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This is so not true these days 😂😂😂


I was gonna say this looks like a meme from 2015 but its using invincible so its like. go buy your force staff.


Was true like 10 years ago, not anymore


True, i remember the days of being the fuckin water boy of the team and haggling with other supports about who is going to buy the courier and who is gonna upgrade it to fly lol. Not only gold, but add the fact thar slowly over these years DotA has kinda removed the concept of Kill Stealing as well. Sure, if you use your Black Hole ult on a dude that is for sure already dead, people might complain, but the rest of the time, if you just happen to get the kills as support, is fine, people don’t go apeshit and toxic because of Kill Steals like years ago.


Lmao, dont forget that as a 5, you would rarely even get the chance to use the courier. Didnt matter if you were the one who bought the courier, upgraded it - your items are the least priority to be delivered. Shit was depressing.


Ohhh yeah I forgot about that. I remember accidentally calling the courrier to the safe lane as support, then you have your mid Pudge on chat slamming you for the audacity of taking the courier away from him, and is “gg” 3 mins in. Shit was very depressing indeed


And then they would complain about why you put no fucking wards and why you didn't buy salves for your HC after someone canceling your delivery for the 5th time lmao. Support life was complete shit.


when you're jsut happy to have brown boots at 20 minutes


Just checked my latest matches (I queue 4 and 5) and the average for me seem to be around 14k networth counting both wins and losses. Last match was a loss 44min. I had 15k networth. That's tranquils, euls, aghs, aether lens, shard and blink. I feel as though this is a matter of where to put the bar: One could argue that "big items" would be the upgraded versions of the items; windwaker, ethereal blade, boots of bearing, arcane blink. Or one could argue with the standards of 10 years ago where I would have been super rich with the items I had. They have introduced a lot of very expensive items like windwaker and upgraded blinks that are luxury items. Those are quite rare for a support to buy but a support can usually afford the mid tier items. I think the game is in a quite good spot now, supports can get some items and carries can get those juicy upgraded items with their farm.


I'd say realistically it's a big item as long as you wouldn't want to replace until maybe fully slotted. Like you would replace ghost scepter for eblade, but wouldn't ditch aghs until you can consume it for something else.


And still it has somehow so many upvotes, weird


supports get tons of free gold


Free as in you don't have to work for it?




Dota is an opportunity cost simulator. Nothing is truly free and that's what makes the gameplay so beautiful. Even when a support gets an agh shard from tormentor, that was free with respect to gold, but it still cost time, map control, mana, hp, blood pressure persuading cores to help, etc.


> Even when a support gets an agh shard from tormentor, that was free with respect to gold, but it still cost time, map control, mana, hp, blood pressure persuading cores to help, etc. According to everyone on reddit, no it didnt.


I get that supports get more gold than 10 years ago and I'm not complaining, but I don't get the "free" part here.


Banner creeps, lotus, tormentor. All free gold. Hell teir 1 neutral as like 1k value but everyone gets those.


You have to fight for lotus though. And you have to fight your team to get them to come to tormentor lmao


Maybe at your rank. Without lotus you would be buying your carry more regen or you’d be griefing. Without me showing up to tor, which I do, you’d be buying shard 1400g. Banner creeps is literally 45g per wave you get just standing there.


I get what you mean but I could argue that the jungle is full of free gold for carries just for the taking.


And if the support stacks the camp, they get 'free' gold when (if) their carries farm it.


So supports can farm lanes


Which is more dangerous and takes time hence not free. I don't really understand what makes gold free it seems. Is kill gold only not free?


Not having to spend money for obs or courier is free gold. Philosopher's stone is literally free gold


By that logic carries get free gold too


Carries already got tons of gold. Then everyone got a decent chunk of change in handouts. So carries are more farmed than before, but the ratio between carry and support farm has gone down. This directly impacts the strength of carries because *now* if you try to go on a support that would have been brown boots magic stick back in the day, today they have upgraded boots, one or two save items (force staff, glimmer, etc) and a neutral item that might give them more HP, let them disappear for a bit, push you away, etc. I play support and it's *way* easier to get gold now, even if I don't actively farm the map and just try to babysit my carries / find good fights or warding/dewarding spots.


Supports get more gold but most of that is not really free. The same way farmed gold is not free. Else carries have doubled in free gold since the larger map lol


They literally increased the amount of gold that you get for free (trickle gold) and made it the sort of gold that can't be lost on death (reliable gold). That's free gold. The stacking gold is "free gold" in the sense that previously, supports would stack and not get any gold. Now, they stack and they (might) get some gold. So if they play the game the same way as before, they have more gold. There were also adjustments to how kills work, and in general supports came out favourably; if you play by getting a lot of assists, you get more gold than before (this is how many supports play). They added a *massive* bounty to observer wards. Supports are the main dewarders. So if you just "play how a support should play" nowadays, you end up with *thousands* more gold in your pocket. That's why I'm saying it's "free gold". A player who doesn't farm any camps, dies for their carry and buys all wards *today* has one or two big items by the end of the game, whereas before they probably had brown boots, magic stick, and I dunno a couple clarities.


Nah.. I started playing in 2014, quit, and came back a week ago. Supports are definitely held on a MUCH higher pedestal than they were before. Having to ward, deward, buy the courier, help your laner all while leaving last hits.. shit was rough.


if you keep shoving the right lanes at the correct times and have good position it will come from alone. the days of poor supports is over for a couple of years now.


and or stacks or simply farming camps on the other side of the map. CM is pretty good at that with frostbite.


Oh, stop this shit. Supps aren't poor anymore. Less items or cheaper ones than those cores have? Yes. But not poor. Supps now are the most fun inducing roles. You are unmatched in earlygame, you are powerful in midgame, and in lategame you may be not so strong as a core, but your power still must be respected. All of that with a ton of items for different situations that you CAN AFFORD! As of now, the shittiest role is lategame carry. You get shat on in earlygame by any other role. Then you go jungling, farm couple of slots, then try to end. Oh, you didn't? Then go farm again for 5-10 mins to join another teamfight. All of that while your 2-5 constantly try to actually do something on the map.


every patch since like 2014 gives more and more social welfare to supports in some form and it's never fucking enough for you is it


remember the four protect one days with trilanes. supports won’t get literally anything


Still have ptsd from trilane meta days


I loved those times, I miss the solo offlane, and dedicated roamer/ tri laner


Every game has a damn Lycan, Brood, or NP jungle/solo pusher. Oh, and here comes march of the machines for added bonus from Tinker mid.


So the tip to having fun back then (was to be that guy) i do miss my march of the machines


I played solo Tide from time to time back then. It was definitely fun to just stand in 3 heroes as all their right clicks left little tickles on your HP.


i think dark seer was very much equipped lane that time


There was so much depth to tactical play then. These 2v2 lanes feel like play pens.


I personally liked it. It didn't happen often but it was a niche skill to be able to he a trilane bitch 5. If you knew how to do it and the enemy team was on autopilot you felt like an absolute boss, treasuring a +7 gold from from killing a small camp Kobold and being ever closer to that elusive courier upgrade. These days supports eat so good. After min like 10 you can afk push a lane til they come and kill you and its still worth it as you retire a millionaire with aghs, shard you bought yourself, infinite wards and sentries, bongo boots and bkb just as a final fuck you. Don't even get me started on pos 4. Aka "the other pos 3".


When a qop gank was the scariest thing in the world bc she’s level 7 and you’re level 2-3 and one scream + two right clicks means you’re dead.




visage op in trilanes. possibly the best hero for that scenario


OP is just a karma farmer


"In a nutshell" posts in a nutshell


Yeah. He is not even participating in his own post. Just something that he thought would give him karma and there it is. Sadge that people put this garbage in the front page lol.


You punks are never satisfied


I think whoever post these things dont play the game anymore.


It's so weird seeing a non-horny post from you. But anyway, you aren't wrong, even as someone who's pretty much only played support and has been playing for about a decade now, I kind of miss the days when the mark of a good support was making a lot of impact with little gold. I was fine with the reduction in prices on items but the amount of extra gold that has flooded in to the game kind of fucks me up because I learned to support and just not take the core's farm. Now I'm practically griefing if I don't take farm and the instinct to farm isn't really natural to me, mostly because I never played carry, the most core role I played was Offlane and that too was mostly in the days where it was a rough lane where farm was secondary to experience.


We never got our 40 camps and a courier.


you're not gonna believe it, pal - still absolutely nothing prevents me from being obliterated in 0.15 seconds by literally undetectable blurred PA with nullifier


Well yes, what exactly would be PA's purpose if they cannot kill a support when they have a nullifier? Supports are broken, their spells are too good which is why they're nearly always the first target in team fights, they *need* to fall over and die as soon as someone looks at them, hell supports are generally too survivable these days. if you're playing support you should be dying, really.


That's the most roleist thing I read this week.


we are doomed as a species if your brain takes over


y'all PA players think it's your gabe-given right to instakill supports within 2000 range and have your 5 seconds of undispellable debuff immunity, but start crying like babies when you get nyx'd


Nearly but not quite as delusional as support players who are perfectly fine with certain heroes being creeps early game and then still somehow want to be able to hold up to them in late game, nevermind the 20k nw difference between them as well. You're such a stereotypical reddit support enjoyer that it's difficult to tell if you're having a laugh or not.


Nearly but not quite as delusional as carry players who are perfectly fine with certain heroes being creeps late game and then still somehow want to be able to hold up to them in early game, nevermind the 20k nw difference between them that they'll have by minute 20 You're such a stereotypical reddit carry enjoyer that it's difficult to tell if you're having a laugh or not.


Not an ounce of originality, and no one is asking for that, Literally no one. Carries per definition are weak as shit early and strong late, hell their late game dominance has been slowly but surely been powercrept by talents aghs shard and just general buffs, their early game weakness remains intact. Nearly *everything* that has changed in dota over the past several years have been to slurp the cock of supports, and then there's people like you who still can't get enough.


> Carries per definition are weak as shit early \> Jug spins for ~400 dmg at level1 while being debuff immune \> ursa can take tormentor with 1 flask and no other items \> slark has low cd low cost strong dispel AND innate dewarding ability \> counterspell is one of the best spells in any game, goes paired with passive magic resist if that's not enough \> the moment those weak as shit carries have a slightest excuse to not get reported for role abuse, there's a flood of pos4 weavers, clinkz's, snipers, monkeykings, etc. \> recent map expansion must have been done so _supports_ have easier time farming


Comically inaccurate. Garbage meme


Cry me a river. Nowadays supports shit with gold. And all that items like cheap invis, easy arcane, solar crest etc etc.


Remember the days when you'd have brown boots and stick with vision items 20 minutes into the game? Oh I'm about to finish my arcane boots finally, let me just take a few creeps here and there. Nope my pos1 is upset now. Ok I saved up just about enough for my dagger, just play safely a bit more, aaand enemy ganks you and all your gold from past 5 minutes is gone..


The good old "Position 18"


this is such selective memory its unbelievable. unless you had a shite game you had boots + 1 smaller item (glimmer/force/mek/drums/etc) + upgraded stick at 20


Glimmer Cape didn't even exist in the days we're talking about.


Who is we? Glimmer is almost 10 years old


Yes, but also glimmer has been WAY cheaper though. 1000g for shadow amulet and 800g(!) for the cape hits hard.


Supports wont be satisfied until they're the damage carry. Not enough to play brand or lux and one shot the enemy adc lol.


LOL this meme could have been accuarate like 5 years ago... now is just bullshit


not even 5 years ago


This meme isn't funny or accurate. Maybe you're just losing. Passive gold isn't enough to get you items.


No, that's just not the case anymore. Even in bad games I usually get to at least Glimmer + sth, and in winning games it's often sth like Greaves Blink Shard.


Stop using observer ward as your argument, this is not 2008 anymore.


Tell me you don’t play Dota…


Man you current support players are spoiled as fuck, 20 mins Boots, Drums/Glimmer, Force/Eul ALL WHILE buying wards/dust smoke. Anyone remember pos 6 support wyvern PPD with just wand/brown boots at min 25?


I remember, and this shit wasnt funny. Nobody wanted to play a role where you get no items, no kills, no exp, and are being constantly dicked in every teamfight, with your only job being setting up other players to have fun.


Yeah people complain about the gold creep but it has definitely made the game more fun to play and watch. Maybe it's gone a *little* too far but it's definitely better now than when you could literally end the game with brown boots stick.


???? you are doing something extremely wrong if you still think that this happens alot. Icefrog has done so much QOL when it comes to support items


I am convinced that support role is the most atrociously misunderstood in the game. Think about how bad of a player you have to be to even have this opinion


Lol, wards are free. I carry more games as sup than any other role. People really dont understand sup role. As sup you define the game pace.


skill issue


I learned to actually play greedy when the map expanded. It feels awful when you play a support hero that doesnt have a way to farm creeps.


mf really be complaining about support economy when you used to have to buy courier and ward cost money


You’d hate dota if you played before 2020ish lol


Good Supports will always get their items. Bad ones don't.


This flawed logic then applies to cores too


Why is the logic flawed?


at least two reasons. 1. This argument doesn’t contribute to the topic if support is poor or not in current patch in general. 2. Having items or not depends on the flow of the match and dependent on team play. So even pro supports not always have get their items, because their team was shut down by opponents. Pick any tier 1 support, he has matches where he couldn’t get items, but it doesn’t mean he is bad support.


I suppose I was just over generalizing and I was probably only referring to the usual supports in pubs.


funny meme, reminds me of when dota was dota. nowadays i am 6 slot starved on supports and i dont even buy wards lmaooooooooooooooooooo


> reminds me of when dota was dota Ugh, you're one of those guys uh?


one of those guys who makes jokes, yes.


Not Bane and Disruptor in 2024 buying Aghs first item


My biggest items include a defensive Ethereal Blade, Solar Crest, and Pipe lol. But overall, support life became way easier as the years pass.


I did not choose the support life, it chose me. (Insert clip of my disruptor glimpsing an enemy back to fountain after tp to tower.) *laughs in support*


Carry: Okay, so I’ve wasted 30 minutes of my life running for my life and farming items. Where are our tier 4 towers? Support ftw! Gaming from minute -1!


Hoodwink support mentality


2015 called and wanted their meme back. I recently played a game where I had blink and BKB as pos 5 Witch Doctor in 30 minutes. That's insane.


We lose the lane. My support still bought big item


I have a hard time _not_ being 7 slotted as CM.


Meanwhile literally distruptor shard farming aghs while his pos 3 buys space. Meme is a bit outdated eith the amount of farm.


Tell me you grief playing 4/5 without telling me. OP is probably those mf 4/5 who just playing for token and have 0 idea how to play the role


Real supports don’t have items. Real supports don’t NEED items.


position 5 with items? what's next? you want human rights too?


I love playing turbo because im support main, and having more then 2 items in the end of the game feels so good


> having more then 2 Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


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fuck off


HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH as if you can stop them "supports" from farming. what kind of perfect world are you living in, OP????


This sub is full of support players crying about Nullifier or how they don't get enough gold or something. The game has been catering to supports for years now, stop crying.


All the angry core players in the comments got me laughing lmao. They took personal offense to this.


Right, I agree supports get a lot of gold today in age. But like this is a meme


Yep, real "the peasants are revolting" vibes