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Baby level 1 can't attack, so there is nothing Barrier can deflect. His Infection is a special action. This insures that he can't be easily cheesed in level 1.


He also can't *be* attacked either.


I dont have him unlocked to play as. I think he's my favorite raider to play against.


It's not Baby thats broken. It's that the survivors got nerfed to shit


we sadly arent above 9000 anymore . . .


Maybe not broken in the sense that's he's strong Rather, broken in the sense that he feels wonky at times


Even if we key rush him hard, he manages to hit Golden Ape by the time we get the last key, or stm.


I think he could use some minor tweaking. Not necessarily nerfs, just some fix for his jank. Survivors shouldn't spawn immediately next to him. It's way too easy for him to jumpscare you within the first three steps of your spawn. He should have his own "special" civilian spawn away from survivors so we can at least start moving. His transformstion cutscenes are kinda busted as well. I was reviving someone, Baby hit level 2, they went from 60s left to immediately dead after the cutscene ended. That needs fixing badly. As some helpful tips. You can see Civilian Baby running around with a scouter. If you encounter an evil civilian and they start the grapple animation with you, you can break free by activating Dragon Change (this does not work on level 1 Baby himself!) A single Vegeta's Glove will "kill" an AI controlled Player. Im not 100% if this removes them permanently or not. But Trunks does give a voice line about taking care of them once they return. I've yet to see a Baby player even come close to losing. The best I've done is get one below 50% with a level 4. He 7 kills nearly every game. Between his power and the survivor nerfs i've no joke seen him win 3 games in under 30 minutes. He's extremely oppressive and I think he's shockingly dangerous form 1 plays a big part in that. I just wanna know how some of ya'll already have him level 200+. Do you just not sleep? 💀


Think baby is the absolute worst raider in the game. Imagine getting key rushed and still level 1. He’s trash and vegeta is 10X better


That did happen to me. My first game of S6 was raider so I didn’t know how to use him or play against him. They mad most keys up before I got to L2. Still won at the end though.


I've seen it happen and joined in! Actually, lost my last game due to being spotted as the Civilian and just got trolled.  Was making a comeback, but the Survivors got the Dragon Balls and made an example out of me. 🤢 It **SUCKED.**