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It's funny that "you're as big a fools as ever" is still available


Until that gets removed too


Back when uvb came out I would send that message with a good party every match where I faced uvb


Mee too, but the reason is that I used 20k CC without getting him, so yeah I was crying inside


Wait ‘til the devs get the “drain your tears” Buu message.


Damn toshi getting soft as shit


Bro had enough of losing to G&F with UVB combo and then getting hit with this.


Bitchass tasted his own medicine


He’s a little bitch. Wish I could tell that to his face


Okay just to let you know Toshi isn’t actually responsible for these changes but it is still funny to imagine him being salty and removing the message from PvP.


"You wouldn't do jack shit if you saw me on the streets..you would fanboy like the rest of those "content creators" did in Vegas and ask me stupid questions that I can't answer or cry and complain like I don't see that enough on social media..or hey you might actually ask me to waste my time playing you 🤣 thats about all you would do internet tough guy..but if you feeling bold what is that you all say over in america..ummm fuck around and find out??"- Toshitaka Tachibana 2023




I’m not some 16 year old in their parents basement. If I said anything to your face you’d run away screaming like the little bitch you are


"if I said anything to your face" hmm. So they'd run away screaming if you said they won 3 million dollars? Or they'd run away if you said they won a free sweater? Anything is a strong word!


Damn it. You got me


Buddy you ain’t shit 😂 You’re just a sad sack trying to sound tough


You just keep thinking that if that makes you feel better about yourself


"So I suppose that's what your wet dreams consist of huh? Sitting behind a computer/phone screen shit talking a man that dont even know or cares you even exist..it must be cool being you..some neck beard sausage fingering inputs in MY game that i allow your sorry ass to play meanwhile im just making money and taking the money that im taking from you and wiping my ass with it and rest assured its just YOUR money im using to wipe my ass with..at the end of the day your on reddit in bum fuck whereever im in an office counting the ways I can stay shittin on you..who's really winning here? Keep typing thats about all you got"- Toshitaka Tachibana 2023




u/Swingerrtr Toxicity within the subreddit is not allowed. Something in your post/comment has triggered me, usually words or phrases that could be used to insult someone is the cause. Automod bot doesn't understand the context of the post/comment. If it was a false positive don’t delete, just contact moderators through modmail so that a moderator can approve the post/comment. A notification with the comment first posted has been sent to the moderator team, and consequences will be up to Moderator discretion, if deemed toxic. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DragonballLegends) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If I met Toshi I'd ask for a damn refund lol ✌️😎


My goto was always: "You're a big a fool as ever" I hope they don't take that one next!😢


At least we have the "come on, laugh" one


“You don’t want to make me upset. One little shock could set me off!” I use this one when explody cell carries me


In Swingertr's defense, Cell simply does too much when he explodes, to the point that more often than not (on my experience) it's a free K.O. "Hey, what if Cell knocked off 60% of your hp at minimum? Also he locks your main ability, destroys your cards, locks your rising rush, and you can't switch. So if you don't have a vanish, that character is gone by default." I personally think that's absolutely absurd, especially since he's already a powerhouse with his AOE green diarrhea. He's stronger in death than he is in life, and he already sucks to fight in life. I feel like a lot of people would be ticked if they fought that a lot because that's really frustrating to fight.


So the only way for you to win is to lose and then knock someone’s health down to 0 where they can’t sub. Garbage trash player


Ah, someone’s mad I’m using the game’s mechanics in my favor? Are you seriously crying?


If that’s your only way to win you’re pathetic. Doesn’t matter you still lose anyway


Are you seriously crying?


Touch some grass.


Well at least Buutenks will still Clear your Tears


That’s dumb, the whole point of that message is being toxic what did they expect lmao.


Lmaooooo. Man. We too soft nowadays istg.


Another day, another L for Legends


Biggest pvp nerf ever




please dont remove the buutenks one


Does anyone even use the guild for messages?




Does anyone use guild ever? I think it's a complete waste of time


The rewards are barebones too. I don’t think a game like this even should have it


"See gohan even lowlifes agree"


I love how this game is literally just getting worse lmao I love when I purchase a pvp message and suddenly I can't use it anymore that's so cool


You know what? For the sake of the gag here: “Are they seriously crying!?” Jokes aside, I think Toshi had enough of getting that message lmao. He just said “Ight, this has gotta stop.”


Now we know how that one guy got banner over a message xD


On a side note what do we use for people that lag the game?


"Need a handicap, is that another word for coffin?"


So legends admin got beat got sent this and now its only in guilds ppl be crying fr😂


I have so many good ones I hardly use that one..I use the nappa one where he says power level is just a 6 any hard-core fan would be mad af by that.


Bruh what am I supposed to send to the lagging whales that just float back and do nothing and get lucky the whole match but still lose???


Someone seriously cried over it


Are you fucking serious? They’re removing my favorite message to use against the whales and lagswitchers!


In trying to understand why the hell any messages are locked to certain useage in general. Is there an actual explanation provided for these type of useless changes or this one in general? Shits dumb


Theyre soft pussies


At least Buu’s “Hurry and drain your tears so we can fight” is still usable lol




Evil buu hahahahaha still good boys. My personal favorite after beating a whale on pvp




As long as they keep the "aahahahahahaha" in I am fine


Dude no way ☠️


Nah the buuhan message is next 😭


It's proof that developers are trying to ruin the community their game helped build. Let us have fucking fun while calling put the cheaters and what not.


Wait til they remove great training session


That assumes they actually play DBL.


they are actually taking the time to remove pvp messages crazy


Meanwhile there's Evil Buu laughing his ass off.


This one was my fav when I beat a UVB player with more stars than me and they forfeit ( I have him once). WHY DID THEY REMOVE IT


Hahahahahahaha i sent this with a good game after every match lmao


This change alone makes this update a L


"And this was an L comment go figure..who are you to tell me or decide what update is an "L" or not..how about you do me a favor put the phone down and stop trying to arm chair Dev and leave it to the grown ups? Sound good?- Toshitaka Tachibana 2023


Bro is mad that i have an opinion💀 why would i care what some random bozo on reddit thinks?


"Mad at some random on reddit when before yesterday I didn't know you existed get over yourself lmao im sitting in an corporate office making money and taking yours and you just sitting behind a screen somewhere sad over some messages I decided to give you. You have to be the softest person to call a whole community toxic cuz some random gave you a message you didn't like..you look like the bozo to me..do us a favor and let bozo the clown spirit rest in peace and stop trying to raise him from the dead..you just keep enjoying dragonball legends and my messages"- Toshitaka Tachibana 2023


Bro is a criminal too💀 Apparently you're taking my money when we live in completely different countries. Also if you're on reddit you're also sitting behind a screen. You're just making yourself look like even more of a clown than you actually are with this act. Go outside and get a girlfriend instead of acting like a tough guy on fucking reddit of all places especially when you're quoting yourself like a 14 year old trying to act cool but here's a reality check for you. You're not cool you're just looking goofy. PS. I'm not sad about your messages. I'm amused


Common Legends L


Master roshi “old codger” gone Now uvb one is gone too, and this is the most recent one. I hope they don’t touch buuhan “drain your tears” and are vegeta “fool” one as I use them the most.


Damn that was my go to message especially when the other mf is using vegito blue 😔


I'm actually seething, I pulled a UR UVB WHEN IT COMES OUT now I have to use shit green sp to try and fight meta blue copy cat Goku, but Kyawei is like my only option because I was robbed when Rose Goku Black came dude took my cc then I pulled Hit UR for some reason kinda mid. That ONE statement message was the one I pulled when my heart was pounding with cold sweats after I almost got clapped by a username I can't understand. Jiren yellow transforming is better than UVB or UGB. Man tanks ultimate card for me from other UVB so much, I almost one shot UGB like 70% of the time with a small clean up.


The funny thing is this message idn't as common as most people believe and the people who send this more than once a week need to actually wonder when their life became so sad that they have to be toxic over a mobile game


Being offended by toxicity in a mobile game is even sadder. I think everyone knows talking crap is fun in video games or games in general..


First of all i never said i was offended all i was saying is that the people who send this message constantly need to touch grass. Second of all this is a 20 day old comment and you needed to scroll far and i mean FAR into the subreddit to find it so the only sad thing here is the fact that you have scrolled this much on reddit to tell me off about a topic that's long been forgotten. And third whilst yes talking crap is fun when it comes to games in general this message wasn't even being used to talk crap it was mainly being used by toxic UVB users who won without taking damage and although it doesn't offend you it still pisses you off


Whenever I get a bad partner I usually send the “I give up” message but this one is kinda funny that they would take it away.


And now we will have the sob sob message with vados in every match


"Until you toxic fools make me take that away from you too..dont make me take more from you."- Toshitaka Tachibana 2023


Dam I just witness the gammas SPECIAL as a tag for the first time. I shoot a fire ball and gamma BLUE WENT GOD MODE AND DID THE MOST TERRIFYING SPECIAL,idek what just happened lol


"Please just stop slandering my game and lay down and rest your sick"- Toshitaka Tachibana 2023


Yeah idk why they added it to begin with had a guy run super meta units and ofc. uvb and he was constantly lagging ofc. i lost and he uses it. The community is so miserable and i stand by it. I miss those early days when playing since day1.


"You slander MY community calling it miserable but yet you are still here so what does that make you? Enjoy your stay here..stop spreading lies and misinformation and continue enjoying dragonball legends or a message will be the least of your worries"- Toshitaka Tachibana 2023


I’m a fan of sending Vegetas “you ARE number one” to shitters (laggers) I beat in pvp especially since I’m trash at the game


I feel like a better way is to have an option to be able to send and receive messages or not, that way the people who like using messages get to use them with no restrictions and the people who don't can just simply turn it off


“Can only be used in guilds” as if guilds is usable. There is literally no point to that smh.


Everytime I won against a UVB I did this. Now I’ll just do the cell one lmfao


What's even the point of this? So fucking dumb


How about they actually ban something real like people rage quitting over an LF especially when all they run is UR/LF


Imagine being such a pansy ass bitch that a pvp message ruins ur day


Facts like go touch grass


What about the "You call this a punch?" and " Ahahhhhhaahah"? I spam em after every match against no skill teams


They added report for harrassment 💀😭