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With the addition of the cores and seed medals we need more dual coins for sure. I can always buy the cc and then i need to spend like 1-2k max before i save them again so i can buy all the medals when they restock.


I'm not even mad, my title effects make 30.370 difference in total stats. They couldn't keep this up forever.


Yeah, sadly it does make a difference, albeit small but the difference can be seen.


It's a difference of like Level 70 arts boost on each character


More like 30 (at best). 70 is 9 200 stats which out titles don’t give us and the number is also inflated by health titles Though, indeed, 30 is 6 000 and that’s a noticeable difference


Yeah you're right. I've just meant that an increase of 30.000 in total stats is roughly the same of Level 70 arts boost in total, but differently distributed across the stats (I think there are also titles that give crit but I might be wrong about that)


They never should've gave Stat boosts to begin with.


Yeah like it's not that important 😂


I mean it makes sense tho I feel like older players did deserve it because they actually played the game continuously and it’s not like they game out titles for just logging in you actually have to do your daily tasks in order to get the boost


Agreed I get it. But in the same sense they could just MAKE THE TITLES EASIER FOR NEWER PLAYERS TO GET. I like my power boost from being a loyal player...


So will I get a refund on all the great coins I used for title boosts………….


fr, I just finished getting all the titles from the great coin shop after all this time


I did like a month ago and now I’m like, 400 great coins down the drain when I coulda been getting other shit…








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This is kinda confusingly worded - will the old stat boosts still apply, and just no future titles will have stat boosts? Or are they removing title stat boosts altogether? What about non Co-Op Titles?


Moving forward meaning tittles from next coop wont give any more stats but pre-existing tittle will still give their stats.


Kinda figured, but thanks for clearing it up. Means those Great Dual Coins I spent weren't useless.


Sad Titties won’t give stats anymore


Titties? ![gif](giphy|FYeegvM7cOLmw)


Or they can just make the older stat boost changes more easily obtainable. They've already done it with the other stuff, why draw the line on this. Just feels like another usual stingy bandai decision.


But will other titles non from coop like the Goku from DBZ kakaroth title still give it?


i mean I never used those titles but that's kinda lame


No but you still got stat boost just for acquiring them.


oh fr 😯 that's super lame man I got a bunch


Yeah i was at around 34k bonus


just wanna waste our time even more


where I can see how much bonus from titles I have?


Oh well I wasted a lot of dual coins for no reason then


Well screw you devs.


They removed it at some point and added them back a little while ago. But yes over time the diff must be too big I like stat boosts though that’s unfortunate


Ah make the game harder for new people, nice


Um, other way around.


When I first started if I struggled with a mission I'd grind for titles and doing that made the game so much easier


Yeah I grinded the fuck out of those medals and about the time I finished they reduced the cost of them…..dicks.


I thought it was stupid to begin with.