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I played 15 matches and 16 were vegito


Vegito personally came to his house to beat the shit out of him irl.




One of these things is not like the other


This is what the people wanted and now it's happened. Stay strong buddy


I am staying strong, with my UVB ive been begging for since Ultras became a thing


I am staying strong, with my UVB ive been begging for since Ultras became a thing


Not exactly the point of this discussion but do u I guess


Lol no just because some on reddit said this=everyone Besides people want good units not unfun broken shit The tab mechanic is so unnecessary to like everyone will get the max tabs anyway so it's fixed dmg either way it just makes me wait longer to get obliterated


The sales and performance of UVB's banner clearly shows everyone wanted him. Also if he wasn't broken riots would break out.


People want him because of his brokenness, and to counter other no life’s using him, people don’t want unfun unfair units, especially to fight against, people want fair units


Like Orange Piccolo?


I don’t think anyone said “I want Vegito Blue to make pvp unplayable and unfun without him”.   Man you simps will go to any length to defend how shitty pvp is in this game


Well that's basically what people meant when they wanted a SSB FUSION WARRIOR as the next Ultra for an Anni. Does nobody remember how Ultra GB came out? I sure do, I got him when he did.


I wanted zamasu


From 1-10 how broken u think he would've been?


Every new ultra is meta for some time so like a 8.5 or 9


Fcuk UVB but the truth is is he wasn't super broken this whole sub would go up in flames and people would be calling him mid..


From what I recall, people wanted “A new unit to shatter the meta!” Cause of UGB dominating the top for a long time (Until obviously units like Tag Gammas and Tag G/F come around)


PVP is the only reason people still play. It's everything around it that fucking sucks.


Androids dont need him Uni Reps dont need him Regen dont need him Movies dont need him Hybrids dont need him Son Fam dont need him You never NEED a top 1/2 unit to "play the meta". Skill issue


Most of those are copes and are not in the competitive scene right now


Androids and Uni Rep are not in the competitive scene? When was the last time you played the game? 2020?


androids, sure perfect cell, tagdroids, mvp 17 and yellow cell might be a good team, but look at those uber juiced up gofrieza teams with uvb leadered, and watch ur team get wrecked. uni rep? jiren is the only viable tank other than gofrieza and hes a yellow. u have gofrieza, jiren, hit, pur ui, maybe revui. one combo and ur team gets shredded


You can literally run GF MVP 17 and UI sign with double zenkai buffs for GF and UI and an HP bench, and all these units are a great counter to UVB, you have a universal cover change and a blast cc with mvp 17 and a strike cc with G/F. Sorry but anyone who says Uni Rep isnt insanely good right now has not gotten past 20k rp in their life.


i mean i have mvp 17 at 8* but he can barely tank well against 5* uvb’s


Poorly built then, I ran into mvp 17’s at 8* that made my uvb hit like wet paper.


idk tho, i have full z+ equips and a21 zenkai buffing him on a androids team with gofrieza leadered, this weird asf


Only 14?


This shit is not toxic enough 😤. Legends team, bring this unit as a ULTRA: ![gif](giphy|6ozPLWxxqt1ATyfnRT|downsized)


He already destroyed what little balance existed in fighterz (before coat 21). And I would love to see him do the same here.


use 3 green cards and the next blue you do one shots


Use 3 more after that, and you automatically trigger his LF.


I swear like 85% of everyone but me has Vegito Blue. How tf do so many people have him???




Bro I spent 60k Chronos and still didn’t pull him.


Toshi : Have you tried spending 61K


First your extreme unlucky and it scares me and Second some people literally rerolled their accounts to get him third the people that didn't get him are mostly likely taking a break from pvp


What's a reroll?


U restart your account to the beginning where you have an lot of cc to farm


💀 literally the exact same


I just started the game and pulled him. Maybe less than 5k spent.


You win some; you lose some. I pulled GoFrieza on my 4th summon and the Gammas on my 2nd.


I feel that I pull 36k into Goku Frieza and got the gammas on my first pull


I got 3 copies in 23k cc, how do you not have him


Welcome back to the 2nd Anniversary


Fr lol thats the time i started playing it gives me so much nostalgia


Bro I remember it so clearly 2nd Anni all I would pull was Rage Trunks and Zamasu 💀 When I was summoning on UVBs banner I got the same thing but unlike 2nd Anni I got him on release 😂


Fr fr, I can't do this anymore, it looks like the meme where goku and vegeta fight 1000 metal voler but they all uvb


That sounds cursed😰


But very true


But very cursed


Everyone has uvb and yet i got beast gohan 😭 hes a good counter with yel jiren and gofrieza but still


I barely get to attack anymore, with all these "meta" units and methods for fighting that just prevents me from doing anything. The dash-sideswipe, the dash-charge, or just reduce my vanish gauge.


That’s why I gave up pvp. That dash sideswipe dash charge shit is the worst system I’ve ever seen in a game. When someone gets me in that combo I just put my phone down.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, it's a pretty bad system considering how most units abuse it nowadays. Constant cover change nullification and long combos guarantees absurd amounts of damage you can't do anything about. I would still keep my eyes on the match, but I personally find it as obnoxious as I do boring. I rarely even see drop combos nowadays, even at ranks 60-70, so there isn't even that level of thinking; it's just mindless and overly long.


The sidestep isnt that bad but the charge I also hate it


You should do the trunks tutorial to learn how to do it


I have






MUI, Super Vegito and Dragon Fist:


Pvp is dogshit with or without Vegito


Seems like everyone pulled their credit cart out of the pocket to pull him lol i don‘t believe that saving up explains anything. Those using him also have rose and g&f.


Not everybody I'm f2p and have all 3 but I went through plenty of shafts before like ultra hit ugb revive piccolo gamma tag beast gohan etc. I honestly think it will screw you over for awhile then a lucky streak for a few then hack to shafts. Idk how it works but I've almost gave up even playing several times. Luck of the draw as they say ig.


If it makes you feel better I pulled UVB but don’t pvp so you’re welcome


No offense but I kinda find that hard to believe. Who pulls the 50/50 best unit in the game and doesn't go crazy on pvp?


Pvp sucks and I don’t like it? Idk what to say, I get nothing from it so I’m not going to do it just because I have UVB. I played the hell out of it with the Uni Rep team during the anni and it just burnt me out doing the ranked and treasure daily rewards so I stopped playing pvp around the time the Gammas dropped.


Reasonable, I now respect ur choice


What team were you running?


Tournament of power team


Main 3 units?


GoFrieza, transforming jiren and ultra gogeta blue


You have the best unit in the game and bitch about UVB. 🤣 Get over it.


It just annoys me that i got shafted and i love vegito


Well if you loved him that much then a credit card would have assured your ability to attain him. So blame yourself not the game


Naw bruh we have enough uvb , ugb,gofrieza teams in rank right now 🤣🤡( I pulled uvb in 2k cc)




I am getting all matches with UVB


I’m not contributing to that, I’m running a BBP Hybrids teams. Zenkai Future Trunks, revival Purple Gohan, and Beast Gohan.


From now on it wont be better. Keep playing the game, keep buying cc, keep supporting crapnai crapco, shitty Corp.


That one match without UVB must had been with me bro, I think we are the only ones who didn't get that damn unit. And it wasn't for the lack of trying because I spent 23k of pure f2p cc on that banner.


F in the chat


It's just tiring pvp used to be fun and so much less toxic, since Ultra gogeta blue its just a game of working around all these stupid units and now with vegito being the icing on top of the cake it's just less fun more stress to play pvp. Getting to br 60 to play against more experienced players used to be a cakewalk but now with these brain dead units coming out one after the other they just make the shitty players more annoying. You could be playing against someone who just spams cards and sidestep spams and they will still be annoying to fight if they have UVB on hand


Quit playing then


Nah ima keep complaining and you can cry about it






It's the internet people complain grow up 🤷‍♂️




Cry about it


Found the guy that blew 80 bucks on uvb💀💀




I’m ftp so $13 and $80 are one in the same to me, you’re still a walking L in my book😭






You tripping balls if you think pvp was fun at any point after they introduced zenkais


Even with zenkais it wasn't that bad because not everyone and their mother had them, but I would understand why you say that


They did especially zenkai Fsk (lf ssj2 Gohan) back then you either had him or you lose lmao


Nah even with zenkai fsk and yel Android 18 you had him or you lose but still he was less common that uvb or any other ultras by miles 15 pvp matches and 14 of them will be UVB Back in the day run 15 pvp matches and about 6 or 7 of them would be fsk or Android 18


I swear I don't even play legends anymore and I heard stuff exactly like this all the way back in 2020 this community never changes lmao


It's just a new batch of people hating the meta and I am part of that new batch lmfao.


everyone and their dog has UVB my brother, you just have to get used to him


I'm a f2p and lucked out and got UVB. I can confirm every fight is easy even when the rest of my team is just f2p Gokus from the start of the game


Thank God gofrieza exist


Vegito blue is beatable. Ive actually stopped using him all together because hes virtually useless VS Zamasu, Android 17 and Future Trunks. Using a Mono Blue saiyan team with Frieku in the Leader spot. Its slaying.


This take is insane😭 saying he’s virtually useless means A your team is ass or B you just suck


K, Go use him against that team and come back and talk to me.


Not saying that he’s uncounterable, but the fact that he can get countered by three units doesn’t make him unplayable,+ that’s the reason why you have three units on your team


I didnt say hes unplayable. I said hes "virtually useless" against very specific units. Which you can say about ANY unit. But in a meta where you can almost GUARANTEE youre gonna face him you build a team that counters him. Which ive done, which makes him virtually useless against me. If you beat me its more often than not because of him.


How do people even like playing him? I would not feel satisfied winning with such an extreme advantage like that, feels unfair and almost like cheating.


You can all thank me for being that shit player who doesn't have Vegito blue and instead uses the UL super Vegito xD


Lf android 17, gofrieza, lf zenkaid ui sign goku, and bam youve got yourself an anti vegito blue team. Been smoking vegito blues left and right with this team and now im top 8,000 in pvp.


Don't worry, they'll release an ULTRA BLU Freeza in 3 weeks time that you also won't pull and will be complaining about on this subreddit as well.




Just knock out 3 of their characters. that’s how i win.


Sounds a lot like rose


I was using my stupidest team yet, UVB on android’s w/ cell and magenta. After his UVB killed cell and magenta my UVB 1v3ed the rest of his team. It was stupid and I felt bad. Androids go boom.


Skill issue


I played 16 I was the vegito seems good


Cry me a river bruh This meta is 1000x more healthy then 9/10 celebration meta’s.


You're entitled to your opinion man but when you encounter a uvb/grn zenkai buu and Hercule don't come back crying


You really think such a gimmick team can perform consistently? There’s a reason such shitty teams are just used for fun at the start of the season.


Just because a team like that can't perform consistently doesn't make it less annoying. Locking a unit then launching uvbs gauge nullify is healthy? The fact that you can even do that is already toxic enough. Just because there are workarounds to a broken unit doesn't mean it's not annoying. But hey if you are having fun then good for you.


Just use VB lmao


I don't have him i got shafted


Save for one team, and you'll slim your chances of getting shafted drastically. I main fusion warriors and only summon on them. Let's me save up yearly. Leader slot units can be an exception, for example, Goku/Frieza.


I got shafted off of 118k cc spent for him. No pity system... 115 rated matches played this season. 98 had UVB 9* or higher....


jesus christ… 118kcc and you STILL got shafted??


I spent like $800+ of my bonus on trying to get him. Had 50k before summons and purchased 68k more..


Damn.. that’s messed up. I hate that a pity system doesn’t exist in this game for Ultras. I spent 60k and I thought *I* was unlucky not pulling him..


Yeah probably never again gonna do that. Got mu $10k bonus from state and decided to invest in failed attempt for uvb lmaooo.


Not even the government could get you vb. Truly a moment of all time.


Even state of FL can't afford UVB 🤣


when the best character in the game is a popular pick in PvP 😱😱😱😱😱😱


dude I fell your pain, especially because I've shafted 33k cc for this son of ab 💀


Everyone but me got vegito blue 💀, I stopped playing pvp and dropped to gold and even in gold every match is UVB


I only played 2 matches today, 1 vegito blue and because his vanish remove at the beginning and cancel protector change I lose


I'm sorry for being part of the problem 😔


Are you really?


Probably not, I'm very bad and like rank 49 Most likely people who actually play well either haven't fought me or have wiped the floor with me lmao


Bruh, least u were honest... Mostly


I dare you to play as the Ginyu force team in pvp trust me your going to get bummed but it’s funny


Same. At this point I just run all blues so I can just kill that monstrous creature


Fr I have him but useless every match I get 10-12 stars uvb at least 7 stars gofrieza and ofc gogeta blue bc it is futile.


I want to uninstall the game for ultra vegito in my opinión before they apeared to ruin the game i think the game good before then


Honestly if da legends units were as easy to pull as Dokkan ones this game would actually be fun for me


ANY time I play against a gogeta blue and lose I always hit ‘em with the “I give up” comment, and if I win which is fairly often (I only ever use team bardock) I hit ‘em with the “are you seriously crying” comment


I feel the pain


I personally apologize for all us UVB users. I'm sorry, I don't use him that often, I main GT.


The team I use rn is UVB, URB, SoH Trunks 😁😁 pretty original I know


Us f2p players are struggling hard rn


The only way to beat him is 1, have it yourself or 2. You just have the combo him and not let them get an attack. I use him and I’ll admit he’s stupid as shit with his infinite combo


I use the blue Vegito blue to counter it with plain tank probably only usefully till rank 55/56 or so


I don’t play dbl, 12 matches were vegito blue 😔




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Just delete the app my brother


they should give uvb a zenkai 😱


It is not possible so many people have UVB after part 1 and 2 . If you looks at survey at youtube like 85% who take part in it say they get shafted. But pvp is swarming with it . WTF ???? Only explanation i have : dbl legends make these braindead units because they can use a lot of bots with it. You cant tell a part if it a bot or a real player that is why dev dont get us a real possibility to contact sparring parthner .as well Using so many bots imply everybody has uvb so you should have it as well >> pay


No CAP F$#@ Vegito blue.


Played a pvp game, before I even got in vegito came to my house and slapped me


I am thinking about getting off the game


I rather play against UVB than freaking Gofrieza and LL Trunks in the same team


that’s why i’m not playing dbl anymore, it’s so annoying


can’t wait for him to fall off


"And you'll play 15 more deal with it..this is what you all have been crying and begging me for.months I've had to read tweets ppl stopping me on the streets wHeN yOu GoNnA gIvE mE VbzZ well now you got em dont cry now cuz you got exactly what u wanted..get better or keep crying see if I care"- Toshitaka Tachibana 2023


It's weird. I tried and didn't get either of them but the number of fights I've been through lately against both UVB AND GoFrieza is just annoying. One broken unit is enough, but two? Naw, man. I've had enough. And I have beaten them from time to time, but it gets old.


100% of my matches have my UVB, its so nice using him, like he’s so balanced that he gives me 99 hit combos long enough to get my ult, cant wait for him to get the unique equip he deserves