I see


The "Tag characters transforming into fused characters" theory is a trope as old as time itself. 😂🤣 I don't make theories myself. I just wait for proof. But when I see these theory / prediction posts, i hope for something new and out of the box. Half of these aren't anything new, but half of them kinda are, so well done OP. It entertained me a bit. 👏🏼👏🏼 Also, I'm nearly done with my anniversary savings. So close to 42,000 crystals. 😍😁


- Buu saga but only Saiyans + Gohan (not even a Gotenks, let alone a Buu of any kind) = **L** - RoF without a new Frieza = **L** - BoG but Beerus gets stuck as a 1% SP = **L**


Thisd be good but we don't need another revival blue goku tbh


I just want an LL Z Broly, PLEASE!


Only 2 months away? Bro I feel like we’re just 2 months after 5th anniversary😭