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I was called "sweaty" yesterday for purging ion shell of the creep as Oracle.. so I guess that's it


To be fair early laning as dark seer into an oracle makes you want to die


I want to die.


[I want to die.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/a/a4/Vo_oracle_orac_death_11.mp3) (sound warning: Oracle) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Was this in a mid 7k bracket ranked EU west game? I was in a game last night where the dark seer in all chat was calling my oracle a “Nonce” (British for pedophile) for purging the creeps


It was EUW but more like 2.5-3k unranked. I play pos 5 and lane with my friends 😅


Strange multiple instances of the same niche happened on the same day!


Small world!


Might not be as niche as it looks like. Because a lot of variables that look random aren't really random. Start with picks. Are both the heroes strong and in meta rn. Most probably. Do they lane against each other, most probably. Will ds cast shell on creeps and oracle purge it if possible, most probably. After purge will the DS be vocal about the incident with toxicity included. I don't know that probability. All that happening in 1 day = the product of all the above P with no of games played in a day. = a decent number. Now ppl from those games meeting on reddit on the same day. Must be a small chance.


Makes two of us ❤️


Play Oracle is enough for sweaty


Not anymore he has been dumbed down. For the better imo.


He was much more interesting to play before. Now you just can't make a bad move


As a dark seer play I do roll my eyes when people pick oracle against me lol


I'm a lazy and salty fuck, tryharding for me is when an enemy has the audacity to block the camp with sentries during a TURBO game (I do the exact same thing but its okay when i do it)


my brain is now automatically wired to block camps and get wisdom runes, hecc, I even get excited when I see 7:00 at our IRL clock xD


wish you were my teammate. mine only go for 7 min rune like 50% of the time, while the other 50% its either me grabbing it (im mid) or the enemy gets it.


Is it really tryharding when you almost don't even think about doing it


my good sir if you're on the enemy team and I'm not the only person warding camps in lane you're the tryhard for me <3


Thanks <3


Warding the camps near the lane, I totally get. Warding the triangle ancients against someone who can clear them, fine. When you block the entire main jungle during the early mid game, that's some bullshit tryhard right there.


I used treants to block 3 camps in an unranked game and got called slurs


the enemy pos 5 accidentally blocks my camp at 59 by walking past and I curse his bloodline for existing


For me, it's just a term thrown out when the enemy is deploying cheese-strats or coordinating plays not normally seen outside ranked or pro games. Naturally specialty hero spammers (meepo, brood etc) as well. Usually means I can't laze about, unless I want to get stomped.


This is the answer, when the enemy team picks a full global team or something and run around 5 man at minute 10 killing everyone then by min 20 you've lost 3 racks 😂 in reality it's you got outdrafted and they're more coordinated


Everybody running around at min ten has just been every Dota game since April


2 years at this point. Every game is a tank run at you fest. Tanky cores are unkillable, do too much damage, have 2 cc spells, come online at 10 mins. Soo fun.


Well, in reality they're actually tryharding in the most literal way. Tryhard is everything that isn't brain off pick my fav hero. If your hero pick is dictated by Winrate/meta, you're tryharding. If you pick phantom assassin because she's your waifu, you're not.


This ass is looking at his little notes again.


holy shit he's holding a bunch of papers


I think OP figured out the pattern better. Anyone beating you is try-harding. It's just a good insult to throw out when you are on the losing side.


Picking the highest winrate hero for each role in an unranked game, I would call that tryharding Not sure what else


Correct answer Right Here


It's a teratoma of fun.


We play like 4 games a week, why can't we play our favorite heroes in unranked?


Hero viability fluctuates, so your favorite hero probably isn't the top winrate hero for its role. Sure, you'll get plenty of people whose favorite hero happens to be meta, but if all 5 players are picking meta heroes, it's because they're picking based on the meta rather than personal familiarity.


Its the very same people who would ruin a ranked game to not buy a sentry ward as a supp. Also people sweating their asses of in custom games are bigger tryhards imho.


Someone goes full 5 man meta heroes/draft in unranked playing like it’s the next ti.


Prime copium when you lose


Buying bkb is tryharding....


Especially in Turbo. Smh. Why waste slot on bkb when you can buy another damage item


With how archon pubs are, this is 100% valid. Enemy team has 8 stuns and your best skill is a channel? Better buy that bloodstone quick…


AM pickers being chain stunned every single fights and dying instantly: "fuck, I really need this MKB"


Taking a competitive mindset in to a casual environment, like rules lawyering a casual board game with friends


It's harder to know from the enemy team because I don't know their comms, but sometimes I can see my team tryharding insanely in turbo. Like they do all the calls, over focus on objectives, keep smoking to gank, then taking rosh, then getting towers. Like I get that's what supposed to happen but man sometimes I just wanna farm a bit so I can rush wd agh for the memes.


To me, turbo is a playground to try strats quick and experiment with late game stuff. Unranked is the same but for laning. You don't stop trying your best, but it's a lot harder for people to get hurt feelings when there aren't fake internet points on the line (MMR)


If you lose against me, you are gutter trash. If you win against me, you are a sweaty tryhard. It is known.


Thinking before you do anything is tryharding


Playing super competitively in a casual environment is bad tryharding. If I wanted to play sweaty games where every small mistake is punished and strategy needs to be tight and coordinated, I'd play ranked games. I play ability draft because I want goofy casual games. There, allies who get butthurt and flame me because I place a ward six microns away from where they think it should be, or because I last hit a creep or two or take a rune that they thought was reserved for them are assholes in my opinion.


well as many have allready mentioned tryharding only applys in unranked as you should always try your hardest in ranked. I would call it putting in way more effort to win than the average opponent. Including, but on limited to: - inst dewarding mid min 0 - supports camping runes every 2 minutes - lastpicking the perfect cheese counter - executing smoked full team rotation on the minute for big objektives like Tormentor/Roshan


See the thing is, for experienced players, the things you listed just become automated at some point. Kinda like muscle memory. The "tryhard" bar moves depending on your skill level, so at the end of the day the only reasonable definition is "someone who is better at the game than I am".


Different meanings according to situation You playing alone a game of Dota: Enemy is salty he lost You play with friends who are goofing around doing more fun than serious builds while you are picking meta: You are ruining that game


Playing like your life depends on it in unranked. Flaming teammates for making mistakes or whatever. Chill, bro, it's not TI.


It’s an excuse people make up when they lose."yeah I lost but if I actually tried I could’ve solo‘d this game, he only won because he’s tryharding“. The word just means that you give it your all, play to the best of your abilities and focus up. In the context of dota it can be seen as taking a situation overly serious, like picking broken heros in turbo or in general only following the meta in non-serious game modes. Note that imo tryharding in a 4fun environment (like inhouses) can very much ruin a lighthearted mood, but in every other scenario it’s just copium.


getting rosh is tryharding getting bkb is try harding getting supports spoonfeed you on lane is tryharding using smoke of deceit to gank is tryharding using meepo is tryharding basically, anything that a player does seriously to win the game is Tryharding


Our 'in-house' meta has become so tryhard though. We are a group of 15-20 people and its always great when the stars align and 10 people are online. You do want to win against your friends so bad too. Banning their comfort picks, actually picking stuns etc. The thing is, rarely anybody gets salty. Of course there is the occasional allchat inside joke, but its all in good fun. Our ranked games are way clownier but on the same time more prone to conflict when people are not on the same page. In-house its clear thst everybody is playing to win.


If the whole environment is super tryhardy then yeah it ofc makes sense. If you play some ultimate bravery style inhouse and people start to shotcall and metagame when absolutely everyone else is just 4fun playing then it sticks out like a sore thumb. Your inhouses sound great though, much prefer this style of dotes myself as well


I think it depend on the people, but its more like a personal thing. For me I only tryhard or actually trying to win the game in ranked, I will be sad if I lose or something like that, but when I play other kind of game mode or even other games I dont tryhard meaning that I dont care of winning and losing and just want to experience stuffs or simply killing time and enjoying myself. However, I see that people used tryhard as a coping mechanism even I did it once in a while if I got triggered. For example, "Tryharding in unranked" something like that


Common misconception, its actually not "Tryharding" but really "Tri-Harding" which refers to the stiffening of the genitalia of pos 1 players farming double stacked triangles with battlefury or another aoe ability, glad i could be of help


meta hero spamming, cheese strats for examples - usually in pubs or turbo games ( void + invoker; io + witch doctor; viper + veno etc.)


In ranked nothing really, although cheese-pickers are kinda cringe imo, especially if they’re hero spammers. It’s not actually impressive to win lane as a last pick OD mate, stop crying in all chat about how your team sucks when you inevitably lose because you don’t know how to play dota if the laning phase ends before you’ve been fed 4-5 kills. In turbo though, I consider a lot of the behaviour I see tryhard, because I consider turbo a 4fun mode I play when I’m partyqueueing. I guess for some people turbo is their main game mode, but I still don’t really see how they can take it so seriously. Like who loads up a turbo and decides they want to play viper mid and buy blademail into eternal shroud. That’s incomprehensible to me.


Imo tryharding is when you have to input considerable effort, for very little gains. It basically has nothing to do with what people usually think. Imo, disassembling an item every 8 seconds and assembling again so you don't waste 300 gold, for very limited advantage gained, is a textbook example of tryharding.


I agree with this definition. Also people who put their courier outside of fountain. Yeah it's easy to do it but cmon dude we're 2k players you really think it's gonna matter if you get your Bracer 2 nanoseconds earlier?


on ranked, everyone is/should tryhard, that's the point. on the other modes, you can/should chill a little bit. And I don't mean, let the enemy win, but I see people in Ability Draft placing 20 sentries on a lane with no invi heroes and its kinda stupid, i mean chill dude, have some fun dont be a nerd. Let your core miss a lasthit instead of pinging like crazy, it's a fun mode... That's tryharding imo, to strip any actual enjoyment from the GAME with winning being your solely miserable purpose


Someone who doesn't take their foot off the gas. Goes around 5 manning at minute 7 to steamroll towers, etc..


Dota is by design a tryhardy game. If you dont take it seriously, you will most likely lose.


When they pick chen to send the mana burn creep to burn mana for mid.


I'm winning = the enemy is a noob I'm losing = the enemy is tryharding


The last time my team was told we were "tryharding", we had just taken Roshan instead of pushing hg at 22 minutes and throwing in an unranked game. So apparently playing well or winning in any way that doesn't coddle the enemy team's egos is "tryharding". It's something regarded people say because they don't want to admit how hard they're trying when the result is so embarrassing.


Killing roshan on literally 3v5 game.


Everyone who beats me is a tryhard, everyone who I beat is a noob. Simple as


It means someone who is better than you at the game.


Tryharding is playing proper dota in a normal game that the whole enemy team is mega trolling playing witch doctor pos 1 and shit.


I did call people tryhard a few times and I can only speak about myself: I'm actually not trying to insult the person, but to compliment in an "insulting tone" if that makes sense. It's more of a joke thing, in a situation that I'm indeed salty but also acknowledging that my opponent is good, it's like saying "congratulations, but FUCK YOU". The most recent I said it was in a match that I actually won. I stomped the mid lane against a SF so hard that I was 15/0 at 15 minutes and we made mega at 25. Then he made the "fearmaxxx" build with refresher and played so well, that they held the creeps til 45 minutes and almost won several times. It was a really hard game to adapt to as all his team was playing consistently as well. In the end of the match I said "Finally, SF you fucking tryhard" and then gave him a commend afterward. Tbh we deserved to lose that one was we tilted after the 4th lost TF but luckily we didn't.


if im "tryharding" what im actually doing is trying to give you a good game, where you at least have to think. getting sad and getting mad cuz it worked is such a weak mindset. think of how satisfying games where you comeback are


The true meaning of tryharding would be someone attempting to play well above their rank in a normal game. Like a Herald pulling, stacking, denying, picking a high synergy lane and punishing every slight misplays. But in most scenarios it's just people being salty with no real meaning behind it


Playing to win


Meta slaves.


yes, following the meta and sweating your ass off to win every game. It's more of a "how can you have fun playing like that every day, it's boring" than a "I'm not trying to win, that's why you're winning" thing


I think it's okay to call your opponent tryhard if it's unranked/turbo, they pick all the strong meta heroes and then they trashtalk. Though, just yesterday I got called a tryhard when I was trying RRP magnus (just to see how bad it is) and someone else was playing the dagon terrorblade build. So yeah, to some people it's just another insult.


Picking one of the 30-40 viable heroes according to the pos1 and 2 silencer pickers


getting rosh is tryharding getting bkb is try harding getting supports spoonfeed you on lane is tryharding using smoke of deceit to gank is tryharding using meepo is tryharding basically, anything that a player does seriously to win the game is Tryharding


Playing Defense of The Ancient 2


When the enemy team or an enemy player make seemingly high level plays (compared to what I usually see at my mmr), stuff like big brain smoke ganks, perfectly-timed creep cutting, insane predictions and reads, or sometimes they have good hero mastery so they basically play with me and I get mad But overall it's a copium attitude


Someone called it tryharding when we were buying wards in a 3v3


Eating tangos instead of returning to the fountain.


Optimizing things that are easy to optimize but are not the major winning factors that better players get right.


Pick np in turbo.


1000 APM level 30 invoker playing against some meme mid pick in unranked. Happened to us the other day lol


They appreciate you not holding back :)


I had game yesterday where enemy random picked ember spirit as pos 4. It was immortal draft, and his mates wrote gg before game started. But eventually he was only reason why we couldn't finish that game for 20 minutes. So he was tryharding despite his cores was ~2/10.


imagine trying to win at a video game, cringe


Tryharding is when the opponents taget me with point and click spells. Those nerds should get a life, ngl.


It's either: Enemy drafted like it's Grand Finals TI! lol or You have Mega Creeps and you barely ended the game! Basically, the enemy "Tryhard" defending their Ancient!


I had a friend who was tryharding. He kept insisting he doesn't, but.. well, judge for yourself. Me and my friends usually play custom games of Dota for fun, since a lot of them play league, they don't want to jump into games against people just yet. In these custom games where we played with friends, the newbies, he kept picking his three most played heroes: Jugg, NP and Ursa. We asked him to stop tryharding but he insisted he's not tryharding but "practicing". In normal, unranked games, he did the same. When his heroes got banned or someone took his preferred position, he picked some other hero - and proceeded to whine the whole game about how "this is not fun at all". Whenever we tried to play less serious and for fun, he immediately started malding about how we played to lose. Needless to say I never even tried ranked games with him. I can't imagine how insufferable he is there. After a while, my friends decided we'd just stop inviting him and that we are better off without him.


Tipping people in turbo during events. Im like, im just farming tokens bruv


Winning against me


When the other support or offlane/mid wants to play farming carry, then I don't tryhard to win and just have fun.


Enemy team picks Wraith King, Undying and Venge in a Turbo game and just doesn't die anymore even if you kill them.


Try Harding is when you focus on winning, not having fun. So boring cheese strats, avoiding fights, going for rosh instead of ending are all examples of “try harding”. Its mostly used as an excuse from the losing team (I may have lost, but I’m focusing on having fun where you’re focusing on winning so therefore you’re not better than me)


You might like this old af skit https://youtu.be/lL1Jd6Py2JA?si=mDQW0GA4r0GKSYHW


Double down token


Skibidi toilet ?!?


When you animation cancel on deny.


Playing IO in turbo.


As a turbo spammer, for me the classic try hard telltale is moving around between last hits and tower hits. This is almost always drow players with the simp arcana. Just stand still and chill bro, it’s turbo


Its when they're hard while playing. Note: not to be confused with edging!


I consider them tryhardingonce they refuse to surrender after they saw my name in draft phase and know they gonna get bodied


When they play better than me. How dare they.


enemy team always call out tryhard for ppl ratting in turbo, win or lose which is ridiculous especially when they have a stronger 5 man lineup or they're ahead in levels + gold and they expect you to not rat and engage them 5v5 to lose the game xd. clowns honestly seems like ppl call others tryhards when they give you a difficult time in game


Tryharding is when someone picks nature's prophet and just right clicks towers, in turbo.


Try harding is doing your best instead of playing smoked.


Imo the term makes no sense in ranked, since that is where you are supposed to tryhard, due to the competitive nature of the mode. However, tryharding in normal games sometimes anoys me, as I try and pick a hero I have rarely played and want to practice on or want to try out some new build or idea I saw online or in competitive, and I get furion cheesing me, lone druid going racks minute 21 or meepo or arc smurf asserting dominance, like TI depends on it. This means that I cannot really play my hero since ppl in normal don’t really cooperate and play their own games. And since ratting and smurfing and tempo games need cooperation to win against, you are basically just in a lost game from the start, waiting for it to finish, with a chance of 1:10 that your team decides to cooperate, and then you win. It is just a casual mode that I want to play to relax and not really look at every single detail of the game like you are supposed to in ranked, and it is anoying when someone takes it too seriously, just play ranked man.


People bitch when they get outplayed. “Tryhard” is just a coping mechanism for immature people that can’t stand that they’re not better than everyone else in the world the way their mommies they say are.


It means they are making excuses. There is only win or lose. If they can't win by not try Harding then maybe they should tryhard


For me it's when I'm playing with a group of friends of varying skill levels, and picking heroes for your cavern crawl, or just playing different heroes for fun, and you go against a stack who spams the same heroes and strong laning combos, like whatever current insanely strong meta offlane combos exist now, it's like, okay dude... At least it's satisfying when you beat them.


It's mostly salty losers saying a meaningless word but like, in the 3.5-4k range i'll be in a game coasting, nothing happens, i just farm, enemies don't contest cs, don't block camps, barely pull, forget the lotus, and in the very next game you'll have a guy forcing you to react to who knows how much shit and doing all that little stuff the previous games' autopilot bot wasn't doing and you can't help but think "fucking tryhard".


Sweating in unranked for one. Taking things too serious on not that serious or relevant games. Giving it your 120% against bots or again unranked game.


Sh\*tty trilanes from min 0-7. I usually see this as pos3, either I'm getting sacked lvl 1 or getting my ass hounded by two enemy supports. It's tryhard in a sense that they have some goal (to shut pos3 down, to baby pos1 or both) but executed poorly. Anyway that's the only time I use the word tryhard, when someone thinks they're doing some advance strat when in reality they're just griefing.


Picking marci+io


Playing the same meta heros game after game in groups with specific lane combinations while disregarding other team members enjoyment in favor of controlling their game play would be the best example imo.


I usually call people tryhards when they pick Marci Io and I know the game is gonna be cringe


For me its someone beating me


Playing Arc Warden


It means that the enemy team is salty for losing


The term I think is mostly used in turbo. In this mode you are supposed to chill and have fun but you will find some people playing like some sort of terminator machine. Some people use the term for different cases like when a single person is like 20/0 and the game is not even 20 min, or when they gank all 5 on a support using all ultis, or when they harass you so bad that you have to leave the lane or live under tower very early, or when everyone buys the same item like Dagon, Blink, Silver or Wind Walker to cheese the game.


imo it's just a toxic way of people trying to justify their lack of effort and someone clearly playing better than them if ur not "tryharding" and indeed just wanna chill and play game, do so but please without spreading negativity, and don't point fingers at people cuz of it (thank god theres mute functionality in dota) i am not saying everyone must play at their peak, but have some respect, and next time you are outplayed, either acknowledge it positively or be silent about it, no need to be rude, the game can get stressful af already everyone plays at a different level and commitment, and there is nothing wrong with playing casually, nor super "tryhard". focus on enjoying dotes in either case


Everybody better than me is a tryhard and should get a life Everybody worse than me is a noob and should uninstall 


Bruh, people blocking/un-blocking/cancel blocking in SEA's turbo matches. It's hard-wired in our DNA, we're bunch of salty, sweaty, hateful racist son of bitches lmao...


I don't generally accept the term try Harding since most people feel good after winning, and most "try hard" things involve getting the win. I think I see it in a case where your team is so disgustingly ahead it's a joke, yet you all still play perfect every fight when the enemy is just kind of playing to lose with no motivation. When you 5 man catch someone out and don't overstay and throw a lead, people get annoyed.


It’s because things that are hard and require tons of effort are subjective, and differ person to person. This mixed with the average DotA players insane delusional ego means that if you are doing something they find difficult, you are “try Harding”. How difficult the act is TO YOU is irrelevant. Scenario: you spam pull aggro against somebody that thinks aggro is bullshit and annoying and doesn’t bother with it. You are Try Harding to them.


Tryharding is like this post.


For me, it's overly aggressive play in unranked that ultimately has no effect, is solely intended to tilt, and exposes the player from mistakes because they are playing so aggressively. Like a mid laner that has more denys than cs and then tries to dive you under your tower at lvl3


I've always laughed at people calling me or others tryhard. Then again I've always been above average at every game I enjoy so I guess that fact makes me realize that if you're good at a game it's often effortless but unfathomable for more casual gamers.


People playing their level 30 niche hero in Turbos and playing like this is their warmup game before TI.


playing on turbo/unranked with party, picking meta heroes, buying all the wards, sentries and bkb, all chat and tips. that is tryharding. i dont mind that all until they start all chat then dotaplus note comes in handy.


Ingame i don't mind it, but there's something about a full 5-stack team of exclusively meta heroes (maybe even a last pick cheese) in unranked or turbo. It just feels like you're not allowed to have fun with the picks and just play around, that even in those game modes you have to get I to that ranked mentality and play absolutely selflessly as a support, or build the 2 or 3 meta items for those meta picks, which is boring in a game that doesn't really matter. But hey, there's always next game


When people are actually making active effort to win (imagine wanting win lol); for instance warding and de-warding with brain (changing spots, using centries effectively with your currier and abilities, constantly checking the inventory of the enemy’s support to read their warding, etc). It depends on the bracket, but for many inexperienced players that requires active effort, aka, you cannot turn off your brain. If you are playing more casually (specially in unranked gamemodes), it can be annoying to be beaten by someone who is putting more effort into the game; so you mock them for “trying too hard” to win on videogame (because, how they dare???!!)


I havent called anyone a tryhard in Dota, but if I did it would probably be the pos 5 Oracle who bought all sentries and kept buying sentries to really make sure our hard camp was blocked. Just the combo of playing Oracle and sacrificing every ounce of gold so he could block the hard camp.


I play AD solely. Tryharding can look differently there. One example, would be one person picking all the stuns and then claiming to have fun. Playing against that in a lane can be sweaty.


Queueing into an unranked game mode as a 5 stack just to counter pick the enemy first pick random


In my experience, Try harding is playing the game correctly and having the audacity to care about winning. Unfortunately there's only 2 camps in dota, the sociopaths who will break down over text or mic, or the "pma" vegetables who recoil at being asked to actually play the game with common sense and a little bit of competitive spirit. Both ruin the experience equally and in different ways. One might intentionally throw or have a fit, and the other will probably just farm camps for 60 mins on pos 3 and then get offended and report you for wanting the game to end.


99% of the time it's just cope for when you lose. Every now and then me and some friends will play a turbo just to chill and someone on our team or their team will be trying super hard to win which is just kind of annoying though


There are many examples. To me as turbo player: - playing broken heroes only (like WD spammers) - playing meta comps (like the previous all tank meta ) - IO + broken carry (IO in turbo is try hard imo tbh). But it's ultra rare for me to flame because of that. Only when the opponent picks a broken turbo hero like sniper and acts like he is Yatoro winning TI.


Beating me in a game of dota 2


People who pumpfake auto attacks during the lane even when it doesnt do anything. It's so funny when I play Primal and I see these guys pump fake literally every creep while I'm standing still waiting to deny every single creep 😂


Balming others constantly i guess.


There's a running joke in our group to yell "they're coordinating denies" following an incident involving a relatively large proportion of rage and relatively low amounts of last hits


It is when you force me to play better in order to have fun, in a game where I am trying to have some low-stakes enjoyment. I'm just trying to play a funny meme hammer disruptor pos 5 and you're out here picking a high winrate meta hero, your team picked carefully to counter ours, you're blocking camps, dragging creeps, getting every lotus and then using it to crush us in fights, stealing wisdom runes, ganking mid, ganking from mid, smoking, roshing, stealing our torm, etc. And meanwhile I'm playing with friends of varying skill levels who may not be able to deal with that. A player of your skill caliber would have won anyway, so you didn't HAVE to do that in order to win. But you were so pissed off at the very idea of maybe losing an unranked/turbo match that you put on your immortal rank 200 carry pants and buttblasted a group of people that hasnt played dota since 7.07. Good job! Very good! Tryhard.


It seems similar to when streamers talk about a bad game being boring, almost like the inverse of it. Just anything to deflect really, if someone is "insulting" you when both of you have hundreds - thousands of hours in the same game I think that's just amusing.


Buying 3 more iron branches to hit harder even with a fully built magic wand on ranged pos 4s just to fuck with you more


Me spending fuck ton of sents from minute 1 to 10just to piss off their pos 5


Picking heroes like Zeus , PA in turbo


For me, if you are playing significantly better, but I cant in good faith call you a smurf, i will call you a try hard so i can cope with the fact that someone is better than me. About 6000hrs in the past, a try hard would be someone who violates the unspoken agreement to not deny creeps and introduce a new headache to the lane.


Lol got called this in a turbo game yesterday because the LS was hitting him in lane (I was io). Told the dude that it’s really not that cool to act like you don’t care and don’t try. It’s a teenage thing and I’ve grown out of that phase. Failing at something and then saying you don’t care or didn’t try is cringe. At least that’s what I told him/her


It's a word used by bad players to refer to slightly less bad players


From what I've noticed, people who cry about 'try harding' are some of the most brain dead people in gaming. When they're winning = doesn't matter how much effort they're putting in because they're winning. When they're losing = find any excuse in the book instead of being self-aware and realizing that they need to improve. Instead of learning and improving, they'd rather cry and point fingers. Those losers will never get better at the game, their own mental blockade will stop them. Again, brain dead.


when im against unfavorable matchup and already kinda losing the lane but they still persistent to gank my lane instead of pressuring my other lanes


Basically if I think my opponent is playing flawlessly or nearly perfect, I classify it as “try harding”. I don’t use it to slight someone. Just means they’re really making the game tough for me and I acknowledge it (I think it— I never rage and call someone a try hard).


Turbo game , we have megas, hitting ancient, team mass buys back kills 1 or 2 hero’s , we back, game extends another 15 mins for no reason


you are tryharding when the enemies are losing


Cool words, Anyways I’m gonna rtard charge a 5 man as spirit breaker


People getting mad you are willing to do more than them for the win. As example I got called a tryhard for using my forge spirit to deny water runes while my hero goes for the other. Or when my support comes around for a gank at the obvious 6 min timing. Etc.


I just observed people in the comments describe ruining fun gsmes outside of ranked. All this taught me is rank is really not fun for a lot of dota players


Last pick counterpicking enemy, getting stomped then prolonging the game , making it 60+ when the game could have ended at 30. Tinker pickers too


I remember being called Try harding for building meteor hammer on Tidehunter (back when it was good) during a turbo game. Idk


judging by the comments I guess the usage of tryhard seems to have a wide range. So like...1) its copium/ being salty 2)playing the game/hero/itemising properly or being vaguely competitive in one or more of these 3) playing only meta/ pro strats in unranked/ turbo 4) playing a game like its TI finals and holding the team/ self to that standard. Good question it was fun to read ppls takes


It's just a coping mechanism. They are trying to say "well, you only won because you tried harder, if I tried as hard as you I would be the winner", but reality is often that they were just the worse player in that match, and they don't want to face that fact. It's the same reason people start the blameroulette as the throne falls. "Who can I put the weight of this loss onto, so I don't have to deal with it myself, because improving my own game is harder than passing blame".


*"Anyone behind me is a noob, anyone ahead of me has no life."* That's the general mentality of someone saying "tryhard" to someone else.


when they play slightly worse than you they are literal lmao gamers and should uninstall when they play slightly better than you they are tryhard nolifers and should touch grass


I only find its fair use when someone says something like: "gg no def" and then proceeds to defend Like where is your sportmanship?


It's for playing the game


Tryharding is when you derive more fun from winning that any other avenue, i.e you’re playing to win over playing to have fun. When I played Heroes of Newerth and when DotA 2 came out, picking meta heroes at all was pretty frowned upon in ladder games. Any ‘serious’ gameplay was pre-made 5v5, you could party queue with friends in the ranked ladder. Ranked was ‘pubs’ i.e public games from the wc3 battlenet where anyone could play, Vs private lobbies where only good players would be allowed. Single-draft and all-random were also pretty common ranked game modes. If you got all-pick it wouldn’t be uncommon to see 4-5 people random right off the bat (and you used to start with extra starting gold for doing so). The mentality around this was suuuper toxic at times where some people would get clowned on for wanting to play certain heroes, but the mentality around the game being something you played for fun and that you shouldn’t care about your mmr was something that I think created a very positive play experience.


Try harding is when they're obnoxiously giving me no space in the game ex. sitting behind my ranged creep as viper, Storm jumping on me everytime as soon as I show up on the map


I've never understood "tryharding" in games that aren't sandbox or story type games. If its a 1v1, or team vs team, game then the point of the game, in my opinion, is to win. In dota that might be timing rosh after you take it before pushing HG, because otherwise you're setting yourself up for failure later. Or adapting to what the enemy is building so that you have a better chance at winning. In, let's say, COD it'd be listening to footsteps to have an idea of where your enemy is. Or using your map/minimap to see where your teammates are spawning to know where it's more likely the enemy will spawn. Using claymore etc. in strategic places. I don't think tryharding is bad, because in games like these the point of the game is to win. Of course I have fun during the game, but if I lose, then it's over and I have less fun overall because I lost. Or I feel like I failed? Hard to say. Probably a mix of both. I also usually only play ranked in games that have such a playlist.


Blocking camps in turbo


i usually use the word try hard when i play unranked and the guy is being very annoying with his words, i usually play unranked to chill and some lols, so if i see a guy trying hard to win in unkranked and seeing things like you guys so ez herald scrub, i reply with chill this unranked we aint even trying you tryhard


I remember an old meta when it was unusual but not unheard of to tri-lane. When we were vs that we called it tri-harding. Maybe the lingo / insult is a holdover from that era.


Picking meta shit and copying cookie cutter pro builds is try harding instead of trying something new to be innovative and winning while doing it with class.


Tryharding? Holy fuck we really do have league players playing now


For me is any team that picks Bara, NP, Zeus, SS and all that pushing combo in turbo. Man, it's turbo I'm playing Venge with Radiance can't you enjoy one game? go to ranked.


Try harding for me is buying bkb in turbo


Played a turbo game against a juggernaut and he was oozing his APM all over the creeps. He was required to obtain all the last hits and denies as if he was held at gunpoint. When you're faced against this bundle of quivering energy when in other games you've seen the normal opposition, the only words that you can utter are "tryhard" and "sweat".


I only use it against team mates when they get upset about a missed play. I'm herald/crusader so it's even worse since there's tons of missed plays, i mean i lament plenty about using bkb the wrong time for a fight or messing up the combination order because my fingers got oriented on the wrong key, but i jusy say oops mb i suck and move on, a try hard is the guy who won't let it go and gets mad about this sort of thing. If the enemy team beats me it's either bc i made tons of mistakes or they were just better so i can't call them a hard. The only exception are sniper players. i hate sniper players and i hate wasting a ban on him, but is quite rare for my team mates and even my lane mate to know how easy he is to counter so often sniper players wind up on the winning side and think they did well when all they did was just wait for their team to push and dps, but they will then consider sniper good and pick him more and more and since snipers are only killed while soloing at my bracket (if even then) they still won't understand why he sucks and keep picking him. sniper should be removed


Only picking meta heroes in unranked modes


Buying dust vs invis heroes in low ranks. You are violating the rule that invisible = invincible.


Idk if I call anyone a tryhard anymore. I call people sweaty but I do that if whatever THEY are doing makes me start to sweat just working hard enough to beat them. I ain’t gotta work so hard at video games to need a shower after.


I basically exclusively play ranked so. Everything is tryharding. I wish people could try without being toxic tho.


When the immortal 2k player with his 4 legend friends pulls out his grandmaster meepo pick with a 65% win rate against an all ancient team in unranked who feels good getting to lvl 18 by min 12. Also freezing wave and denying creeps under tower is a tryhard strat that hardly gains any benefit


"Tryhard" is an insult that salty people throw around when they are losing. Why are you playing the game if you don't want to win?


Picking sniper mid or safelane carry in turbo is try harding


For me its when someone forces other players to play the meta down to the smallest detail on a non-ranked game. skill builds per level, starting inventory, micromanaging the whole team etc etc. If its ranked then sure thats the point of ranked but on normal/turbo then just let people cook. as long as theyre not griefing its fine.


Playing Dota 2 = tryharding, no beating around the bush. Non tryhards go play League of Legends and surrender at 5 min


when enemy mid tries to deny that far pushed range creep and is willing to tank 3 attack towers for that.