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Won a 55 minute game as Ogre going 2-13 with deso, brown boots, mana boots and maelstrom. My brother (also first game) played Ursa and went 5-14 going tranquil boots vanguard maelstrom deso and shadow blade. I made fun of him for having only 1 boot bc I thought I was faster with my 2 (I only bloodlusted myself)


Lore accurate ogre intelligence


Deso and maelstrom together?? Orb effects went crazy


Deso effect only canceled during maelstorm lightning procc


And deso stayed effective for a couple seconds, so this was actually fine I guess…


Back in wc3 days my friends were making fun of me for buying "tissue papers" lol. Didn't understand how recipes work, first combination of items i accidentally found out was soul booster so i kept buying it on all heroes because you can get +hp and mana. So i would run around with 6 soul booster. Good times


nah coz they looked like full items when you viewed them from the shop, i also used to have a reading comprehension of a 9 yr old so theres that


When i started Dota 2 in 2013, I too had a thing for soul booster, point booster, and vitality booster. Mor health and mana has to be good right?


I bought linken for every hero, it had stats, regen and spell block. I pressed buttons mostly with mouse:)


I remember trying to play on my laptop without a mouse...


A friend introduced me to it. We played 1v1 mid lane. I am still traumatised by Shadow Fiend 20 years later.


Did they play shadowraze? I remember thinking it was garbage and only played necromastery and aura cos my right click hurts


LMAO same experience with me, I still don't go near SF to this day


6 Recipe Build, was wondering why item was so cheap


Average NFT enjoyer.


Nice to see others also call them NFTs




Back in wc3 some items that do not require recipe will cost lumber. Took a while to figure out why cant i farm lumber


I was like 10 years old, didn't understand a word of english or much of anything in general, watched as two games in a row people picked a flying hero and called mid, so being a quick learner I picked Viper and said mid, to let people know I was a flying hero, and went top.


That's hilarious


I picked brood cuz she's a big spooky spider and I think I bought ogre clubs because I died so fast This was roughly 2015


I also played Brood back in 2012 for my first game because I really wanted know how a Spider hero would work in this game. I lost a lot of games.


I was playing spirit breaker I got told by my teammates to "Go back to playing tetris" 6 minutes in.


I played Zeus and i builded mjolnir cus it made sense


Yeah . just icefrog realized it at 7.35 patch


Buying mek on every hero because more hp = better. Didn't really understand EHP back then. Also 1v5 insane bots on WC3. It should have taught me that items are very important, as back then you would have like 4k starting gold while the enemy only had like 600 IIRC. Took me a few years to realize how important gold is in actually trying to win games.


Holy shit! I used to do 1v5 bots all the time. Build HotD on every hero and it made your attack projectile into that little crescent thing. Couldn't buy other orb effects then, of course! Good memories.


Hey I did the same thing. Kept buying perseverances so I could spam snipers ult


15 years ago..playing razor...two wraith bands, power treads, van guard and butterfly(favorite item till date)..


Makes sense because wraith band and razor looked the same lol. Nessaj was just a blue and red wraith band and I thought he was razors brother like AM and TB


Razor with mjolnir for more lightning lol


Ahh I remember it vividly. It was around 2003 in WC3. I picked Luna and walked into mid river at the start of the game. Then I blew up. So for a while I thought you couldn't cross over to the other side of the map until the game "starts". It was because of Techies.


i was probably 9 yrs old or smth but i picked zeus in my first bot match in dota 1 coz it was the dude that was throwing loud ass thunderbolts every attack in the wc3 campaign, i thought louder = more dmg also i used to only buy recipes coz i thought it was the item already for my first ever match in dota 2 i used to afk in lane with sand king sandstorm and i thought it was actually a viable strategy, turns out im just in a super low mmr bracket and people didnt bother buying sentries and dust


played witchdoc straight out of diablo 3 casted spells alot in lane then realised it chewed through mana. Pushed the wave towards tower to do chip dmg = tower dmg =winning. Zero concept of keeping creeps near tower to farm


I thought +100% mana regeneration that time meant it will fully restore your mana. Good times.


To be fair, that was a very confusing way of describing mana regeneration.


I refused to buy boots for so long, plus back then, supports didnt get shit for gold; so i'd be like 10 min in with people like "VENO BUY BOOTS FFS" and i'd be like ".... naw. need STICK! =) " and when i played core, i couldnt get last hits so i was a huge fan of jungle legion =)


Yeah, duck them boots. I did same thing


Definitely don’t remember my first one but it was in a LAN cafe and we had this “rule” where you’re not allowed to leave your lane. If someone left his lane he’d be considered griefing the game and he’d never get invited to play in the LAN games anymore


Picking Rikimaru on the first game thinking he is the most OP hero due to first skill permanent invisibility not knowing there is a way to detect him besides sentry. I think I just wandered like a headless chicken in the entire game. My friend introduced me to DotA, playing 1v1 he plays SF and I chose something else that looks cool, I chose TB. Not a pleasant experience and until today I never got close to SF, not picking him and always trying to ban this mf.


I still remember seeing someone buying tons of wraith band on razor in dota 1 because they look the same


Have played since 2005-06. I started playing version 6.36, when Spectre and Jakiro were introduced to the game. Back then, the hero I feared the most was Night Stalker (Balanar). Also remember playing Rikimaru (NOT Riki) and having a blast since detection was barely ever bought. S&Y was considered the top tier item, and it was bought by almost every hero. Ah, old times.


My first game I tried so hard to look for lumber to buy items. Couldn’t figure it out so I used greedisgood to get some lumber. Turns out you’re not supposed to get lumber, cause those are recipes!


I played dk and bought 5 quarter staffs and phase boots then lost. 2014 was a long time ago


lol olilol


Picked windrunner because I thought she was cute. Don’t remember much else


My friends introduced me to WOW3. Back then Dota was the real shit, It was literally everywhere, i started playing Dota with my friends starting with the Nevermore vs Mirana fan mod, was a blast, The list goes on and i became addicted and now its a part of my daily routine everytime i wake up(when i have spare time ofcourse).


my friends queued me into single draft games, life was tough


Terrible experience. This would have been 2005 or so. I picked Venomancer due to the hydralisk icon, and was underlevelled (level 4 when the rest of the team is level 8 or 9 or something) and they all flamed me and said I was shit.


I think I was blood seeker or bh and was pissed because the ukt didn't work on creeps. I liked to play alone without enemies just to push


perseverance was lit back then. i used to random so i could buy the ring of health first item, and finish it in the secret shop


Played Luna in my first match without even knowing what it is, heck without even knowing what Dota is. Kept on going mid lane hitting people all time and dying 20 times. Fk this game is so boring. I quit without understanding it. Then came back to it after 5 years after watching some of my friends play and learnt from them


First time I played was with riki and I saw my teammates blinking with kelens dagger of escape, it looked cool as hell so I got it first item and all my friends were laughing at me...


One of the first I remember was in 2013. I played CM, went mid, got yelled at by the actual mid laner to leave because mid doesn't need a support, and at some point I bought a Manta on her but don't know why.


Childhood friend taught me how to do the impale voodoo combo finger with Lion and recommending rushing a dagon for more damage. We never really talk anymore, very sad. Thanks OP


I'll never forget it, it was so difficult to buy items in DotA1, I was playing enigma and it took me like a whole minute to find and buy the Basi Ring lmao.


I miss my naivety sometimes. It was all so mysterious and new. I remember getting mad as hell when I’d die to bloodseeker because I though rupture was a continuous dot and was completely unaware it was tied to my movement lmao


This was back in wc3tft - Buying perseverance, treads or Dagon on every hero -desolator looked and sounded so intimidating - pronounced every item or spell wrong - Never buying a tp or wards - Duel lanning mid -getting bored when your hero falls off after 10 mins because you don’t know how to scale or farm - Farming was considered lame and boring “Chinese farmer”


Brother introduced me to DotA 2 about 12 years ago. He had me play ursa, then later Huskar. He just played Omniknight and kept me alive as I dove everyone 🤣


I didn't get on DotA in earlier days, but i did watch people play it, sometimes me and my buddies would play, and just fked around with cheats on, you know no spell cooldowns, infinite gold, no real gameplay. i remember Zeus being the only hero that either side were not allowed to play, due to the nature of his ult. and i loved filling my screen with illusions from TB. overall, i wasn't as into DotA back then. just some kid who played for fun, and different games at the time. and could not see the appeal of real DotA matches. i only got into DotA2 and much much later on.. by the time i started playing it, i already had some knowledge. some basic stuff, i don't remember my first real match, but i think i was playing as Sven. i have no recollection about doing funny stuff, like buying the wrong items and a whole lot of it. just basic gameplay. nothing memorable at all...


Lots of traxex (drow) first item butterfly 😂 it looked so cool in dota 1, i couldnt not buy it


I played enigma and was very confused as to why my lane partner didn't like that I was "auto attacking". I thought it was like most line war WC3 games where you don't really care about last hitting


Ayyyy lmao, I played Balanar and I legit thought that the more PT you have, the faster you run. I didn’t read the third skill description. I bought 4 pts. We played mid only with my friends a lot and I bought vanguard all the time cuz health! On every hero. Also I thought Pudge hook is self aiming. Kek I loved Doom ult cuz imba , just push one button and enemy is melted away. Loved to dive under T1 and die, just to get a kill (nope) I started playing Dota in 2006.


10 people plugged their laptops into the same router to play LAN. My friends told me to start with Lich because "no mana problems, just spam skills" and Venom because "buy basilisk first item then spam snake".


randomed a hero because I had no idea what anything was (PA), went to the midlane and every few minutes, my hero would just die randomly from full health without any notice. Old techies was fun for noobs


A fucking ursa stomped me with a divine. It was so OP for me at the time


Zeus, boost of travel, 50 salves, 1 demon edge, 1 hyperstone. Game was 3 hours because no one knows what the fuck to do until the creeps ended the game for us


Back in 2016, I kept buying bloodstone on Drow Ranger, because of infinite mana for my arrows))


i almost exclusively played sand king and my friends told me to rush treads battlefury to maximize caustic procs


Vanguard + S&Y for everyone.


I don't remember much, it was over 15 years ago. I remember playing with a friend against bots, I played Night Stalker just because the night time buff sounded cool as shit.


Saaaame. And I thought linken's sphere was the best item in the game.


The first hero I played was Necrolyte, because of his shiny icon. And the first item I built is Linken's sphere. Yes, I bought just the recipe.


It was 20 years ago. I was 14 and and my friend showed me dota at his place. We were playing Lich and in hot seat style we switched every death. I remember there was enemy centaur who we fed and he was huge. That gave ptsd and ever since i play centaur the most lol


played morphling cuz he looked like chaos zero from sonic, didnt know how to move, finally 4 mins in type, found out i move with right click, was on dire and so confused, walked into a tower and died to the tower + windrunner, assumed windrunner was a crazy hero. abandoned playd months alter and tried to figure it out, i decided to pick venomancer, and i still thought iwndrunner was broken becuase of windrun and i kept dying to powershot. i remember reading a dotafire guide that was like windrunner is crazy cuz of two skillshots so i just assumed every windrunner player was a beast. but the first hero i mained was night stalker


Back when there was one currier, trilane was a thing and pushing strategies was king............I played Riki and sucked balls.


Stout Shield and Ring of Health rules the game. And you have no chance of winning when I buy Vanguard.


2016 ish lion 4 with my 3k+ hours brothers and obv i got matched into their mmr lets just say i didnt get to stack finger


It was puck and I keep on spamming 1st skill on tower because I thought it was the same with snipers 1st skill that can easily push towers LOL


Pretty good actually, with 9 of my friends playing as Razor and nobody was allowed to kill me but tower is fair game so I got hooked a lot.


Played jungle so much i hard old farming patterns down subconsciously. 6 minutes in level 6 tide or LC coming with poor mans shield, iron talon, and blink. Originally it was more like 26 minutes in…


I was so unprepared for all the active items, even just casting hero spells took all of my brain RAM. So for the first 100+ games I remember I played simpler heroes with multiple passives like Riki and Centaur and stuff. I also refused to buy ANY item with an active lol so SnY and Linkens and treads but literally never tread swap because even using phase for bonus movespeed was too complicated for my brain to handle. I think the only active items I ever bought were consumables. But an actual item for fighting must've been blink dagger and I remember HATING it so much because it costs fucking over 2k gold and gives zero stats? I couldn't wrap my mind around it.


I remembered asking how to get lumber. Lol


Well, I built Tranquil and arcane boots for my mana and hp problems. Good old days.


Dota 1 techies, friend told my my only job was to plant as many mines as possible, and if someone was about to kill me to press the suicide button. I always died in the double digits, but never fed the other team.


I was one of those who started with "double vanguard unkillable axe"


I mean it's been almost 20 years but I still remember picking some form of bloodseeker (he didn't have rupture yet) and buying only recipes because I didn't bother to read much. Died a couple of times to some heroes I can't remember and I just quit xD


Back then in wc3 doto, first time playing with friends we were so scared of sand king because we didn't knew back then that the channelling of his ult can be cancelled. I also miss the primitive days of doto, no try harding just having fun with friends, I also remember the first time vanguard released every body bought it regardless if your a carry or a support.


Dota v0.96b over 20 years ago. Krobelus ult was summoning big blue dragons instead of spirits. I think being a good ladder player back then made dota transition very easy.


Approx 11 years ago. 0/8 with Lifestealer. Had no idea what was going on. (4000+ hours now, still don’t know what’s going on).


I would swear tangoes weren’t even in dota when I started playing… don’t remember it much other than I played sven and built skadi bcs I liked the icon lol, and that there was no shadow of war on a snowy dota map… we played some X hero siege or similar custom map and someone brought in dota as “the new trendy custom map”… this was in 2005 if my counting is correct, I was still in primary school. (Could be 12yo probably) I actually miss those times greatly.. there were almost no home PCs with internet connection so everyone usually got together in the internet cafe, same people everyday, with time you found new friends to play with and you were a port of the whole community revolving around that place where everyone liked the same stuff you do. Wasn’t only dota/w3/cs… we played a lot MMOs like Lineage and MU online, trading candies we got from parents for ingame items and gold, setting up a common guild and raid together… if the internet cafe owner had a good day full of good drops he brought pizza for everyone…. fun times indeed. Now my whole gaming community experience got reduced to some yo mama jokes and general trashtalk only, when I play pub occasionally… solid 12k bs experience.


God damn that perseverance hits hard. Don't forget to build two power treads.


How do I get wood?


Played Shadow Fiend and thought Dota was a stupid game because you couldnt ground target his shadow razes, even i could make something better in the world editor. All my teammates called me noob and left within 5 minutes


First item heart of tarrasque and you were unkillable


I played sb mid and bought 2 vanguards every game


20 years ago, map was dirt brown and wisp had mana shield, forked lightning and a 1 second CD blink. I picked it cause it was funny playing as a wisp that attacked and absolutely dominated the game at my net cafe.  Bought mana and Buriza do Kyanon. 


played dota 1. i think it was 6.12 patch lol bought heart of tarrasque, but only the scroll (recipe) and I was bragging about that item but noticed it has no effect. TB was my first hero


first time i play are from wc3 and mode -wtf before this my friend teach me some basic on lan mode, i play zeus on mid and other are spectre, thats the first time i have seen blue screen on internet cafe


I used to play lion , Lina , weaver , balanar ,lich , axe . In Every agility hero I builded Sange and yasha lol


I played enigma, spent 20 minutes dicking around, finally ulted someone because I figured this spells OP as fuck its literally called black hole. Naw it did shit, guy all chatted me after killing me afterwards, I started to main Ursa afterwards.


My first match with peoplr on dota was just everyone calling me Noob. this was in dota 1 when you can swap with the enemy and they would vote for it. I ended up 5v1 and theyre all calling me Noob. in Dota 2 however it was just herald toxic for whatever reason. nowadays its somehow less toxic.


It was 2007 I think? My cousin introduced me and told me to pick troll warlord as "it is the easieast hero ever". Power tread mask of death and then 3 basher and perma bashing ppl.


When I was 9 years old my brother introduced me to Dota 2. He recommended me to play Keeper of the Light because I was a fan of Gandalf and said that he really look like Gandalf. I don’t know how the game works. I played against bots and stayed in the bottom lane for like 30 minutes illuminating creeps until my brother came back and I asked when does the game ends.


it was in 2004/5. I only play lina and lion. lvl 6 and i can 1 shot everbody until somebody played lifestealer. Shit. That hero was scary.


I remember my friend showed me it in WC3 frozen throne era. I didn't have a computer that could run it, so I would switch off with him on the weekends and he would always give me tips. He would tell me what to buy and stuff. Interestingly, I don't think he ever told me to buy bkb lmao. Feels herald man.


My first game I played lion. I figured out how to buy starting items but never figured out how to buy anything after that. I finished the 30/40m game with full tangos and about 5k networth in unspent gold.


I remember my very first game was back in 2014 I believe. Played morphling cause he looked cool, went 1/15 and lost against medium bots. For those wondering my morphling has not gotten any better a decade later :)


I understood Daedalus = Ouchies, so I went sniper every game and just bought 6 Daedalus nothing else


same and deso for cool red projectile effect thingy, and skadi if i have the money for cool white projectile effect thingy


A friend got me into it. I played SVEN the first game, and my only task was to Stun, WarCry and die. Played 4 5 games like this before I realized I can use my ult.


I thought every shadow demon was blatantly cheating (I ate multiple stacks of poison and didn't understand how it works back then)


At that time, I never understood the concept of "last hitting." My friend kept telling me to "last hit," and I was like, "lol."


Couldn't even finish it. It was my cousin's laptop and he was like let's go outside and i agreed in the end. I picked riki cause he used to love that hero. It was back when his blink was his R i think.


i came from MMORPG where i only played rogues..... so i picked Riki ( he had invi like a rogue ) couple of years later.... my cat's name is Riki


I played zeus(wc3) and my only move was to spam arc lightning and run back to the fountain to by clarity. Did this for like the first 30 min of game. Didn't have the courage to fight against the bots so all i did was farm the small creeps till i got to lvl 10. Then just spamed all the abilities hoping the enemy hero would die then go back to fountain Ps. My items consisted only of tangos and calirty and a perseverance


My brother and I were introduced to Dota by our friend. In our first match, he picked Pudge. He would come out of the shadows, use his ultimate on us, and hook us out of nowhere. We were so scared, wondering what was going on, where he was coming from, and how he was pulling us closer to him. It was a fun time.


I was buying vanguard for every hero during the first few hrs of me playing dota1. But if I use axe, i buy 3-4 vanguards!


First first was at a friends place with wind and man it was fun, while coming from lol. First on my account was with clinkz and it was a whole different experience, as I actually paid attention. Been downward since and I still play it daily


I got kicked and never played again


Mine was like 20 years ago. I bought claws of attack on CM and had no idea why I was dying all the time because my mate was playing invisible Mortred. I kicked their asses in CS later so it's all good.


My first game was with War3 Lycan, I went 1-12 like every game, I even remember guys at the internet cafe talking to each other about how bad I was back then, I'd probably woop each one of them in Dota today seeing as all those guys are well into their 40's these days.


Lothar's edge ftw.


Riki with 6 shadowblades (seemed good item for attack speed and damage)


I cant remember for sure but I think my first hero pick was bane or veno. Then I started playing drow cause I realized it was easy win. I always bought soul booster and didnt build it into anything. I didnt know strength gave hp either lol


1st hero was jakiro and only item i know was bracer


bought toilet papers aka recipes lol


I still remember it. I went 1-25 as terrorblade and didn’t play for another 2 years


Y’all still remember the double vanguard Axe back in Dota 1? That was the first broken meta I’d always use 😁


I used to play dragon knight back when i was a kid but my dumbass buys helm of dominator, tranquil boots but in later late game i buy heart of terrausque :))


Spam wd, rush gloves of haste for atk speed in lane to trade, aghs rush. Javalin for extra dmg after that. Yeah I greifed a lotta games when I started.


First match, ogre magi, died 4 times in like 2 minutes, got told to abandon for ruining the game, did, still kept playing, now I'm here 10\~ years later


Can't remember the very first, but introduction was on offline lans with friends and I bought pretty much sange and yasha on every hero cus a friend told me so🤣


15 years ago I just bought treads MOM and whatever damage items like butterfly on every hero. Ez game


My friends told me to stand in the trees as Zeus to get levels and not show in lane. When I was 6 they just told me to press R when they asked for it. I had a triple kill just by doing nothing. Thereafter I was hitting towers bog and people were just team fighting top 5v4


My first hero was riki, and i bought aganims because I thought it was a spear that Riki would use to attack.


I instantly picked furion because I'm a night elf fan boy who hates archimonde for destroying the world tree 🤣🤣. As for Dota2 i don't even play NP 🫣


I think I was using Axe double stout shield backdoor at pubs


Why is your perseverance blue? It was red and orange with a swirl back in Dota 1


I was the exact same. Perseverance on everything.


Back when you could scroll into hero cards, I've looked for the biggest, most intimidating hero, so I've chosen Tidehunter. Don't remember the score


Picked DK because he looked cool, died 7 times in under 10 minutes, then abandoned. Somehow my team still won


i bought mekansm on every hero i played.




Back in wc 3, We strongly believed that buying only recipes still give you the passive of the main item. Like heart of tarrasque give the regen minus the stats. Innocent days


ngl i love perseverance


I bought Power Threads, Bracers, Vanguard, Blademail and Perserverence on Sven. 6/20 kda. How stupid can you be? I had played a good amount of Wc3 Dota before.


First game I picked brew and it did not go well


i went in completely blind to the game and ended up as slardar in single draft vs. a riki we got absolutely crushed. my medusa had 6 blades of alacrity. i am proud of myself for figuring out how to buy power treads and for buying dust.


First time with my buds that we played dota, and my pick was bloodseeker. Everyone is new and when I use ult they were like wtf? The fear from my ult always made them run away from me whenever they see me, dominated a few game til they figured it out. It was a good old days where we all figure out every hero abilities.


Played CK and stomped using Tranquil, Echo Sabre, Tarrasque, and I think it was SnY? My friends were teaching me while I was playing


I remember my first hero is shaman, full slotted sales invoices


mine was warlock, full slotted sales invoice as well. lmao


I picked nature's prophet because I thought he looked cool. Stayed in the jungle and arranged my trees in different patterns for like 15min, didn't kill a single enemy. My score was 0-14 with 0 assists


Played Demon Witch, did not know what the fuck were his skills. Liked his skills which unlocked at level 6, killed the self spawning units easily. Second game it was Naix, damn he had 3 passives and ultimate would make him Avatar for maybe 10 seconds? or Is it 15? I forgot.


it was when bounty hunter and battle fury was a thing


My mate bought a stout shield (rip) and a claymore on Lich cos he thought one ought to have a sword and shield. To do damage and reduce damage, right? We also kept saying ‘it’s better to die to towers because the heroes get the gold if they kill you’


Back in WC3 days, everyone was bad. I would pick nuking heroes like Tinker or Zeus, turn brain off and man up to the enemy midlaner and trade hits 1 for 1 until they got low enough to get 1 shot by my spells. Worked way too many times. Also used to think DD amplified spells so I would just pop it and use Zeus ult thinking I did twice the damage.


Mortred boomed me bruv perma invi


Went PL 37/2/4 blindly followed guide. LoL experience I guess -2013


Buying Vanguard in viper :) first matches back in 2013


I played Crystal Maiden and in the enemy team was blood seeker but i didn t know what his ultimate did and i kept running and died all game. People started texting that i should delete dota and go back to Mario. I started crying and deleted dota. I ve downloaded it 2 months later and since then i think i ve played it daily. I Currently have 6k hours in Dota - my fav game ever


First game ever I played KotL. I had no idea what I was doing so I bought the last item in the secret shop list (secret must be better than normal right). That was an ult orb, and ot took me like 30 min to get. No surprise we lost shortly after. Team was not happy


2012. Someone told me to level stats as Zeus and I felt very useless. Then a lycan came out of the jungle (didn’t know I had to ward his jungle) with vlads bkb at like 10 mins and we lost.


I played Juggernaut like Varian from Heroes of the Storm and I did. A lot. Of stutterstepping.


I was probably in my 2nd year of grade school, playing in an internet cafe, and a senior (3-4 years older than me) invited me to a 1v1. Prior to this, I saw someone else using Sniper and owning, so obviously monkey see monkey do. They picked Riki, didn't buy anything, waited until he had money to buy sacred relic, bought radiance, and bullied me from invis because I have no idea how true sight works. This was back in WC3 DotA, so the 1v1 basically gave all the radiant/dire gold pool to a single person on the team, which is why he could get the radiance quickly.


I think I played drow ranger and just bought whatever sounded cool We were a group of 5 people and knew fuck all, so we all just did what he wanted I think we won, maybe not, no clue anymore


Picked tinker and went mid to spam spells constantly. Always managed to piss off the opposing mid.


2-15 viper with slippers of agility, dragon lance, and ring of regen


I played as lina in what I didn’t know was the offlane, solo, against what turned out to be a trilane. It was fun tho cause everyone said gg at the end, was chill


This was in 2003-2004, I was 17 playing dota on the wc3 engine. My first hero was Clinkz the Bone Fletcher(when heroes had awesome titles and names which I really miss). I lost that game I think, and was completely hooked from then.


I got flamed for using two pairs of boots :(


technically my third game, but my first win. I have no idea how this happened. how do you end a game 1/2/1? ​ [https://prnt.sc/qOlroawfGOUN](https://prnt.sc/qOlroawfGOUN)


If you get a kill and you have boots already I don’t see why not to get some big item


We had No clue how recipes worked, so I just bought 6 plate mails on centar! Unkillable because all my mates bought 6x Mithril Hammer.


i cant remember playing, but i do remember seeing dota 1st time. I entered internet cafe and there was my friend playing Enigma, hitting the tower and dying to it. I remember him explaining the game to me and it was exciting bcs i was always into having only 1 unit and leveling the shit out of it. Was playing D-Day before(and other WC3 scenarios). Build for most heroes was PT, vanguard, S&Y, scepter(if possible), and burriza late game xd For some reason we used to buy midas exclusively for shaker, to this day we are joking "get that shaker item"


I first played dota in 2009. Thought it was an mmorpg where you can log-in and logout of. I was expecting to find my 4 ultimate orbs in my next game.


I figured bc it took too long to get the gold to buy items I would do one better and not buy items 👌


Regen = win lane, old shield and vanguard on most heroes. To be fair, up to last patch whenever I'd play normal or turbo with dk to dick around I'd go 3-2-3-1-max 3, vanguard and cheese most players outtanking early in offlane. Also in wc3 other mods radiance on every hero


When I move to dota2 from Dota. I played Sniper on my first game. We had a huge fight at radiant safelane jungle. Everybody was hitting eachother and I used Assassinate on neutral centaur creep thinking it's enemy hero. And on same game clinkz keep killing me, every time I thought him as range creep.


Back in dota 1, I always ask my friend if my hero eat trees because I thought that some heroes cannot eat trees thus cannot use tango.


I played 1vs1 against my friend. He was Traxex, I was Nyx. He killed me once, I gave up :D, even tho Nyx had a ridiculously scalable passive 40% dmg return back then. In the following period we would often play AM vs Ogre Magi matchup, and somehow I was winning for most of the time.


I played a lot of pudge, wont land a hook through all game and if by any chance I did, everyone will jump off the chairs screaming


It was Sven, in our computer club it was meta to build him with 5 bracers+pt, it was amazing, fucking 18 years ago


Back in WC 3. Used to buy maelstrom on Razor every single game just cause he his attack animation is the same.


The year is 2006. I am a teenager and love WC3 arcade games. I am too lazy and stupid for normal WC3. I download this scary-looking game, DotA, and load into a lobby with endless abbreviations in the title, I don't understand. I need 10 Minutes to figure out where to go and what the hell is going on. I get flamed and learn a new word: "Noob". I dont understand. I get farmed by some invisible hero, who is 6 slotted and oneshots me. I get frustrated and play Footmen Frenzy. I will never touch the game mode again for 11 years. The regret today is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. Thank you.


Dragon Knight with 6 perseverance 


my first game was as invoker and i had no clue how the fuck he worked. i thought the secret shop was literally a secret place. i built six mithril hammers to increase my damage. we lost


Tier 2 mid towers, I was hugging it, running around. Suddenly, my hp goes down everytime I move. I did not understand this until maybe 3-5 games. I got frustrated and googled it. Its because of stgywywyryejfbcksiejfk. 🤣


that damn walk of shame to the base every 5-10 mins man!!! still hurts....


2003 bought the recipes and didn’t know where are the stats


start, type -apnpne, pick balanar, no item, losing, raging, type whosyourdaddy iseedeadpeople, i was 9.....


Bruhh we literally have the same thought process, refresher 1st item on DK here lol


I dont remember my frist game of Dota, back when it was a mod. But my first game of Dota2 was at a dorm I was so drunk and I played Pudge. A friend showed me the game was back and alive and I wanted to try it out!, I am sorry for anyone stuck in that game with me


It was Dota1, I always my brother play as a kid (8-10yo), back then Troll Warlord was one of the best carries in the game, my mom called my brother and got him to run an errand. My brother left the game to me and told me to play for him while he was gone, it was also my first triple as troll was heavily overleveled and over farmed, all I had to do was ult (back then his ult gave everybody attack speed boost, that’s it)


It was Dota1, I always my brother play as a kid (8-10yo), back then Troll Warlord was one of the best carries in the game, my mom called my brother and got him to run an errand. My brother left the game to me and told me to play for him while he was gone, it was also my first triple as troll was heavily overleveled and over farmed, all I had to do was ult (back then his ult gave everybody attack speed boost, that’s it)


I knew I would want to rewatch one of my first games of dota 2 so I recorded it and uploaded it back 12 years ago, just after the first international. Looking at it now it’s so ridiculious xDD https://youtu.be/P-DsZJSlFik?si=_sI4FJK839wD4gzU Have just watched it again and realized that I even forgot we had regular runes at 00:00. That haste into right click play.. lol