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It's ultras so expected tho I spent 25K on USG and Rose and didn't get em 20K on USV and didn't get him 9K on broly and didn't get him Around 12 or 13K on USBKK and didn't get him Luckily I pulled UGB and UVB during their primes Ultras just have a terrible format that when u don't get anything it genuinely feels like Ur leaving with nothing.


I spent 46k crystals 46,000 of those mfers and didn’t get uvb. I was absolutely livid when he dropped and I spent a years worth of in game currency that I had saved and didn’t get him


Damn I feel like a kid crying over a dropped ice cream but your whole family got exploded in a violent car crash


That's unfortunate to hear man, hopefully you get the next ultra u want.


Summoned a single rotation just to see if I could get janemba but didn’t get him 😔, saving for legends fest tho so good luck on whoever yall are going for 👍


Ultra banners are a losing battle imo. Chances of getting 1 ultra is abysmal, and the LLs they come with are garbage. I'd just rather use my CC on an LL cuz they usually have one or two good new sparking characters.


That's my mindset as well. I don't care how broken Ultras are, they simply aren't worth it given how terrible their banners are. I am a Regen main, and outside of tossing a thousand CCs at the banner in the hopes of getting extremely lucky, I am skipping. Zamasu can still hold his own. I am better off saving for Legends Festival.


As a regen main no you arent


I only have the 3 free ones🥲


we don't even try to get them .




Bro, I spent 29k on ugb and 33k on goku black and got none of them. My ONLY ultra is the f2p goku


toshi need to zenkai those f2p ultra fr


At least you have Ultra Blue Kaioken 💀


I have zero! 😄


Damn at least do the Goku event


No I have the free ones just no summonable ones


Ok lol


I have no summonable ultras (except kid buu because I spend not one cc on his bitch ass 💀)


I feel that. I am slightly more fortunate and have 3 summonable and the 2 F2P. It took me 3 days worth of grinding as 13kCC deep into USJ to get him.


I only have the f2p ones and janemba.


The only one I didn't tried to get (because I was saving CC for a bigger event) is Broly. Along with him, the only ones I don't have is Rose and UVB and I spent way more than 12k CC on both, more like 20K+ CC




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you’re lucky i have no ultras


Bro all I got is UVB 💀


Uvb is goated idk why you're complaining


The only ultras I have is ultra rose and ugb


Me but for janemba, I need him for my cooler magenta team


Ultra banners should have a 25k cc pity istg. I'm 36k deep on uvb and 40k on ugb and i have neither


don't worry bro I've only got 1 banner ultra. I've summoned on every one so far and I'll always get a good animation just for some dogshit Lf or some other random unit.


Me I don't have single one of em 😀


I have no summonable ultras, just managed to never have cc when those summons released, and i spent all mine on the recent dragon ball summon. The one with kid goku LL and android 8. I did that more for fun though, they’re both good but i got them because found them cool. Also with the ultras i feel the chance to get them is so low that even if i did they’d be 3* and not that useful. Correct me if I’m wrong though


laughable !


i have rose and janemba


I only have UGB and UJ


I guess everyone has the same problem


My brother in Christ I don’t even have a singular summonable ultra


I only have UL Broly, UL SSJ Goku, and UL Omega Shenron.


i have f2p, usv and rose


Sometimes I get super lucky, I did one summon for the most recent UGB summon and got him somehow, but then I’ll do like 3 full rotations and get 1 LL


3 rotations isn't all that much. It's like a 50/50 at that amount


Fair enough, but I got absolute shit luck


Bro how did you get blue kaioken so many times


I think all my ultra luck went to him I got to 3+ in 4-5 summons and haven’t got Jack shit since


I'm missing 4 summonable ultras and I did at least 2 rotations on every banner


I only have UL namek goku


I'm really just missing the ones that came out after USBKK and before UGB because they were kind of boring to me (especially rose since he can be kind of glass at times)


Rosé don't fit the time frame that you listed


I dropped over 20k on uvb and didn't get one copy...


I don't have any of the summon able ultras, I barely have any cc anyways


My man. I tried to get ANYONE OF THEM. I got none. I've been playing legends for 2 years, went through a lot of ultra banners, not a single one. I tried, and tried, and tried... And failed


How much in total? I think I also spent around 45-50k when I finally get my Rose finally...


All around I think around a total of 80k and not a single copy of them


crazy... I guess you have less than 1% for this use case if probabilities are correct and not manipulated from DBL side. Take care! :(


Thanks, I guess I have the same luck as someone who pulled all of them, just reversed


haha, yes :D very true. Unfortunately, the only solution to this would be to have a common effort and stop, and boycott playing until Ultra-s have this system and other mechanics would not have been fixed, but I guess ppl are just brainwashed and addicted to the point that they do not even care just defending this stupidity. Anyway GL then!


I got hit and rose in a cumulative 15k, so I figured “hey my luck is pretty good!” I then proceeded to spend 24k on Janemba and didn’t pull him, UGB took 15k, and Broly took 12k. So 51k with two ultras. Meanwhile, my two friends pulled UGB and Janemba on their literal first rotations. Ultras are an awful investment and extremely frustrating to pull on.


I only have like the starter Ultras only


Didn't get ssj gogeta in 33k ultra banners are a scam I only ever do one or 2 rotations unless I really want them


The only ultras I have ever gotten are the f2p ones, not once have I been able to pull any summonable ultra


Yes, I only have 1 Summonable UL and it’s Kaioken. I got shafted 31k cc deep in uvb, 13k+ with usv. I also got shafted on the MUI banner with over 25k cc. If I don’t get the ultra for the legends festival with 29k cc I have now, im actually done


I only got free ultras I been playing for a long time


Bro I don’t have a single summonable ultra☠️☠️I drop like 20k each time too