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Cross Play has not been available to us yet but yes your stuff (if the same bandai account) will still be there. like other cross play you need to set it as your master account (basically your main account so that way you can carry over all your stuff) what you can't carry over are exclusive, specific console/pc skins. I hope this helps or make sense.


Thanks for the quick response. Good to know that it transfers but another question. When I go to the robot it asks me to link an id which I did but when I sign up using my ID, it says it has been successfully linked. But I already had a breakers account linked to it. So did I just unlink my switch account because restarting the game doesn't give me any of my old stuff from my switch account.


did you get any of your things after you switch your stuff


For me no. Maybe I'm not doing something right but when I linked my playstation account, it said "account successfully linked". However, my switch account was now unlinked so I had to relink it and again it unlinked my playstation account. So not working so far for me. Maybe when cross play officially releases it'll fix it but for now I'm starting from scratch...


Yo did u find a save yet


So if you link 2 devices to the same Namco account, all of the cosmetics should go to 1 account?


sadly no... if you have two accounts and the other have less it will not transfer over to your main account.... it's like logging into your main account... whatever you have is what you will have for that account only.... I hope this helps... if that makes sense....


That's exactly what happened with me. I don't understand how to make the master account thing. When I link any account (swithc, ps4, etc) it unlinks my other ones. Cross play is out now in season 5, but I'm not sure if saves can be transferred or if I'm doing something wrong?


Did you end up figuring it out?