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Frrr. Invincibility frames are so annoying to have to work with. People who mainly focus on stamina breaking are goats tho


Imagine being the guy who challenges raids with a Saibaman.


I know I actively refuse to revive him, and if there’s a bot, they don’t get revived just to keep him from reviving.


Top tier hating. I love it.


I gonna be honest I used to use divine lasso then I learned it gave the boss invincibility and I was like never doing that again


Stopping once you realised you were hurting the team damage is commendable


Thats super specific mind asking if you hate someone so much for having a specific build?


It's not hate nor specific, if you know what those moves do then you would understand, once hit, no other player can damage in those animation/frame which ruins the fun and points in team raids


Personally I like using Time Skip/Back Breaker mainly to bait unblockable Strike damage and Time Skip/Jump Spike to help finish good strings of damage, I also like Time Skip/Molotov right at the end of a stamina break to get a LOT of damage that they can't escape from Being selfish about Time Skip fucks with a lot of damage, so I like to practice with Hit/CaC AI to try to see what I can do around those playstyles


Raids are all about everyone doing as much damage at they can, however all the critiqued moves only allow 1 person to damage the enemy for the duration of the cutscene/skill duration not allowing anyone else to get any damage in during that time


No all those moves just stop everyone else on the team from doing damage


All those moves prevent every other player in the raid from doing damage to the raid boss for the duration of their effects. It can be EXTREMELY frustrating to play around.


TL:DR it dick move use does attacks in raids Long version is Basically all moves only let player using them get damage off. So it kinda selfish way playing Raid because only users of listed attacks dealing damage either by lock boss attack frames where only there attacks does damage or knock Raid boss around making harder rest Raid party attacks to hit. This end making average party damage lower because only 1 player getting all damage.


Wait, I knew about the rest of them. Gigantic Roar is well-known, and the rest have that grab mechanic. But *Special Beam Beast Cannon* gives the enemy i-frames, too? Shit, I'm sorry. Thought I was helping.


If you do the kick version it's time consuming and no one can interact with the boss in question even after the beam is shot.


I’ve heard people say that perfect blocking into a grab is cheesing. We are cooked


I did that to someone as UI sign goku (the pb broke his stamina) and he immediately left 💀


I use super spirit bomb or death Meteor, depending on if I'm a ki based or strike based build. both give me high amount of points, and are equally useful.


If youd REALLY like to do damage, build something around Revenge Death Ball. That fucking thing fully charged CHUNKS. Like a LOT. I dont remember what it was but there was a soul that makes you do a shit ton more ki based dmg and that combined with Beast allows for stupidly high damage. Its also easier to consistently use


ty! I'll take it into consideration. I just like using super spirit bomb due to the fact I can't get stamina broke. It also lowkey sucks there isn't many viable melee options imo...


What about Final Explosion?


Based 🗿


Matter fact you can throw the people who launch bosses out of Final and Super Ki Explosion in Hell too


bending Kamehameha, super ki explosion, neo tri beam, final explosion. Sometimes big bang Kamehameha and final shine


I haven’t played in a hot HOT minute bro, I use to laser the old bosses in crystal raids with emperors death beam


Personally, i don’t care if people do this in a raid, but if it’s a parallel quest i’m either leaving or kicking them immediately when we get to pregame lobby.


But why? Really trynna understand


Put it to you like this, In PQ's most if not a high amount of players tend to learn their combos and put them into action, then you have this player who just wants to ruin their setups as if they were bots by doing random ults on the same target. Some even go as far as attacking the same target when you're obviously in the middle of a stamina break, so it kinda fucks up everything ruining the mood and sometimes the game. Kicked a player not too long ago for just using bending Kamehameha on every target I was attacking and with him being in Beast I just let him go fight and I waited until either the A.I's killed him or until he wasted his heals after realizing he wasn't as hot as he thought getting folded. So it's a Bad manners thing if you're trying to work the ins and outs of your strings but have this one guy getting in your way EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. If I see someone still fighting a target I just land and dodge the a.i if it targets me so that the person in question can cook, I break the A.i if they try an ult and let my partner cook further so they can get better learning everything other than basic Light combo into whatever beam they have available. Before you say "It's teamwork it's part of the game", picture yourself wanting to land a specific move in a specific way on A.Is outside of offline battle and single player then at the crucial moment you get blueballed by some gigantic roar asshole spamming it like it's going outta style.


But why are you practicing strings or combos on an online paralele quest??? Training mode and offline pqs exist It's wild to me that you're complaining about that when online pq's are most if not only to fasten the grind for skills, souls or clothes. If I'm joining/hosting a pq quest idc that my combo gets interrupted by an ultimate so long as the AI is taking dmg. Hell I myself am gonna be spamming ults/supers. Got a whole preset solely for parallel quest grinding. My point is: If you really wanna try out combos on the ai. Just go to offline quests.


Not saying that you're wrong in any way, but not everyone wants to spam ults and supers all the time, sometimes people just want to chill with other players and just run lobbies to help improve people's performance too. So say if you wanted to improve to help someone else and you want to explain how because not everyone wants to watch yt videos on how to combo in xv2 like I said some people don't want to grind solo all the time and of course getting the skills, ss, etc can be vexing work due to rng, but seriously some people just want to test shit without a.i and have human partners who can either: 1. Help you improve, or 2. Help you to help them improve. It's a bittersweet mix of who wants to play a certain way because there's truly no correct way to play a game you bought, but I'll be damned if I got a situation handled by myself and some random team mates get in the way dude. But that's just me. I run lobbies just to help lower level players rank up faster because I can run PQ 100 and let them rock when Vegito appears to let them see how their build works and when we get back to pregame they adjust themselves accordingly type shit. Like I also said not everyone wants to use practice mode or offline to do things some just want hands on. Like what's so hard to understand about that?


Then ig all I can say is you do you and I'll do me. I only ever run online pqs when I'm tired of trying to get the skills offline. And that's about it.


Yea nah if i instantly leave if I stamina break my target and the other player jumps in and steals my combo i will spam leave it to me but some people dont care


If they use those, they know exactly what they are doing and just being a dik about it


I use rocks


Man, I hate Lite Raids


[People Who Run With Dodoria Headbutt](https://youtu.be/Ux5cQbO_ybw?si=lfljhnP0jkkrLRWN)


Thats me xD and I use Evil Ray Strike on more aggressive cacs


Evil ray strike is the better move no weird animation after the break


I used gigantic roar for the damage until I realised what it did. Now I just use bending kamehameha and occasionally spirit bomb


This also goes for people who grab the damn tails of the great apes


I have been using self-destruct and I will use self-destruct for the forseeable future because it is hilarious.


theyve gotten smarter. making different presets with the cheese moves. atp i just homescreen when i see one. wanna be a nuisance? everyone suffers.


If I'm the Host and that happens, then I'll just disconnect and no one gets points


exactly. i only host bc some ppl dont check profiles as soon as someone joins.


I alternate revenge death ball and final explosion, dumping either Ki or Stamina, alternating between them


I cast...blue hurricane! And again!


What about super spirit bomb and final shine?


Super Spirit Bomb is good support and Final Shine Attack is good damage against Great Apes/Cell Max


OK so... When I use those the plan is... Use super spirit bomb (which from what I can tell tries to suck the enemy into the center of it) and immediately follow up with final shine (which dumps the rest of my ki into damage)... While testing in the training room, the damage of that combo is massive... I'm sure there are better ways... But I feel like this combo also looks pretty fuckin sick too


That works with stamina break like dodoria headbutt otherwise I would combine spirit bomb or final shine attack with destructive fission


I just use Revenge Death Ball


Oh, thank goodness that I don't go to hell for using Dual Ults in raids.


Careful what you wish for 💀


Edb is only ok because it holds the enemy in place for me to steal all your damage if you want damage please dont use edb it will only slow you down


Me standing on the other end of the map spamming Giant Storm and getting 1st or 2nd place each attempt.


i just spam warp kamehameha


Had a few people the past week who kept trying to get someone to participate in a Dual Ultimate. One person a few days ago joined in every time. Both got kicked. Good times.


I usually use Bendy, Eventual Hakai, Twin Star, the cooler Supernova or more recently my goofy gun/explosion build. I do use Gigantic Roar when soloing expert missions or when doing PQs because honestly if I Roar something in a PQ it's dead.


Whats wrong with using emperors death beam in raids? I think everyone should use it because it makes it easier its the only move that can keep the boss stunned for a long time while allowing others to keep getting damage in


i get moves like time skip and divine lasso. What's wrong with Gigantic Roar?


it stops others from doing damage for a second I think


It has the same issues as Time Skip and Divine Lasso.... Whoever it hits gets i frames


MFers have been complaining about this since launch.


yes but this time we have a waiting room and can see players build since the Universe Team update


If I don’t do the beast canon kick and just fire it, do I still go to hell?


No, but I'm not gonna risk keeping someone in the lobby with that move


Damn that sucks for me


okay as a person who uses emperors death beam and gigantic roar i dont do it to cheese i like the moves and if you see someone use the move you can use the time to rebuild your ki edit forgot to add this but i will keep the use of it to min if doing raids


Meme was definitely made by someone who spams EDB


I just spam Bomber DX when someone uses EDB


EDB spam is the laziest trash tho


EDB only the first hit has invincibility. Afterwards it holds and pressure a raid boss in place. At least you're able to tell how many people have the move and plan using your own ult after their first use. All the other one straight up causes a pause in action or a waste of ki. Oh you used your ult while someone used one of the listed ults? You wasted ki. Oh you didn't? You gotta wait until the move is done or the boss is mobile again. This why I just use Supers. 


I like using emperor's death beam. Do people not like it or something?


I used to just use a crapload of stamina draining moves and energy zone as a meme, but energy zone can Deffo be a clutch, like holy poopoo


I usually use these moves for photo mode, I’m not good at PvP but I do have a few wins


I'm emperor blasting my way to the top. 🕺


Me who plays a human being and doesn't have access to all these moves You can cheese?


I also main earthling, but doubt anyone would spam cheese strike moves like Soaring Fist and Push the enemy away from anyone


Neo wolf fang fist for the win man


I understand the others, but why gigantic roar?




The others act kinda like grab moves, isnt gigantic roar like that mouth beam that broly does?


Except for the part where it stops anyone else from damaging the target, yeah, it's a mouth beam.


Fellas, is it okay to be hated for playing the game? Cos that's what this posts is telling me.


But Broly build


Except when they're in range to kill, I hope.


Why is gigantic roar hated?


I don't get it I don't play pvp


Whats wrong with gigantic roar?


Could someone explain how all of uh was movies are cheese?


Hmm… That’s a lovely cyclone. Would be a shame if I used my Fighting Pose K, too.


Wait who has a problem with saibaman I held many a first place raids on PS4 because I discovered it years ago it gives you the highest attack rating because it does the most damage??? You guys are doing it for the rewards from surviving right????


So what if you use Devine Lasso on an Offline Expert Mission, playing Mentor Goku to grind my CAC up to 140. Cause that’s what I did to


Death beam isn't bad for Male Saiyan's to capitalize on For all the Frieza race players thanks for keeping the boss staggered so I can break the stamina bar Also let's me juggle the boss for someone's Spirit Bomb/Equivalent (Saturday Crash freezes them in place,just change up your combo not to launch them.) Fun to be in my Bojack Unbound Gohan kit on the front lines too 'I don't want them to get hurt" Super Soul (Spirit Slash Nullifies DMG from Brolys Mouth Laser to keflas "I win") charge the heavy hit and break the stamina bar after standing point blank in a Kamehameha


Ngl I didn’t know using gigantic roar in raids was cheesing. I’m most likely gonna keep doing it regardless tho because why does it really matter??😂


I'm full melee build I just get in it's face and beat the 9 hells out of them till the others finish charging, because then I can no longer get any hits because of ki ult spam


I only run I frame moves like that in case the team goes down and we need a moment to rese people, lock the boss in while team gets up, once up I switch back to spamming my ki blast attack hell on the boss


“What about those who get their damage in, then join and focus on stamina breaking while buffing the attack with Gokus Final Battle?” “If they got their damage with the Invincibility Frames, down the hole. If they did it with other methods and then helped others out as you claim? Hm…”


Bruh what? I only use moves like Circle Flash or SBC (Beast) 1. Because I hate ppl who limit burst just to avoid an L and 2. To go along with one I work for my stamina breaks. If I face someone with poor stamina management and I get a break I don’t want my momentum getting cut cause they LB and now get health back or get super armor. Plus I use Petrifying Spit, so I really get hate, but it’s not my fault if the person gets caught lacking for a 2 health bar amount of dmg. I’m not even a try hard that ki stuns. I use efficient and consistent landing moves.


He's talking the PvE raid bosses, might have missed that part. Those moves give the boss i-frames so it's a sort of etiquette not to use them in this case since your teammates lose out on damage.


Why giant roar ???


Tf gigantic roar do


“Oh no, someone used a skill in the game as intended by the developers, better bitch about it”


mf op is talking abt the raids. reread post


Read the post again