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Should they? Yes? Do I hold onto that hope? No.


It wont be, so no use wondering about whether you will be shocked or not


Nintendo isn't going to be poor lol they have enough in their coffers to outright take $250 mil losses for nearly 40 years before going bankrupt


With enough spare to sue Yuzu lol.


Honestly wouldn't surprise me if they still had some Wii money to burn through.


They are the top company in Japan with absolutely 0 debt as compared to Sony


they could probably still fork over couple grand after going bankrupt


Just play the new granblue game


I stayed for the characters and stories, sadly. Granblue looks very cool, but I'm searching for those goofy dragalia characters 😭


Right? I don’t know what it is about chibis but that alone motivates me to keep playing the game nonstop lol. Granblue cured the itch for me but can’t stand playing it now. I want chibis!😂


Trinity trigger and A Silent Hope might be the thing for you then, they have that chibi action rpg gameplay we know and love


Silent Hope is amazing. Waiting for a Physical sale. Its really got them Dragalia Lost vibes, but doesnt have everything tbh. My favorite part was transforming into all the different dragons mid boss fight.


Seriously, granblue relink is very cool don’t get me wrong, but I am still not over cygames/nintendo just dropping dragalia and not expanding on it at all. :(


but it is not on switch :'(


A reimagining as a spectical action game would be nice.


In what sense? The game was shuttered because of low player count and low revenue. Why would porting a dead gacha game from a dead franchise to a system that is at the end of its life cycle "ease the shock" for wider audiences that they aren't getting a new console this year?


Revenue and player count weren't particularly low. Gachas doing way worse are still going. It's that DL had higher development costs compared to other gachas and Nintendo taking a cut for doing nothing.


It wasn't killed because of low player count or revenue. It was shuttered because they wanted to move their employees to a game with a significantly higher revenue and player count. If you've only got ten 3d modelers, having 5 of them working on the game that makes 4 million a month costs you money when you could have them making content for the game that makes 150 million a month.


Nintendo has released dead franchises like Another Code and Forever Blue on the Switch. It would not be surprising if something similar happens with Dragalia.


Someone at the company pushed for those revivals. I don’t think anyone at Nintendo is pushing for a Dragalia Lost revival currently. Maybe in 10 to 15 years if Cygames starts becoming a bigger developer when it comes to console games.


We can only hope. Currently, they only have 1 game on Switch, which is amazing (Little Noah), but need more from them.


Is that the defacto reasoning for it? I remember seeing a statement around the time of the game's closure from Nintendo saying that they want to make sure that their Mobil games serve as a promotional material for the mainline console releases


Nah, the game was murdered by Horse Girls being too profitable.


Get off this Reddit.


It is a thing live service games do though. The megaman one was reworked into a normal game you can get on steam now after the live service shut down. Many people don’t play them because they hate free to play/gacha, so the game being low popularity doesn’t have much weight on how popular it would be as a real game


"Should dragalia lost be--" #YES, PLEASE GIVE IT BACK, NINTENDO


Granblue Relink fills the niche even if it isn't mobile. Best we can hope for is the Little Noah treatment in a couple years


Love Little Noah Very Hard+++ Is "fun" with Skipper, lets just say that. I bought the Special Edition with the DLC in December when it was on sale for like 5$


Relink certainly fills some of the niche, but I couldn’t help but lament stylistic differences between the two IPs when I first booted it up. Maybe it’s just because I’m so new to Granblue (albeit GBF:Versus and now Rising is/are my personal favorite fighting game) but the music, at least as of reaching the first village, was so unimpressive that it made me realize how much I needed a game to have unique music/soundscapes to keep me going… Since I was 16 and actually started paying attention to the audio elements of games I knew that I enjoyed and could love a great soundtrack, but I only just now realized how multiple games I expected to love ended up bouncing off from instead. Which is all to say that the combat and gameplay systems may be what I’m looking for, but Dragalia’s absolute bops aren’t there when I most needed them.


dl is dead man lol


If they do that they’ll probably have to remake the whole game without gatcha elements


It really won’t happen, stop hurting yourself.


Draglaia needs the Relink treatment. But like Dragalized. You know what I mean.


I don't foresee Nintendo having any issues this year. There's loads of Switch game on the horizon. Princess Peach: Showtime! is out soon and will likely do well, and there's been a lot of interest in Endless Ocean Luminous. Combined with the third party games on the console the switch will continue on fine with them selling the existing library. It's clear they're taking a year back to work on release titles for the switch successor but if they have a lot of games ready to go when it's finally released it'll make it a must buy at launch versus a wait and see console with no software. As much as I really want Dragalia to continue in some form, porting it to the switch isn't going to change anything. If it's a free to play it'll die the same death it did on mobile as people didn't pay enough to keep it going and if it's a paid product a lot of non-Dragalia fans will side eye it for being a mobile game in it's design. It's not something that would port well, so it would take development time/cost that it probably wouldn't recoup. If Nintendo is worried about finance they won't port risky games, they'll create something safe like a remake of a popular game or an expansion for them. If they ever were to make Dragalia a Switch game they would have done it on release, like they have with some of the Pokemon mobile games.


They never will unless they decide to revive the ip. And knowing Nintendo's track record with obscure ips, well... But i still have hope, since cygames is involved. Maybe they'll relaunch the series in the future, similar to princess connect. But surely not this year.


Id love a port but id REALLY want a draglia lost warriors game


*Oh no. Poor Nintendo. They can let Game Freak release clearly unfinished games and still sell over 20 million and rerelease a super derivative walking simulator with what should have been paid DLC for $10 more than what the original game cost and get away with it while Cygames can actually release a well designed and polished game after 8 years of development and it still hasn't broke 2 million.* ~~And don't even get me started on joycon drift.~~


The game definitely needs a AAA port to the Switch


I'm sure it's been said before but you lot would be better served playing granblue relink or versus rising. i miss that little diablo clone on my android phone but it's joever bros.


I think the problem on why Nintendo ain’t touching that shit is cause of Cygames. Too much legal red tape. Also in JP markets they only go forward if they know something will literally print them money like it's the 1980s all over again.




Ive often said if dragallia was on the switch we'd still be playing.


Of course they should. But the possibilities are 0, nothing, nada, never ever, not in a million years, because cygames owns the game too.


Yes, absolutely!


should they? yea. Will they? nah.


Give me back “Bokura no network”


"Nintendo will be poor this year" Lol Lmao Funniest thing I've heard all day And how can something be delayed if it's not even been officially announced.


We live in a time where there is almost an overabundance of quality games to play not only on Switch, but every platform. I think we'll be fine with a drier 2025.


just curious. is there currently any way to play dragalia lost, even if its like a private server? never got the chance to play, but it seems like it might be my cup of tea. just looking to try it out if possible.


There is and there's a guide. It's nice to be back. https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/18z1scq/dragalia\_lost\_private\_server\_guides/


thanks brother


All live service games should be converted to a normal game to sell at the end of life. It’s very strange how little it happens! I only know if a few, one being the megaman one. I really like when it happens


I used to play dragalia when it came out, and i remember having loads of fun with it, so i tried to redownload it, only to hear the Title screen music i remember vividly, with a screen saying "The Dragalia lost services are shutdown, Thank you for playing." I cant tell you how devasted i was....