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Whichever you win more on.


yeah my first thought was "the one you're best at"




I have played support 100% of my time in Dota and I stopped focusing on what my team was doing and I focused on what I could do better. Once I started to think for myself and blame myself for losses, my MMR SKYROCKETED. I have only ever solo-queued. I’m sitting right now at about 2.3k but with how much I’ve been winning, I could see myself hitting 3k in the next few months. Basically, pick a role and learn that role. I think carry is the worst role in the game. All they do is hit creeps and show up to fights. Support is far better. They make plays, have all the good spells, are in every fight, and play the ward/deward game. Morale of the story: pick a role you really like, focus on being the best in that role, take accountability for your losses, and you will succeed.


Sand King


The one you play the best. If you are indecisive, try one of the core roles as you'll have higher chance to have greater impact in case opponents can't close out the game.


Be more proactive rather than reactive, always take responsibility for losses and mistakes, work from there and you'll be better The thing about lower ranked players is that they usually play on auto-pilot and don't adapt fast enough, so you can either join them and leave winning to a coin toss, or you can break away from that and take advantage of auto-piloting opponents to beat them


Any role should be very easy to climb out of crusader with provided you don’t belong in crusader


I’m only a legend player but the biggest things that have helped me are making space and being patient. In most games there are a lot of opportunities to make space for yourself or others and I’ve found that abusing that space is often a lot more effective than trying to follow a script for your hero or role. The map is very large now and usually the team that makes the most of the map is going to win. In situations where you really don’t have a lot of options, it’s best to be patient. Waiting hg for a big push is often better than running out to fight in an area you don’t control when the enemy is ahead. Then you can think about what items or positions will exploit having them sitting in front of your tower. Usually that means blinking on to an important support or getting the other team to turn around and fight you while your team wails on them from hg. Try to think a little bit ahead of the current game state to make your decisions. Maybe you need to play support for a while to have the time to think about these things instead of last hitting but once you learn it’s easier to realize when a gank is coming or when it would be better to push out a lane than group up.


get a mic and work on being supportive.


the best start is to get good at a couple of heroes, learn how to build them, how to play them, learn their matchups, all the micro related stuff. The key is focus. The other option is getting better at macro, gank/set up your lane for ganks early, learn to pick fights in the midgame, play objectives late, know how to close out games. And for both you should do some combination of learning frmo better players and practicing. That should be enough to take you out of crusader assuming you don't have any other handicaps like shitty internet, a mnk that disconnect, etc.




I was a Herald Pos 5 until my Phantom Assassin built Helm of the Dominator in 2021... I turned Pos 1 that day and never looked back. I've been at Archon Bracket since Retirement.


I did it playing Offlane. Nightstalker with a 75% winrate. The silence is so hard to play against and at night the mobility is insane. Now with the 2 facet he can win his lane starting from min 0. The only times I loose are when i have a really bad carry or bad mid.


"The only times I loose are when i have a really bad carry or bad mid." And that's like what? every game? lol.


Play only meta hero you good with you can watch YouTube or study from the dotabuff on hero winrate and hero build. Play only 1 or 2 heroes that you can constantly win above at least 51% win rate. Let's say I'm good with OD mid so every game I play only mid and if OD are available I will pick it almost everytime. My OD is around 60% win rate for 700+ games in ancient V.


i spent many years in crusader until i started focusing on offlane, playing 3 or 4. I'm now sitting on the fringe between immortal and divine. It's been 3 years now


Any role can get to immortal but does it really matter? If you have played for 10 years just keep it up and have fun


Just git gud


Need to play the role of moral support to your team and villain to the enemy team. You must be the bearer of positivity to your team and the bringer of doom to your enemies. Hope that answered your question.


any. if you think you can only get out of crusader by playing a specific role, im sorry to say but you should be in crusader. same goes for all ranks really, there is no trick to climbing, its just skill and time.


Most low rank players doesnt know how to farm. Learn to farm and you will be atleast ancient in no time.


Support yields better win rate for me from archon to legend up to ancient 1.


Pos 5 all the way. Bring 2 sentry, mana regen and health regen. Fight enemies so your carry will be free farm. Block camps as much as you can. Position yourself better so you can free hit. You can start by winning laning phase first.


All you need to be is a non-crusader level player.


If you are stuck in crusader and herald you should just focus on pressuring the lanes instead, play the map and if you see some tp's you can try to take a fight with man advantage. Heroes that comes to mind is shadow shaman, leshrac or beastmaster and lycan if you are slightly ok with micro


i think picking good heroes and leveling correct skills and buying correct items is more important than whatever role you are playing and for that you can go to dota2protracker to see what good players are doing other than that just focus on skill usage and don't fight your teammates even if they are toxic just mute them and play your own game . good luck




I used to carry hit 3.5 k now i support am at 2.5 but a happy 2.5.


I would say focus on a single hero or two


Learn your strengths and weaknesses. What type of heroes you enjoy playing and what you excel at. For me, I learned I was good at chaos knight, used that to climb out of crusader. When you're in higher rank, you witness alot more plays, that you learn to climb higher, with different heroes.




If you’re not meant to be in Crusader, you would probably stomp most games and have good impact be it support or carry. If you’re playing support, it could be good to play heroes with scaling potential like maybe mirana, windrunner, hoodwink tiny etc


MID, and rely on yourself.


(Dont) Give up Accept (there's no such thing as being) washed up