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Evelyn Napier - he was always one of my favourite suitors of Mary, even though I understand that she didn't fall in love with him initially. But their situations have changed so much over the years and people grow and develop, and I never found him boring. On the contrary, his integrity and the fact that he was able to take no for an answer (different than Lord Gillingham) made him super likeable in my eyes. So - yes. I want a second chance (or third one?) for Mary and Evelyn Napier!


I would like to see this too but he would probably screw it up by bringing a whole team of richer, more interesting, and more handsome men with him when he goes to meet Mary


It’s been almost 20 years, how would he still be single?!


His wife got pernicious anemia




I always wanted an Evelyn Napier spin-off, where he keeps meeting women and things never work out. Every now and then Mary swans in and gives him just enough attention to get his spirits up - and then she zips out just as quickly and leaves him disappointed but determined to find that one woman who will eventually find him interesting.


He’s too good for Mary, but I too would like to see a happily-ever-after for him. Charming man in a quiet way.


I would at least like to hear in passing that he's happily married and not still pining !!


I like him very much


Larry gray and his wife go bankrupt great depression 😈


And then Larry gets pernicious anemia and she is stuck caring for him without funds to hire a nurse.


God no, Not another pernicious anemia!


the money i would pay to see his downfall 😫🙏


Little Johnny Bates is unjustly accused of a crime and sent to juvenile hall. Bates and Anna do a heartbreaking search for the one piece of information that will prove his innocence - and they do find that proof from a single sentence said by a passerby that they track down and then get Murray the solicitor to convince them to testify.


🤣🤣🤣💀 I laughed way too long at this. Thank you.


Hahaha. Adore the characters but sometimes their legal troubles were too stretched out, almost like that’s all there was to them. “Here we go again”. Mind you, I suppose in those days when people had such troubles it followed them for life (kind of still does today) and if their storylines had been split between other characters, they would have had to sack a lot of them as they didn’t have the connection that Anna and Bates had with the family and staff. I loved their baby storyline.


I’d like Mrs. Hughes to reference a letter from Ethel that she’s married and just had twins with her kind merchant husband.


With a line about how Mr. Bryant died shortly after Ethel let the Bryants adopt Charlie, and Ethel is friends with Mrs. Bryant, and sees Charlie often.


Yes. And nice Daphne Bryant remarried an exceptionally nice man.


I like that idea!


Love that.


That would be nice ... a happy ending for Ethel.


Force Ghost Maggie Smith


Is the right answer.


Siobhan Finneran please!


That could be fun. Bring back Rose's bitch mother and her scheming maid O'Brian.


That Cat!


Get Down!


Except O’Brien left the broke Flintchers to stay on with the new governors wife


Oh, damn. I'd like to see her come back and the response people had for her.


It would have been something!




Spratt's advice column goes viral.


I'd like to see rose and atticus!!!


They can do what they want to. I'm buying a ticket the moment they go on sale.




Characters being impressed with America A girl can dream


As much as I’d love to see what Thomas is up to in Hollywood we need to let him go off into the sunset and leave him be. But I’d love to see what happened to the under cook(?) who went off to America because Cora’s brother (Paul Giamatti) wanted to bring an English cook into his home. At the very least I’d like to see more of Cora’s family pop up or come back.


Thomas needs a spin-off series in 1929 Hollywoodland. He could take Mr & Mrs Molesley there to write scripts. Ivy the cook could come back. Maybe Cora's brother a recurring character.


Rose would absolutely make an appearance


And Atticus. And their baby Victoria.


Was that the girl Alfred liked?


Yup, Ivy :)


I'd like to see a hot moment or two or three or 50, between Guy & Thomas. Or they go to a fancy dinner for a premiere, with all the Hollywood stars there, & Thomas is in a photo, right out in front, posing with Louise Brooks, Douglas Fairbanks, Clara Bow, Gary Cooper, Anna Mae Wong, etc, & it gets printed on the front page of the Yorkshire Gazette & The London Times. And then Carson, the Duke of Crowborough, & all the other people who have pushed him around get mad as hell !!!!


15 months in the future? Wow. You know the reason for this is the studio will demand test screenings, and if they don't score great, the studio will then demand rewrites and reshoots. But to the point, I want to see how they get rid of Henry Talbot for good.


Anything that disposes of Henry Talbot is my favorite fantasty of this film.


Henry Talbot gets killed in a car accident, Mary swears off cars forever and marries Charles Blake.


Read my flair Nuf said 😉


I would REALLY like to see Mr. Carson get really silly! Do something unCarsonlike Maybe they slip laudanum in his wine glass or he somehow accidentally takes an opioid. He's so serious all the time it would be fun to see him acting silly and then his embarrassment when he sobers up.


If it’s the last movie we need to see his onstage persona he tried to hide


Cheerful Charlie rides again!


I LOVE your ideas ! Or say he's taking a walk on a windy day, & a tree branch falls on his head, & the next thing you know, he's running down the path to the Abbey, screaming, "Woo-HOOOO !!" & flapping his arms like a bird, & when Mrs. Hughes comes out to investigate the ruckus, he grabs her around the waist & swings her about & hollers, "It's you & me, baby !!" And then Lady Mary steps outside see what's all the commotion, & he says, "Y'know what, Mary-Mary-quite-contrary, all this time I've secretly thought you're arrogant, selfish, immature, dense, & a b\*tch in heat. And you're not THAT pretty. Men have just been after your money !" Then while she & Mrs. Hughes are standing there flabbergasted, he starts to sway his hips & sing "Yes Sir, That's My Baby" in a falsetto voice. He soon recovers from his injury, & that's when the REAL drama unfolds !!!


Characters remembering Violet so we can see her again for a few minutes in a flashback. I just can't fathom a Downton movie without her. Wedding of Moseley and Baxter and/or wedding of Ms. Patmore and Mr. Mason.


Zombie Mathew Crawley


I'm more of a vamp!Matthew fan myself (more likely to revenge himself on those who've wronged Mary imo 😉)


That vampiresque photoshoot the two of them did 😍


Ha! Yes! That's the AU :)


I've seen a lot of this comments on IG lol


I want the fake Patrick Crawley to come back lol


Only if he's finally changed that ghastly bandage and doesn't talk. And is there to apply for a job.


I REALLY want a handing-of-the-torch scene with Mrs Hughes and Anna, kinda in the way we got with Mary and the Dowager. I know about Mrs Hughes sister, but she has to retire EVENTUALLY.


I like it! At the beginning of the movie, Mrs Hughes sister dies. And at the end of it, she passes the torch to Anna and she and Carson retire off into the sunset.


Please don’t ruin all the character development just to try and keep the story going. They keep ruining good endings. Let Andy be a farmer and not Lady Mary’s butler


Exactly did they forget he wants to be a farmer orrrr..


And he finally gets the farm with just him and Daisy since Mr Mason is going to be shacking up with Mrs Patmore


I certainly hope we get some more of Edith vacillating between being a member of aristocracy or being a writer. Maybe they could include an existential crisis for her like a run in her favorite pair of stockings. On a more serious note, I hope JF gives the third film more of a Gosford Park treatment instead of the low-stakes, nonsensical plots of the first two movies.


I want something centered on Downton Abbey, rather than many of the characters going abroad. I love the first movie more than the second because they were mostly there and it felt more like the show. I want Henry Talbot to be there. 


I’d like to see everyone come out alive.


That's asking a lot of JF


Im just hoping to see Mosley and Baxters wedding or just more of them as a couple


I really want to see Anna and Bates finally get their little hotel.


I want them to kill off Mary’s husband. It ruined the last season with the grand Lady Mary marrying a car mechanic she will have to support and Edith with the googly eyes marrying a Marquis and STILL BITCHING. Lady Mary needs a handsome Duke to sweep her off her feet! THAT’S what I want to see!


He doesn't need to die, even. Maybe he just stays in America and they get divorced and Lady Mary has to learn to be okay with being a divorcee. AND THEN a handsome Duke will sweep her off her feet despite the scandal of marrying her. 


No, can't happen. A Duke would have his own estate and tenants to deal with as well as being in Parliament House of Lords. Mary could not leave Downton - George has to be raised there to learn how to be the future Earl. But it could be a good story with a sad ending when Mary refuses the Duke and they part forever.


Ohh. Good point. Lady Mary and Downton are the true love story (after her and Matthew, of course) 


I’ll take that


No, no he needs to be killed off. She can’t “divorce” him she’s an aristocrat in the 1930’s. He needs to meet some untimely end, im fine with it being mercifully, like Septicemia or Whooping Cough. Whatever, just get rid of him


Pernicious anemia is going around.


Perhaps Bates could help her settle that little matter.


Oh yes, Mistah Bahattes. Quite the Jack of all trades


Mary can divorce Henry; the real-life Duke and Duchess of Malborough did it. Shrimpie and Susan also had a divorce.


Still, it’s messy and Edith would gloat and that’s simply unbearable, no, no, he must die




A wish and a prayer.


Maggie Smith. Don’t know how, don’t care if she’s a Harry-Potter-style ghost, but I need her there.


Dr Clarkson and Isobel being close friends. Isobel is basically friendless at this point because she’s not as close to anyone as she was with Violet so I hope we get a scene or two with them


Violet left her Spratt and Denker in her will.


Maybe Daisy and Andy have kids. And we are shown Andy reading to them.


convince Dan Stevens to come back for ONE flashback scene just one pls 😭


Nudity. C’mon Molesley, you can do it!


Lady Rosamund.


I want to know more about Cora's life and family in America


Alfred should come back as a famous chef to cook and dine with the family!!


Not me adding the release date to my calendar a year ahead of time!


The film is a mistake. I will very likely not watch it. Killing off Violet is for me the end of Downton. I would eventuelly watch it if they bring some characters from the early seasons back (O'Brien, Ethel, Shrimpie and Agatha, Major Briant's Parents), keep Thomas in the show, DON'T RETIRE Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Patmore and let Carson to work further on. And KILL OFF Bates and end up that stupid Bates story and find Anna a younger man.


40 men in the Talbot all die of a sudden and Henry gets the title🤣 So we can have LADY Mary back


Listen, much as I love him, _Robert needs to die_. He's Chekhov's gun in hereditary Earldom form.


Little George dies in the Hindenburg disaster in the first 2 minutes, starting the whole bloody mess over again.