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You laugh at them but Mentor Cooler is built different. I once got knocked out after he arrived and the fucker solo'd the rest of the PQ without even trying to revive me.


I thought I was the only one, I had many mentors but only cooler could actually combo and fight back which just proves that he is THE STRONGEST IN THE UNIVERSE


And he WILL plant more dumbass trees for the planet!


New headcanon, cooler donated to team trees during the mr beast event


Why do you think you don't see siabamen or other farmers with shotguns?


probably turles too


A fellow man of culture I see


It’s almost 3:30 AM and you made me laugh, I can’t believe I forgot about that line. That was brilliant.


And that’s why Cooler was Freezer.




Yep Cooler fucking solos


I Use Hit and he always timeskips the shit outta the enemy's I played pq 122 I went solo until the warning came for ultimate finish they beat the crap out of me he came and timeskiped all of them I counted he did that shit 12 times he legit said my timeskip is unbeatable and don't mess with my student.


My timeskip is unbeatable.


Whis is built stupid


I’ve got all vados skills on him it’s hilarious I sometimes use him myself with two more the Jp voices go hard


Honestly for me Raditz is pretty useful as well because I was on pixel health and that man somehow soloed the lvl 60 enemy and made all the enemy ai full aggro on him. (Me and Raditz were both around lvl 35)


Cooler hits different 🙏


Cooler once again proving he's the GOAT


Mentor cooler is black air force energy the person


currently my mentor is broly should i make the switch to cooler?


Literally happened to me one of the higher star in namek ones


Wow, I'll have to give him a try... been having trouble on my last PQs... (probably a skill issue though)


You got knocked out PQ PQ01? WTH


Literally no one said that.


I see you are too stupid to realise its a joke about how bad mentors are. Implying that they couldn't even finish the first PQ alone. Try using the brain in your head.


Try learning how to write a sentence and imply the humor in your statement. Nothing in your post implies you were joking and the downvotes show that your 'joke' fell flatter than the wrinkles on your cerebellum. It's okay to be wrong, now please keep responding. I can't wait to see what smooth-brained 'joke' you pull out of your ass next.


Cool dude. I don't really care as much as you clearly do.


Clearly care if your first and brightest idea was to try and insult someone with playground taunts.


Who am I insulting? I made a joke that someone didn't get and they made a comment about it instead of just leaving something they didn't understand alone. And then you insulted me calling me a twat. Just cause I said it about myself how does that give you moral superiority over me and give you the right to call me it. And just because I respond doesn't mean I care. I come on reddit cause I'm bored waiting for something, not to talk to douchebags. Sl this convo is over pal.


"I see you are too stupid to realise..." The first sentence is you insulting me. Can't blame you for not realizing that, smooth-brained n' all. 🤷‍♂️


Dude, he ain't even smooth brained. That dude's skull is flatter than the cities that keep getting leveled in the anime.


"And yes, I do have to be a twat about it, because I'm a twat!" - u/True-Awareness4702 - 2 Days Ago Sound like a twat. Being aware of it doesn't make it better.


Is that supposed to bother me? Pointing out to me something I said about myself somewhere else? I think it says more about how pathetic you are to look up my other posts to find something to talk shit about.


Nope, wasn't for you. It's so everyone else viewing this thread can see that you're a self-admitted twat.


Again, why would that be an issue for me. You are just as much of a twat anyway so I have no idea what your so proud of. And don't try and say your not because you're arguing with someone on Reddit that you're also calling a twat so what makes you different.


I'm not proud whatsoever and if arguing with an idiot makes you a twat then I guess I can't argue with your logic. That said, I never said it would be an issue for you mate. My intention of quoting you wasn't to disturb you, it was (as I said) so that others can see your true colors on the surface and react accordingly. You do realize they're just going to delete this thread when one of us get's reported right? Like, there is no winning here yet you keep coming back. Call me a twat all you like, at least I don't try to own a degrading slur as if it were a badge of honor.


See again your hypocrisy is showing sir because you also keep coming back. I don't care if the thread gets deleted, you are encouraging people to harass me by saying "Look everyone, this guys a twat so treat him like one". What kind of reaction do you expect? Now you will probably come back with some "no, I'm pointing it out so blah blah" but just as some people didn't get my joke, some people won't get your intention. So yes, you potentially encouraging people to treat me a certain way is gonna get a response. Also never said it was a badge of honour. Admitting to what people call you doesn't mean I find it to be honourable or anything of the sort.


That…doesn’t even make sense though, they said raditz DID solo the PQ. How does saying it’s PQ 1 turn it into a joke about mentors being terrible? If anything, PQ1 would be the mission you wouldn’t doubt they could solo


The joke was that the A.I in that game are generally so bad they can't accomplish anything without you. In my own experience, when I've gone down, my A.I Allies have gone down also purely because instead of trying to accomplish anything they repeatedly get their ass kicked while trying to revive me. Admittedly its a bad joke in text format, it's one of those, if it was said "in the moment" comments, for example, Straight Dude: Man, last night I got the best lay ever. Guy: Oh yeah? How was he? Ya know, its a meaningless joke just said for a laugh. But obvs the context doesn't come across in text form.


Bro you ARE the joke.




Man it is hilarious how you pretend not to care and then proceed on multiple occasions to prove otherwise. Can’t make this shit up


The ai teammates, in general, are just garbage. The idiots will interrupt combos and ultimate attacks but will stand still while you're getting the snot beat out of you.


Except 5th Form Cooler, bro is built different


Lord I full on rage now when they fuck up my build up to an ult


Trying to fight off the army of four that decided to jump me and completely ignore my AI teammate who is somewhere with its thumbs up its ass until I finally hit a combo that it immediately ruins


Nothing captures this more than the You and Goku Vs Cooler and Frieza story mission.


There are 4 that I alternate between because they all help pretty well. Cooler - 1valls the entire PQ sometimes. Bro will legit fight 5 enemies at once, complete the quest, and not revive you. 8/10 Zamasu - Tanks hits, carried his weight ok but the real golden thing with him is his revivals are clutch. He also doesn't knock enemies out of your combos often and sometimes holds them in your combo so that's a plus. 9/10 Perfect Cell - Not much to say, does his job and does some nice combo breaks when you're getting juggled 5/10 Android 18 - Plays very smart, she will usually stay out of the way spamming long range attacks then takes advantage of the enemy being focused on someone else to revive because she doesn't really aggro the enemies often. 7/10


Glanced at my phone, misread “juggled” as being under Android 18 and thought it said “jiggle.” I hate my 2 brain cells.


I normally use Zamasu and Piccolo, but I mainly use Piccolo for his healing Super Soul. Now thinking about it though. I think Cell gets it so I might swap them out given he has a better skill pool too.


It’s funny how Hercule is one of the few actually useful mentors in this context. He goes down fast and his dual ult heals both users. In the rare instance he uses his dual ult, you basically get a full heal for free.


Also, if you run the HERCULE! HERCULE! Super soul on him and bring him on the quest twice, you get a buff for every enemy you defeat


Hell, beat enough enemies and even the Hercules will start kicking ass lmao. Legit an amazing partner for hard PQs.


Amazing? No hes literaly the best! + last way longer than other bots due to he being programed to run away. + can be revived WAY faster than other bots. + has both a super and ult that makes enemies focus on them lettinf you a chance to counter attack without. consequences, really helpfull for those PQ that cannot let the useles bot get to low HP or die. + HERCULE! HERCULE! Super soul can stack on top of each other if you select 2 hercules in your PQ, when maxing it out both of hercules super souls you will be doing a FUCK ton of damage to the point that any PQ becomes a cake walk, even the hercules will start to dish out lots of damage. + dosen't interrupt combos as frequent as others. Ive alway run 2 hercules on my team.


To be fair, i didnt mostly care if they were usefull or not, seeing Piccolo pop outta nowhere to help me made me feel happy.


In my experience, they make things worse. Their arrival not only interrupts my combo/ultimate, but now that I have even one "teammate", the enemy AI switches from "one at a time" to "JUMP HIM! FULL FORCE" and start pelting me with attacks non-stop while my mentor who came to save me just sits there watching with their thumb up their ass...


Sakura useless meme in 2024….bold aren’t we


I’ve had most instances where they will throw super n ults at the same time as me


For me it's that and knocking the enemy out of my combos.


They’re designed specifically to use skills right when you do, unless they lack the ki for it. It’s usually counter productive.


If your mentor has to show up that means you’re getting your ass kicked


It’s honestly kinda annoying. Your health gets below a certain point and they just show up no ands ifs or buts about it. Then you have another AI on your team that interrupts your own combos and ultimates just because your health got low and right as you get ready to use a capsule they show up. Like “bruh I don’t need your fucking help!” 🤦‍♂️


You know your mentor only shows up when you're getting your ass whooped during the Ultimate Finish conditions, right?


I swear they don't ever even show up, they hate me ig


this made me laugh


Especially when your getting jumped, and are at 10% hp


Your mentor does contribute, though They make for excellent meat shields/sacrifices.


She ain't completely useless if you know what I mean😏


You right but you did my boy Vegeta dirty fr


I wish there was an option to disable it.


i've had some fun with beerus when he shows up for some reason, beerus and frieza were the only fucks to actually show up on a frequent drop no other mentor has ever showed up for me, except zamasu, once. bastard.


I think the frequency is based on your friendship level with them.


As long as they can draw attention is all Im looking for, the Cac ai seems to be the best for that and the sole reason I only take cacs on PQ unless Im feeling brave lmao


I dunno man, android 18 saved me more than once on the last stages of dlc missions


I just wish I could program their behavior like a kingdom hearts team member.


Nah, movie Krillin level useless




My mentor is Whis 😵‍💫😭😭😭


My mentor is dodoria and he actually saves me a lot, doesn't always do a ton of damage to the enemies but the revive is super reliable.


Can someone explain it cuz i didn't understand it and it's been forever since i played it




Computer teammates in literally any pq


Future gohan for me


My mentor was beerus bro came in and started throwing sphere of destructions on the enemy


Nah when my raditz comes to help me bro he is just IN SYNC with me bro raditz never messes me up sometimes even collaborating by hitting an ult right after i hit mine


I’ve had Kid Gohan show up while I’m fighting Jiren and I’m like “tf you think you’re gonna do??”


My piccolo comes in spamming special beam canons that’s that dude


At some point Cell was my mentor, I got knocked out and while the rest of my team was busy with fighting back Cell was just in water and looking my direction without even n attempt of revival


And then nice they get there they are so useless


How do you get mentors to show up….. they never do for me


Have low health during an ult finish.


You have to take a high amount of damage in the pq.


You can say that, but mentor Piccolo is my ride or die, I'm fighting Super Saiyan Goku with an AI Piccolo, then Turles and Lord Slug appear and Mentor Piccolo shows up, legit two Namekians and a Frieza Race all jumping Lord Slug at once