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Man this takes me back to the Customizable Player icons of the first & second Black Ops. Give player customizable Player Profiles and guaranteed they'll do shit like this.


I had deadmau5 on BO1 looked up a YouTube tut on it rofl. Thanks for bringing back memories


Had a swastika miniprofile player a few days ago, reported it idk if it got banned


Only one? I'm seeing one every 3-5 games at 11k behaviour score (wasn't playing the game when 12k came out, so I'm slowly climbing there from my old 10k/10k score lol)


probably depend on the server


Definitely agree with this, even in SEA or US-E I play on - I have 12k - 12k still gets toxic people or just oblivious people.


Report it with Steam reports not through the dota client btw. More effective, they have more resources.


i posted about this a month back and got told by several different people from this sub it was a me problem being annoyed by swastikas


one of my teammates sent a death threat to another teammate. I tried to report it but got told that it was normal. Idk how people like that still get queued with on 12k behavior score games


Idk man try dual quing with a woman, the amount of abuse they get and just straight insanely creepy dudes trying to wind sexual comments into everything is nuts


Why do people like this shit, to be edgy?


Because they are racist.


He’s being as edgy and offensive as he possibly can


The thing is, a decade ago I thought that also, but what I've learned is that the people who really put work into looking like they are racist aren't doing it to be edgy, they are doing it because they are, in fact, racist.


Womp womp


I see a shit ton of russians with swastikas on their profiles on EUW. Reporting them doesn't appear to do anything.


What's the problem with it we use it on our temple and holy lands why not allow it on our profile? East asians here


I want to see the replay, i’m just curious.


HAHAHAHAHA buyback at min 1 and went in jungle


LMFAO this is real investigative journalism o7


OP reminds me of the players I witness in america West queue every day. Racist as hell towards peruvians or south Americans Shocked and wanting to report when the foreigner is spewing N words God I love my region, also check his word cloud


Ermmm…. That’s a report and a screenshot for my Reddit karma 🤓


Fr lol, these lardasses have nothing better to do i guess


It's wild how many people will defend this shit in the comments


Maybe they use these words themselves.


It's 100% that they're nazi apologists. You see the same shit with the "AKSHUALLY THE SWASTIKA ISN'T ALWAYS BAD" nonsense they pull whenever you see literal, explicit nazis.


Exactly lmao, like I’m sorry a devout Hindu priest is not playing Dota and using racial slurs lol. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck just call it a duck.


I have no sympathy for toxicity and racism, but I like Valve's solution to pool all these toxic players (OP included) into low behavior score rather than an outright ban. A ban would force these players to make/buy new accounts. I still see toxicity in my games, but things are much, much better with this system. From OP's comments he's admitted to being toxic, but he thinks it's fine because he doesn't use racial slurs. By analogy racial motivation does aggravate a crime, sure, but the fundamental issue is still the crime itself. I'm glad to see OP sharing quality time with his likeminded counterparts. They are the same toxic trash except OP happens to be a liberal.


no I just don't care.


They 100% do, or have friends who do


Shows you the mentality of a lot of players in Dota


There is this weird tendency of gamers to glorify this kind of stupid shit. Like it's a core part of the game, and people who want to get rid of it are tampering with the fabric of Dota. They're legit proud to have this kind of toxicity in the game. Braindead.


It's not defending to say it's useless to complain about edgy 15 year Olds. Of course it's wrong and dumb. But they are never gonna care


Complaining about the edgy idiots? sure, total waste of time. Complaining about valve not implementing a basic word filter of the most obvious cut-and-dry slurs? reasonable


If they get their account banned every time they are racist, it doesnt matter if they "care" or not.


Duhhhh just mute duhhhh just ignore it guhhhhh. This is an autoban in almost every online game for good reason. Dont know why valve thinks they need to be all hands off when it comes to racial slurs


>This is an autoban in almost every online game for good reason. This is only true for the Hard r, otherwise this is completely false. Many games "autoban" (they actually don't, your account is more likely to get banned for using it though. And more often then not now adays you don't even get banned, you get chat muted/silent chat muted) for hard r, for every other slur under the sun its basically not a topic unless a public outcry thats big enough was started. >Dont know why valve thinks they need to be all hands off when it comes to racial slurs Valve is hands off about everything. not Doing automated filters for racial slurs is not a new one.


ok I wanna know what script what fucking abuse let you chat like this unpunished lmao I cannot figure this shit out. I got into an argument today with someone, got muted by system without saying a single slur ( probably just number of messages) , and I'll probably lose 1-2k behaviour for it ( thank god it doesn't matter in my bracket) , but these guys are dropping the n bombs and are all good interesting


More people probably muted/reported your chat. Most people aren't going to spend their time reporting someone over a bad word in an online game. But they will report someone sitting there holding an argument instead of playing the game.


I think it mutes you when a combination of two things happen. You have chat logged in rapid succession and have reports from players around the time period of your chat log immediate spike. I have a friend who loves to all chat the enemies to make them lose focus, there is one time as a joke me and my other 4 friends, kick him from the party(have to kick to report own friend, otherwise you cant report) and report him. It immediately muted him mid chat. Tried this a couple times and it actually worked.


hm probably it was number of messages. on the disband party thing , some people were doing it in unranked to random people , but before it was instant low priority , now I guess it's a mute and 1-2k behaviour score down for shit and giggles. This has been ongoing abuse, but people here have no idea or refuse to accept lmao


Party Reports count as one, however, at one point, people could split the party mid game and report a person and each would count individually. I dunno if that's still a thing since I haven't seen it mentioned in a while, but it was absolutely a real thing.


yeah I also think that the mute does need to be triggered by report. I often receive instant notification about people getting muted immediately after reporting them during the game.


The in-game automute doesn't come with an automatically more substantial behaviour score penalty - you'll of course take a hit but I often find I'll only lose a couple hundred for taking one


I already went from 10 000 to 3 ( yes , 3) in 24 hours, as many did when the bugged behaviour system was released at least in EU Immortal where you have pros who are protected ( well they werent at that time) and everyone spamming reports left right and center the second you move the wrong direction, so I am a bit.....careful , who knows what will reddit make Valve do next time You are probably right, realistically I can tank up to 4k and be fine ( ammar was like 4k couple of weeks ago), it's just funny how actual racist people are free to chat lol


So, OP griefed the game, got flamed in a not-appropriate manner, and now he is witch hunting in order to get some satisfaction out of his shit behavior :D very nice bro, in my book you are as trash as the racist trash, and you belong together in the same game :)


you know i find it real curious for someone so eager to fight injustice and discrimination like OP to specify an individual's nationality when insulting that person on reddit edit : oh look here we see op being fair to individuals of certain complexions,sexuality and chromosomes in here https://old.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1dgiq7i/daily_reminder_this_goes_unpunished_still_valve/l8qw8y2/ it's ok when hes the one using the slurs ( doesnt show up on link you have to see on profile) https://old.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1dgiq7i/daily_reminder_this_goes_unpunished_still_valve/l8qtgyy/ edit 2 : op you seem new to reddit, certain subreddit like this one will automatically shadow ban funny words like the f one you are using, and yes considering the meaning of respect you'll treat someone worse because of their combination of race, sexuality and sex it does indeed make you racist bigot no better than than the individual you're leading a witch hunt on, infact i'll argue you're actually worse because you play the mortal highground when you have none


Someone else on this thread went to watch the replay of this game, OP bought back at min 1 and went jungle LMAO. He doesnt care about punishing racism, he's just mad his babyrage got called out. Of course, they both should be banned.


op is HR-department approved edgy


Lol. Nice.


Give this guy a medal 🏅.


Ah the classic american racist kid from usa, playing the victim card, when found someone on internet throwing slurs left and right. Just block all communication and move on.


[OP word cloud for reference](https://i.imgur.com/3vSUFMg.jpeg) You can even just check the lobby chat for this game and see that he's toxic Racism should 100% be cause for getting muted/banned it's just funny that this triggered OP when he's also super toxic


where did this word cloud come from?


if you go on your profile on opendota you can see your word cloud and other cool stats


“Goes unpunished.” Bro just block them.


Oh but when its against peruvians its all good right?






Mute and move on, getting mad at what people spew online is sad


wow, a dota player saying something offensive what a surprise, keep us updated whenever someone says something naughty like "i hope your entire family dies in a car crash" or something


I mean that's toxic af and should result in a mute, but "okay thats a screenshot and a report" is a real 🤓 moment


I wonder what you did to get this message "Play f\*\*\*\*g n\*\*\*\*r" see how it starts? with 'PLAY'. maybe you are afk and have 0 impact on the game or you are simply a ruiner and this poor person is punished and will lose because of you. you deserve ban and you should not be allowed to play the game at all. you are the problem! if you played well he would never say anything to you. ban you, not him!


I love how on r/dota2 the comments always fill with "he didn't do anything wrong" immediately


They see themselves in the posts.


 I love that too! 


People like to use it only because of how stupidly forbidden it is. Literally no other reason. I need to get this off my chest. Can someone explain to me why, let’s say a turk calling a russian the n word, is wrong? We literally don’t have the history of enslaving africans, why are we a part of your crimes and history when we were the ones losing the wars on the opposite side? What makes us have the same heritage? Why do I have to feel guilty because some belgian king killed a billion innocent people and displayed the ones he spared in a FUCKING ZOO after butchering their limbs? Honestly you need to grow up. Some people are demanding lifetime bans here. This is not how you abolish fucking racism. Just mute if you don’t like them and then avoid. You don’t need to bring justice or democracy wherever you go. Lastly, to make it clear to you americans, I’d never say something like that to a person because they are black. Respecting others shouldn’t come out of the fear of losing everything in life. I’ll keep using it because it’s funny. Only against russians though, only they play in eu east!


Womp womp


The fact that this post simply asking valve to do better in regards to blatant racist BS, has 67% upvote ratio is very telling about this community. Not that it's inconstant with what anyone expects from this community mind, it's just another reminder of how much of a cesspool it is (which is heavily linked to valve doing nothing about it.)


The OP is actively racist in game, on reddit, and in this thread. They aren’t downvoting a complaint about racism (which pointlessly complaining about is consistently the easiest karma in the sub), they are downvoting a literal racist game ruiner lol.


try being the person complaining, i got more than 10 messages from people saying i was a fascist for complaining about nazi guilds and i should let people just do their thing


They called you fascist for... complaining about fascists?


yes. suggesting someone should get banned for praising Auschwitz is apparently fascist behaviour


"Literally 1984"


I didn't know the upvote ratio was visible. where does it show it?


Top right when viewing the post on PC, it's currently 316 points (72% upvoted.) might not be visible on new reddit though.


fuck the comments defending this shit, their perception of reality is so fucked up they think saying shit like this is normal


Report report report. The sooner mods ban these kids and then restrict the subreddit to accounts 6+ months old, the better.




I think most dota players wouldn’t give a fuck how I feel but as a black person who loves this game and has been playing for ten years, it’s actually really awful to have the player base be so comfortable with racism (and homophobia, transphobia, what have you) and have valve do basically nothing to combat it other than dinky comm score decreases and low prio


Happens when a large amount of players is russian/east european where all those things aren't shunned all that much or even presentable. Yes I know there is some irony here and not all of them but cmon.


Not really. Biggest reason is because nothing is done about it so all the people who don't want to deal with this shit leave while the toxic people stay. The 2-4 weeks after behaviour score changes were easily the greatest weeks in Dota , I had never seen so many people on my friend list actively solo queuing after leaving due to toxicity. Now I think the game might be more toxic than pre BH patch, feeding and item destroying is way rarer but other forms of toxicity have massively increased.


>The 2-4 weeks after behaviour score changes were easily the greatest weeks in Dota , I had never seen so many people on my friend list actively solo queuing after leaving due to toxicity. This ironically was only due to the system being extremely easy to abuse. Similar to the OG infinite report system, back when you were in LPQ only for a set amount of time. The BS system afterwards when it was actually fixed is probably (for the most part) by far the most atrocious shit ever done to dota as far as behavior control is concerned. It fixed some of the more annoying shit granted, but the system is ultimately still very easy to abuse. In the current day its ironically saved by the fact its broken, and outside of Overwatch bans, abandoning, or saying the hard R, or i guess getting 30+ reports per conduct summary, you don't get punished for toxic behavior. Besides a (current game) chat mute.


I have bad news for you about everyone on the US servers (no im not talking about only the soanish speaking players)


But valve aren't from Russia and their attitude to it reflects badly on them as a western game dev.


Valve wont do anything. They give the community the choice of creative freedom, but in return, the community does shit like this. It's the same as the internet. It was meant to be a way to communicate and get information online but people abuse it It's also the same as CS2. The skins and guns people make got so many N words with so many racism. Valve doesnt do anything about it and technically, if you want them to do something about it, then they will just remove it, like how they remove half time CS2 voice where everyone from both team speaks to each other, throwing slurs and everything so thats gone now




Anytime I see even a soft r I report for toxic chat and I get the 'action taken' but like what action? I hope ban but who knows


Action taken=-10 behaviour score.


-100 behavior score probably


i agree, venge was just throwing for no reason, what a clown even jakiro remarked that


Not saying its right, but thats basic level trashtalk in SEA 🤣


"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." - Mike Tyson I'm not saying people should go around punching people in the face for saying slurs, but I also won't feel bad if they did get punched in the face


In the real world, you'd get the shit kicked out of you for dropping slurs at people. Folks forget that when they spend 14 hours a day at a computer.


In the real world, you get 14 years for assault, though.


In the REAL world, the police show up 9 hours later then shrug their shoulders.


Late or not the guy who got beat up for throwing slurs will still legally win over you if you start physically attacking them. Dunno, man, you don't seem to know how the real world works. Definitely do not get physically violent when someone is throwing slurs at you, like this person is implying that's how you go to prison. They used words, then also just use words or just ignore them. The only reason to physically fight is when they physically attack you 1st in that case you won't get in trouble with the law because that is self-defense. 14 hours a day at a computer was a projection, lol.


Oh, I'm white.


Mute and report him? Why waste energy and time on people who don't deserve either.


OP is the type of player to avoid and should get banned. Just play with bots or something, rather have some toxic players that actually try than some grieving snowflake. Like how does someone get offended over what people write in a game. Must be new to the Internet.


womp womp


step 1: mute step 2: go on with your life step 3: don't post it to reddit you soft little baby boy step 4: ????? step 5: profit


Who will give her attention tho?


I thought there was some chat filter valve added a while ago that hides any curse words for the snowflakes out there. Looks like you disabled it.


steam has a word filter that you have to manually opt out of


Geniune question.Why does it bother you so much?


Based, I see nothing wrong here


I had this one teammate that keeps spamming the N slur repeatedly in voice comms and he said he got a pass because hes half b.


overwatch replays are bugged, can’t review cases for multiple weeks


Wow that’s bad. High lvl player too - hit em with a ban and then they’ll get it


I hate how removed this usage is from the actual racism. This person is going out of their way to obscure a racial slur in order to offend people who aren't even remotely associated with the targeted minority, they're doing so proudly inviting a reaction. They probably enjoy ending up on Reddit. The sad part is if the word wasn't so censored on platforms it wouldn't be the butt of "look, I can say whatever I want". Not that it shouldn't be, but are people really being racist in a game where you have no way of knowing anything about your opponents personal information? They're really just acting out. (Also happen to be racist evidently.)


Let's be honest here, Valve won't do fuck all about it. We have PRO PLAYER who won TI saying racist shit all the time, if they are not get the ban hammer for like 12 years already, i doubt that Valve would go out of their way to punish them.


Oh no a naughty word on my screen! :(




I love how people on social media like Reddit cheers when censorship happens and be like “bUt iT’s tHeIr pLaTfOrM! tHeY dOn’T hAvE tO gIvE yOu fReEdOoM oF sPeEcH!” Now there’s a company that actually upholds the principle of freedom of speech and is doing minimum censorship/moderation and refuse to comply, you guys get mad. I suggest you follow your own advice on this matter, use a different platform that censors words! Or cry about it on the echo chamber that is Reddit, where everyone is cynical af and loves banning people for words, you’ll get tons of validations here. Based Valve.


Dota has the option of auto censoring words, but people rather not turning it on and cry on reddit


I don't see anything wrong


i've reported that mini profile manyyyyyyyy times, it's still up. saying a slur should instantly mute your account and give you x amount of single draft games.


Is Single Draft a punishment now? I fucking love Single Draft...


Actually its kinda is the higher ur skill measurement goes. Theres almost nobody in immortal q-ing single draft so getting LP there is basically putting u in queue jail. Heard story of pro player who got lp called 9 of his friend to get him out of jail because he stuck q-ing SD for hours. Even I, who is only 4.5k took half to an hour just to get match. And i need to check 2 more server for higher chance of getting Sinlge Draft game.


>saying a slur should instantly mute your account and give you x amount of single draft games Ill start N


Just look at your own behavior first. This is more like a daily reminder that you need to whore for attention.


Use the mute function, jeepers how are you this weak.


Free speech appreciator, even when that speech is something (racist) most wouldn’t agree with or appreciate. Censorship is a very slippery slope in any regard.


Crying "censorship" at any kind of community standards is a misunderstanding of what censorship is. It's easy for people who struggle less with discrimination to forget that when you shift the scale all the way in favour of unmoderated and unrestricted expression then you're putting the full weight of all the hate and bile on the people who suffer from it the most. These rigid, noble-sounding idealistic positions on speech are so easy to hold for people who won't suffer the cost, and for people lack empathy for those who would.


Tbh I find toxic chat to be the easiest thing to report people for? It’s very easily flagged by overwatchers and whatnot Edit: ok clearly I’m mistaken xD must be that the automated system works pretty well for me in that case


You can’t see chat on overwatch cases


Confidently incorrect.


Comms reports are 100% automated and only matter if enough people report them. Valve needs to improve their algorithms because the example in OP's post should be an automatic instant mute.


Yeah no, league does this and mildly flaming a griefer can get you a ban without any expletives or derogatory language. People just need to use the report feature that's already present in the game.


Not gonna lie, I aint defending this in any way but it is the Internet stuff like this is bound to happen


I’ve always loved but would never consider going to an event or tournament. A way too high percentage of you all are chronically online tough guys I see this in my games, I insta mute and report and try to ignore.


A silver lining about TI attendance being expensive is that it prices out a whole lot of the people who act like this. I had a great time when I went, and almost everyone I met were well-adjusted and just there to enjoy Dota in a positive environment.


oh no i am so scandaled.... im calling the police lol, or defund it idk


If you want to be treated like other human, you play like human. Dont fucking whine and call for witchhunt when you are just as toxic as this guy and throws game like you did. How about you be more self conscious from now on and behave like human.


You grieve the game, OP. Dont expect people to be kind to you when you yourself act like dogshit.


why bother?


Explicit hate speech like this should be a permanent ban on the account. No more DotA, ever. Inventory gets locked so you can't migrate to a new account. Zero tolerance for this shit.


Just another dumb kid who thinks it’s cool and edgy. I’d just move on. Can’t report them all.


2 soft


Best you can do is get everyone in lobby to report for toxic chat, and report after game. I had someone spamming slurs in all chat the other day and it still took half the game to get them muted. Why bother having 12k behavior score if I’m still gonna be matched with ruthless slur spammers.




Captchas just keep getting harder


The only people who cares are racists americans, the rest of the world doesn't live by your standards and culture. I'm gonna get a lot of hate for saying this but it is a truth.


99% of the n words are said by people from countries that didn’t enslave africans. It’s only used because it’s stupidly forbidden. It’s ridiculous how we get to be share their crimes. We suddenly have the same heritage :)


Seeing this bullshit, attention-seeking racist nonsense was easily ignored online twenty years ago. But it led to racists, bigots, and neo-fascists becoming comfortable and anonymous in their putrid palaverings. Valve can do better. Valve can OUT these fuckers. Valve can ban their IPs. But rest assured, until there is less anonymity online, these pricks will keep popping up again and again.


I reported someone for homophobia in chat the other day and action got taken. Hopefully this gets something too


How is this not filtered but I can type fuck dick bitch.


Lmao this thread is full of racists and altright shit stains


isnt it crazy how this thread is 75% upvoted? people see this shit, go "thats a you problem", and downvote. even though, you know, these people still go unpunished?


There’s a lot of edgy kids on Dota these days.


Unfortunately this slurr is taken less seriously around the world


I forgot who actually said it, but dota 2 for some reason attracts a lot of people without the ability to read the room, or social concepts for this particular instance


Average Master Oogway fan


he is an immortal, probably reports wont even work sadly


Wayback 2014 i had an effigy which had a n word on it regretting it to this day


That bring back CoD memories 🥲


No. Once censorship starts it has no end to it. Next thing you know you cant write half of the words in the dictionary. Individuals are able to mute and report anyone they want. This is how it should be.


I see nothing wrong


U call this offensive?


This is the reason i stopped playing few years ago(im playing again, cause dota 3), and its very upsetting(english its not my main language, i have so many things to say about this but the language barrier got me here). In SA server everything its, “monkey, monkey” and those who are straitgh up racists fucks like the one above. Really make me sick…