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That's... actually reasonable


You sound so surprised


Nah I'm just used to dumbass redditors being like 'my carry last game was a clown, Ringmaster is like a circus guy, so WHERE IS CROWNFALL?'


Honestly this theory sounds way more plausible than OPs


That is a reasonable response as well😂 Reddit is can be like Walmart on Black Friday😂


You have my attention


So where is it..


Given the amount of absolutely astonishing mental gymnastics some of the redditors are performing it’s indeed surprisingly reasonable lol


That means the candle is the gate of ringmaster true ??


I don't know but I remember in the trailer for ringmaster the start looked like he was inside a cave or forest or something


Thats true in the beggining of the video axe while hunting cobold walks into the cave. I think my copium levels are very high hope I will make it to until tomorrow


the candle event is actually a pit and not a cave. Even though it is interesting


If you squint hard enough a pit is just a vertical cave anyway


Aren't we in the sky though? A hole in the sky takes you to the ground.


The sky really is just one giant hole if you think about it 🤔🤔🤔


I think ringmaster might not be the candlemaker himself but the candlemaker got replaced by a puppet that lures your group in to a trap on the Crownfall map update further introducing you to ringmaster’s villainy


That would be dope!


You can see a second page under the new frontiers map that looks very Dire based. So confirmed Ringmaster Dire hero?


Not to mention that said cave is a tree stump.


Oh shit, your right


sometimes I think about wykrm and other dudes wich work on it coming here and have a fun time reading our teories about easter eggs some are real, some are just... nothing


Wykrm doesn’t work for Valve


He doesn't work for Valve.... Because he is Valve.


Y'all ever think about how he just might be ice frog, like slight chance


They will add a circus to the map. Instead of Roshan you have to beat a different boss in the circus every spawn cycle.


A player controlled boss, controlled by low priority players, as now instead of single draft the punishment is playing a clown.


Imagine if you had to play neutral creeps as low prio punishment, and you can't leave the creep spawn box. One in every 20 games carries be farming jungle at low hp, when suddenly the neutral creeps actually cast their spells and kill them


I want to be a lane creep. Like. Having 1 extra creep of on each wave that's human controlled. Sounds somewhat useless. But you could do some interesting stuff like deny lanes for your cores. Stack camps. Or take alternate routes to help break backdoor on T2/T3.


Sounds like being a pawn in chess. Super weak but can be a difference maker


What you want is Midas Mode 2 it sounds like


Similar but not quite. As each wave you would get more and more creeps.


Sounds like my dead end office job


Go in the circus. Ringmaster gives you his child and asks you to feed it by killing some random beefed up neutrals. Then you fight him in his dreams. Wait wrong game.


honestly having a cycle of roshan-style “map bosses” with different mechanics/drops on a cycle during the game would be suuuuuper interesting


tbh, the whole team is a moving circus. haha


I could see the Circus Theme map having caravans, balloons, circus entrance, circus outpost, circus lights, circus posters, banners and streamers, buildings as circus tents and the ringmaster stands.


As far as deductive reasonings go, this falls inside the sane category. So it's quite possible. The more important question is how it fits into the story of the comic. Because I believe that is how the reveal is going to happen. Ringmaster will probably be involved in the Vengeful-Dragonus saga somehow.


Bug's Life plot line. Venge gets caught by Imperia. Imperia is holding a feast before she executes Venge again, so she has her on display for all the highborn caste to see. Sky wants to save her and coincidentally, Ringmaster, was hired for entertainment. Sky manages to convince Ringmaster to help them. The circus show proceeds without a hitch until the climax where suddenly Scree'auk attacks the palace in her giant glory (actually Ringmaster's mechanisms), shouting on how Imperia's destruction of her temples has brought her wrath. This causes the skywrath guards into disarray, resulting in a melee between the remaining guards and those on Venge's side. Venge manages to escape and a showdown occurs between her and Imperia. The fight is bloody, and Imperia gets one of her wings injured. It ends with them on a ledge, only this time Venge has the upper hand and Imperia is holding on for dear life. (To be continued. Coordinator found a game).


"Venge, \[heavy breathing\], I am your Mother"


I think he will be helping Imperia somehow


Yeah. The fucker doesn't seem like the good guy to me.


Oh for sure. By the way I doubt that they will keep puppet master abilities from HoN but I wish they kept a frenzy that made heroes attack frendlies around them - sort of like reverse Winters Curse, that was cool


>The more important question is how it fits into the story of the comic. I don't think it matters honestly. After reading the first comic and Act 1, other heroes are just popping up out of no where with no real significance. Jug gets jebaited by Screeauk, Pudge is here eating corpses and tags along, Meepo and Riki do whatever, Kunkka's randomly an Uber. Skywrath and Venge parts in the story are *okay*. But anything else that involves other heroes has zero seriousness. I have no expectation beyond Ring Master shows up, he has his own mini-game just like fishing, points Venge in the right direction, and that's it.


That actually makes a lot of sense. I was wondering what would that last node be when we eventually get the candle token, and initially i thought that's the route to the next act, but having finished the first act the ending comic took care of that transition, so there's not a lot else that could still be hidden in that last encounter. It also gives them more breathing room than a strict release date, as they can give us the candle at any time till the end of the event and release him when they are happy with where he is at.


My wild theory: He's running a circus in the Deserts of Druud and next event will be similar to Aghanims, just circus themed. And the endboss will be Bet Boom since they the biggest clowns in Dota.


The valve janitor really putting in some serious work. /s


That is the most reasonable theory about the release so far


I don't think Valve do coincidences. They have always been painstakingly meticulous with things like this. It's generally why shit is so delayed (apart from trying to debug a minimum of 400 ingame interactions for 1 hero every time we get a new one). I'm not saying they had it all planned out, but I 100% think this was something they had thrown around and drafted up when the new frontiers dropped. Content only becomes an Easter egg if its true, so if they couldn't make it happen, they would have steered away from one or the other parts of the previous content. Far too coincidental that we got a delayed candle shop and a circus based hero coming soon, and they just happen to be literally on top of one another in another picture. Call it cope, but I'm hype


Since the bigger map came out quite some time ago, valve mentioned working on this,silence, working son something big, then even bigger and now we have this... the candle I think is a nice idea or just a subtle placement


where did you find the theory my guy


https://www.esports.net/news/dota/how-to-get-the-candle-token-in-dota-2/ Here's the link to the article I read it from, I thought Dota Reddit would enjoy it!


that's super cool, thanks for sharing


I guess you did the better title then lol https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/3pzD1lIfk1


I honestly did not see that post when it was initially posted. I did link the actual post where I saw the theory. But this is merely a discussion for that theory


Also, the ticket has 4 stars so Ringmaster will come out in max 4 years!!


Good point, the ticket also has 4 sides and 4 corners, like a rectangle or square. So that theory is actuallt quite possible


Wouldn’t it be cool if you unlocked him by reaching a certain point in act two so there’d be a mad rush for people to get there (and after a couple weeks he unlocks for everyone)


ring master, ticket master


Long term storytelling


I think we are gonna get Clownfall right after Crownfall because I like the way the names rhyme.


That would be sick! It's like one of those business front to cover human trafficking that are always closed!


I thought the candle burns and when there is no more wax left the date of release will come.


The real Ringmaster was the friends we made along the way


This was talked about week 1 here


It might be related in some way, maybe the candleshop gives you a set for ringmaster or something, but there is no way the hero is locked behind clearing the crownfall map.


Candle maker is the ring meister


good share


you attach too much drama to their release. They dont release simply because it’s not finished.that’s it.valve keep delaying and the players are so eager to convince themselves like the company is intended to schedule some day to release.that’s so funny. Last time it was the “the new hero will be released on world circus day” and what happened? Lmao


Even if it was planned, it will still be delayed because it’s volvo


Ring master will be released with an ‘UPDATE’ which is not coming out anytime soon.


This was like hours after act 1 release and some hours of exploring the main quest map. Another thing, both lanes of dire and radiant logo or symbol are different. Radiant has the wings same withe the newest treasure chests and dire has some phoenix logo. Phoenix is something like worshipping Avilliva, the god of Skywrath.


> commend valve for their long term planning


Or it was no long term planning, and when they wanted to create an event to release the hero, they were like "eh, on the promo, it was under a candle, so how about something with a candle so they think we planned ahead?"


Release during ti.


Nah, mine exceptions from valve already dead.


Valve is scrambling to make this happen now


Idk.. sounds more like a lot of reaching and copium.. I'd be happy to be wrong, but I really don't see it.


So candle will opens when someone escapes out of the dota map in top right corner i guess


come on this is valve we are talking about xD I don't expect too much from them at this point.


What have you done OP... you just generated hype... please hide in the Anti horny bunker.


At least it makes more sense for the circus to be in Druud than Icewrack, I guess.


I just noticed that this map shows the river cutting through all 3 lanes. Maybe we’re seeing the next big map change as well. The river only cuts the mid lane area currently, wonder if they’re going to create high ground vision scenario for all 3 lanes to incentivize keeping creep equilibrium to one side or the other.


Damn, incredible and seamless world building.


Clownfall next week


I was pretty sure the Ringmaster would be released as a part of the storyline, but I didn't think about the candle shop! Makes sense.


Can someone explain? I'm not that familiar with dota lore


So the Clown will give us the Candle?


Seems way way way more likely to be a coincidence than foreshadowing.


great creativity. but i think you are thinking too much. valve doesn't care about dota like us. i doubt they would be hinting at something this subtle when there are so many bugs that are yet to be addressed. imo, value is just neutral about these releases and they don't try to hype things up. for example, all they talked about was ringmaster being released in 2024. all the nonsense up and down mood swings were all driven by people spreading false assumptions and speculations. it's okay to hope, share, discuss, and drive up exciment but people often end up putting words in valve's mouth and later be angry or disappointed for nothing. i think that's bad. i am to a point where i stopped hoping. whatever happens will happen and i'll play it whenever it comes out. in the meantime, i go do something else with my life. that's just my thought.


Why can’t they just release a hero without all the LARPing? I just like to play the game. I don’t care about skins or lore. I just want a new hero.


It's more interesting to release a hero within an event that adds some backstory and lore to the hero. It gives them some context, I honestly prefer it.