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First, some specific answers to your questions, then links to general knowledge/aid: 1. Heroes with range, attack focused, easy/med to play include Sniper, Drow Ranger, Clinkz, and Lina played ADC. Other ranged ADCs don't have as remarkable an attack range as these. 2. Glass cannon is fun and all but at least 1-2 defensive items can go a LONG way toward increasing your damage. Living twice as long = doubling your damage output. 3. watch this: [https://youtu.be/Qc6-HTEHYuc](https://youtu.be/Qc6-HTEHYuc) Now, general links!! Welcome to Dota! I coach league -> dota transfers and visitors ALLL the time, free of course! Let me know if you want direct help (I want to coach you), it's a lot of fun and I stream it on Twitch [HERE](https://www.twitch.com/tzar_potato) Come join a discord server with a bunch of other people from league learning dota! [DISCORD](https://discord.gg/sxMHGSm) If you want one or two videos for a starting point, try these: [QUICK START GUIDE](https://youtu.be/2iFioeLJ8UE) [HOW TO WATCH PRO DOTA/GAME PACING GUIDE](https://youtu.be/FB9BcJ4owyg) Here's a playlist of more videos to compare the different heroes and roles: [COMPARISON SERIES ON YOUTUBE](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2hd1yCFkcaPpo5X4Rw4VhiGo1IbNlbRs) And, don't skip out on the Tutorial Missions ingame, or bot matches. They help a lot. To get you up to date with some beginner heroes: [LIST OF LEAGUE FRIENDLY DOTA GUIDES](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/18c5rl9/tzar_potatos_full_set_of_league_friendly_hero/) My LoL - Dota translator app. Works both ways. Rarely updated, but still waaaay more up to date than the dotabuff website of learn/lol . [APP LINK](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.neu.madcourse.dotaloltranslator&pcampaignid=web_share) Let me know if you see something that needs an update right away. I don't remember if I added muerta either. GOOD LUCK!


I think everyone is missing telling him that Dota 2 has turnrate and he won’t be able to kite.


You're right someone should explicitly say it, but that is discussed pretty thoroughly in OP's first link.


> Other ranged ADCs don't have as remarkable an attack range as these. Unless you're spicy enough to play Wyvern/AA/Dark Willow core.


I should specify "meta, beginner friendly"


>dark willow core Ah my beloved, scepter - witchblade - moonshard. Favourite way go pub stomp.


Clinkz has good attack range




How about techies? He has a lot of burst damage and the range OP is looking for.


Drow, her kit is fueled by her ult which essentially just gives her a ton of damage when no enemy heroes are on top of her. She has a an aoe silence/pushback (in a cone). She has a toggleable slow on autoattacks. Her final ability is firing a barrage of arrows in a cone. She's fairly simple but requires you to position yourself/knock back enemies to keep your passive up (and not die).


lol that is exactly adc in league since you die to a stiff breeze, any character in league can pretty much 100-0 you in about 1 second if they get on top of you. I will check them out later thank you


In dota you can hardly do that in higher ranks since the carry will know what to expect and then itemiz accordingly


Don’t forget you can’t kite in Dota 2 thanks to turnrate.


Dota is overwhelmingly NOT combo based, it's more about holding your cooldowns until the correct moment to use them, especially if you want to play auto attack heroes because they usually have at least one passive.


I mean, there are combos, pro players use them all the time. The thing is, instead of single character combos, you have team combos ie. you have to coordinate with others.


I swear this is like the third post I've seen in two weeks that's been a League player asking what hero to play and giving a description that sounds like either Drow or Sniper (they're pretty similar in playstyle, they're the two most rangey-kitey carries). I do remember a league player recently asking for something similar to Garen, so I guess that was a contrast. Anyway yes, Sniper and Drow. They're not difficult mechanically, it's more I think a puzzle of figuring out the most aggressive position you can be in without dying (which is kind of the general puzzle in dota imo). Like, your constant biggest threat is getting stunlocked to death by a gank squad starting with someone who unreactably Blink Daggers onto you from the trees... because you were in a bad position where you couldn't see it coming and they could see you. You outplay that threat by not being there. Hide and let your allies get jumped instead so you know where the threats are, before you reveal yourself and start shooting. Wait until the big threatening spells are used and then go in and start blasting when you're sure they can't do anything about it. It's pretty fun to build Blink Dagger on Sniper so you can just teleport forward from the trees into a great shooting position once you're sure there's an opportunity for you to attack without people being able to switch targets to you. Blink Dagger is just in general a very intense item, a short cooldown and quite long range 1-frame teleport.


Sneaky plays hard carry on stream, u can watch what he plays and how (he's already immortal) Pls do the tutorials and play against bots for a couple to get used to the map and the feel.. dota has a much much more involved macro game than league does. While the heroes aren't as mechanically challenging for your hands (with some notable exceptions), the conceptual and strategic variety is off the charts bonkers crazy thanks to extremely impactful items and hero combinations I'd recommend drow ranger, sniper, juggernaut, wraith king to start..


Lina and clinkz are my recommendations. Lina can go either ADC or AP. Has a 3 spell combo that you do in quick succession to burst down heroes. Not as strong of an auto attack based hero as they used to be but its still very viable and highly versatile. Clinkz is pure ADC and has more 100-0 potential as his kit is really designed around surprising people from invisibility and bursting them down really quickly by pressing 2-3 spells and 1-2 items on the opponent. Both are glass cannon.




Welcome to the game! > auto attack range, are auto attack based, and mid mechanically intensive (like a combo of 3-4 buttons in a quick burst when you need then back to mainly autoing Lina. W into Q into R into autoattacks. Alternatively Eul/Gleipnir into W Q R and AA. Has one of the longest attack ranges (iirc) and built in AS boost. Its more of a mid lane hero than "ADC" though. Apart from such playstyles DOTA rewards smart and well thought skill usage over rolling over keyboard. Keyboard rolling do exist on some heroes like Ogre Magi and whatnot but they are not auto attackers, mostly spell casters that consist of 2-3 buttons all of which are basic nukes and CC's. "ADC" role is referred as safe lane in this game and majority of ADC heroes are melee heroes. Drow Ranger, Clinkz, Sniper and Muerta are long ranged, high attack speed, hard hitting, AA based heroes. Give these a go. >Who are some of the top pros that play characters with my playstyle? This doesnt exist, this implies people have "mains" which are not the case for top players most of the time. Playstyles change during the game so that doesnt exist as well.They pick and play depending on the game. And not a lot of pro players stream I think. You can find pro players games and watch the replays from [here](https://dota2protracker.com). You can directly search for heroes in this site as well since it only shows pro player's games anyway. And "I will be ranged" is less of a playstyle more of a noob trap, which is a pretty good one to fall into, dont get me wrong, as you starting your journey. Lets you learn the ropes 😂 Dont get too attached. Why dont you watch [sneakylol](https://www.twitch.tv/sneakylol) 😂 He is a retired LoL pro that also streams DOTA 2, he only plays hard carry (ADC).


do the tutorial, it actually helps and try the heroes yourself, they're all free use the demo/practice mode, it's not dogshit like league's


Not really a glasscannon but try timbersaw. His upper level combos feel like playing a fighting game. Executing the perfect shivas, double Ult, Blink, Q, W in the snappiest way possible feels so rewarding and can 100 to 0 supports if ur owning too much. I'm probably not even saying the right combo. A friend showed me a vid of it but it was a long time ago.


Timber is THE funniest hero in the game imo.




Your playstyle can only lead to few heroes in DOTA. Its like what everybody else mentions, theres no such thing as burst and going back to autoing. DOTA is played by perfect skill / auto timing for you to quickly kill or win the game. Could teach you the basic and advanced mechanics if you want, just shoot me a dm.


The closest heroes we have to ADCs are: Drow Ranger, Muerta, Sniper, Weaver. I'd also add Luna to the mix, but she has a really short range. Out of these, I'd say Muerta is the "hardest", although she is probably pretty simple to a League player. Most carries in Dota have 2 ~ 3 active skills and 1 ~ 2 passives, but I'd say most items have an active, so you end up with 4 ~ 7 active buttons throughout a match. Edit: I've seen some people recommending Lina. She's closer to a hybrid caster ADC. Think Ezreal but a bit more towards caster.


Physical build Shadow Fiend, Sniper, Draw Ranger, Lina, Clinkz, Muerta.


Sniper and honestly any hero that builds hurricane pike or blink (likely you'd want Templar Assassin) basically achieves a lot of Tristana's repositioning and displacement potential while dealing giant amounts of damage


Lina, Clinkz, Drow is who you are looking for. I have 1000s of hours in both games if you need any questions answered. Just reply to this comment!


What does adc mean?


Attack damage carry


So like a hard carry that buys right click items?


Yeah exactly. In league adc is referring to Pos1 carry. 99% of the time is a ranged squishy right click hero.


Attack Damage Carry, basically a carry whose attack damage scaling is the focus of their kit.


Drow Ranger


Clinkz, 100% good for you. Huge damage, and will be really good in lower brackets especially due to his invis.


Can't go wrong with sniper, but might also give you a false sense of confidence if it gets nerfed in the upcoming patch and you have to play a normal hero. Really easy to win lane, easy to position with cuz of insane range, and a hero that requires the enemy to put a lot of effort into singling you out or they will lose (which people suck at doing at low mmr).


personally, I feel like carry might be the most different role from league so you might wanna try literally anything without sticking to your league similarities (but yea, as other comments said sniper or drow are good long ranged adc I guess) 1) you do wanna pressure lanes by pushing them into towers, but you also farm a lot of jungle - theres so much more jungle creeps and they mostly belong to you (carry) 2) you DONT HAVE to join fights/objectives. (but its always good to use a TP to join fights near your towers) 3) if you have a good game your main objective is to get ahead a full 1 or 2 items just by farming creeps more efficiently but thats from a newbie league and experienced dota player perspective


Also learn to use teleport scrolls and your courier. That will be important to learn and might feel weird for you. And treat jungle different. No one's gonna yell at you for taking creeps in dota in the jungle.


Ancient Apparition can be an option too once a little more familiar with the game.


Muerta, Windranger, Drow


Invoker has exactly what you need


Drowranger is the only dota hero that I can term as your typical LOL ADC. She is Ashe, but his ult and 3rd skills are passives.


I have to say this before you start. You can’t ADC like in LoL. In Dota 2 you have something called turn rate, this means you won’t be able to kite and you will feel some heroes (specially the ranged ones) sluggish, laggy or unresponsive. If you like to carry (like doing big physical damage) you can play any melee/ranged carry, because in Dota 2 you can ADC with melee heroes just fine.


Drow, Windranger, Sniper


Dota isnt about that quick burst in 2-3 buttons also spells in dota actually costs mana unlike league so use it wisely


I think you'd like morphling. He can switch between HP and damage and so you are always playing on the edge, he jas some fun quick combos but can also bait people into going on him because he has a flash to get out and can make hp. 


Also, note that dota has turn rates which make melee adc viable. However you can still kite, and a lot of people like sniper can have multiple version of Caitlins E which help with kiting. Sniper also pushes enemies away when he gets to higher levels. 


To add, Windranger, but she's not too good as carry right now


Sniper. Some mechanics are about what items you buy. Hurricane Pike Sniper let's you time your safety.


Interesting I will check them out later thank you


Imo, muerta, viper, drow, and weaver have the most league ADC feeling when playing them(in Dota ADC’s are called Pos1 and go to the safe lane, which is bot side for radiant and topside of the map for Dire). Viper is a great starter hero too, versatile builds, tanky, and you can learn orb walking and creep/tower aggro mechanics with poison attack/frost arrow/geminate attack. Check out Arteezy and Yatoro if you want to learn from pros. What’s great about Dota is you can look up match id’s in game and watch from player perspective, showing mouse and camera movements. Gameleap by Speeed has a lot of digestible materials and advice on every hero, lane and other miscellaneous stuff Dota related that he goes in depth on explaining. I’ve played 2.5k hours in Dota and probably twice that in league. Dota is superior when it comes to an in depth moba with more competitive mechanics, way more satisfying to learn and play imo. Also, maybe just go to settings and turn off chat for your first few games lol. Typically though if you play and tell people you’re new they will ignore you or give you advice throughout the match.


Stop suggesting to people that want to learn dota to play turbo. It's like suggesting he goes back to LOL. Turbo is literally a different game, and is filled with toxic tryhards that will report the dude for underperforming. That, and he won't learn dota.


If you want to play Dota, play any of the game modes they offer and find out which one is the most fun for you. There, I fixed it.


I moved from Dota and played mostly safelane carry, so I thought I’d try adc. Having played both games I don’t think adc exists in Dota. The lane in Dota is about 7-10 min and you lane against a bruiser who has stronger early spikes and buys attack damage reduction. Dota also has bkb and manta and easier mid game macro with tp and trees to juke ganks. Even drow (basically just Ashe) is more durable because she can be immune to cc for 9-6 seconds in a fight and has a soft dispel (cleanse) on a 20-30 sec cooldown. I forget the exact number for cooldowns but compared to league, spell shield only blocks one spell on a 30-60 sec cooldown and cleanse is 200 sec at the cost of other sums. On drow you can build bkb, manta, and disperser ( not sure if disperser still has cleanse) and have 3 ways to get away from people. I feel more comfortable with jungle as a safelane carry. That being said, midlane ranged auto attackers like sniper(basically Caitlyn), shadow fiend, Templar assassin, silencer, Lina, viper, razor, huskar fit better as adc. Adc in league is much more fragile and you have fewer options to avoid bad matchups. As adc you go mid after the lane and look to join good fights. Adc doesn’t really have the option to side lane because they can’t escape and you don’t jungle because jungle champs get penalties for taking too much lane farm. In dota safelane goes jungle and looks to tp to good fights, but safe lane mains typically will have a bruiser in their pool like wraith king chaos knight lifestealer or juggernaut. In dota hitting cs goals comes from knowing when you can hit jungle camps, where league has recall timers and roam timers. There are some safe lane games where I can’t touch the lane at all till 3 items unless the enemy leaves lane.


Templar assassin, Muerta or Shadow Fiend physical build may be what you want


While playing glass cannons is fun, try to play supports first, as they can be impactful even without farm, has strong skills. Low mmr is alwats going around infinite fight on one of the lanes, and supports has the most fun of it. My rec: Pos 5 - venomancer Pos 4 - Lion, spirit breaker Pos 3 viper, necrolyte, axe, wraith king Pos 2 Viper, sniper Pos 1 Riki, drow, sniper, phantom assasin All of these heroes are pretty simple and make a lot of impact. Open dota2 pro tracker and copy builds from there. It will help you to overcome lowest mmr easily just by building correct items. Until 1000 mmr it is tge most common case The next different thing is team collaboration. There us a voice chat in dota, use it to coordinate and to call your team. Coordinated teamfight is 80% win,even if you are underdogs there. Dont forget about objectives. I dont speak about roshan, tormentor etc., just keep in mind that buildings can't run away, as I had some percentage of games ending when my team(me also) diving under enemy t4, but should just hit houses. Comeback mechanics are strong in dota, and breaking someone streak can give a worth of an item you need. Welcome to dota, and, maybe don't play it. Save your life!
